One piece of paper costs as much as two ten feet ladders

>one piece of paper costs as much as two ten feet ladders

Welcome to the pseudo-medieval era, where producing paper without automation is a bitch.


Paper, not parchment or scrolls, but actual modern thin paper was extremely luxurious and expensive in more primitive eras.

Wood literally grows on trees and there was an abundance of it. Paper on the other hand was a big fucking deal and was expensive to make until the 1800s.

Also it's not really a "piece" of paper, but a very large sheet.

at least they fixed the 10 foot ladder to pole exploit.

It's not really an exploit. I'm questioning more the fact that a pole weighs less than a third of a ladder.

the exploit was that in an older edition (3.x i think) a ladder was less than twice the value of a pole, so if you had a dm who did everything by the book you could get infinite money by just buying ladders and breaking them into 2 poles to sell.

>I'm questioning more the fact that a pole weighs less than a third of a ladder.
the rungs have weight as well.

This operates on the assumption that:
>Merchants have infinite money
>Merchants want hundreds, if not thousands of poles

Yep, it's a "this is your brain on videogames" problem.

Also implies that they have hundreds if not thousands of ladders. Not to mention that ladders tend to not be "poles" in the first place

This is such a stupid idea, I love that it got popularized so much despite that.

>go to store
>buy 4 pack of canned green beans
>they only cost the price of 3
>return each can individually
>infinite money!!!

Whelp, people on Veeky Forums making fun of my day job.

I can go into a shop today and buy two ladders with one piece of paper today.

What is this wizardry?

You laugh but this is actually possible to do in real life.

"Can I see your receipt, sir?"

It was never an exploit.
The ladder is made of wood, the pole of iron.

I had a kek, good sir.

But you can haggle the crap out of plenty of places, they want happy customers more than anything. Hell, once when I was broke and hadn't eaten for like two days I called a pizza store and said they owed me a pizza, actually recieved one from them.

in most edditions the pole and ladder are both of unspecified material.

In most editions the weight for the ladder would be that of a wooden ladder, while the weight of the pole would be that of an iron pole.

