/CofD/ &/wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General

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>This week's Monday Meeting Notes:

If, then how did your character die?

You are kindly requested to:
>Ignore Aspel

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What was the most outlandish character concept you've ever seen, be it WoD or CoD?

First game I ever STed/played was VtR 1e. One of the players was your typical weeb with a dash of aspie. Good guy on the whole. But of course he came up with this over the top homebrew bloodline, where he was possessed by some kind of demon, allowing him Bleach-like hollow (was it called) powers. Inexperienced as I was I allowed it. After the second session I started to have regrets. I placced him in a position in which he could commit diablerie, an opportunity which he of course took advantage of. Which gave an excuse to send in the Sheriff to execute his character. He understood completely.

>that went better than expected.

That doesn't sound too bad.

>shit-tier weeb shit in WoD
>not too bad
Yeah. No. You're wrong. But that's alright.

Savage Genitalia.

>He understood completely
Where is this unicorn player who understands his actions have consequences and owns them?

I'm speaking in relative terms. It's not great either. I've just seen worse.

The first honest WoD thread image in a while.

You don't use Life/Mind to create your own harem of unearthly babes? What kind of Seer are you?

Storytime that shit then. Gawd.

He's the right kind of aspie

The character was a self exiled True Fae who fashioned himself after Biblical angels and acted as a wandering vigilante, wannabe Good Samaritan and a cleric of sorts. He had golden Hedgespun Armor and Token Gauntlets which could summon fire that he would shape into weapons via Control The Elements. His Mien resembled the kind of angel who really needs to say "fear not!" when they manifest to mortals: glowing aura, booming voice, covered in eyes and such. He was a major badass with a noble heart, but a short temper and zealot tendencies.

Played by me.

There's only one out there. You have to fight for your turn to have them

So, I've been thinking... How would you rule the stats of a barbed garotte?

The Red Star is an alien spaceship carrying the alien progenitors of the Kindred parasite.

As they approached they were slowly taking control of their engineered servient species meant to be a precursor for the invasion, invading the local infrastructure.

More and more NPCs were becoming obsessed with creating massive overt vast city-sized armies of Ghouls and preaching an apocalypitc version of the regional religion, dominating and manipulating public figures into becoming insane proponents.

Basically - everyone the PCs ever knew became space insane.

Sneak grapple from behind action (+2 dice) at least 8 diff required with at least 3 succesess required.

If successful, inflicts 3 points of lethal damage to a mortal and a wound that will kill the person via bleeding in 3 + stamina turns (major arteries)

If not enough success, either a fail or an extended resited action that inflicts a point of lethal damage each turn. If more than 3 points are inflicted, the mortal dies of bleeding in 3 + stamina rounds.

Would intorducing a drop of blodd into each holy communion that the congretion drinks render a village full of ghouls or at least favourably predisposed towards the Kindred doing the spiking?

Yeah but why would you want a bunch of catholic followers. Such a lame cult.

two words:

Deus Vult

whats the strangest thing ever to put your Toreador into a beauty trance?

Aspel's trolling

Do vampires dream? Talking about oWoD.

yes, even in Torpor.

I know because prophetic Nightmares with foreshadowing and rubbing the Theme in are a staple.

>kindred moves to a small religious town
>turns the local priest into a ghoul
>has him spike the communion wine with vitae
>priest slowly sways the populace into worshipping the kindred as a "dark god", aided by the vitae
>nonbelievers are burned at the stake
>kindred has turned a whole village into his personal kingdom, with parishioners literally lining up for the Kiss
>the most devout "ascend" (read: get embraced)
>they also get blood bound asap
>children start being indoctrinated since birth
>kindred rules all

Spookily possible.

>Mage turns up
>now it's his town

A majestically ornate, and needlessly complicated, yet sublimely beautiful scheme concocted solely to put him in mortal peril.

>barbed garotte

Another question regarding oWoD Vampire: how did the different Clans/bloodlines recognize each other? What was to stop, for example, a Tzimisce who molded himself/herself to look just like an average vampire from passing off as a Brujah or a Gangrel, provided he played the part well?

Nothing and/or Tremere Blood magic

For gruesome throat-slicing in a concealable packaging.

user i don't think you understand the mechanics of a garrotte

>>tfw it's a Sabbat spy.....again...

A decent way is social inquiry, a thing the elders do constantly and casually to everyone, especially Harpy like ones.

