Female warriors

>female warriors

lmao imagine if your bodyguard was a woman would you feel safer? I thought so. Why would anyone let a woman join his party unless they wanna use her as a gangbang pet? I wouldn't trust woman with handling a bandit let alone monsters they simply lack the speed, strenght and intelligence required to survive a dangerous adventure.

Witches and female rogues are in the same basket especially rogues the fuck can a woman know about mean streets? She propably whored herself which is not a valuable adventurer skill meanwhile a male rogue has some proper street experience as a gang member.

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I like this bait, but you posted woman in armor and not fap bait so fuck you OP

I can't tell if this is reverse satire, fasleflagging, or a sincere post but regardless fuck off back to whatever corner of the internet you call home

>OP calls Veeky Forums his home
what next part of your master plan?

redpilling this board - with no more posters!

t. Man who can not see his penis, let alone jog for ten minutes without getting light headed.

Hiding the thread is an option, among a few other things you can do before leaving and forgetting it exists at all.

Not OP but that's a good description of me.

That's why they call it fantasy Anonina ;o)

I understand that we need some cross board pollination, but why is /r9k/ so god dam common?

Because /r9k/ also contains
>Man who can not see his penis, let alone jog for ten minutes without getting light headed.

t. Guy who's done HEMA for over a decade, is in great shape, and actually agrees with OP

The most prominent of such reasoning as unless this is gritty realism, there is the natural assumption woman function at the same level as men. Regardless of whom is superior where. (Just as there are some generalizations that, looking at you D&D, a fucking Dragon-kin exists and walks about.)

Anyway, you're already mentioning magic. Speaking of magic, virgin women are often used for rituals. What is to stop you from recruiting one or two because of their virginity helps all magical rituals of the party?

Now, I wouldn't necessarily feel safer with a female body guard, but it would be less obvious than a male one. Especially if we're going towards medieval times, where women weren't soldiers, and likely did not wield swords in their lifetimes. It would surprise a great deal of men when my bodyguard whom wasn't just some whore, suddenly attacks and engages them in combat. Such surprises are often all that is needed to win. (Especially if we're using Veeky Forums rules of surprise rounds).

In some games, this is covered. GURPs and FATAL both adjust for male versus female, offering even optional rules there.

Now, males may let women in for any number of reasons. Ranging from 'she's attractive' to 'she's as capable as us' all the way to, 'she has some skill/knowledge we don't possess'. You may not trust a woman to handle a bandit, but that does not make her incapable, by nature alone. And why would you trust a man to dispatch a monster, either? Without proper training techniques, they are just as easily dead as an untrained woman.

Strength is known, but for the most part, speed is negligible as is intelligence. Anyways, training often means more than strength, save for perhaps, a fist fight.

Nor could I.

Kill him ?

>intelligence and speed

lmao those are the two things anyone in life and death scenario must posses if he wants to survive

he meant the difference in them between men and women is negligible

New flash, the genré's called fantasy
It's meant to be unrealistic, you myopic manatee

That's why proffesional female football team lost to a bunch of kids right? That's why most inventors are men?

I meant that it was negligible in the difference between males and females, not that it was unnecessary to survival. Apologies for the poor wording.

Also, speed is not necessarily required. You can be slow, but if your opponent is some asshole tried to shoot you and miss, then you fire back and hit, you still win. Speed is nice to have, but of the three characteristics, I would definitely say that is beneath both Intelligence and Strength in a fantasy world, while still beneath Intelligence in most combat scenarios. (Save for, perhaps those where you are fighting something that you do not possess the ability to stop it's damage, like a monster. And hence, speed would be the most useful as you need to avoid getting hit.)

Source on first claim.
Second hinges more on creativity than intelligence. To create something, you must be able to come up with a unique idea. You can be intelligence and still not be creative.

For based on your logic, the youngest generations of women are smarter than men, since they score higher on IQ tests.
Sorry for only one source, I will dig for more if it is surely needed.


For when you've got a shortage of man warriors!

After long and bitters wars, you're going to start running out of young able men, so will need to expand recruitment. It's a terrible thing, but better than defeat and enslavement by the enemy.

I hope the next women you meet in a game cuts your balls off while you're not looking.

I would trust a combat trained woman over untrained civilian man. It's not like you have infinte amount of money to hire and infinite selection of recruits. And if object of security is female it make sense to have a female bodyguard along male ones as there are situations and places where you just can't take armed men with you but you can take women, meaybe even with concelaed weapons if needed.

