Do chastity belts ever make an appearance in your fantasy settings?

Do chastity belts ever make an appearance in your fantasy settings?

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Why would they? They weren't a medieval thing.


How does she pee?


i hate being historyfag

it kills literary all fun, i can't do fantasy anymore

pls send help

Mundane? The existence is implied in tone of the setting, but there never was explicit mention, or a need for one in the first place.
Similar devices of arcane nature? Oh yes!

Please post this in /pfg/ - Perverted Fantasy General.

There's an opening for it.

That's what they keyhole is for, you dummy.

Only when I'm ripping off Men in Tights.

no you fucking retard

why don;t you go die in a fucking fire

Where do you think he got the picture from?

>implying fantasy is always medieval

Girl don't pee, take a peek into their bathroom sometimes, there's no urinals.

>i'd better post in this thread to let OP know how mad I am about his troll thread

>that will teach him to never make troll threads again

Most is, occasionally going into the Renaissance era. Chastity belts are an 1800's thing.

No, because it's not my fetish.

Yeah once, I joined an online game and made my character a grill since everyone else was male fighters or barbarians.

It was all going fine until one of the other PCs pmed me saying that the DM can be a bit rape happy with girl characters. Not wanting to be rude and drop out right before we played or change my character after telling the DM and players, I just added chastity belt to my items, and if the DM was actually going to do something retarded I'd drop out then.


Of course, all of my paladins wear them to ensure their continued devotion to their mistre- uhh, order.

>chastity belts
Jesus Fucking Christ.

I don't run that kind of Magical Realm, so no.

You peek in girls' bathrooms? Pervert.

I-it's for science!

Hey, don't drag Margaret into this!

>being a huge fucking asshole sperg

I pity you.

>Having a cadre of female knight you keep in chastity
>Never allowing them out unless it's under your persona supervision
>Teasing and edging them mercilessly before making them reaffirm their vows of chastity and locking them back up

19th century fantasy is fun as fuck though
a party of explorers extraordinaire mapping the depths of the savage territories gets interesting fast when said savages have their own set of very much functional mystical arts

That's why chastity belts are normally worn over a diaper.

Depends on which kind of "fantasy" you mean.

Typically there's sort of a grate or some slits at the front. But you still need to take them off frequently to clean them.

Hard to argue with that logic.

If they don't pee then how come they wear diapers, huh?
Do they just fill them with apple juice when nobody's looking?

Damn. Even by Veeky Forums standards this has taken a turn for the /d/.

N-not that I want it to stop.

then what would be the backstory of a diapered lady adventurer who also happens to be wearing a chastity belt?

I dunno about an adventurer. I could certainly imagine that for a princess with overprotective parents.

yeah but that's not as interesting as a padded adventurer or villainess

Yeah, but it seems odd that someone who's self-sufficient would be diapered in the first place. Someone dependent on a strong brave adventurer could be.

Plus, princesses get to wear pretty, lacey dresses. Who doesn't love pretty dresses?

I'm not exactly for the diaper(more of a fan of making them ask permission), but it could have to deal with some sort of vow, a lost bet, or some other control put over her, likely from another member of the party.

tomboy adventurers, that's who. The kind who doesn't let anyone mention her padding

that's gotta be an interesting vow

So could you like. Pad with Bag of Holding or some such magical gimmick for simplified maintenance?

A tomboy wouldn't wear pretty dresses! This feels like a "too many cooks" situation.

A vow of chastity isn't that uncommon.

if there's a chastity belt locked over it, the padding better double as a bag of holding

this isn't about dresses.

Bet she didn't think that would be the result!

Maybe not for you!


It's not sissy-related. What gave you that impression?

the objective fact that only sissyfags like being told to wear dresses

I get where you're coming from, but it's written to be gender neutral.

I wrote it, man. It was not written with sissies in mind.

Isn't that the best part, though?

She never thought it'd be this hard, that it would be on her mind this much. You don't really notice something until you lose it, after all.

And now she spends so many nights tossing and turning, burning and wishing she'd just been a bit more reserved with her oaths.

And the way the man holding her release smiles at her used to really bother her. Now it still bothers her, but in a completely different way...

then it's written for the awful ddlg tumblr crowd which is barely better

You know who lovehates being told to wear dresses? Tomboys.

Why are you being so mean?

There's no way that's part of her oath

How is she even gonna fight like that?

>Why are you being so mean?

You do realize that this is Veeky Forums, right? Even Veeky Forums which is one of the nicer boards, is full of salty oldfags who only know how to communicate in poison and vitriol.

Don't take it personally, just stop being such a wuss and enjoy the board.

But if someone's being mean, I'm not just gonna put up with it. I wanna get to the bottom of it.

please DO take it personally
If you want to get to the bottom of this; here's how it is:
You posted a fic written mostly in the second person as if you were expecting us to be the kind of obnoxious tumblrsluts (or sissyfags) who would get off to it.
That's offensive, presumptuous, and denotes bad taste on your side, since only weak-ass betas are into the ddlg dynamic and its culture of mediocrity.

I've posted it on Veeky Forums before and people seemed to like it. You're the only one who's gotten mad. And the only problem you seem to be able to identify is the audience for whom you assume it was made, not anything relating to its substance, and certainly not anything more concrete than "I, as an individual, do not get off to this."

