What are some unusual superpowers? Stuff beyond the usual flight/super strength/shoot rays of x, etc. Pic unrelated, btw

What are some unusual superpowers? Stuff beyond the usual flight/super strength/shoot rays of x, etc. Pic unrelated, btw
I'll start

>Human botnet
You're as strong/smart/etc as everyone around you, but only if they're not using that trait right now, i.e., you're a powerhouse in a room full of sleeping strongmen, but dumb as hell in a japanese classroom at exam time

You can touch two things, and then cause one to 'fall' towards the other by altering the subjective gravity of the first to have down be towards the second, wherever it may be.

>Hobbit's Lament
You can cause an object/person/etc to become incredibly, overwhelmingly desirable to anyone viewing it, with the effect growing stronger the longer it's near a person. Can only have one at a time

>Rope Tricks
You have a form of tactile telekinesis, and treat anything in contact with your body as an extension of it, having complete control over it's movements. While this can make normally immobile things move under their own power, it doesn't make things more flexible.

Chromosome users.
They annoy everyone to death.

Divisive shunt
You can teleport away small, nanometer thin slices of a target, effectively cutting them up


I don't get it. Is this some sort of whine about skeletons?

I think it's a filthy frank reference. That or downs syndrome

Can choose to begin completely immobile but also completely indestructible.

Alternatively, can see all the different multiverses and exist simultaneously in all of them, but exist in the same super position in every single one so every movement is mirrored infinitely.

A superpower I developed as a Stand for a Jojo campaign is Go With the Flow: Anything thrown by the user can be kept that fixed speed. The thrown object can be halted by other objects, but it will push against them at that fixed force.

Extreme speed at will (so far, so normal), but the faster you go, the lower your intelligence while at speed.

The mental effects of any drug you take are applied to the real world around you within a certain radius. Slight control over trips.

The ability to superimpose whatever you are thinking of over something else

>go fast
>go faster
>durr lets go fastahh
>sanic fast!

Literally outrunning the speed of though.

>png with transparent background

Short warping or blinking ability that starts slow but speeds up as you continue to teleport. Each blink only moves you say a foot in distance but they chain together faster and faster and carry energy as if you had moved/been moved. The energy stacks and increases based on the speed.
Then you slam into someone or something for 100% energy transfer.

1: The ability to alter the mass of an object while not affecting it's base stats. I have no better way of describing/naming this ability. But basically imagine being able to carry around a dagger and stretching it to absurd lengths to stab someone. Or you swing as a sword. Because it's length is altered but it's inherent - i guess - 'identity' as a dagger is unchanged, it remains relatively easy to use.

2: "Gaia Anchoring", something I imagined while trying to make werewolves original. Gaia Anchoring makes one united with the earth. Becoming one singular being, so a person for example has all the resisting forces of a planet (and the durability of a planet or some shit). However as a way to balance the ability, it basically makes you an immovable and paralyzed object.

3: "Tortugador", an ability I conceptualized for my Weird Western setting. It creates a field of altered time around the user. This field (called the Circle of Time) can be moved remotely and affect only a certain volume of mass. It can be spun/rotated to accelerate/reverse time and other time manipulating powers. The only 'interesting/original' thing about it is that there is a metaphysical object that the player can freely manipulate but is limited in using. Like a rule of the ability is that the ring can freely affect whatever is inside the perimeter but only 1 ring may be active at any time. So a person couldn't say produce 1 circle of time around an enemy to slow them down whilst surrounding their own body with a circle of time to accelerate their actions.

4: "Bulletdriver/Impelion", basically whatever your fingers touch you can send to another dimension where it undergoes constant acceleration until it reaches it's terminal velocity. From there, the Impelion/Bulletdriver can then 'shoot' the 'impelled' object from their hand at ridiculous speeds. Limitations however is that fine things like powder can't be impelled and things that are too large (it's arbitrary) cannot be impelled either.

>Wild Mind Trick
Can cause variety of obsessions and delusions on people around them.

>Pooh Baseball Derby

Persistent Ideas - any sequence of information, once seeded into a cultural system will indefinitely persist in it with no mutation. Potential boost to getting religions started. Variations in adeptness could included minimum percentages, transmission rates, etc. Probably not too original.

Altitude empowerment probably already exists too. I'm bad at this. Has there been any work towards an algorithm that outputs novel abilities?

The power of 20-20 hindsight.

>Has there been any work towards an algorithm that outputs novel abilities?
That could be one itself. You start with a random power with random limitations along range, duration, empowering/deleterious conditions, etc and are stuck with it for a random period of time after which you can shed it and generate a new one with different variables. Also probably been done before.

