PETA Asks Games Workshop to Ban ‘Fur’ from Warhammer Characters

>London – Today, PETA fired off a letter to Games Workshop CEO Kevin Rountree asking that the miniatures giant ban “fur” garments from all Warhammer characters.

>“From the mighty Leman Russ and Horus Lupercal to Chaos Warriors and the Sisters of Silence, Warhammer features an abundance of characters who wear what appear to be animal pelts, which just doesn’t add up”, the group says in the letter. “These battle-hardened warriors are known for their martial prowess – but wearing the skins of dead animals doesn’t take any skill.”

>Animals killed for their fur are typically kept in tiny, filthy wire cages before being electrocuted, drowned, or even skinned alive. Or they may be trapped in the wild by horrific bone-crushing steel-jaw traps – which often leave them languishing for days before they eventually die of hunger, thirst, or blood loss.

>And even though Warhammer characters are fictional, PETA (whose motto reads, in part, that “animals are not ours to wear”) notes in the letter that “draping them in what looks to be a replica of a dead animal sends the message that wearing fur is acceptable – when, in fact, it has no more place in 2017 than it would in the year 40,000”.

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Sure, if PETA pays for the costs.


Imagine being that much of a faggot.

>PETA is looking to generate interest in their movement as it has lost traction in recent years
>Try using W40ks spergtastic fan base to spread the word
I think their plan succeeded

I don't really think they are generating the right kind of interest.

Fuck these people are psycho.
>let's ban little metal spacemen from wearing what looks like fur!
Normally I'd just laugh this shit off but these people are nuts, I seriously would not be surprised if they tried to make a big deal of this

PETA really has nothing to do eh?

Didn't say it was, but you know the old show business adage
>Any coverage is good coverage

Everyone agrees that animals gets treated like shit. But noone does anything

There are quiet animal organisations that do good work and noone gives a shit or donates.

And there are loud ones like PETA that generate controversy and act like arseholes and everyone talks about them.

Get nothing done and be nice
Get something done and have your cause hated.

There's no winning for anyone here.

They're not human user, they've also shown time and again to not even be sentient, they are literally our play things, treating them like shit is still treating them better than we have historically treated other cultures

The Female Ghostbuster proved it's absolutely not true. Still, yes, a lot of people still believe it.

Frankly user most people seem to get more concerned about animal welfare than human welfare. I hate to think of any critter suffering too, but I am put out at how some folk would step over a dying baby in order to save a kitten with a cold.

I'd call it a win for GW if they rushed a bunch of finecast/metal models covered head to toe in animal pelts. What was the turnaround time for that pfist/bolter finecast captain? Just a few months, right?

I believe in GW. They can do this.

Space Furries get REKT

I'm a vegan and I think PETA is a bunch of moronic faggot assholes. Fuck them.

I would much rather save a kitten than a starving nigglet
Only edgy faggots support human welfare as they want more bulls to be born for their wives
Normal people support animal welfare so cows can live in pastures in comfy lifestyles before we eat them rather than cows living in awful factory farm conditions their entire life

As long as felinids are still canon

i get your point but it doesn't really apply to peta. they don't really care about animal rights. There shelters have some the highest kill rates, so high they're not even allowed to call themselves shelters in some states. or they pull stunts like kidnapping dogs from people's yards to euthanize.

there are genuine animal rights groups, peta isn't one of them.

If you wouldn't curbstomp a baby for the sake of something like a dog, especially a brown baby, you're a bad person

has peta not heard of fake fur?

>Getting things done

>In the grimm darkness of the far future people has to advide to what SJW and faggots believe
Fuck this people already

>Animals killed for their fur are typically kept in tiny, filthy wire cages before being electrocuted, drowned, or even skinned alive. Or they may be trapped in the wild by horrific bone-crushing steel-jaw traps – which often leave them languishing for days before they eventually die of hunger, thirst, or blood loss.
Sounds less grimdark than half the shit the imperium does.

Literally have a better life than the average human of the Imperium, the fuck?

They don't even respect intelligent xenos much less fucking stupid animals

Your understanding of human psychology is poor, my cringelord friend.

>this is actually a thing

Jesus wept

Yeah, it's really hard to understand retards, I try but I can't graps some of the ideas that go through their minds.

