I don't understand why adventurers are always allowed to have swords in RPGs...

I don't understand why adventurers are always allowed to have swords in RPGs. Everyone knows that in every real world society that has made ANY amount of social progress, weapons have always been and will always be banned for private ownership.

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lmgtfy.com/?q=japan penis eater

nice stealth thread, I'm sure nobody will notice what you're up to here

I mean, if that's what you want to do in your setting, there's nothing stopping players from killing people with farm equipment and work tools.

>there's nothing stopping players from killing people with farm equipment and work tools.
China, Japan, Europe had entire fighting methods based on exactly that.

What makes you think RPGs take place in real world societies where any amount of social progress has been made?

You're not even trying.

Exactly why I mentioned it. If weapons are ever restricted to warrior-and-noble-only ownership, typically militia will still arise armed with tools.

And to answer OP's question, adventurers get cool shit cause it's cool and fun to play as a guy with cool shit. No other reason needed.

Funny because in my game it's modeled off of a purely anarcho-capitalist system. One of my PCs just raised an army of child prostitutes armed with matchlock muskets while the other is working on hand held mana-bombs to sell to passers by

But how is anybody getting around without roads?!

Okay smartass. Is messer a sword?

Wonderful invention called "legs"

Legal loopholes need not apply unless you are jewish I guess

One time I joined a group at my uni and the DM was a beta cuck numale and the other players were all fat tumblr landwhales with dyed hair who tried to get me to ERP with their furry self-inserts but I used my superior male logic to shut down their liberal arguments until they all ran out of the basement crying.

Then the DM's cat stood up and clapped.

They don't need roads where they're going

Point being, there's a reason it exists (and pretty sure seaxes and similar existed for a similar reason), to avoid bans on weapons of war

Don't talk to me or my son ever again

Now we see the violence inherent in the system

If you get caught trying to work around the law you should be arrested


You should see some of the weird guns people make nowadays to get out of equally weird laws.

For breaking what law, user?
Messers were a thing to get around smithing laws, not weapon laws regardless.

No no its fine. The NAP makes sure that no violence breaks out.

I know this is bait, but there's also clubs, axes, polearms, knives, staves (you wouldn't deny an old man his walking stick, would you?), magic of all shapes and sizes (including the summoning of any weapon desired).

Fuck, you can kill someone with a rock. Are rocks banned too?

>medieval-ish society
If you're important enough to be arrested, you have a legal right to bear arms.
Otherwise it's beating or a fine

Wow way to make your settings insanely discriminatory

But historically people did regularly carry swords? After all, a sword isn't a weapon of war. A spear, or a bow is. You can't take one of those to a pub. Hell, you might even be ridiculed for not carrying a sword, or even a knife. Because what if you get attacked by brigands

Yes, town is a rock free zone

>t. Salty Eurocuck/Ching-Chong Nip-Nong peasant mad that people get to have things in fantasies that he can't have in real life.

Maybe if you stopes bending over whenever Sir John/ Ping-Ling comes down from his mansion to ravage your boipucci, you wouldn't be experiencing such anal pain.

I like this bait. You wouldn't happen to be a dev for that Numenaria game would you?

>What happens when a burglar breaks in and You don't have a rock to defend yourself
>Dwarves have access to illegal assault rocks!
>young mage kills twelve other college student with his grandfather's rock.

Here's your (You).

No, that's Monte "Penis Cannibal" Cooke

You know, the guy who got fired from WotC for using his expense account to fly to japan and go to an "art show" where a guy cooked up slices of his own severed penis for the audience to eat.

