Warhammer 40,000 General

The new triumvirate includes the new Njal stormcaster, Tigurius and Ezekiel edition.

>previous thread

>Rules and such. Use Readium for epubs. Sorry, it's shit but it'll read 3s.

>FAQs and errata

>40K 7th Edition Quick Reference Sheets:

>Forge World Book Index:

>The Black Library (Beware of Alpharius)

Other urls found in this thread:


First for Dark Eldar. Remember that Ignores Cover weapons are broken and should be removed from the game.

The Flock to the Front Line rule that the Castellans of the Imperium possess fits for the Imperial Guard but doesn't really fit for Space Marines, Inquisition or Sisters of Battle. What should it be replaced with for units from those Codexes?

2nd for the Omnissiah and the Machine God

Culturally what has changed from the Luna Wolves / Sons of Horus and now the Black Legion? What has tactically changed from their Horus revering days to now under Abbadon?

Do they still behave like the Sons of Horus or could you consider them a new group entirely?

We still can't buy BL books on amazon? I was prepared to give them 16 whole American dollars for the new knight book.

I feel like spending 5 minutes on google finding a copy to steal will be easier than registering an account on their site.

The Black Legion is a mesh-mash of everything. They are nothing like what the Sons of Horus were.

The only thing that unites the Warbands of the Black Legion is their fantical hatred (more focused than other legions/warbands) of the Imperium and their fear and loyalty for Abaddon who is a messianic figure to them.


Dark City Best City


Black Legion players, how do you kit out your Lord? Jump pack with the Raptor Talon you definitely took?

So I've just finished building a sizable IG army and I've turned my attention to my mostly unpainted CSM army. The ones that are painted are Iron Warriors and I intend to paint the rest the same. The one issue I have is after looking up the cool new Legion rules in Traitor Legions I've noticed they seem somewhat... lackluster. Are they actually as bad as they seem to be or am I missing some key element somewhere?

>Power Klaws

He enslaved them just to build a statue of him.
No idea about total warhammer but I image they put a gork face on it.

Lightning raid champs reporting!


Their Warlord Traits and Artifacts are lousy (though they're one of the three Legions that can give 2+ armor to a Daemon Prince, which can combine with Daemon of Tzeentch...).

Obliterator Troops are rather solid though, and Tank Hunters on them AND Havocs is really solid. Autohavocs were mathematically "decent" (good for Chaos at any rate), so Tank Hunters makes them do what they should do, which is pop Rhinos and stuff.

Their super-detachment is also neat if for some reason you want to run a maxed-out Chaos Warband for a lot of Obsec, and just take an Armored Crate as your Auxiliary so your Autohavocs re-roll 1s to hit.

Or you could be cheeky and run three solo Vindicators (and mandatory Warpsmith, sigh) as your Auxiliary, giving one Badab War Legacy so it can outflank, and be disruptive.

I "suppose" you could do a Dinobot build, but I feel Word Bearers do that thing better, since their emphasis on Summoning means they'll have a better chance of getting Cursed Earth in the first place.

As in I1
As in S10
Make sense now?

Then, we learn Later that this Freebootaz Fleet is led by no one less than Kaptin Bluddflagg, now fully canonized!


>he doesn't have HQs with strength D

Would new Celestine look good in Order of the Bloody Rose get up?

Not feeling Brass/gold look

MoN to avoid getting S8 instagib
Always sigil
always meltabomb
weapons vary

>Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage

>SD I1
>Gets killed by 'Eadwoppa's Killchoppa

So, this. Is there anything to it?

I claim this bread for the Omnissiah. Blessed weapons for everyone who isn't an alien or an edgelord.

But every real army has 4++ on their HQ's

>What is the Mega Force Field?

Hi i am an alien AND an edgelord
can i hab one?

People are surmising that with the new sneak peak preview that people are saying could be / is probably Draigo it could make sense we're going to get a new Draigo vs Mortarion grudge match

Saint Sailor Moon would have a day teaching every sister to be less dickish with everyone and use only the power of Friendship like her to boost allies

Does 40k Canonically have time travel/time rifts?

>tfw Bloodthirsters only have a 5++ and a 3+

No. Edgelord Aliens are too heretical.

So has this already made the round here? Wish I had a source.



>4++ against shooting
>100 points

what is the best way for tau to bust through AV 14?

crisis suit w. fusion blasters deep striking behind or close enough to get the extra d6 to AP roll?
lots of hammerheads and heavy rail guns?
stormsurges and those strength D rockets it carries?
broadsides pining for those lucky sixes to glance them to death?
commander farsight himself cutting through them with the dawnblade?

Wish you'd check the fucking thread.

Sort of, ships drop out of the warp from 8,000 years ago

a pre-fall Eldar ship dropped out of the warp oblivious to everything

also the Inquisitors has an Ordo Chronos faction to prevent time travel dickery

Best city confirmed

Couple of posts above you. Also, last thread.
Also also, an entire seperate thread.
Consensus is that it may well be legit, as the GK aegis/psychic hood points towards either Draigo or Stern in plastic, with everybody betting on Draigo, and Mortarion was horribly emberassed by Draigo the last time he showed his ugly mug in real space.

And Ordo Chronos failed.

None on purpose, but yeah.

Ordo Chronos...tell me more user

Well, Motarion is the old model of primarch. Clearly the Nu-Primarchs like Draigo are superior.

Haven't you heard?
Bloodthirsters can get strength D at their native initiative of 9.

SKULLthirsters are the new hotness.