>>Oh so you are the childe of the Childe of Ludovicus?
>> Yup
>>Of the Astarinis Bloodline?
>>Ah, we have been acquainted. Hence were on good terms in Rome.
>> Sure had a great thing going in Rome....
>> Indeed...too bad they were an Irish bloodline
>>Oh shi- .jpg

or because this is V:tM
>>Hello this is not blackmail, it's extortion - I like it better because there is an X

viking vampires are cool

prove it

Well, their body temperature is very low and viking-types tend to dwell in northern/colder climates, so yeah, they're pretty cool.

Hey Veeky Forums

1. If a nuke is dropped onto a city, would earth meld let you survive? How deep are you melded into the earth? Is it enough to survive a nuke provided you aren't at the epicenter?

even mortals can survive provided they aren't at the epicentre


you can't earth-meld lower than a few metres deep unless you are a plot device - if you are in an urban area its possible to survive but the ST is the ultimate arbiter of this

Bear in mind that aggravated damage (which a blast and hard radiation is) will make you violently resurface - and if the pressure wave wont tear you to shreds, the sunlight and infernos raging around you defo will finish the job

Can I see a rule in oWoD that says hard radiation does aggravated? I'd imagine the heat from radiation would hurt vampires(like being microwaved), but not shit like cancer and such since they're undead.

Would the blast make me resurface instantly, or only after it has passed?

I have celerity 3 and the danger sense merit, so if a nuke comes, I think I'll have a good minute or so to find cover and earth meld somewhere safe, so that I surface during the day, I can still be in the dark.

I mean, a few meters deep is pretty fucking crazy. I'm assuming there won't be enough time to go for the bank vault meme, so maybe earth melding once I'm in the sewers... then the issue would be that it's called earth meld not concrete meld

If you are anywhere in the fireball distance, you're evaporated. The fireball of a nuclear weapon is as hot as the sun.

Aside from that, if you're in the thermal radiation radius, you're taking fourth and third degree burns and likely getting pretty fucked.

If you're out of both of those radi, then you're just dealing with the shockwave and debris, so you' could hypothetically be fine.

Earth Meld allows for very slow travel within the earth so you may be able to sink in deep enough.

Bear in mind that nukes can fuse together steel pipes several meters deep in the ground.

By radiation it's meant gamma rads - what the sun emits aside from photons (visible light)
This stuff can set concrete houses ablaze and permanently damage human retinas from kilometres away.
There really is no way of imaginig how unspeakably brutal it is to create runaway nuclear fission, especially with a Hydrogen bomb.

Sense merit (im my tales at least) wont tell you "beep beep beep m8 theres an ICBM coming to within 350 metres of you in 5 minutes head in the direction of North-Northfuckawayfromhere" but more likely a "You have an owerwhelming sense of impending doom, the screams of a million souls crying out in searing pain fills your dead heart and your mind screams in flame induced panic. You >must< run. Run. RUN!!!" (roll for Rötschrek)
NPC next to you: "You ok Senpai? You look like you just seen the ghost o Freddy Krueger hahahaha"

did a look on this.

Earth Meld leaves you in a state between worlds - the physical and spiritual.

The death of so many living (if used in a city which is the biggest likelyhood) are very likely to create a massive stir in the Otherworld - it MAY be constituted as a Spiritual assault onto you - forcing you to IMMIDIATELY resurface.

the Nukes dropped on Hiro and Naga created the equivalent of an Apocaliptic storm of Fuck you proportions in the Underworld the last time around. baka desu

If the ST lets this slide, if the blastwave creates any sort of violent ruptures in the earth in your exact location (not that likey if you're so far away to avoid the insane heat made by the radiation) you get pulled out instantly too.
Bear in mind that a nuke will trigger infrastructure damage and any and all citywide gasworks will go up in a violent cascade that leaves any Pyro weeping

The last character you played is facing off against a Tzimisce 7 gen Bishop.

How fucked are you?

>>It's an ambush

I'll take a standard variety daytime torchjob for $1000 please

hardMode: ........fuck

>Gangrel with all the dots in Fortitude
The plan is to set everything on fire and hope he loses it before I do. It worked before.

>my 11th gen tremere apprentice

probably fucked considering she's trucking along with only 2 willpower points left and hasn't recovered from a bunch of aggravated damage she's taken recently, but if she can hide and force it to use auspex she has a bunch of flashbangs and a magic vampire killing pistol stolen from a hunter (that isn't loaded at the moment so is probably useless)

if she has enough prep time to recover from her damage and lower her generation she could probably fuck it up with dominate, but an ambush would be really close

Standard mode, use demon bullshit to find and get into their lair while they're asleep and flash fry them before they know anything more about me than "exists, probably."

