Who else is afraid of making attractive female characters?

Who else is afraid of making attractive female characters?

I just don't want to be seen as "That Guy".

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I just don't want DM to be aggressively hitting on me through IC dialogue.

Guys shouldn't RP as girls.

My current character is a female cavalier with pretty good CHA. I got some looks during our first session, but I told them I rolled for my characters class, race and gender (I didn't)

>not narrating your character's words and deeds in the third person

I don't make female characters at all because of this.

Not me because I am not an autist who gets fidgetty on the idea having to act like somebody I am not. Pretty sure half the people here aren't suave womanizers despite playing "I FUCK EVERYTHING" bards.

>all characters should explicitly be self-inserts
That's ten times more weird than a guy playing a girl and just as weird as them playing a girl for fetish reasons.

The trick is to say "they're attractive" and leave it at that. You're not That Guy unless you start going on about her rack or shit like that.

I seem to accidentally make all of my female characters incredibly cute. Of course, my particular taste in cute is more on the tomboyish side, so I don't think anyone's caught on yet.

Better idea: women shouldn't roleplay. There, I've just solved 60% of OoC drama.

Don't get defensive because you like pretending that you have a vagina, user. And if you have to make a character a girl just to distance them from you then you're probably creatively bankrupt.

>I just don't want to be seen as "That Guy".
You are only a That Guy if you act like T&A will get you more in game just for being there, and get mad when it doesn't.

nobody will give a shit if you make an attractive character so long as thats not the only character you make. theres one guy i know where all of his characters are chicks... for no reason. he's that guy.

on the flipside most of our players have played chicks every now and again just for the memes, like im going to make a character next campaign thats just a nuts aryan warlock chick and itll be cool BUT if i did that every campaign itd be weird

Back in the ancient Greece, actors portraying female roles were always male.
Young lovers of old men in position of power were also always male.
Maybe you're onto something there...

I used to play D&D with a guy who always wanted to play girls, especially attractive girls who looked Keira Knightley or Mandy Moore.

Years later, I look him up on Facebook and he's a woman now.

Never did get the appeal of playing a woman. Now I know.

Wow, that's like three strawmen in one post. Really pushing the envelope on >implying today.

For real though, how does any of that in any way track to or address what I said? Get real or get bent, stranger.

I want to lick those calves.

calves wanna lick u

Then just make a crotchety old lady and call it a day.

Kek, I'm female and even I can't do it for fear of tumblrtards in our group getting triggered.

I need to find new people to play with, but I live in a college town so it's unsurprisingly difficult to find people who don't get offended so easily, male or female.


>get off my ass and join a group after being absent for 5-6 years
>3 female characters in our party, players are male and female
>two of the characters are fat and one is an androgynous genderclown with obscure pronouns
>one girl showed us art of her hamplanet character she commissioned, and everyone backpatted each other over how progressive and nonsexualised it all was
what the fuck is this?

The future you chose.

I call it a grave.

>for no reason
It's probably for the reason that he enjoys playing female characters, actually.

You can always lie down and die in it.

They sound pretty happy though. Maybe you should find a new group.

he never did anything that would imply this tho.

Smart people shouldn't roleplay as dumb people.

Brown people shouldn't roleplay as whit people.

He did, actually, when he decided to play as females exclusively.

Ironically, my magical realm protects me from this.

No one is allowed to have a better unarmed stat than me at the table even if you're playing a monk, and I'm playing a bard, because I can beat up all the nerds in this hobby.

:^) whatever you say bud good to know you know more about this dude i play with than any of his groupmates do

Oh man totally, remember all the problems you had when you roleplayed with a girl that one time?
Oh, wait.


I wouldn't be afraid of playing these ones, they're all covered up.


> I just don't want to be seen as "That Guy".
"That Guy"-ism is a myth, nothing more than a critical failure of communicating your intent to the GM and the group in general.

If you had a better group or better social skills, you wouldn't have this problem, much less consider being afraid of it.

Dubs of truth.


Fuck, I know how you feel; gotta fucking fight not to trigger them when I'm fucking GMing here.

I mean come on, you're playing Adeptus Evangelion, yet you're still triggered by depression why are you even here?

