What's like the defining steampunk work? What's the star wars or blade runner of the genre?

What's like the defining steampunk work? What's the star wars or blade runner of the genre?

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The Difference Engine is often credited/blamed for starting the hole thing:

That or Moore's/O'Neill's League of Extraordinary Gentlemen comics.

There isn't. Which is (part of) the problem

Cogfop doesn't really have any defining features beyond whitewashing everliving fuck out of Victorian upper class and sticking gears to fucking everything.


Whitewashing how?

It's not really whitewashing when they're emulating all the worst aspects of them. It's not like these guys are cosplaying doctors.

Though, if you'd cosplay a Victorian doctor, that'd give you a neat excuse to carry the world's first chainsaw.

There's a band I sometimes listen to that get bundled in with 'steampunk' (emphasis on the punk, I guess), and cater to that aesthetic quite a bit, but what they actually write can be either clever satire or really on-the-nose polemic against that idealised view of the Victorian era.


20.000 leagues under the sea? That's the closest thing I can think of as a defnining (proto?)steampunk work.

Focusing only on the scientific advancement of the time and ignoring the widespread exploitation of the working class that would actually earn it the 'punk' label.

Basically any sci-fi from the 1800's, realy.

I guess most of Jules Verne's work could be considered (proto)steampunk

That'd be just as cringeworthy, though. Seriously, when the answer to improving a genre is "more politics", it's just a wash entirely.

If that qualifies as politics then so does the inclusion of serfs and/or slaves in earlier settings.

All i'm asking is they acknowledge the Victorian Era was shit for a lot of people.

"It was the best of times, It was the worst of times."

That's not what whitewashing means

>not wanting to stick gears on everything

This one guy fucked his ass with a bronze dildo for like 6 hours on cam once, he dried up and had a distended anus.

A lot of steampunk-y settings do acknowledge it though.

Fallen London, Unhallowed Metropolis, the Van Helsing movie...
Okay maybe it's just the ones with zombies in them.

Well, when you intend to make some point with it, yes.

When it happens it's usually disgruntled communists painting those workers with just as liberally a positive slant and spouting their rethoric. I don't think I've ever seen "proper" Steampunk, to be honest. It's either cogfops being insufferable, or cogpunks being same. Nobody is really interested in the actual Victorian era, but rather using it as some sort of base for their wish fulfillment, whether it's upper or lower class.

That's... pretty much what it means yeah.
If you take the good part and ignore the bad part, or pretend it doesn't exist, that's white washing.

The victorian upper class was kinda mostly white. Can't really whitewash white a white nation's white history. It's already white.

Whitewash doesn't have to do with race you autistic fuck

Nowadays it's usually used to refer to taking characters or settings who should be ethnic and using white actors or representations.

That's true, but OP asked about steampunk, not its retarded cousin.


Is one use of the word.


Is another.

Everybody calm their tits. You're all right.

seems like a simple misunderstanding between the older definition and the more modern definition of a word

so is there some kind of line between too much emphasis on steam, or too much emphasis on punk?

because I'm not entirely sure what the problem is with only wanting to go with the aesthetics, because isn't looking cool most of the reason people go with anything?

>Inb4 tg gets triggered about video games

>implying steampunk isn't the same as cogfop


Bioshock has post WW2 era technology and uses 1920s/early 30s aesthetics (It's as if a futurist wanked to a biology textbook and jizzed art deco, I'm all for it)

The Difference Engine is where it all started, but the best visual showcase for the genre is probably Steamboy. Watch it if you aren't allergic to Thai porn cartoons, although it's much closer to Disney animated features than to your typical anime.

Honestly steampunk just sort of never existed.
It existed as a visual aesthetic style for a while, sure, but only like two or three works could really be said to be steampunk as their defining trait.

If you're a dumbshit fucking millennial. (Lord, forgive us our redundancies…)

That's more Art Deco than anything else.

Also the English dub has Patrick Stewart and Alfred Molina in the main roles.

Amything from Jule Verne, War of the Worlds, etc. It's a retrofuturistic ...thing... based in sci-fi from the early 18 the late 19 centurie. The word steampunk comes from an author in the early 90's.

pic related

I heard you faggots were arguing about good steampunk works

I assume you've read Sebastian O

Focusing on the good and ignoring the bad sounds like a good thing to me tho
Why do you want more bad things?

I'm with those guys, Jules Verne era sci-fi is pretty much what constitutes present day steampunk.

>mfw GMing a magic/steampunk old west fantasy adventure

That doujin would be sooo good if drugs were just the starter to the whole change of attitude and not the sole reason of it. But hey, I guess you get what's on the label and that's fair.

Thing is though, when Jules Verne's books were written they were regular scifi

His scifi elements were based on the then concurrent technologies and predictions regarding future technologies.
As a direct result none of his works featured modern electronics because if he had been able to envision them he wouldn't have been known as "Jules Verne: Author" but "Jules Verne: Genius Inventor"

that said if steampunk actually stuck to emulating victorian era science fiction novels it would have been a significantly better genre

those who forget the past...

Shall be free to pursuit future.