>As if Celestine wouldn't do that when she leaves the Webway and travel to the Order's Headquarters

They track time disturbances, go there and kill everything to avoid time fuckery.

Isn't that only on a roll of a 6 though?
That isn't a reliable way to gauge the effectiveness of wargear though.

It is when you have 7 attacks + rampage, on average that's at least 1 strength D attack.

That's the Harlequin map.

The D axe is collossal, so I1.

They tried to stop time funk but disappeared.

So should jink.

Also IgoUgo.

Yes, so take skullreaver instead.

Sorry but this is a 40k thread.

Nope. Dthirsters are I1. Their axe has Super Unwieldy.

What do you guys think of the Gangs of Commorragh box? I just picked it up, why is the stunclaw so shit? It's literally Hellglaive -1.

The axe affects the model and not the weapon. Dthirster is always I1.

Don't forget that occasionally you can arrive at your destination thousands of years in past.

Scan the rulebook and upload it here. Do Et!

I really do feel like DoWII really, really captured the feel of what Orks are in the 40K universe.

Now that's a Kaptin.
Now that's it man.

Put it on the other Bloodthirster?

You have absolutely no idea what I'm talking about, I'm not saying take the meme thirster with the huge axe, take a bloodthirster with a skullreaver.

gimmie a second to quote it.

Every time is see a ling with that comic i hope someone has actually done a singalong with ragdolled game assets.

I can take pictures I guess. Stand by for dump

Rate my test figure

since patrick is voicing only JJBA atm, i think he would agree to make it, but his orky voice would be a bit rusted

unless he's working voicing some 40k games secretly

Jink can be removed if I can take Flickerfields on Raiders again.

how many people here magnetise or otherwise switch out different weapons on things like dreadnoughts or crisis suits (or any battlesuit for that matter)? it seems like it would be nicer to have the option of swapping weapons on a model when you want to change your list around but obviously you cant do that if you glue shit on. obviously its all aesthetics but it would help with keeping track of individual units and their loadout.

also whats the deal with a crisis suit set of sprues giving you 4 of each weapon so you cant have 3 with the same weapon twin linked unless you bought bits or some shit.

Does anybody have a PDF of Warhammer: The Face of Battle?

Well if it's gonna be a proper homage it'll also need a chorus

If we turned the clock back and dropped superheavies, gargantuans, flyers, formations and allies out of the game, would it really that much more balanced than it is now?

>skullreaver 30 points
>S user ap2 melee, anathema, specialist weapon
>rolls of 6 to hit are resolved at strength D
>take a 20 point greater gift
>blade of blood
>specialist weapon (2ccw bonus), you gain rampage just for having it
>ws10 i9 s7 (furious charge) a7 (rampage) ap2 6s to hit are strength D
That's SKULLthirster


First is reference sheet, which has all the special rules and stats.

Thanks, user.

hey guys i just started getting into 40k.
how often does GW release new miniatures? do releases like armored assault, gangs of com and the triumvirate always happen as quickly as they do?

Combat drugs are very very nice btw.

Betterthanmine/10 Its really good my dude/Lady

I really like the flecktarn design of the camo.

I wouldn't want to paint 200 dudes in it, though.

Looks good, but it also looks like a lot of work. Keep it up.

Onager Gauntlets and Haywire grenades charging in melee

i like it

All the experience level stats are here. Your dudes rank up over time in campaign.

If nothing else, it means when designing a take-all-comers list, there's less you have to keep in mind. You don't need to worry about what'll happen if you face off against someone who brought three flyers, or a whole army of Knights. Reducing that kind of hard skew would improve balance a little. It isn't going to drasticly alter the power rankings - Eldar and Tau will still be on top, Orks and Tyranids at the bottom - but I think the worst of it would be filed off in casual games.

Here are weapon stats, which shows the annoyingly inferior stunclaw.

Nope. CAD only would just make Eldar better than everyone else even more, since they get Scatter Laser troops.

Rather, formations need to be a "tradeoff" almost, a mix of bonus, tax, and maybe the odd drawback. Like, I would be ok with the Riptide Wing IF it required said Riptides to "act as one unit" for all intents and purposes except "extra Victory Points" and not getting "Fire Team". You know, something that isn't "Take a unit that is one of the best units from an army, remove the need to take any other part of the army as a tax, and give it lots of bonuses with no drawbacks."

No, because the game was never actually really balanced.
Eldar would still be the top army, SMs would still out-shoot everything of note, Tau would still be all around powerful, and the bottom armies would still be at the bottom because all the shit you mentioned hasn't made them better.

I'm not including stuff like "What's in the box", "What is dice", and the fluff, but all the rules are here.

No. There would still be grav, d-weapons, invulns everywhere, stacking fnp, stacking psychic powers, muddy nonsensical rules and Eldar.

That's disappointing they don't give new options/loadouts for Hellions.

Murderpack is my new favourite word.


>12 miniatures for 50 bucks
>select the models
Yes GW, because there is so much to chose from your overpriced piece of shit box

Phil Kelly really likes to use the word Murder in whatever he does. I wonder if he's hiding something from his personal life from us.

I mean, the MURDER SWORD Chaos Space Marines have was a bit memetic, but then 7th ed Space Wolves have MURDERFANG, with MURDER CLAWS, and MURDERLUST!

I love the heads but don't like the spekle pattern, looks like he's wearing pajamas

Sorry that some are sideways, I'm using my phone for this. I'll give you guys some good HD stuff when I get home.