Let's say humans are bronze age Romans, elves are Mongols, dwarves are pre-gunpowder Ottomans...

Let's say humans are bronze age Romans, elves are Mongols, dwarves are pre-gunpowder Ottomans, and halflings are gypsies. Who wins in a gigantic war?

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1. Terrible setting, as in utter dogshit.

2. The elves are almost certain to win that.

>Humans who are only good at one military Doctrine
>Elves whose mounted cavalry is a hard counter to that one Doctrine
>Dwarves without the best and most useful parts of the Ottomans
>Halfings who are fucking Gypsies

Gee Op, isn't it obvious

The Halflings would win obviously. They'd be able to Carmen Sandiego everyone's weapons away before they even knew what was happening.

Mongols of course.

>implying romans didnt BTFO scythian mounted armies during the height of their reign
humans win in a landslide

1. They didn't.
2. Carrhae.
3. Mongols are an entirely different entity to scythians.

I'm pretty sure the Romans never colonised Russia.

Obviously Elves. Doesn't even matter which boring stereotype they were. When you live forever, you tend to get really good at stuff. Humans, Dwarves and Halflings would just get fucked by Elvish warriors with decades if not centuries of experience in warcraft.

Romans couldn't defeat the Parthians, who fought largely as horse archers. The Mongols were much more powerful than the Parthians. And no, the Romans didn't BTFO of the Eurasian steppes, they couldn't even conquer what is now Germany and so didn't even get that far.

Fucking tard.

I assume he means Parthians, not Scythians.

Always mongols

Whi- err... humans.

they did

they never colonised, they fought some battles.

I must have missed the famous campaigns into the Russian steppe. Do you mind linking me to some?

they never invaded the russian steppe. they fought near the borders and the scythians fucked off after getting rekt.

What were the names of these battles?


I knew they fought but I stand corrected, Rome got BTFO


Mongols win.

Elves as they're usually depicted would make dogshit horse archers. I'm handing it to the humans if dwarf culture remains Turkic, and to the dwarves if not.

They would be defeated for the same reasons China was always defeated by them yet medieval Europe fared well better.

They did though. That's how Romania was born.