Can someone explain to me why evil is inherently evil?

Can someone explain to me why evil is inherently evil?

Other urls found in this thread: ethics.htm

Because I said so. No go to your room. ethics.htm

It's a tautology.

Evil is whatever is fundamentally incompatible with your values and way of life.
Note: this means that eradicating evil is not a bad thing.

This thread is evil.

Can someone explain to me why blue is inherently blue?

Actually, that is a good question.
Is "evil" merely a given descriptor or an inherent quality?
Depending on the philosophy you subscribe to, there are different answers to this question.

I already did.

If you aren't playing AD&D® by the book then you aren't playing AD&D®

Can someone explain to me why OP is inherently retarded?

>If you aren't playing AD&D® by the book then you aren't playing AD&D®
And where did OP imply that he meant D&D specifically?

because you're a faggot

Because you touch yourself at night.


>Immanuel Cunt

If evil is not objective, why do evil people know when they're being evil?

checkmate, clerics.

Because it's not good. Duh!

> this is actually a good question

No it is.

You either have to fully accept the imply premise that evil is defined and absolute for the sake of argument, rendering the Answer self evident.

Question the whole the definition of evil for the sake of discussion. Hence invalidating the initial premise of the question.

A thing is inherently that thing, because things have the essential characteristics of themselves. If it's evil, it's got to have the essential components of "evil.



Rolled 3, 1 = 4 (2d6)

It's not, it can only be evil through the lens of someone's views.

Rolled 12, 22, 31, 30, 14 + 23 = 132 (5d42 + 23)

I'd argue that evil doesn't actually exist. It's just a word we use to compartmentalize actions that we cant rationalize. It's similar to how we use "sick" or "monster" to describe murderers because we would rather deal with them as something "other"

In reality "evil" is just another aspect of human nature, no one is evil and evil doesn't exist. Everyone is capable of horrific acts but that doesn't make them an "evil" creature, they are human just like you.

We want them to be something else, something less than human or lacking in an inherent goodness but they're not.

We are what we choose to be.

>Kantian Ethics
>Kant, ever
>pic very much related

Presumably there are objective moral facts embedded in the fabric of the universe and evil entities instantiate properties that are morally wrong.

It's bullshit though, error theory all the way.

I would say that evil is more complicated than most Disney movies present it. I don't consider looking out for yourself to be necessarily evil, but I think doing so at a disregard or at the expense of others could be evil.

In a more Veeky Forums example, let's say you were an immortal being who has been sealed inside of a prison for centuries. Regardless of why you are in there, would it be right to get others to break the seal by sacrificing 10,000 people at the door? I'd consider that evil but idk...

>Why does a triangle inherently have three sides
Are you this dense normally, or do you have to work at it?

This board has really gone down the shitter

It never left.