What are cultural qualities possessed by island nations...

What are cultural qualities possessed by island nations? I figure a sense of "we're different from the mainland" is one of them, since British people will claim they aren't European with zero irony and Japanese people like remaining by themselves.

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Most island nations usually pride themselves on one of two things: their personal identity, and their navy.

Terrible food. War crimes. Inbreeding.

>British people will claim they aren't European with zero irony and Japanese people like remaining by themselves.
You might as well say "Japanese people claim they arent Chinese with zero irony" with that logic.

Batshit insanity.
Self-serving egomania.
Hate for their home until someone insults it and then they go mental.

>since British people will claim they aren't European
But Great Britain isn't Europe.
Yeah, sure, they have cultural values that is rather close to European, but geographically, politically and economically they aren't Europe.
The only reason why we consider GB to be European is because of their contact with France throughout the history.
It's like saying Ukraine is Polish or Ukraine is Russian, because Poland/Russia had influence onto Ukraine's culture and history in general.

It's an island so close to Europe that it's literally visible from France. It's culturally European, it's ethnically European, it's on the European tectonic plate, and it's historically spent most of its time dealing with European countries. That's like saying that the island of Aland, which is between Finland and Sweden, isn't European. I agree that the definition of continents is hazy, but in this instance Britain is European in every way that matters.

The same argument can be made about Japan, yet we don't call Japan Chinese (probably because of its isolationistic politics throughout the ages, to be honest).

China is a country, the equivalent is English people claiming they aren't French (with in both cases the big mainland power severly influencing the island).

The equivalent to this Anglocentric hypernationalism would be the Japanese believing they're not Asian.

>The only reason why we consider GB to be European is because of their contact with France throughout the history.
And geographically being part of Europe. And being invaded by Angles, Saxons and Jutes. And being invaded by Romans. And being invaded by Celts. Gee, it's almost like Britain is just as European as France, Britain, Italy etc.

But no no, there's a small channel of water separating us folk from them thar folks so we're totally some special snowflakes. The Irish are Europeans though because fuck the Irish.

>But no no, there's a small channel of water separating us folk from them thar folks so we're totally some special snowflakes.
And yet, where military plans were considered by almost every conqueror, starting from Napoleon and ending with Hitler, GB wasn't considered as European in their military paradigm.

We call them Asian though, because they influenced and were influenced by other Asian cultures.

Sure, but we call Japan Asian. No one will call Britain France, but it's still accurate to call it European. There are islands in Europe that are kind of ambiguous (like Iceland), but in this case Britain is clearly European.

>starting from Napoleon
So the last 200 years or so?
>GB wasn't considered as European in their military paradigm
Can you give me a source for that pile of shit?

Alright, I admit temporary defeat, so let's shift the goalposts for the sake of the argument.
Would you consider Alaska to be Russian, American or none of the above? Would you consider Syberia to be Asian or Slavic?

But the japanese are literally chinese people who have been isolated on an island off of the chinese mainland.


And the English are literally Frenchmen and Germans who have been isolated on an island. Your point being?

Complicated etiquette, either a strong seafaring tradition or isolationist outlook, significant amount of fish in their diet, and efficient agricultural practices.

For all the other wankers, saying Britain isn't European is like saying New Zealand isn't Australian. They hate being conflated even though they kind of are.

Russia is (partly) in Asia user

>Your point being?
That the UK doesnt fit into the EU's one-Europe policy any more than the Japs fit into the one-China policy.

They're mot mainland Europe and therefore dont consider themselves European in that sense. The essence of island culture.

shitty tanks
Brits Challengers sacrifice tons of mobility and firepower to be a BongBattleBunker that just won't fucking die

>That the UK doesnt fit into the EU's one-Europe policy
So because of a political disagreement they're not European? Let me guess, Switzerland and Norway aren't European either? And once Le Pen wins the elections, France stops being European? It will suddenly detach itself from Germany, Spain and Italy and float off to North America along with Switzerland?

>They're mot mainland Europe and therefore dont consider themselves European in that sense.
In what sense? In the "Islands aren't part of continents" sense you just made up?