Procrastination: You may suspend your actions in time until you decide to release them. By standing still and concentrating on the action you wish to do, such as pulling a lever or punching forward, said action may be released at your convenience. The inability to perform such an action at a given moment is ignored, and you may release several of these actions in the same moment.

Make Believe: You are capable of any action, given that you are believed capable of doing so. You can ace any test, given that people expect you to. If you look rich, then you have money. If someone believes you to be a witch, go ahead and curse them.


Power to perceive what one will think in any point in future.

The power to transfer your consciousness to several bodies at a time and effectively split yourself into several, independent people

>dozens of songs playing on repeat at once

This could go very poorly.

The ability to climb anything

Barbed wire kinesis.

Hammered space.

You can pull comically oversized rubber mallets out of your coat pocket or carrry 99x hyper potions in glass vials with ease but only when you're stumbling drunk

None of these make sense. They almost do, but you managed to make them not.
Plus none of them unique.
1. Basically extend weapon without changing its weight
2. Armor lock from halo reach. Or any number of "very durable but limited/no mobility" but weirdly abstracted to the durability of... a planet? What?
3. Literally just a time manipulation with a limited size. And you can only do it one at a time, which is a limitation on most spells and superpowers.
4. This is the closest to interesting, but it's basically just a complicated way of saying you can magically throw things hard.
They're all like Jojo abilities but somehow less unique and make less sense conceptually.

You can turn inorganic matter you're touching into flexible "threads" and quickly weave those into textiles with most of the properties of the base material.

You can increase the elasticity of your own body and anything in contact with it.

Telekinetic control over capsaicin.

You are an "energy teleporter", able to teleport your body's energy but not its mass to, for example, hold a torch under your hand to set a far-away target on fire.

You can make nearby people vocalize their thoughts. Useful for making enemies announce their battle plans.

You can visually perceive the "threat level" of people and your environment, acting as a sort of danger/risk sense that also indicates potential traps you could use.

You can redirect explosive force, turning regular bombs into shaped charges and rendering bullets useless against you.

You can speak to clothing and convince it to do your bidding. Authority among clothes is determined by the quality of one's outfit. All underwear is resentful of being worn against human asses.

You can capture wind within a knot, and later release that wind by untying the knot.

You can rapidly ferment sugars within a certain range, and get people drunk just by being near them.

You can transform your own flesh into a sort of living piezoelectric crystal, transforming mechanical forces acting on it into electricity which you can then discharge.

You can manifest different superpowers based on the drugs you take. Steroids grant superstrength, LSD gives reality-warping, cocaine a burst of superspeed, and so on.

You are a human balloon, and can suck up vast volumes of air to float, propel yourself with farts, blow out high-velocity jets, enhance your muscles with pneumatics, and so on.

You have super-acupuncture, and can disable, heal, manipulate, and kill with well-placed needles.

Total normality: the ability to have absolutely average aptitude for any action you perform, from golfing to cooking to operating a jet fighter or developing a new theorem for quantum physics. Doesn't grant you the ability to do anything supernatural beyond this on its own, but if you somehow do obtain additional powers, you have average aptitude in manipulating them as well. The catch? You'll never really improve your skills.

You have the ability to psychically enhance others capabilities through positive reinforcement - the cheerleader power.

Biomancy: Basically flesh crafting and shaping.

Whatever it is called where someone could control the resonant frequency of anything they touch.

Gravity manipulation

Technomancy, one of my favorite power sets but not necessarily 'unusual'.

Almost all of the conduits from the Infamous universe. Smoke, concrete, video, neon, garbage, etc. Almost seems literally anything could be a conduit power.

I wanna pee out of my fingertips.

Kinda sounds like wild magic surge?

a Wand of Wonder type power?

Localized space warping, but every effect needs a counterpart i.e. making yourself shrink means something around you needs to grow in equal proportion, extending something means you also need to shorten something else.

Not being the worst at anything you take part it.

Not sure how you'd stat it or what system it could even work in, but it'd be pretty interesting.

If your group going into an extremely dangerous dungeon you're guaranteed not to be the first to die. Drawing straws and you'll never find yourself with the odd one out. Automatically win any 1v1 fight. Just never being the dead weight on the team.


Inertia absorption;
The ability to take the energy of an object in motion and store it, using it later in it's pure energy form or to enhance attack etc.

Unexpected Urine;
The ability to fill any bladder, at any time, with pee.

Unfortunate Immortality;
When you die, your body dissolves into a cloud and surrounds the closest living thing, consuming them and re creating your body. You do not enjoy this.

