Reasons to justify female adventurers?

Well, I'm not trying to start -4 Str argument or anything.

Even in fantasy settings where men and women have no difference in there physical capability, female adventurers have kind of more 'risk' associated with them than their male counterparts, in my opinion.

(Might be Magical Realm-y, but anyway) Like sexual abuse, rape, forced pregnancy, sold to (sexual) slavery and that kind of a thing. Even from horny monsters too depending on the setting.

My question is, what would be some 'general' reasons for women to choose to become adventurers when those 'risks' are prevalent?
Being an adventurer means that you will go into the wilds where you are not going to be protected by law inforcements or sorts. More chance of being faced with danger.

Well, there can be many 'personal' reasons like 'I want to revenge,' 'I want to be free from my family' sort of things, but I'm curious what can be some 'general' reasons, or merits for womens in the fantasy setting to choose to become an adventurer despite the obvious risks. Any thoughts?

Even in fantasy settings where men and women have no difference in there physical capability, male adventurers have kind of more 'risk' associated with them than their female counterparts, in my opinion.

(Might be Magical Realm-y, but anyway) Like succubi, nymphs, Drow, sold to (military) slavery and that kind of a thing. Even from horny monstergirls too depending on the setting.

My question is, what would be some 'general' reasons for men to choose to become adventurers when those 'risks' are prevalent?

>Like sexual abuse, rape, forced pregnancy, sold to (sexual) slavery and that kind of a thing. Even from horny monsters too depending on the setting.
If you think men are immune to any of those things in a fantasy RPG, you're an idiot.

If anything men are MORE prone to these issues: nymphs, dryads, succubi, hags, bee-people (or worse, WASP or SPIDER people, because male pregnancy works when you get eggs laid inside you), sirens, lamia (the monsters, not snake people), etc etc etc.

And that's not even specific to a game - that's just MYTHOLOGY.

Perhaps magic is metaphysically or culturally restricted to women, and what kind of fucking idiot goes on a dangerous adventure without at least two kinds of sorceresses in tow?

When monsters kidnap and rape men, it's a "risk they have to take", when there's an obscure monster that lives in the middle of bumfuck nowhere that can be bludgeoned to death by a freshly-minted adventurer that rapes women, suddenly IT'S AN OUTRAGE.

They're female and adventure. If that's not something appropriate for women to do in your world, they are an outlier eschewing their gender roles. That adds interesting drama to the character.

Maybe in your world it's more appropriate for females to adventure for one race, but another thinks it's wrong. That adds complications and depth to the races.

Poverty, greed, curiosity, thirst for adventure, etc.

If adventurers are willing to take the risk of getting killed, why wouldn't they take the risk of getting enslaved? After all, adventurers deem themselves capable enough to overcome these risks, else they wouldn't go on adventures, would they?

Fucking this, everyone is getting raped

I figure anyone dumb enough to risk life and limb in the pursuit of coins and the occasional valuable antique is a special kind of stupid.

Men and women, it'a a bad time.

>general reasons women would adventure
Well there is Then you could do basically any motivation a male character would have outside of "save the princess to become king". Might even have that as a option depending on story/setting.

Anyway, you started a -4 str thread because you're an idiot. What would have been better would be asking for character motivations and "what do you think would be specific to men, women, or both genders Veeky Forums?"


Everybody risks getting killed, robbed, enslaved, and raped while adventuring. Bandits give no shits whose freshly toothless face they fuck.

Additionally, there's all kinds of adventuring for all kinds of reasons. If adventuring is lucrative, people get desperate, or the adventure's just fun enough people will do it. Prostitutes have in the real world been pressed into military service as conscripts and field engineers when shit got dire. A noble girl got stuck in a nunnery, hated doing her chores, gathered a bunch of murderers in the woods and besieged/captured her convent. Real life gets fucking crazy. People who say that women didn't see service in standard armies as a rule aren't wrong, they're just missing the point if we're talking D&D and adventure.

I should have noted that it's not just one or two prostitutes here and there, but there are institutes of brothels or bands of camp followers being pressed into service en mass.

This. Women can't handle the realities of the world and get pissed when it's not like their tumblr hugbox.

