Is gnosticism inherently edgy ?


No? Why would it be? It's basically Christianity if it got really stoned in college and got interested in Buddhism.

> ?
frenchman detected

I don't see why it would be.

Well it posits that God is evil and the devil was a martyr who tried to save us from his lies, so yeah, it's pretty edgy.

That's one kind of Gnosticism. There's a bunch more.

Isn't it more like "one side of god is evil and the other is working for the actual god"?

Are you telling me the God in the Old Testament, the guy who regularly just kills people out of anger, is a good guy?

Why frenchman ?

It's pretty much the only internally consistent one, and the one that falls out sooner or later when gnosticism hangs around near Christianity for any length of time.
>If the universe in which we live is a prison, then the guy who made it is our jailer. He says he's good, and so is his world, but we know that's false.
>He also says that Lucifer guy is evil, so that must be a lie.

In Judeo Christian tradition, yeah. He's scary and incomprehensible, but good.

I don't know of any other language where you're supposed to put a space before a question mark.

I don't see the inconsistency here. The Demiurge is a misguided fool, so naturally he is gonna hate satan since he sees him as rebelling against his (illusory) ultimate authority.

God is above god and evil in Judaism.

What's this version of gnosticism called it's very relevant to me for a campaign I'm in. I'm playing a Catholic Character in a modern setting being confronted with the fact that "God" is actually an alien who isolated humanity to protect it, and genetically tweaked us to boost our mental development (the fruit of knowledge), but because he interfered with us the rest of his race considered us and sent their soldier (one of their few) to arrest him and destroy us before we could spread (uplifting races had gone really really bad for them before)

The good alien, the one who wants to protect is, is called Shaitan by the other angel, because that is the name of his crime, so "Satan" is the good guy and Mikaya (Michael) is the bad guy trying to kill us. It's sort of Sentai meets Evangelion as we fight the angels that Shaitan originally created to protect us from a hostile universe, repurposed by Mikaya to destroy us.

Anyway I wanna do more research on gnosticism, what branch is this we're talking about?

I don't think there's a name for it. It's just Christian Gnosticism (opinion is divided on whether Gnosticism predates Christianity.)

Sounds like scientology srs.

This guy walks up to your gf and slaps her ass, then tells you that he is the supreme deity who transcends God and Satan and unites all opposites into one being.

What do?

Scare him off with firecrackers.

We don't know much about gnosticism because they didn't keep good records and the records that did exist were destroyed as heretical. The basics are that the material world is totally evil (as opposed to in Christianity where the material world is essentially good, but tainted by sin) and is the creation of a powerful but not omnipotent being called the demiurge. The demiurge has complete power within the the material world, but he is blind to the higher truth and the world beyond the material world, called Plenora and so mistakenly believes that he is the original and omnipotent God. In some versions, the Demiurge is a misbegotten and crippled child of Sophia, the embodiment of knowledge who inhabits Plenora. Humans are infused with the spark of the divine, and thus are able to grasp the truth through gnosis via meditation and learning secret knowledge. In the Christian version of Gnosticism, Jesus is a messenger from beyond the material world.

He's still good, modern jews just think he created evil so the world to come would be better and those within it would really have earned something.
The Satan(s) in the Old Testament are seen as being part of the Angels and testing men for God.
There is just too much outdated morals in it for our modern sensibilities, even if a lot of it is just Israelistes killing people in war. (But groups of people being evil and all is pretty bad and so are actions of God against whole groups of people)

>God's a liar, so Satan must be good
They're both evil. Campaign starts now.

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