What said
Another thing to consider, is that if this is a fantasy setting (and given the possibility of monsters like OP noted) there's a non-zero chance some aspect of her puts her innately equal, or even superior to a male warrior, either from a race with differing gender dimorphism, some sort of blessing or other magical effect, or anything else such as simply having a (relatively) high amount of XP/levels

>imagine if your bodyguard was a woman would you feel safer?
In this world? I wouldn't feel safe around a woman period.

In a fantasy world where women are arbitrarily and inexplicably the equals of men? I'd feel pretty safe around one.

You make the common mistake of projecting what you know about 3D women on 2D women. 2D (I'll consider Veeky Forums to be 2D for the sake of argument) is perfect.

dunno, i always liked how Pratchett approached witches vs wizards scenario. So if anything, witch is damn good idea to have in your party. Wizard? Not so much, sure they are more powerful, but almost useless outside of their university.

>That's why most inventors are men?

Statistically, males have a greater variance in IQ and general academic performance compared to women, while women tend to revolve a lot closer around the average. In essence, there's a much higher chance that a complete bumbling retard is a man, but there's also a much higher chance that the top-tier geniuses is a man, this has little effect on the average individual.

You ignorant mother fucker, let me lay down some truth and logic.

Yeah, as a woman in a medieval fantasy setting where people like you rape people like me I'd take a female bodyguard. She'd be less likely to act like you and get handsy or expect something more then gold for her services.

And if it was a choice between you and a trained female bodyguard protecting my kids you bet your blue shriveled balls I'd hire her.

Furthermore, MAGIC bitch. Yeah, so what if she isnt as strong or as fast? Throw down enough enchantments and we could even get your fat ass across the finish line.

It's also super handy if you can keep women out of places of learning and treat them like objects instead of people.

because a level 1 fighter is a level 1 fighter

it doesn't matter if women are weaker, as good or better. A level 1 fighter = a level 1 fighter regardless of context because that's what levels mean

now maybe your male level 1 fighter is a thug with some combat experience and your female level 1 fighter has to be a highly trained anomaly in order to be the same. But if I make a level 1 fighter then regardless of any other features they have they are as strong as a level one fighter

Shut the fuck up.

You want to guard a princess? You need female bodyguards, at least for when she goes to the bathroom or sleeps. If only because it's REALLY hard for them to figure out how to rape her. Or for her to accidentally pop out an illegitimate child with them after a night of low inhibitions.

Bodyguard training is different from knight training, after all. So even if knights can't be women, the king/queen/whoever can choose whoever they want to be a bodyguard.

You posted a good Yuugi, so I must respond in kind.
weakest of baits, and not even the deceny to sound the old horn of -4 STR so we can properly answer the call. Weak showing OP, try harder next time.

Taking the bait but because some players are ladies and might want to play ladies.

Anyway you got the (you), go prancing back to /r9k/ or /pol/ to brag already

>What are eunuchs?

>he doesn't fantasize about having a harem/retinue of stronger, bigger and more mature female concubines/bodyguards

You severely lack imagination but that was already obvious from your choice of bait for that matter.

Please, like Veeky Forums needs /r9k/ or /pol/ to be insecure dumbasses. We have plenty of them on our own.

A wise wise man once said "There's no martial arts move that can stop a brick to the back of your head."

In RPGs there's usually no stat difference between males and females so it's safe to assume that in RPGs women are just as physically and mentally capable as men, so if it happens in an RPG world then I guess I would, indeed, feel just as safe as if it was a male bodyguard.

I thought that was Veeky Forums in general.

Isnt that guy a convicted murderer? I'm not sure I want to be taking life advice from him.

Nope, just an enthusiastic LARPer

The only part I'd disagree with is

>Anyways, training often means more than strength, save for perhaps, a fist fight.

Training means a huge deal in unarmed combat, and I'd bet on an out of shape guy who was trained how to fight unarmed over a big strong guy with no such training any day.

No no, I consulted the oracle just now. He stabbed Oystein Aarseth to death. I'm going to err on the side of caution on this one and take everything he has to say with like, a 10 pound bag of salt.

>Trusting eunuchs

Can I introduce you to my eunuch friends in Asia? They managed to get a dynasty going with no biological children.

I never knew I wanted to be an underage prince of a crusader state held as a hostage by the Saracens for diplomatic leverage until today.