Inbreeding, pissing off their continental neighbors and then bitching why nobody likes them, wanking over bad local weapons.

Do you always immediately resort to strawman arguments when talking about cultural attitudes and colloquialisms?

We the British are Atlantic islanders, not Europeans

Being European would require being a human, Brits aren't humans and therefore aren't Europeans.

Not that user, but isn't the argument about geography?

>zero irony

I don't think you understand Britain son. Everything they do is ironic, irony is so innate to them that they do it reflexively.

That works though - the only person to die in a chally was blue on blue where the shell hit an open fucking hatch.
There have been 2 penetrations by enemy weapons, both to places that were comparatively un-armoured, later up-armoured, and no-one lost more than a few toes.

And while it is slower than the Abrams it has a longer operational range

Not the same user, but the difference is historical more than anything. The development of both the British and English identities have been distinct from the development of European ones despite frequent interaction to the point where it is anthropologically false to infer the UK is a European country.

Back on track though
Generally some kind of sense of independence and a distinct culture compared with the mainland, and even that is debatable. There are justifications for an island having any kind of cultural qualities possible given the right circumstance.

brits are kind of the exception to the shitty tank rule for island nations, purely for actually inventing the fuckers.

>this thread

Hypocrisy and double standards


>We the British

Come on, son, British is just a polite word that the English use to describe themselves. The United Kingdom is an example of an island nation that's made up of three nations with fairly distinct cultures, and then there's a fair amount of regional differences too in terms of culture.

Small island nations probably have more homogeneity in terms of culture, bigger ones less so. It's all going to depend, OP, on the size of the island. I grew up on a fucking tiny piece of rock off the coast of France, and it was small enough to basically be a single culture. You could walk from one end to the other in about two hours and basically find bitter fucking alcoholics and hippies at either end of it. I could get on a plane in the Home Counties and fly up to Aberdeen, and if I could understand a fucking word those bastards are saying, I'd probably find a very different set of "cultural qualities" and some heart disease.

>The development of both the British and English identities have been distinct from the development of European ones despite frequent interaction to the point where it is anthropologically false to infer the UK is a European country.
Care to elaborate? Because to me it sounds like a special snowflake complex that relies on the assumption that France has more (cultural) similarities to Estonia than to Britain.

What other island nations have done tanks on a scale that you can call them shit?
You've got the Japanese who were simply shit at anything that wasn't a surprise attack, and maybe you could count New Zealand's Bob Semple?


That's not really fair because there aren't many island nations period. It's just Britain, Ireland, Iceland, Japan, New Zealand, Madagascar, Sri Lanka, and the Caribbean and Polynesian countries. Greenland too if you count it.

>And geographically being part of Europe. And being invaded by Angles, Saxons and Jutes. And being invaded by Romans. And being invaded by Celts. Gee, it's almost like Britain is just as European as France, Britain, Italy etc.
All identities are arbitrary. There are countries that are divided from another continent by an imaginary line and little else.

>China is a country

It's a rather big country.
It's 30% of all of Asia's population.

If their was a "Yellow Asian Union", China would make up 60% of both the population and the territory.
Such "Yellow Asian Union" would be more like "China and outer provinces" than a true union of equals.

best evidence is literally how european british people feel:

however historical reason for it was that we shifted our focus abroad with the empire over that of many in europe also with colonial goals who couldn't be so carefree in abandoning its focus on its neighbours. France, Germany, Italy etc all still had to deal with the 'european struggle' over the centuries, cementing the european identity while barring the occasional wars from the 17th to the 19th century we were culturally independent from europe.

Excluding the Channel Islands from the British Isles eh?