It's even more sad when I can't even make terrorist jokes 'because I'm not racially aware enough'.

Bitch, I'm wearing a hijab ffs, who do you think you are?

>all of his characters are chicks... for no reason
Well, if he's anything like me, he likes playing women in games because he would rather watch an attractive woman running around than a guy, and probably has a decent enough imagination to picture all the scenes in his head.

But that could just be me.

This might be teeg but it's still 4chins.

There's a person here to hate everything. Every single thing. And nobody is afraid to vocalise it.

/ss/ truly is the thinking man's fetish.

I have no such qualms.

But I'm a girl.

I operate on the assumption that every character, unless specified otherwise, is attractive. Like Hollywood does.

Idk alot of the grills in our groups like shotas, i think most women who play pathfinder or other table top role-playing games are fucking fujoshis.

/ss/ is the fetish of the man who lost his ability to attract women in any capacity upon reaching puberty

This is the only reason I make male characters anymore.
Otherwise I'd always make a lady character.


much like cuckoldry

You poor soul

I like to play female characters because I like to read novels and watch shows that have feasible, reliable female characters, not just T&A bait to draw the money in. I play an old (260 years) dwarf monk who was exiled from her Hill when she, as a clanless, refused to marry a young higher-up noble (they were close in age at the time). She left, wandered and explored and learned about herself as more than some clanless nobody burdened with chores and guilt. Found a temple and converted it into a home, which eventually became a monastery as people came and stayed to help. Now, she's off on adventures to pay the enormous fee the religion that owned the temple levied on her (about 65 years of back taxes, basically). She just wants to go back to her monastery and live her days in peace.

My other character is a young gnome barbarian who made a pact with a lesser Fey in order to save her town from a goblin siege. (Dex build Barbarian, so we fluffed it as a Fey aura that gives her more fluid moving rages) Now she's a convict under the employ of the local ruler as an alternative to hanging, and her status as a local hero is now tarnished. She was captured after slaying twelve guards and trying to assassinate an official; the Fey took control of her body when she refused to kill for him.

tl;dr I like female characters because I grew up seeing male characters saving the day, so I like seeing others get the chance to be awesome and heroic, too. Also, who cares so long as you're not an ass about it.

I actively banned all female characters from my PC's and as a GM make no female NPC's

Game is literally 10x better for it.

Gr8 b8 m8.

Thing i've learned from Veeky Forums is that the "that guy" is usually the one making the accusation and multiple people in a group. Its just a herd mentality.

humans shouldn't RP as orcs
commoners shouldn't RP as adventurers



Unless character is explicitly called ugly AND preferably has specific trait for that - they are all straight from Hollywood.


The straightest of all shotacons.

I'm not. I play whatever I want, hot, ugly, loli, futa, etc.

Talk with your party about it. Let them know what's up and make sure they're okay with it.

We had three guys roleplay as women in our last campaign. Respect the character, recognize that it's just a character, and no harm no foul. If they start hitting on you IC, tell them that it bugs you and to either bluebook that shit or make dice rolls rather than try to speak what they want to say.

Also, make sure your character is interesting. Don't make her a Mary Sue and you probably won't have any trouble with being That Guy.

This. I have to deal with enough guys LARPing as girls in real life nowadays.

When i'm writing NPCs usually the NPC will form itself like they talk to me, like they have their own voice that I need to find. Gender is part of that.

When playing female characters I make them attractive if it fits the role.

I'm gonna need a sauce on this. Google does nothing, even with searching it on my own without the use of the extension.

m8, they're either wearing hijabs or nuns, of all times you could live in and not know about this, you chose this one.

Not really. Beauty is one of the most important female virtues.

I'm talking that specific picture user

Fuck even that I could do properly, I am sorry I failed you friend-user.


I'm the nigga

I make the characters as attractive as makes sense for that character. If you don't make it any more intrusively about that than you do their constitution or dexterity, you're fine.

I don't make female characters because I realise I couldn't roleplay worth a damn as a female.

>Brown people shouldn't roleplay as whit people.
No, this is desirable but unrealistic. While people should never be allowed to roleplay as brown people.
And I'm not talking about games here.




