I saw an user post this in another thread awhile back. How would Veeky Forums suggest one go about this idea...

I saw an user post this in another thread awhile back. How would Veeky Forums suggest one go about this idea? I assume the best setting for this madness would be modern day, and shadow people make good villains, as do satanists, globalists, and anyone else there are conspiracy theories about.

Help me out, let the imagination run wild. I know some people that would love to play in such a game. I almost feel motivated enough to make a rulebook or something, but for now I'm trying to get things nailed down. Ideas to follow.

So first of all, reptillians are a well-known trope in the area of insane conspiracy theories. They would make a fun player race due to their shape-shifting ability, except they'd also make a perfect villain race.

At any rate, their powers would naturally be that they can disguise themselves easily, with the drawback that they must consume blood and/or human brains to sustain their lives. Not sure what other powers they'd get, but an additional drawback could be that they don't like the cold.

Maybe being too out-in-the-open with their powers leads to a White Wolf breaking the masquerade situation?

>I assume the best setting for this madness would be modern day, and shadow people make good villains, as do satanists, globalists, and anyone else there are conspiracy theories about.
I think there is a slight difference between what you said and what the picture in your post was aiming for.

Theres a difference between a fantasy world where all the details like races or how magic works are inspired by insane conspiracy theories and just our real world except the most batshit conspiracy theories are true.

Though honestly I like both concepts.

Yeah, I'm cognizant of this fact, but I'm not sure which one I like better.

The modern world has lots of exploitability, but also restrictions. A fantastic world inspired by conspiracy theories could be explosively entertaining and fresh, but I'm not sure I know of enough ridiculous shit that doesn't rely on modern technology and in addition you'd have to figure out what the tone would be. Imo, even if the game is humorous the world needs some consistency of its own.

Exploring the ruins of ancient aliens would be a natural dungeon dive, and you'd almost have to have a space ship or something under a pyramid. Perhaps in a Peruvian pyramid you could discover how aliens interbred with humans long ago and that's where psychics come from or some bullshit. Also, that's an excellent excuse to bring up hidden dinosaurs that some think are still around. Perhaps they lurk in ancient caverns beneath the pyramids.

The earth is actually flat and that has to be considered if the players ever have to travel to specific long distance coordinates.
Some place that is high out in the sea for example and can only be reached if those coordinates are applied to a flat model of earth, reading them like the earth is round will only lead to a death trap that was set up to catch those that don't have a deep enough knowledge about the conspiracy underground.

That's not a bad idea. I'm not well-versed in how the flat Earth is supposed to work. Like what's the reason given for how we're supposedly traveling around the world from California to Japan to China if it's all flat?

I'm not that well versed in it either, my original post was a bit longer too but I deleted all stuff I was uncertain about after I realized that I have absolutely no deeper knowledge about the theory.

Here's what wikipedia gave me, all the continents are still freely accessible from every direction and it's all framed by an arctic ring which we would call the north and south pole.

But it is very important people are not aware of this. So the party know it is possible to avoid the law by going over the edge, but everyone else thinks the earth is a sphere.

And I forgot my link, those globalists are trying to keep me from sharing the truth with the fa/tg/uys.

So... us over at the /fvgt/ thread were discussing something like a Living campaign, where several campaigns are run in tangent with one another, and the GM's collaborate to work out how these campaigns interact with one another as part of the same multiverse. If one of you want to step up and actually run this thing after it's fleshed out, it looks like it could work rather well with what we're going for.

Interesting. It could potentially go well with hidden places. Maybe there's a kind of psychic shield around the borders of the world they want you to know about, and it teleports you to the corresponding other part of the shield. I mean it's no less insane than anything else, but still a better explanation might be needed.

At any rate, whatever the cause, perhaps you need special psychic attunement, hidden knowledge, or proper instruction in order to bypass the perceived roundness of the Earth and get into the sections you aren't meant to know about. Not sure what lies in the parts you aren't meant to know of, but there's an idea.

Though that probably does depend on how hard the law wants them.

Commiting a couple of murders and manslaughters?
The regular law enforcers won't find you out there on the edges.