What are the welsh even? How do they differ from the rest of the anglo cunts?

cuba, cyprus, haiti, micronesia etc

most of these have either bought soviet handmedowns, or rely on larger nations/coalitions for defence.
it's not really a massive priority for island nations because it's better mostly spent on air and naval forces.

they're fanatically territorial about their dying language, everything in wales has it both in english and in gaelic, to the detriment of a lot of warning and road signs.
also sheep.

this picture makes me happy like second coming of Jesus


>an island can't have fewer then 50 permanent residents
W-what? For what purpose? What do you call a bit of land surrounded by water that has 49 people living on it?

brit light tanks and german MBT's

It's legal mumbo-jumbo, kind of like how according to EU competition law bananas aren't part of the fruit market. I'm citing the United Brands case. It sounds ridiculous but once you understand the reasoning behind this it makes sense. I guess the same applies to this case of islands. Something like Britain would probably be legally qualified by as an aquatically isolated country or whatever.

With the state of modern Europe, I can't blame Britain for wanting to separate itself culturally and legally.

>can not be connected to mainland by a rigid structure
guess we're clogging up the Eurotunnel then

In that case, let's hope Britain and every other country West of Germany manages to separate itself from Europe.

Im seeing some guy saying: ok so islands have these rights and obligations ok guys?
And some other cunt going: yeah all right but then these obvious islands can't.be islands anymore!

they're supposedly R&Ding this medium tank at the the moment that's under half the weight of their current MBTs

They like hills and sheep to an unhealthy extent. Oh and their language is odd.

The amount of rules-lawyering that's going on at the grounds of European Parliament and related legal bodies would give average fat/tg/uy an aneurysm. Or raging erection. Possibly both.

One example are incandescent light bulbs. They were banned for being not eco-friendly. The idea was it will make them phase out of use. In reality stores can keep selling them but they need to be labeled as "electric heat bulbs" now.

Fucking Plague Inc

Madagascar, Iceland and Greenland... the three fucks

I'm fine with immigration into Britain, we've been doing it since the ice age. the issue to me is more the rate that's being pushed on us now. It needs to be adding ingredients in a slow trickle to the melting pot, not big globs, otherwise you get lumps. secondly, there's a massive housing crisis here that really needs to be resolved, but hasn't through a combination of bureaucracy and most new housing here being bought by people who rent it out at a profit. brexit was still retarded because it didnt technically have anything to do with immigration, despite how it was spun.

Interesting, sounds cool.

It's also a definition of island that makes Malta not an island - it's an EU state.
I suspect this 'definition' didn't last too long

Welcome to another instalment of Let Me Google That For You.


I agree, but I'd still say that overal Brexit was a good idea. The entire EU is simply Germany pushing a sort of soft dominance over the rest of Europe. One of the smartest things the British have ever done was not adopt the Euro, the currency responsible for France's lackluster economic performance (they fell behind Britain even though purely on paper this shouldn't happen) and Spain (a country with relatively low debt, mind you) being unable to solve its unemployment problem (traditionally the Spanish devaluated their currency to deal with economic dire straits. Now they're stuck with an overvalued Deutschmark they cannot use to steer their economy).

It's a fucking mess and the British did well in abandoning a sinking ship. Now all that remains is for Le Pen to crash it with no survivors.

This is beside the point because the culture in the Asian part of Russia is exactly the same as in the European part. It was colonised by European settlers and the native cultures either died out or were marginalised or assimilated. Siberia is as Asian as the US is Native American.

>no discussion allowed

Of course you're free to waste your and everybody's time discussing tired old questions that have been discussed time and again by smart people in the past. The question is why you would chose to do it.

Sushi is the only good thing to come out of Japan you moron.

>Would you consider Alaska to be Russian

Not really. There's fewer than 2% ethnic Russians in the entire state. It's very heavily influenced by America and Canada. It's American, or Western if you prefer.

Actually the Japanese are ethnically Korean in descent, and also bear somewhat more genetic similarity to Southeast Asians (Cambodia, Laos, etc.) than to the Chinese.

>British people will claim they aren't European with zero irony
Because we're fucking not. Look at those assholes hand-wringing over their terrorism and immigration crises, while we're leaving them in their own shit stew.