HHUD (Human heads up display)
You have the ability to create a Hud for yourself, detailing way point, health status and inventory. It is of course, tells you things you'd rather not know about yourself.

Internal Manipulator;
Any and all non biological mass inside of you is subject to your will, even changing atomic structure. think making armaments (shotgun Knuckles, rifle arm jetpack feet) inside yourself. you do not have regeneration.

All machines run at maximum overdrive around you, at all times, regardless of durability or what would happen.

Floggers Delight;
You have absolutely no sensation in your body, but whoever you make eye contact feels everything your body would be feeling at that moment.

You can fuse with any (reasonable) distinct object you touch, gaining its basic physical properties and averaging your size with it.

You get "Common knowledge" - if enough people nearby know something, you know it too.

You are psychologically perfect - you're as smart, charismatic, willful, etc. as any human could ever be. This also means you're really damn good at planning.

Thanks man i had a shitty day but your post made me laugh

A good way to generate interesting powers is to make someone able to [verb] [abstract concept]. For instance, building emotions, controlling traffic, or stealing victories.

Other than that, here are some powers my PCs made up for my superhero campaign:

- Eat Anything. Does what it says.
- Narcotic Milk. Only-female power. You can guess why.
- Area of Existence. You exist in a given area, but thanks to hyperfrequent teleportation, your position cannot be fixed to any precise point in said area.
- Unstealth. Everyone in your general vicinity gains absolute sight, which includes seeing the invisible, the cloaked, the darkness, all the colors of the spectrum, all the eventual planes of existence surimposed to reality, etc, etc...
- Mediamind. You can interact with media elements as if they weren't registered but live action, and the media will adapt. It only ever affects your copy/terminal/etc..., not the reality behind the media. For instance, you can put a movie on pause and rewind it without ever touching the tape/DVD/computer/etc..., or you could actually shoot a character onscreen and the show would react to it, though the actors wouldn't know about it.
- Stick your nose elsewhere (I didn't choose the names okay). You can temporarily displace people's sense of... smell.
- T.P-47. Anyone shot with this weapon won't be hurt, but will instead be teleported 100 meters behind them.
- 9001. You can control the readings that technological (or magical, but not natural) sensors would have on you.
- Cutest thing ever. You always appear to people as the cutest thing they could think of. This also tells you what people consider to be the cutest thing ever whenever they see you.
- Deus Ex Temporis. Bit of a meta one, you can declare that "none of the last minute happened, instead it was a vision of mine" a certain number of times per session.

- Dirty Jesus. You can reanimate corpses... but don't require them to be in one piece to do so. The newly reanimated body doesn't feel any pain due to condition, and will somehow adapt so it can continue to live on, even if it's, say, in multiple pieces or lack blood.
- The Protagonist. After playing a game for one hour, you can become its protagonist, effectively gaining all of its skills and powers as appropriate. This power comes with a pre-packaged in hate for everything 4X, and a visceral need to destroy god games on sight.
- Time yo-yo. You can cause people to go X seconds/minutes/hours/months/etc... into the past or the future, stay there for Y seconds/minutes/hours/months/etc..., then leap backward/forward again Z times in a row ; once they've leapt Z times, they'll start leaping back to the present through each step of the loop, continuing them from where they left them until they reached the exact second when you started making them leap through time.
- Anthanicid weapon. You have a weapon that is utterly harmless... that is, until it's used on invulnerable/immortal people. For them, it's one shot, one kill.
- Level 20. You can cast any spell from the most recent RPG you've played, assuming you met the prerequisites, whatever they may be (you're considered to be the strongest mage there is whenever calculating said prerequisites).
- Half-sleep. You're part human, part dream ; your appearance is definitely anthropomorphic, but changes according to the dreams and ambitions of those around you. If they're asleep, they have that much more influence on your appearance.
- Parallelism. You instinctively know whenever the timeline is rewritten or a time traveller arrives in your present ; but you never have any clue towards what happened.
- Power Judge. Whenever you see a superhero, you instinctively learn one application of their power they didn't consider yet.

I could name a few others, but those were the weirdest stuff they managed to make.

>from future
you are from a time roughly 500 years in the future. You had all the knowledge of the world you currently live in at your fingertips in your youth and you are aware of forces affecting our universe currently that we could certainly never comprehend in our sad, almost hilariously minuscule understanding of the world. Of course, you never really paid attention in history courses and you really only entered a single profession which has yet to exist. Your clothes are poorly tailored to the current fashion, your immune system unacquainted with your new environment, and nobody is capable of comprehending your absurd future-speak. To top it all, nobody will believe your story (obviously) and although you're familiar with technological advances not yet invented you are not actually capable of creating any one of them (think a modern man rebuilding a cotton gin on the spot or a flintlock perhaps) Your only hope is that your ways are taken as a harmless eccentricity rather than insanity or, god forbid, possession.