>And while we appreciate that these are fictional characters, draping them in what looks to be a replica of a dead animal sends the message that wearing fur is acceptable – when, in fact, it has no more place in 2017 than it would in the year 40,000.

Exactly, it's about time someone finally brought this terrible injustice to light.

Isn't this game dark, grim filled with unfairness, death, racism, xenophobia, etc? why the fuck would make any sense to have equality of gender and animal rights?

What terribly missed opportunity.
Instead of "Wrath of Magnus" there had to be "Wrath of PETA", where Fenris is invaded and destroyed by peta activists.

Only PETA could whine about fur in a setting where there are literally demons that rape people to (eventual) death and that's one of the tamer aspects of the Grimdark.

Plus, you'd think the fact the fur is an indication that the wearers are barbaric would go down well with them, but nope, guess if PETA had their way, the Space Furries would need to wear hats saying 'we are viking stereotypes'.

Did these people ever read the fluff?

> People for the Eating of Tasty Animals

Reminder that it is perfectly acceptable to wear human skin garments

>They're not human user, they've also shown time and again to not even be sentient, they are literally our play things
I think that's taking it a little far user, after all, peta activists are at least biologically human.

Breaking news: By not complaining about the skulls, PETA declares that murdering people to wear their organs is acceptable in their eyes.

>Wrestling a giant Fenrisian Wolf to death and taking it's pelt doesn't take any skill


It actually is for them, this is nothing new, they don't care about humans, they said more than once that animals are more precious than humans and that we're the scourge of Earth

>Batshit extremist personality cult still relies on gratuitous outrage and disturbing shock propaganda to get media attention
>Still hasn't and will never engage in actual, useful, productive activism instead of dedicating their resources to self-perpetuation
Nothing new under the sun. Maybe one day they'll get what's coming to them.
Until then I don't see the point of talking about their stupid publicity stunts.

They're all xenos, ALL, no animal in the grim dark of the far future, Earth has no animals, every creature that isn't human is a xeno.

Don't be fucking absurd, no one would ever do something that insane. Such an act of inhumane callousness would rightfully be condemned and all would make the right choice to save the child. We as a species won't just randomly murder babies on the way to some misguided goal of animal welfare.
Only if it's a nigger baby.

So, how does this work with tyranids? Do nid trophies count? Is everyone that has killed even a single gaunt in a game a shitlord?

>murdering people to wear their organs is acceptable
I don't see why it wouldn't be.

I love PETA, it's nice getting up in the morning and knowing there's a sizeable group of people I'm just objectively better than.

>there are no wolves on fenris

They look like wolves, they're called wolves but they aren't wolves

On one hand, I agree with PETA on the basis for the ethical treatment of animals. But on the other, if you're too stupid to realize that it's a fictional universe where it can literally rain blood and shit, then you really, really need help.

Pic related

PEOPLE PLEASE we are overlooking the obvious.

What if theres an Inqistorial "Ordo PETA" that goes around slaughtering thousands to maintain anti-animal cruelty laws.

>last bit

Oooh, sooo shocking.

>Not a cult lead by deluded maniacs

Peta should be regarded as a terrorist organisation.
There are several animals rights groups that are both more sensible and less fanatic in their approach.

Daily reminder.

In this setting they lobotomize babies and turn them into servitors and I don't see people trying to copy this in real life, why do these PETArds think because animals are treated badly in the game is going to send a bad message to people?

>Lord inquistor! We face a threat of galactic importance!
>Yes commander Fluffy-kins?
>We must make a choice that will affect billions of lives. On one planet, a cult of nurgle has risen, threatening the population with the onslaught of chaos.
>What is the other option?
>A planetary governor has held a fenrisian puppy up by it's ears....
>Thus do I declare Traitorous Perditus upon this governor! LET EXTERMINATUS BE DONE UPON THEM!
>Of course Lord inquistor... let the emperor's will be done.

Oooh, sooo reddit.

Who cares about what a bunch of terrorist-supporters want you to do?

I actually work with an evil spooky animal rights group and PETA are a bunch of fucking jokes.

Yes animals being killed for no reason other then fur is bad but just because some big mother fucking murder machine in a game does it doesn't mean it'll encourage it. It won't make any real difference no matter what happens in this situation.


I'm glad someone is finally checking the privilege of this misogynist, homophobic, white supremacist, nazi , fascist game.