If a mage is killing 12 people in a school for magic and getting away with it either a) that's a really shitty school or b) he really needs to reclass into barbarian

But weapons actually are banned in harry potter

>you can't make this shit up

That explains a lot concerning Wizards

But magic isn't and neither is death magic really.
>oh don't use magic for evil!
When nothing is really stopping the students from doing that other than threat to themselves. Also Harry had a sword and slaughtered an endangered snake heartlessly



Which is exactly why he should have been killed


Did rowling say a farmer with a shotgun would BTFO a mage? Especially since most wizards seem mentally deficient when it comes to technology. I wouldn't be surprised if they thought firearms were still at the arquebus stage or earlier

But then someone would have had to use a weapon against him which means that Harry's killer would have to be killed, and then Harry's killer's killer would have to be killed, but then Harry's killer's killer's killer would have to be killed, ad infinitum

No, just like in real life if you throw them in the water and they drown the water killed them so it's nobody's fault

>The cycle continues until all but one wizard is left
>there can only be one
>The the entire world is better for it

I see no problem.

No, we just have Bioware write themselves into a corner, and have the dude kill himself.

Holy shit I'm crying

lmgtfy.com/?q=japan penis eater

I'm 100% sure this thread has been made by an american. You can tell by the tone.

>one ultimate murder death kill wizard
>left unopposed

Yeah, that seems alright.

>one ultimate murder death kill wizard
>gets btfo by a muggle with a shotgun because for whatever reasons wizards have no fucking clue about the non- wizard world

>The only wizard left is a bumbling idiot who accidentally killed the other wizard.
>STILL gets btfo by a shotgun

You're right, seems fine.

For how much the socjus crowd love Harry Potter there sure are a lot of xenophobic themes and segregation.

Yeah, seems alright.

It's because the book was written by a woman. Contrary to popular belief, women test higher for racism, sexism and xenophobia than any other demographic. It has to do with an underdevelopment in their brain caused by estrogen in the womb.

If you dont allow your populace to arm themselves then how are they supposed to form a militia to defend against raiders? It would be logistically unfeasible to try and defend every part of your territory with state sponsored at all times, but allowing every man of fighting age in your nation arm themselves with a spear, sword or axe to defend their homes requires only for the populace to take an initiative

If you see something suspicious, call the town guard. You have no reason to ever own a sword.

Good luck legging it over 5 miles of tough forested walking paths.

If only there was some sort a wide path of even footing to travel between locales. Oh wait, those are called roads.

Bingo. My answer too.
Which why my group get an airship in a steampunk campaign and a spaceship in a space fantasy campaign from the start despite how impossible it is for a group of nobodies to have one.

>what are riverbanks

Must be nice to live in a large city with an organized and competent guard.

Us lowly country folk still have to deal with goblins, raiders, trolls, the occasional ogre, orcs, and all manner of magical beasts. And we ain't got none of them fancy City Guard to help us.

Wow, racist much?

Somebody's going to give you a serious reply.

Typical city-folk pushing their sheltered world view on us simple peasants. I bet he doesn't even know how to till crops. Don't they know we're the ones that feed them?

>noblemen swerve

Is it racist to slay the orc ravaging your wife?

>Moarg wuz a gud boy he dindu nuffin!
>it's these farmers keeping us orcs down
>he was just finna rape that girl

Yes, because he wouldn't have been negatively socialized if he wasn't driven out of society by human racists. All crimes committed by so called demi-humans are the products of centuries of human colonialism come home to roost.

t. Scholar living in the capital

Come out here to the lowlands and see what it's really all about instead of passing laws behind your stone walls.

I would never attempt to verify my own claims for it is enough that I have claimed them, thereby making their truth self-evident.


[citation needed]

Swords don't need ammo.

tbf the bad guys in Harry Potter are wizard nazis

>in every real world society that has made ANY amount of social progress
I guess OP was right.

Bait, but I'll bite
A: You're not adventuring in the real world
B: If social progress had been made, adventurers wouldn't be needed. That adventuring exists as a profitable profession proves that government and society are failing to handle issues.

So fuck off faggot, and enjoy being cucked by Ahmed.

>Bait, but I'll bite
>bumped from page 10
You dumb fucking nigger.