"It's Sunday in an alternate world" Edition

"It's Sunday in an alternate world" Edition

Welcome to the thread for discussing JoJo themed Veeky Forums

Previous thread: For a quick Stand, use the following method-
Hit random for the name.
Same deal for the powers.
OR just use

Then, write it up

Everything you ever wanted to know about Stands, but were too afraid to ask.

We also have a stand archive now!

Systems and the thread question in the next post

Other urls found in this thread:


HOW DO I INTO JOJO Veeky Forums? (In no particular order)
>Mutants & Masterminds
>Marvel Heroic
>Savage Worlds
>Monsters and Other Childish Things
>Don't Rest Your Head
>Shadowrun (Adept or Mystic Adept with a Geas of POSING)
>Wild Talents (WIP houserules here: pastebin.com/bQqAMV5k (embed))
>Monsters and other Childish Things
>d10 system being worked on by Veeky Forums docs.google.com/document/d/1tgHTQY5OfUQMxXNLbBQd-Wrwv5fLSax-RGOsXuUUmIs/edit

Thread Question
>What would an alternate-world version of a character in the series or your campaign be?

>>What would an alternate-world version of a character in the series or your campaign be?

Honestly I would revisit the ORIGINAL world before it got unwrote, because we don't know whatever became of the residents of Morioh-Cho, or the protagonists of Part 5. Part 6 basically killing the whole universe basically put a kibash on any generational continuation.

I've always been interested in exploring the idea of the Diamonds mentioned by alt-universe Diego in Part 7. They must be important if that version of Funny Valentine is going through just as much trouble as the Main Universe version to get them

>What would an alternate-world version of a character in the series or your campaign be?
Closest I've got is yet another user of The World, though it's renamed, works slightly differently and might not be a punchghost.
By works slightly differently, it still stops time the same, it's just that normal time stops only go about as long as Jotaro's and work about the same as Star Platinum's with ~1 second of stopped time, but it can be pushed at great strain on the heart.
So he can stop time for like 10 seconds, but he'll need to spend most of that time running away so he can safely hyperventilate/have a heart attack, and as I said I'm considering not giving it a massive physical presence, like maybe at most a limb.


My campaign is set in the Original Continuity, but if Pucci somehow got dunked before resetting the world.
We explained it away by saying that Giorno decided to show up after putting two and two together and realized that the mystical force pulling the sons of Dio to Pucci and the stand related bullshit affecting the whole world were related.

what's wrong with Jotaro and Star Platinum, why he's called JoJo, why is Jolyne right leg so THICC, why is Giorno from part 5 of JoJo, while everyone else from that part has it named GioGio

Why is Pucci named "PTTI", why is Fungami Yuya called "U-Yeah!", why is Yoshikage Kira "KILL-A", why, why, why?!

Why is Trish's thigh thicker then her torso, why does Iggy's ears look so huge, why does Bruno have a face better suited for a loli, Why is Vanilla Ice black.

I'm considering running an one-shot game online. It'd be my first time GMing. I'm thinking about using a simple, homebrew diceless system, cannibalizing some game mechanics I've seen around.

Any tips for a first time GM? I'm currently wondering what I can do to my players that wouldn't feel like an ass-pull or taking control of their characters (or associated NPCs). From minor stuff to "you all start in front of your favorite restaurant, which coincidentally is the same as everyone else" to understandable "the enemy breaks your leg, then taakes the chance to run away" and finally more major "your parent/grandparent/special other expresses their displeasure with your actions."

Diceless systems are pretty hard. I still suggest using some sort of point-pool system that players could use to show priority between actions.

What would be a good Stand for a BBEG that's a governor? He's supposed to be kinda like M. Bison.

Name or abilities? For abilities, mind control, large area control, tax control might work.

Abilities. I considered mind control, but that seems like it might be hard to pull off as a final fight.

I'm planning on players having a pool of points they can spend trying to accomplish actions. Their success is related to the amount of points they spend plus a bonus from stat or whatever, if any. They regain 1 point after successfully completing an action, or a full refresh after the end of a "session". I'm just unsure how many points I should give players, and how should I treat opposing actions (for example, an attack against a defending enemy). Also, I'm unsure how strong an enemy should be, since it'd be easy for players to gang up against a lone enemy.

So you want a Stand with some physical prowess that allow your BBEG to fight multiple players at once?

>So you want a Stand with some physical prowess that allow your BBEG to fight multiple players at once?
Yeah, basically. I've had trouble finding the appropriate power for it.

Just had a bossfight where the user reanimated four other dead stand users from his organization. Turns out it was quite a match, they killed him but 2/3 of the party died.

Remember that fights don't have to be party v the bad guy, it would make sense if there were more than one baddie fighting at a time. Consider pairing or grouping them up.

True. But I'm specifically thinking about when/if they fight a lone Stand user.

I'm thinking the one-shot could go: introduction (players learn about the problem), conflict (this one likely a fight), search for information (make sure to give opportunities for clever use of stands), another conflict, and from that point escalate until the final conflict (likely a fight).

I found that my players usually can only fit in 2 enemy stand users per a 4-6 hour session. Either 2 one man encounters or a single one pair encounter.

I know that seems low but the pace is actually perfect for us. Only rarely do we have something crazy, like today's single boss encounter plus a new enemy and 4 revived stand users.


Anyone here ever tried doing some worldbuilding with the Pillar Men civilization? Got any bits you would like to share?

I've been toying around with how their society might have functioned. What the adults and the children (if there were any at the time) might have done to pass the time. As well as their technological level and relationship with the human tribes they (possibly?) ruled over.

Unfortunately I'm having trouble determining just where their subterranean city would have been, as well as their exact total population. (At least enough to avoid genetic defects, right? Or maybe it wasn't that much of a problem for them, as they all looked very different from each other. Higher chance of mutation?)

They all used to lived in Mexico, didn't they? Or was it somewhere else in South America? I'm not the greatest when it comes to geography, so I'm having some trouble finding a place for them in Mexico.

Maybe they were from around the Andes Mountains? It kinda fits the landscape from the anime, and there used to be ancient human civilizations there.

Andes are huge, you'd have to be more specific. I'd put them at somewhat around where Mayans used to live.

I doubt Pillar Men lived in a society that was even remotely close to ours - they certainly have an insanely heavy hierachical structure, but also maintained some individualism. I even doubt they had reproduced like people.

The Pillar Men can eat by simply absorbing the weaker lifeforms. Why do they have a mouth then? Do they really need noses as well? If such organisms really existed, I doubt they'd look like they do in the show. So, it leads me to believe...

The Pillar Men look like humans, but are an entirely different species which looks like that as a disguise. Both vampires and Pillar Men look similar to both each other and humans, so it would make sense that the Pillar men took on this form in order to lure in their prey. It could also be in order to be worshipped like gods and get food as sacrifices easier.

Like what you want to play a Pillarman?

What's its stats and ability Veeky Forums