>needs a woman to cook and clean up after him
>complains that he can no longer marry a surrogate mother

There's nothing manly about being unable to feed yourself

Not him but I'm gonna need a link or two to believe this. I know about at least one dynasty started by eunuchs and I can probably find other dynasties with an eunuch ruler somewhere. But a whole dynasty of eunuchs? When and where?

Also the "don't trust eunuchs" topos is literally from Asia.

Judging by how rampant stuff like pederasty, molestation and rape is in modern middle-eastern countries I highly doubt you'd like that.


Cooking is awesome. You get some fresh ingredients, and you make the food you want to eat that tastes exactly the way you want it to taste.

Whenever you want it!

A man who never learns how to cook is a man who is missing out on the joys of life.

Just because a setting has different rules, does not mean it has *no* rules.

It's OK if you have dragons flying about, but if a character knocks a glass off a table I expect it to shatter. You can have magic all you want, but women will always be weaker and prone to emotional thinking.


The other user is right, if you care about that you have eunuchs. Eunuchs aren't to be trusted, but that's because they're half-men. Still better than a woman in any patriarchal society.

>lmao imagine if your bodyguard was a woman would you feel safer?

Well, after a guy like you tried to assassinate me and the woman he assumed was my serving girl or something shanked him, yes.

Anyway, if this is a fantasy setting, race is a FAR bigger factor than sex. Who's going to hire humans as bodyguards? So that you don't stand out? Buddy, if you didn't want to stand out, you wouldn't take bodyguards in the first place. Hire yourself some ogre bodyguards to persuade people not to mess with you. Might as well hire the nicer looking ones with big tits, then, for something to look at, know what I mean? Still crushes anything that's not an ogre.

And if someone does mess with you, despite the ogres? Pixie bodyguard, inside jacket pocket. Gets 'em every time.

>Eunuchs aren't to be trusted, but that's because they're half-men
Shouldn't eunuchs be considered more trustworthy because they won't backstab you over a woman?

>inside jacket pocket
Why not your pants pocket?

Well not so much that they're less trustworthy, but more that they can't be manipulated.

If you've got a dashing debonair rogueish rascal, he can manipulate lady guards to get to the princess, or gods forbid seduces all of them and elopes with the lot, instant harem.

The same is true with male guards really, and a lady rascal, plus the added risk of male guards to a princess. Eunuchs though get the double whammy bonus of no risk to the princess they're guarding, and not to be seduced.

>posts a pic of one exception
>who was overhyped
>and taught by a man
>who was only a deputy fencing teacher
>and who's known to have fought exactly one verifiable duel, against an untutored young fop
You can't take Gauthier novels at face value, user. You just can't.

ok. "dynasty" is a bit of a stretch, but one of the common complaints against chinese Eunuchs was a kind of nepotism that went against why they had been made Eunuchs in the first place.
It makes sense though. Eunuchs existed in such a large group inside the court that they become a power bloc and started looking out for themselves and the other Eunuchs.

There are always outliers, user, that's why racism and sexism don't work as institutions. You can draft up an IQ survey that says black people are dumb, but we can find one smarter than you. Maybe asian people have small dicks but I'll lay money we can find one with a bigger dick than yours. And maybe women are generally weaker or less rational, but we can find ones that are stronger and more reasonable than you. There have been plenty of powerful, combat-capable women through history, they might be rare, but they existed and they can exist again.

Besides, with humans, training and tools trumps nature most of the time.

story time?

OP most adventures party are a bunch of misfits and murderhobos who doesn't really have a choice on hwo to let in and who not.
Someone is usaully better then no one at all. Fuck elves and dwarves often go on the same advetnure despite a profound hate, for going with a reduced group is suicide.

Unless it's a fantasy world where the sexes have developed to be more equal, of course.

>Eunuchs won't fuck the princess
They just can't reproduce, unless you chopped the whole kit off. And if you did that to me, I sure as shit won't be loyal to you.

Eunuch is more prone to backstab you because it has nothing left in life but political scheming.

No, but they might backstab you over the fact you cut their dick off and, depending on when it was done, saddled them with a bunch of long-term health complications.

>Don't cut them yourself, you buy them from the person who cut them

Who gives a shit if the princess is fucked? It would be quite naive to assume that unless you marry her off young, she's not going to fuck around. You just don't want her getting knocked up. She can fuck the eunuchs, the female guards, her female friends, hell even animals. Just no human balls involved and it's fine.

muh virginity
tho they faked it anyway, because actual hymen wasn't as spectacular

>tho they faked it anyway

Exactly. Sure it's nice to imagine the princess as a pure maiden, but as long as you're not marrying her should you care? You just don't want an unexpected illegitimate heir, or the risk of her dying in childbirth.