I never did it because I assumed it would be weird. Eventually i made a male changeling character. The DM informed me after I already built my character changelings had to be female (something I don't really know how I missed)

Turns out it's not weird at all, because unless you're self inserting or getting off on it, it's no different than playing another race, age, social class, ect.

I approach roleplaying like telling a story and it's not weird for a story to have a female character in it, so why should it be weird to play one?

> that one time

Its funny that you would mention that because the worst experiences in Tabletop where whenever we had a woman in the group or a dude wanted to introduce his current gf to the hobby.

I hate YOU

>orange eyes on the right
For a second I thought you meant roleplaying as an Honoured Matre.

Never let people play together with their partners. This is GM'ing 101.

Don't allow it in your games, then. You don't have any say in what other groups do, though, so I'm gonna go roll up a cute female bard or something, if you'll excuse me.

>People who can't conjure fireballs IRL shouldn't play wizards
>People who can't shapeshift into a bear shouldn't play druids
>People who can't work magic through music shouldn't play bards

I agree. It's almost always cringe and in the best case scenario there's no reason for them to do it in the first place. Unless there's an explicit limitation (ie witch elves are female and Orcs are all male in warhammer age of reckoning) I'd really prefer if people just stuck to what they're familiar with

Female players playing male characters is almost never an issue since they are much much much less likely to be gross fapbait autists about the whole affair, but sometimes they have weird ideas about masculinity that just come across as silly to actual dudes

There's nothing more homosexual than a group of men getting together and narrating their female character's sexual exploits to one another. Actual homosexual intercourse makes you less of a faggot than doing this awful shit

This entire post is sorta sad.
You are telling people they are playing pretend wrong because of your own sexual hangups and the possibility someone may roleplay poorly.
Which considering it's Veeky Forums and most of you don't play games, I guess is something you would assume. When you have no idea what others do, you assume everyone feels the same you do.
>much much much less likely to be gross fapbait autists about the whole affair
I have never seen this in the entirety of the some 20 years of roleplaying. I fully believe now that this is an internet meme propagated until it's a self fulfilling prophecy, people mistaking erp and trolls for actual players.
>I'd really prefer if people just stuck to what they're familiar with
Well, human males only in your games, I wager. Do you realize how stupid that is?

>Who else is afraid of making attractive female characters?
No, why would it make you That Guy?

I'm afraid of women full stop period.

Alright, I was always of the opinion that guys should just stick to dudes, and I lived by that rule for quite some time.

And then one day during character creation for a narrative driven campaign I realized the Character I wanted to make made a lot more sense as a female. It wasn't sexual, it just made for a better story if the Character was a woman. I was resistant to the thought, but i talked with my DM and he told me to go for it.

I'm very glad i did. It was an enjoyable and compelling character that made the campaign more interesting. Now did i make mistakes? Probably, I am not a woman after all, but i'm not a Paladin or a Tacticool operator either. That doesn't stop me from enjoying playing those characters.

The fact of the matter is that the whole point is to play a role, and if that role is female, well as long as you aren't a creeper about it I see no reason it has to be a problem. Plus if you actually know your group then they aren't going to give you shit for just rolling a female character. If you do something to earn it maybe, like making it erp sure, but not just for rolling a character of the opposite gender.

I will play what the dice decide.

That means that I've had to play female characters too.Some were attractive, some were hags, all knew how to use their skills to the best of their abilities. Sometimes that was using feminine wiles to lower the defense of a mark or help convince NPC's into working with the party. Sometimes it was to be a member of a traveling freak show. Sometimes it was to straight up be a complete whore if it meant getting free shit.

Most of the time though my dice are cooperative during character creation and I get to play classes that let me murder hobo as I'd like.

If you can't handle someone playing a character that they rolled, you shouldn't be in the game.

It's not about sexual hangups, it's about not wanting people to embarrass themselves in public.

If you really want to play with girls you can always just join a group with female players. I promise you they don't bite.

People doing what the OP describes is exactly why the hobby has such negative connotations for a lot of people. The ENDLESS magical realm bullshit threads and thinly veiled attempts at masturbatory material that get posted here every day is more than enough proof that this garbage happens even if they won't admit it in public.

I prefer that my games not go more lewd than minor flirting and a fade to black so people can get back to actually playing the game.