Coming close to exposing the masquerade of the lizard people?
You can bet your ass that they are going to send special forces of their own kind your way, disguised as humans but with none of the typical ignorance that comes with being a human raised by the blue pill.


In the fantasy earth which resembles ours if the conspiracy theories were right all along...
Do they have conspiracies of "sphere earth" and "reptilians are actually just a group of humans wearing masks!", "UFOs aren't real, it's just meteorological phenomena and low flying aircraft!", "Aliens are a hoax!", "You can make crop circles easily, you don't need interstellar science to produce them!"

While that sounds badass as all fuck, I'm currently writing my thesis and I'll need at least a week before I even think about running anything. Feel free to monitor this thread and steal anything you like though. In my spare time I'll try to pack ideas into a text file or PDF if you want it.

At a later date I'd be interested in cooperating with you guys on something like this, though.

So is Alex Jones still a snakes oil saleman or do his brain pills actually make you more intelligent here?

Also how does the meta conspiracy theory that he is a government plant to discredit more legit conspiracy theories by sounding insane play into all of this?

Good grief you'd almost have to include that if you went that route, wouldn't you?

I'd make his brain pills and super male vitality meds work for real, but for a limited amount of time, and the (((globalists))) or whoever the villains you're worried about are just use the list of people who buy that stuff to know who to watch out for.

Alex Jones seems so genuine in the insanity he barks that I don't have the heart to make him a plant. However... if he were done away with and replaced by a clone, that'd be a different story. Alternatively, maybe in your campaign they got to him with some leverage and he's forced to become controlled opposition until the PCs can help.

Right now we're still getting it off the ground. Mostly what we're doing is worldbuilding a setting that feels most like Borderlands, taking elements from Mad Max, Tri-Gun, Fist of the North Star, and other Post-apocalyptic settings to creat a high-action, high-adrenaline setting using Savage Worlds.(a pretty nice system that you could probably use to run this setting as well) We'll alsp probably be a week or two before we start.

Just pick Delta Green or Unknown Armies, depending on whether you want to be opposed to the weirdness of a part of it, and roll from there.

The craziest meta-conspiracy theorists believe they live in a mirror dimension of some sort. "It's why nothing makes any god damned SENSE! Don't you see? Everything is wrong! It's like.. like stories you're not supposed to think about too deeply, but then made real and we're living with the consequences! The world isn't supposed to be like this!"

Alex Jones is right about everything, he is well meaning and idealistic and tries to tell the truth to the public but since it is so absolutely insane nobody, of importance anyway, belives him.

This is also why nobody isn't making moves against him, they see him as absolutely harmless.

His pills actually work and his waterfilters are essential equipment for all of his peers in knowledge though so he's at least known to be a usefull guy among others that know the truth.

While coming up with ideas I had a seriously hard time to not just make something which is essentially just some Unkown Armies level bullshit.

Like before I settled on just thinking up the world to be flat I at first imagined that it is neither flat nor a ball but rather a fluid shape that changes according to whatever shape each person believes it is.

So when a bunch of guys in a ship believe it's round then they can travel the sea using "round earth" rules they believe in and they will reach their destination while a bunch of flat earthers could do the same using their own knowledge about how the seas should be navigated and they could arrive just as well.

If the traveling group is mixed then it's either that the person with different believes didn't pay much attention to the navigation parts and all the others guided that person safely through their own perspective of earth or, if both viewpoints actively tried to navigate then their views would mix in a fucked up way and they would only arrive in the middle of nowhere, which could either be taken figuratively as in not the destination they intended or they literally get stranded in a metaphysical plane that exists and does not exist on our planet at the same time and is the figment of two colliding worldviews that the earth couldn't handle to be formed by.

But fucking hell who knows? No Flatties and Ballers could ever stand to be near each other long enough to ever attempt to ever make such an attempt.

Good idea for the setting, could explain away any inconsistencies at least.


Unknown Armies thread? Was there a nihilist adept school?

It seems this isn't a thread of any franchise.

just play delta green