>unless you marry her off young
Which is what our ancestors did. Marie-Antoinette was 12 when she married an 18 year old Louis XVI. Plato said the ideal age for marriage was 30 for a man and 15 for a woman.


>Speed difference
>Between men and women
Jesus christ, you've never ran next to a woman in your entire fucking life have you?

in this context it seems that 'speed' refers to reflexes as opposed to mobility (which is a matter of strength anyway)

>There have been plenty of powerful, combat-capable women through history, they might be rare, but they existed and they can exist again.

And lets not forget that history is a march of technological progress devoted to making even the weakest of us fucking deadly. A spear generally beats an unarmed strong dude, even if the person holding it is weaker. A gun does even better, because physical strength doesn't matter at all as long as you can physically hold the weapon. Planes or tanks take it even further, etc.

Veeky Forums also likes to assume for some reason that any advantage is totally insurmountable. Yes, a dude wearing armor SHOULD beat a teenager with a knife. But you still have to be careful. Armor doesn't make you invulnerable, and if you are not careful you could still end up getting stabbed somewhere important either because you underestimated your opponent or they somehow got the drop on you. The 50 pounds of metal guarding your head, arms, legs and torso don't magically protect you from getting knocked over and having a thin blade jammed through your visor. Which is a particularly ignoble death that a lot of knights met on the battlefield after being unhorsed.

> user
> running

Does this look like Veeky Forums to you?

The only time anyone on Veeky Forums is likely to do any running is when the oven timer goes off.


And you should look to physical feat records all around, then realize that the gap is even bigger once you consider the curve shape.

>Male IQs are lower
So are black kids' and my countrymen's, does this mean blacks and my people are inferior?
If I recall correctly, men have also been doing poorly academically, while still earning more and doing better when it comes to the academic and professional elite, something strange there isn't it?

Now, I think intellectually people are individuals and should be judged as such, and that averages have more to do with cultural and socioeconomical status than anything.

But physical shit? Don't fuck around and say men don't blow women out of the water. Test is one helluva drug, if a woman or a man takes it you'll see the difference easily.

That's far more sensible.

You should've at the very least have run at school.
Do americans and europeans not have P.E?

If you give so much of a fuck about "realism", then go play something that isn't fantasy, you faggy bitch

>So are black kids' and my countrymen's, does this mean blacks and my people are inferior?

They're not graceful?

Why does Veeky Forums get so insanely triggered by very obvious bait posts? just sage you stupid faggots.

>You should've at the very least have run at school.
Nigger school-mandated PE ended almost 20 years ago for most of us.

Member the last guy who had an all female bodyguard... yeah that didn't turn out so well...

>I sure as shit won't be loyal to you

You would when you realizee that getting your dick cut just saved you from going to the salt mine, and elevated you several social ranks in a society where that's probably otherwise impossible for you.

where are the optional rules in gurps for gender differences?

>Playing anything other than AFL or Cricket well
Also, I think the Matildas may just be a bit shit. But then I again, I don't give a shit about any of my nations sports, so I could be talking out my arse.

Now with that I can completely agree.

Also simple virility based values that consider you a worthless shit because you have no dick. Who people decides to trust is not always (or even often) based on pragmatic decisions.

>if your bodyguard was a woman would you feel safer?
Depends on the woman.

Because /pol/ is easily triggered by bait posts.

Veeky Forums used to turn this stuff around into useful threads, but then the purges happened. Now there aren't enough creative people on Veeky Forums to get one worldbuilding thread past 100 posts in anything less than days - much less turn shit threads like this into Veeky Forums gold.

HEMA? I searched google and the result was a Dutch clothing store.

wew lad

>quickly, bodyguards, protect me from a giant uprising
what exactly were they supposed to do?

>as long as you're not marrying her should you care?

Because getting married is literally the only one single thing she has to do in her whole life. She was born for that, plenty of princesses did more things but it was beyond social expectations and often an outright "rebellion act".

>a giant uprising
>what exactly were they supposed to do?
The usual

Protecting him for long enough time to escape, for starters.

Not die/get raped like useless cunts.

tell us user, how mean was the girl who rejected you?


To be fair, they held out quite a while before getting overrun.

what the fuck are you talking about?