If ambushed, stop time, run like hell, and teleport across the country, then go back to step 1.

>>magic vampire killing pistol



But we're in the same side

I'm a 8th gen city gangrel w/ 2 obfuscate, 2 fortitude, 3 celerity, and 2 protean, with 5 str/4 dex/3 stamina.

Since the Tzimisces discipline tends to be animalism/fortitude/vicissitude, I'm assuming he has that with MAYBE potence/celerity since he's an elder.

If he has vicissitude 6, which gives him acid blood, I'll lose just by virtue of killing him means I also die. Horrid form is also the biggest physical stat boost in the game(+3 all physical stats).

I'll assume he has lethal damage +1 in horrid form, +3 all physical stats, maybe acid blood, and let's say 4 fortitude.

So he let's say he's at 9/8/8 for physical stats in horrid form with 4 fortitude and he also has 2 potence and 2 celerity.

Since I have obfuscate, I'd probably get at least one sneak attack in before he noticed me. So I'd bloodbuff to 9 str and 6 dex and turn on protean claws pre-ambush, then attack him from the rear while burning blood for celerity

Pre-initiative rolls, I'd roll 9d10 with most likely 5 successes. +4 additional dice for damage and +2 due to a flanking attack

Then I'd roll 9+1+6 = 16 dice for damage with most likely 8 successes for aggravated damage.

He'd probably succeed in 2/4 fortitude rolls to soak, taking 6 levels of aggravated and putting him at -5 dice.

Or I'd just use willpower to hit more or bloodbuff both str/dex to 9 pre-fight

If he has acid blood, I'll die too after I murder him since it's a difficulty 9 to dodge his blood. I'd need 6 9s just to not take 18 levels of aggravated damage.

If he ambushes me, I lose 200% since I can't get bloodbuff or a pre-initative roll hit


awsome plan senpai. I this would probably rape the basterd.

too bad Tzim dont have Fortitude but Auspex

>>that look on your face when he turns around and grins

oh how I wish I could see it

something tells me

you are the same person

Yeah, I'd get fucked. Fuggin' auspex. Maybe I'd win if he has no fortitude, though. Aggravated damage vs non-aggravated.
It is. Saving up EXP for protean 3 and finding someone to teach it is a kill

how to spot the PowerGamer

Vicisitude'd perfect human, for a Toreador whose art was 'perfect physical body/beauty'.

I bought it along with some other loot for a few hundred dollars off of an anarch Lasombra thief who got embraced so he could avoid security cameras.

To be honest this game is kind of crazy and a lot of you would call it retarded. My character was from the anarch Tremere (??????) chantry in LA that was raided and destroyed by experimental Pentex psychics, and now I am working with some other vampires, a ghoul, an ananasi, a werewolf and his group of anarchists, the leader of that squad of psychics that has now gone rogue, a rogue technocrat, a virtual adept, and a gargoyle I convinced to join us after he was left behind when the members of the Camarilla chantry made a pact with the technocracy (???)

We're looking to stop a plague Pentex has cooked up that is turning everyone in LA into mad max zombie rejects and maybe even the apocalypse, but I lost the magical macguffin central to everything after OD'ing on euthanatos blood in the sewers and all of my plans have been fucked up.

My sire and everyone else from the anarch chantry is stuck in a facility being forced to research something for a Tzimisce working for Pentex and are going to be killed if we don't rescue them fast enough, that is if they aren't already turned into chairs, been completely blood bonded, or possessed by banes.

>Played 7th Gen Tremere Elder with max Auspex, Elder Powers (Psychic Assault, Mirror Reflex), Movement of the Mind and Lure of Flames

Yeah, I'm alright.

Has anyone shared Night Horrors: Conquering Heroes?

I for one would like to see this happen.

at a rave


this on

half the place wont notice till 10 turns in whats happening
half the ravers that do flee in terror, the other stare in an abominable k-hole/acid tripped/mescalating trance at this terrifyingly vivid new hallucination

Just the page with dick eggs so far.

Git Gud ya Oompa Loompa poster

this has got to be the most convoluted/hillarious clusterfuck of a Chronicle I've ever heard.