> Imperialistic, always conquering neighbours and territory, and then losing interest and trading it away by treaty
> Higher technology than their neighbours
> Constantly at each others' throats until threatened, the unite against the aggressor
> Snap back to infighting straight after
> First response to continental politics is 'go fuck yourselves, not our problem', but responding with deadly effectiveness when forced to act
> Random yet vicious disputes with other islands over things continentals can't comprehend, such as fishing rights
> Insane climate due to lots of water; random and sudden swings in weather that are just taken in stride
> Either full of dangerous wildlife, or the locals have exterminated anything more dangerous than the animals they used to exterminate it with
> Culture and economics that spread like plagues from their trade outposts

At least I can agree with the comparison of the Anglo culture to plague.

>Higher technology than their neighbours
Kek, England is a medieval wasteland compared to Germany, France, the Netherlands or God forbid, Belgium.

Now you're exaggerating as hard as he is.

It's amazing how many of the inventions that led to the Industrial Revolution were in fact invented in Scotland. If the English are good at one thing, it's claiming credit for something and pushing their version of the events.

>has to buy their nuclear plants, their advanced weapon systems, their planes, their robots, their electronics, their modern trains, their oil drilling facilities, etc, etc... from France or Germany

>don't want to suck some unelected belgian's cock
>worship some inbred german aristocrat and spend your days by licking her asshole

Scotland is probably the only good part of UK desu.

Not true, sometimes they buy shit from US instead of France or Germany.

God his teeth terrify me.

>claiming credit for something and pushing their version of the events
Their "victory over Napoleon" is my favourite example. After years of fighting the united continental Europe, Napoleon is forced into exile, comes back as a pathetic shadow of himself, is beaten by an English-German-Dutch alliance at Waterloo and suddenly he's soundly defeated by England and Admiral Nelson personally.

It's the tea.

Not even joking. They've proven that tea stains our teeth. We just don't give a shit as long as they aren't falling out.

Both World Wars would be another good example.
>a continental power does most of the fighting and US helps to finish krauts off
>britain does nothing but sit on their islands and occasionally get couple bombs dropped on them
>we totally won the war!11!

I have a very English background, along with German, and I drink a fair amount of tea, and my teeth aren't flat brown tiny little fucks like that.

What's hilarious is listening to British whining any time an American-produced war movie comes out.

There is a difference between "fair amount of tea" and couple cups on every meal and at least one more between the meals.

I suppose, but my great grandma who basically drank tea as you described, and my wife who drinks tea non stop through out the day (with way too much cream and sugar) look nothing like that.
It's fucked.

I think it has to do with their horrible food as well.

Talk about denial.

>smart people

They bankrolled the first and blockaded zee Germans (with zee Germans' help)

That's kind of significant.

we tried to keep the french resistance going as well
plus Bletchley Park and the codebreakers

What about EoE?

>Can't be an island because they joined an organisation founded in 1958

politics override geography

>don't want to suck some unelected belgian's cock
The funniest thing is that the EU is more democratic than the UK.

> > Imperialistic, always conquering neighbours and territory, and then losing interest and trading it away by treaty
> > Constantly at each others' throats until threatened, the unite against the aggressor
> > Snap back to infighting straight after
> > First response to continental politics is 'go fuck yourselves, not our problem', but responding with deadly effectiveness when forced to act
> > Random yet vicious disputes with other countries over things other countries can't comprehend, such as fishing rights
> > Insane climate; random and sudden swings in weather that are just taken in stride
> > Either full of dangerous wildlife, or the locals have befriended anything more dangerous than the animals they used to be friends with
So, Russia? :^)

>the Normans were vassals to the French king who lived in France, married French women, spoke French, and built French-style castles
>"N-no, Normans were V-Vikings, not Frenchmen! A-and besides French people d-didn't exist b-back then! R-rule, Britannia!"

It's impressive how the brits are insecure and vile towards the french while the french don't give a single shit about brits.

That red lines straying a little too far south, friend.

I'm talking about geography user, not culture. Like most people who argue Britain is in Europe. The point is that Europe is, amongst other things, a landmass. Not identifying with part of the cultural majority of that landmass doesn't mean you don't live on it.

It appears the British are growing self-aware though.

For added bantz:

>Europe is a country

Wait, their language is Gaelic? Where the fuck did those letters and weird pronunciations come from.