>Reasons to justify female adventurers?
Because you wanna play one.
>Might be Magical Realm-y, but anyway
It is. Just don't include that and voila: it doesn't exist.
>My question is, what would be some 'general' reasons for women to choose to become adventurers when those 'risks' are prevalent?
You are inventing the problem. The solution is to not do that.
>can be some 'general' reasons, or merits for womens in the fantasy setting to choose to become an adventurer despite the obvious risks.
Money and fame.

god you sjws just can't stand any sense, logic, structure, tradition, or fun, can you?

You're a retard. Just keep your magical realm off the table, and the problem no-longer exists at all.

It's a game. Go play it. You don't have to pretend to rape women while doing so. Fight a fucking orc.

there is 0 reason for the orc to not rape soft, weak female flesh. stop forcing your goddamned sjw fantasy realm into everyone else's logical physics

You're ignoring the part where this situation occurring in a game requires that you include it in the game. Just don't do that.

Also: orc boys like orc girls. Problem solved. Again.

>Well, I'm not trying to start -4 Str argument or anything.


oh for christ sake women have the exact same ambition and intentions for doing everything as men do, they're just smaller and weaker than us.

pic related, a woman with male tier sense of humour

>there is 0 reason for the orc to not rape
theres also 0 reason for it to rape.

god you fucking nerds need to go outside.

>there is 0 reason for the orc to not rape soft
this, just because it's rape doesn't mean you can't be gentle about it

>0 reason for it to rape
feel gud on dokka down undah
give stronk half ork spawn
hoomiliate hoomies
>0 reason

What do orc women do then? Are they raped, or the rapists?

they are loving and loved wives, house keepers and mothers

orc men only rape other races because they are lesser races and not worth the same respect shown to other orcs.

First, the risks must be established for there to be the threat of them. If there are gendered risks, where one might be more suseptable to those threats, they'd need to be laid out.

The problem I see here is that a typical fantasy setting would likely have the same risks associated in tandem with the real world if one would go into an adventure similar to fantasy characters.

I think it'd be intersting for more homebrewy world settings to have these kind of risks, as such risks could make for good fluff and worldbuilding.

>tfw everyone goes crazy when you try to incorporate the brutal reality of women adventuring into your campaigns

I congratulate you - because you are by far much smarter than the average bear. And to be honest, I love you guys, not only because of this, but because you have had the sense to find your way here and gloriously shitpost.

I was "the smartest kid in the room" for my first dozen jobs. It wasn't until my early 30's until I found myself working within a group of peers. What was startling though, was the realization that many of my problems dealing with society was essentially down to the fact that most people are really.fucking.stupid. It was base humilty that prevented me from realizing that fact even though they had me in advanced classes and programs from 4th grade.

Maybe you don't realize this, and maybe I am giving you a leg up. I am a "Genius", but not in the sci-fi book sense. It is only that I have an IQ that is around 60-80 points higher than the "masses" in my society. I thought my problems in communication were my own, but they were simply limitations in exchanging information with people who can only juggle 3 balls to my 6. Trust me though, I really feel fucking stupid most of the time, and I am. Intelligence is a spectrum, and my analytical IQ is much higher than my emotional IQ.

Of course I am bragging, but also this is a public service. The way I learned this was doing computer support. Very early in my career I was supporting very important and very "Wise" and "Intelligent" people who mostly had simply lost brain plasticity and did not grow up with technology. I still consider many of them to be superior in intellect and wisdom than I, but I now consider myself to be "intellectually" at their level as I grow. At least I hope I will live long enough to understand the wisdom they were operating with.

Do you feel this? Do you know what I am saying?

The median IQ in the world is still around 100 IQ. My IQ was measured in 1994 at 154 and is very likely now somewhat lower because I am an actual crazy person. I would guesstimate the average IQ of Veeky Forums is around 125 and the average IQ of Veeky Forums is 103. [This is of course very scientific but I don't share my methods]

For example, say the party is traveling through an enchanted forest whose inhabitants are known to ambush and spirit away girls/women as part of a cult-like indoctrination to use them as pawns/forest defenders against those very same people entering the forest. (Thank you The Witcher)

I'd be neat for female PCs then, to be potentially captured for that purpose that an all-male party would not worry about. Just a quick example I remembered.


It depends on the setting of course.

If you're running wheel of time, and you want to play a magic user who isn't going to go crazy, it's probably best to roll a woman.

If you're playing Cyberpunk, there's basically zero reason for a female cyborg to be any less capable than a male cyborg.