The mastermind is doubtless a Spectre possesed Earthbound Arch-duke of Hell who got tricked into this by a Pooka orphan that is masqurading as a little kid in the local Hunter stronghold.

10/10 would love to watch

how many people in your troupe ?

>>Literally how everyone sees the Tremere

also check'em

Leeches already >are< Banes

where my Kinfolk @?

I'm not sure what that is supposed to mean?

Some Malkavan oracle said this had something to do with malfas, so either what you're saying or whatever the fuck grandmother is.

We have a lot of NPC helpers but they can be really stupid sometimes, the only other players are a ghoul taxi driver and the ananasi. The ananasi player is on his third character by now and his last one didn't last more than a few sessions because she killed the scientist NPC responsible for the psychic program and one of the few people that could make a vaccine/cure for the plague. The other is the regent for the Camarilla chantry, but she hang up on me after I went on an epic journey through the sewers to get to a place with cell-phone reception and when I got to the chantry she was fucking gone.

My character is planning on making a new ritual to contact Tremere himself but first I need to know if I can actually trace her lineage back to him. I have like 70% certainty but that isn't good enough, and now that the Malkavian primogen (who called the ravnos 'mud vampires') has left the NPC group and all of the books in the chantries have been taken away it'll be a little hard to fill in the gaps.

I was planning on blackmailing the leader of the sons of gaia (some pink haired bitch) with proof that she was fucking another werewolf but they all jobbed in a side session I didn't even attend where they all got stuck in a scooby doo tier web trap and then shot to death by a technomagic gun made out of junkyard garbage.

They used the virtual adept as bait to lure them into a mall and they nearly took her away after she ran into a fence and knocked herself unconscious.

I'm pretty sure it's a reference to how Jews are meant to be universally unliked

I just survived one of these last session and won with casual ease cause fire beats vampires with ease.

audible keking

how to spot the stoner ST

Would people be interested in a Werewolf the Forsaken quest? Kind of slice-of-lifey, following a newly changed Werewolf as they do Werewolfy shit.

Great, now we have Aspel AND antisemites.

If this keeps us, the crazies at rpg.net will start looking better and better.

What do you guys have for Ambient/Music for your WoDding?

Any Mage suggestions?

whats an Aspel??

google broke

This is just the right amount of silly to work.

If you're not already in the group (hi if you are) then you'd be absolutely right, he admitted that he's stoned most of the time.


>an ananasi
Hi Adam


I was going to post this myself but this is my character, a revision of a dnd character I once made that was an expy of a touhou character.

This game is retarded and I wouldn't have it any other way.

This Nosferatu player left early on because we weren't using voice chat.

I found the Silent Hill and Parasite Eve soundtracks good for WoD ambiance.

Lemme join in senpai, I'm here to help

spiderman doesn't like randos, sorry

the game is crazy enough with three players as it is, though we sometimes have to cancel sessions because one of us has really shitty internet

The GM is fine with new players, but considering we're probably like 80% through the campaign, now might be the bet time to have more people join.

It's new people in MY games that I don't get down with.

That is if you actually ran games instead of canceling them after a few sessions.

Shoot me

Clan Flaws, mostly. The Outcasts sourcebook gave examples of Caitiff passing themselves off as Brujah, so unless there's a Tremere around, you can Masquerade amongst the Masqueraders.

I refer you to the Dark Ages supplement, "Wolves of the Sea". Ancient Viking Gangrel, still terrorising the good christian folk centuries later.

i have new internet thing, gonna see if gm wants to run some mini stuff so we can all be caught up.

drop info and maybe, its up to gm though and i think this particular campaign is too close to the end for new players.

Yeah, I'm pretty new to tabletop as well but I'm down for voice or text.

You guys want discord, email, or?

>acid blood

Oh yes, Masquerade's stupidest power. It can't be turned off, and Tzimisce with it then can't embrace or ghoul. So how the fuck did the bloodline ever continue?

Chew on that for a while.

Please no

All copies must be burnt like we were in Nuremburg before the war.

Not every Tzimisce learns it, I think. I'd imagine that most don't bother

dicord i guess. ill let the gm know youve posted.

>Jews were ever in Egypt

Potsherds or GTFO

>So how the fuck did the bloodline ever continue?
By Tzimisce who avoid acid blood for that very reason?



So if Life spells aren't permanent then how do Thrysus make themselves hotter/younger? Do they just keep recasting the spells? And why is healing permanent?

who takes acidic blood when you can transform into a flying bat monster?