Oh that's bullshit and you know it.
Did you seriously write a second-person fapfic expecting your reader to NOT assume it was addressed to him/her?
Did you seriously expect me to compliment you on the quality of your writing despite the fact that it's a fapfic I can't fap to?
Fuck no you didn't.
Or maybe you're one of those smut writefags from 4 years ago who circlejerked their pseudo-literary talents instead of writing fappable material?

I've never had it actually appear in a game yet, but I figure that any such item would probably come up as a cursed magic item. Especially to punish an overly sexual Bard.

Twice, both of which I quite like. The stereotypical promiscuous bard woke up locked in one after getting blackout drunk, and a magic focused party with more gold then most nations locked a half dozen problematic succubi in them(complete with dimension anchoring effects) and dumped them into the plane of shadow.

It's not bullshit. /d/-lite threads aren't rare. There's a catalog, remember?
So it seems that you're the outlier. I'm not saying everyone liked it, obviously, but no one got incensed enough to make mean, personal attacks.

That seems cruel and unusual for a succubus. At that point you might as well kill them.

Regardless, you don't deserve to be praised for indulging people's ddlg or sissy fetish in a pseudo-ERP format, you deserve to be insulted and shamed for that.

I'm sorry to have wasted your time.

Chill faggot. Don't kinkshame somebody just because you're salty. Nobody's calling you out on whatever shitty /d/ fetishes YOU enjoy. Yes, the story was garbage and not really on-topic, but damn you've taken it way too personally.

Excellent bait.

No that's not enough: apologize for trying to indulge people's ddlg or sissy fetish, and for sharing it.
And promise you'll never do it again and get better tastes from now on.

No you don't understand; I'm not kinkshaming him because I'm salty so much as because he deserves it.
And I rightfully took it personally since it was posted in response to one of my posts, assuming I'd enjoy it, and written in the second person. I'd have to be a fucking idiot to not take it personally.

>excellent bait
why the fuck are you answering to a post like it's completely genuine if you believe it's bait?
Jesus fuck Veeky Forums is obsessed with that word.

Even if you "take it personally" in the sense of "thinking it was posted exclusively for your reading pleasure", that doesn't explain why you've decided to take it as such an insult.

Don't tell me you're one of those people who only likes really abusive diaper fetish nonsense and makes the threads on /d/ unbearable. It's no fun if there's not love and affection involved.

Your brain is all fucked up if you believe anything you've written there.
And not in a fun quirky way, more like in a "kicking dogs is a valid way of showing them your affection" way.

>Even if you "take it personally" in the sense of "thinking it was posted exclusively for your reading pleasure", that doesn't explain why you've decided to take it as such an insult.
How about disgust?
How's that for a motivation?

>more like in a "kicking dogs is a valid way of showing them your affection" way
Could you please explain to me, point-by-point, how you got to there?

Why not another woman of her order who's taken the same vow?
Who better to train her to get used to it after all?

diapers are for sphincter cripples
making someone wear them is belittling
belittling people is abusive
abusing people is not a valid display of love and affection

I'm willing to take back what I said if you're aware of those things and just using the "love and affection" theme in an sarcastic way to make the situation even crueler, which is at least understandable.

BDSM is not abuse. I actually was abused as a kid. I assure you, my fondness for affection embarrassment is entirely sincere, and if you can't appreciate how that works, then you have no business being involved in kink.

>Tomboy ladyknight
>Under her amor she wars diapers and a chastity belt
>She does so because her cleric told her so

Hey, let it play out as you like. That's the beauty of it.

>She proudly tells anyone who wants to hear about it that she wears them
>"They're a sign of my religious devotion and chastity, all the great heroes of the realm wear them!"
>The cleric tries very hard not to die of laughter and gives the knight a thumbs up


you deserve more abuse, clearly, because you don't understand how cruelty works (and neither do most S&Mfags)

Call a locksmith!

If they can be taken off frequently what exactly is the point of them?

Well, they were originally designed for women workers during the industrial revolution, so they could "protect their virtue" in the workplace. So they'd wear it all day and remove it once they got home. But for most of their history they've mostly been--in essence--a fetish item.

Taking them off for a five minute cleaning isn't such a big deal as long as the wearer doesn't have the key, so she has to go to someone else.

Only twice I can recall. Evil empress put such a device on her husband. Other time different game and DM, the pantheon of gods fastened a belt on a goddess because she wouldn't stop breeding with people and animals and filling the setting with demigods.

>Thread about chastity is taken over by diapers
Now I know how dragonfags feel about vore

You mad?

No just disgusted.


Not really?
I've picked up too many fetishes to really be disgusted by much (body hair and rolls of fat are pretty much the only thing I don't like) to really be disgusted, I just find chastity FAR more interesting than diapers

No, that's stupid.

There's a small slit or a bunch of holes, not enough to allow penetration or, generally, stimulation.

Then how does the diaper get changed?

By shitposting on Veeky Forums, shit empties out of the diaper and into the keyboard. Eventually finding it's way here via like OPs

>fetish thread


Whoever keeps her locked removes the chastity belt to change her

What if she's traveling separately fro her keyholder?

What a moronic waste of trips. Your image has absolutely no relevance to the post you replied to. Go back to your containment board, whichever one it may be, and never return.