If you're playing super-realistic medieval peasant simulator 5: then you're in the 5% of Veeky Forums that might have a realistic concern about this question that isn't based solely on hangups.

Fuck that shit, go full magical realm with it.
A forest with women that kidnaps men and entices them with immortality and the booty in exchange for defending the forest.

Wait, there's rules for a WoT PnP??? Why have I not heard of this and do you have a link?

Pretty much the same reasons a man would become an adventurer.

Greed and ambition are the two biggest factors. A chance at riches in the short term and a chance to advance well beyond their station through gold and fame/infamy.

The acquisition of knowledge, wanderlust, the desire for a legacy extending beyond family or children, the need to pay off a debt or attain coinage for a family member/something similar, etc.

Now you could always dig for gender specific things but that's going to come down more to the flavor of your setting.
A girl from the wrong side of the tracks in a Torchlight city may well be facing her only way to have anything in life by adventuring for example.


OP, I've run a few games where I've had to address this issue. It is entirely dependent on setting and tone. I run sci-fi games, but I think there are steps which I took that can be taken at a more general level.

The most relevant example that comes to mind is a 'real robo' Mech game I ran, where the faction the players belonged to had both a reason (compulsory service) and need (fighting a defensive war with heavy losses) to recruit women into the armed forces. Those alone are decent 'reasons' to be involved in war; ideology and necessity are pretty much the most common motivators behind human behaviors, with a dash of biology in there as well. To put it in fantasy/adventuring terms, a female character could simply come from a culture where being an adventurer is both a vaunted and lucrative profession. If there is a reason to be adventuring, then unless the society is heavily patriarchal (which is a totally valid way for a society to be in fiction) there will probably be at least one or two women who hear the call of adventure over its many risks. We know from history that this happened, albeit rarely, and it's far from unreasonable for it to happen in a fantasy setting where you're making the rules. Adventurers are by definition exceptional people; they are the exception, and they operate both within and without society's rules.

I have other things to say about more specific reasons that could be generalized, but I fear that's just me being nostalgic for long-finished campaigns, so I'll leave it at that.

>Reasons to justify female adventurers?

Because they are prettier.


Not him but I played it. It's 3e with WoT flavoring.

Yes user. Her.

All adventurers are risking death for gold. All other risks are less then death.

Being an adventurer at all is irrealistic in a medieval setting.
Adventurers are basically armed mercenaries who wouldn't survive in the real world by only accepting "good" missions.
And during most of the middle ages they would quickly get killed by the local nobles for wandering with weapons on their lands.

>3e with WoT flavoring
Well fug. Guess I'll have to see about writing up my own rules. Never played CoC, but the insanity system in it sounds like a good basis for male channelers.

That's not like male adventurers are getting prison-raped when they are in jail, thats not like they are sodomized by the omegas of the orc tribe if they are captured by them.
But no, some people here are indeed saying female players are shitlords if their characters are raped because of an oddly selective form of realism...

Female adventurers are adventurers because they don't get a -4 str because it would be annoying.
Female characters are not raped because most players don't want to have their characters raped, whether or not they are male or females.

merchant adventurer was literally a fucking profession. poor people need not apply.

Probably to escape their male dominated societies and gain control over their lives to try and be more than a home making breeding machine.

That's just a guess though, not being a girl.

Wasn't there an actual Wheel of Time d20 book?

I swear a local group played it.

>not being a girl
Nice try Anonette.

Curses, found out again!

Those added risks of the world aren't absent from the homelands of women. For instance, hitting the road to avoid an arranged marriage to a douchebag is kind of a trope, isn't it?

3E is D20 m8

Yeah, I meant that there was a full hardcover book release, I got the impression they were talking about playing with houserules.

Finding it could be tricky though.

Look at the pulpiest real women in history and draw from that.

For a basic war campaign look at Joan of Arc believed god was telling her to do things. In a setting where they believe in the divine that isn't far fetched. In a setting that has LITERAL GODS it would be a worse fate not to listen.

Adventure on the high sea? Ching Shih was married to the head of a pirate fleet in China. After his death, she took over and raided the Chinese so well they pretty decided to make her the admiral of their navy. OR pretty much half of the Irish songs about privateers.

Diplomacy: Cleopatra.

LotR style trek across the world: like 90% of that was just camping.

GoT style intrigue: even the men get magical realm'd.

High fantasy: fuck you, choose any reason.