1) they don't give a shit about babies.
2) they're the sort of people who get duped by their own narrative so much that they think everyone else is duped by narratives as well, thus conflicting narratives must be destroyed.

"edgy faggots" indeed

The real shock will be if gee dubs responded, and says, we cant remove fur from existing minis, but in future we will respect your wishes.

Right why everyone in this game is a fucking CIS male worshipping a patriarcal God on a golden seat?

>decorating a vehicle with the mounted heads of an endangered species

When will it end?

so that's why all the wargamers I know go around strapping people to giant walking mechanical harnesses, their little toys told them to!

>There are several terrorist groups that are both more sensible and less fanatic in their approach.

I'm still amazed GW didn't expand on them apart of that they are a thing.

>I'm still amazed GW didn't expand on them

Only because you're a deviant mired in his own fetish.

The militant left is easier to understand than the militant right, but both are fucking batshit crazy.

Hey man, I was just pointing out that people consider African babies to be second-rate humans. People have double standards. Doesn't make me /pol/ to point out that people are assholes when it comes to the impoverished products of oppressive rule.

Personally, I respect babies of all persuasions, niggers or otherwise.

Interesting question is whether one would choose two nigger babies or one White baby. Being Asian, I'd pick the duo of niglets, so I'd like for that accusation of /pol/ to be taken back senpai

>Hating on catgirls

Then again, they'd make them into humans with hairy skin condition.

.....Are all of those Bloodmount heads alive?

Fuck you furfag. Go play Infinity with all the other faggots.

Did you just assume the Emperor's gender? You massive shitlord!

Literally "we don't like it, so let's force everyone into pretending it doesn't exist at all"

Well, that would just be even crueller, not even having the decency to put them out of their misery.

>Caused the death of literal billions of people
But God forbid he wear a fucking pelt, that's where the line is?

This model always makes me laugh, it is the over the top and ridiculous thing ever and I love it

>that WoW protest
I remember that one. It was hilarious when it got crashed. The one time Alliance and Horde unanimously stood side by side to slaughter as many baby seals as possible. Fun times.

Obviously Tyranids are propaganda funded by the hunting lobby to shape people's minds to support the extermination of all the majestic animals on this planet.

Of course.

>Being faggot
>Calling others faggots
>M-muh adult wargames for an adult like me

Meanwhile, a full chapter with bats fetish, indulgement with wolf and leather hard on is totally a-okay.

Furfag catfucker webboo like you can't understand manliness.

I'd choose the white, they dont bite you in the ass later

Btw I'm not white either

Welcome to the far left

>“These battle-hardened warriors are known for their martial prowess – but wearing the skins of dead animals doesn’t take any skill.”
Will someone have the courage to explain how things work to them?
I always kinda assumed the pelts were from animals they had hunted for themselves, and that the animals in question would've been actually dangerous or something.

White people aren't exactly trustworthy. Depends on their income.

Same thing with the no girls in 40k article. They know shit about the hobby, game or setting.

>draping them in what looks to be a replica of a dead animal sends the message that wearing fur is acceptable
>implying any of the fucked-up shit going on in the grimdarkness of the 41st millennium is portrayed as acceptable

Man, you can't even make satire of these stupid fucks, because any attempt to exaggerate their idiocy inevitably turns out to be accurate instead of funny.

Reminds me of the batshit Christfags during the Pokemon crazed who used to claim that it encouraged theft, because Team Rocket did that.
They also complained about Sabrina stealing souls.

does PETA really think GW will give a shit about their opinion? removing all fur from models, art and fluff would cost shit tons of money

>not viewing niggers and mudslimes with contempt

Wow, how's gender studies class, faggot?


They very likely don't expect anything to come from it, but they want to: a) get people talking about them; and b) go "ohh, look at those evil business people, not catering to our demands.".
They are still under the illusion that any publicity is good publicity.

I used to think wotc didn't give a fuck about crazy feminists asking for no violence towards women of any kind in mtg...and look now, no women can be seen having anykind if fighting against a male in the art


>Implying they wear fur for fashion and not as trophies
>Implying they didn't do some backwater human colony a service by killing the monster whose fur they wear
>Implying they didn't eat the meat and fashion tools and totems from the bones
>Implying the 41st millennium cares about animals when it doesn't even care about human rights

I should not be amazed at the idiocy, but I am.