You see the world through an absurdly black-and-white lens, capable of examining a sort of sinister or benign aura that surrounds every living being within it. it's intensity, distortion, and severity of its color informs you as to it's longstanding moral record, current intentions, and truthfulness. As such, you are not only capable of anticipating nasty surprises in a crowd, but also an absurdly good judge of overall character. The majority of people are relatively dull grey and hardly have any visible aura due to their moral mediocrity. But occasionally you find someone so stupendously malicious or saintly that they block out the better part of a city block.

>literally meme magic

>genetic dominance
your genes are freak mutants that edge out partner's genes in every conceivable manner. It could be said that you're some new evolutionary parasite on the human race. it does not matter if you have many children at all, as long as you have one the parasite remains, waiting to turn all of humanity into... you. Obviously it would eventually spell the end of all mankind, identity would cease to exist, and breeding would be... difficult, to say the least.

>gag reflexo!
You can vomit at will. You have no more control over content or consistency than you would in real life, but you can determine force and amount. However, once you run out of, ahem, ammunition you're just going to be dry heaving and potentially breaking a rib if you keep forcing it.

>Wolf, man
You don't turn into a wolf. You don't even speak to wolves. Wolves don't find you any more interesting than any other human being. However, they don't seem to avoid you by any means and for all intents and purposes seem to find you pretty okay. You can hang out with wolves, as long as you aren't doing anything too confrontational, in which case they get kinda pissed off and kick you out for the night. But you're still welcome to crash in their den the next night if you really need it. Wolves, man.

Every pantry, fridge and freezer you look into is fully stocked. What's actually inside is largely dependent on your location and the space available, but nevertheless as long as there's a box with a door in somebody's kitchen you can eat like a king. Once you close the door it returns to its previous state, providing somebody other than you opens it next. Advanced users can actually summon leftovers, assembled dishes, hot food, or even exotic foods.
Of course there is a frowned upon 'school' of those who choose to summon nothing but an assortment of beer, wine, and other alcoholic concoctions.

There's an outright forbidden school that tries to summon nonedibles

>You don't even speak to wolves.
Woah dude, if wolves were bro enough with me to let me crash at their den, freeload off their food and stuff provided I stand up for them from times to times, I'd sure as hell speak to them, nevermind if they understand me or not.

you can flip it on like a switch, it builds slowly; so slowly. But eventually it swells to an overwhelming tide of uncontrollable spleen that spills forth like an unstoppable tsunami of inner psychological turmoil. You can REALLY piss other people off. Directing it is more of a learned social art, but summoning it is no problem. Some smartass scientist types told you this isn't a superpower, and they maintained it well past the point of diving over their desk to strangle you. Although nobody wants to admit it, you can play them like a fiddle, every time. Of course, that's why you're on this plane to Tibet right now to see the Dalai Lama, we'll see if he lasted longer than your own mother.

>the Crossing Guard
You don't just make signs, but don't get me wrong, you do make signs for a living. No, these are the damn finest signs you've ever seen; so fine, in fact, that they're impossible to ignore. You don't do stop signs as a rule (over 20 dehydrated drivers and 2 now-unemployed medics fell prey to your last one), but a yield is generally enough to pacify a dangerous situation. Your abstract designs are dangerous until safely tested, you caused 5 rats to commit seppuku before you finally got the symbolism for "remove clothes and empty wallet" down.

>Here in this Moment
you can effectively stop time, but cannot act during stopped time. you can observe, think, and ready yourself to act, and resume at point you desire.
>Stop. I bet you're wondering how i got in this mess.

Inflation - Change the value of currency in your possession by plus or minus 50% of the value of your last purchase.
Pathological Inflation lets the money retain the value you give it and pass it on to any other notes it comes into contact with or is in the same building/container as. Only the bills you alter pass on their value; secondarily affected notes do not.

Plot Magic - Remember these? Well, now it's a graph of your life and you can plot your position on it at will. It doesn't alter time, it just makes the events you experience conform to what you'd expect from each part of a plot.
Alternatively, you could extend this to others, or even the entire world.

You're supernaturally good at gliding from kites and have a kite themed supersuit

>arms of the champion/shiv kee baahon
you can sprout an effectively unlimited number of arms from where your arms normally sprout from, and can control them just as well as your other arms. this doesn't prevent an excessive number of arms from interfering with each other.

That second one is great

These are great. Have you heard of the Sympathy magic system?

Flogger's Delight would be great for sex, for one party.

Power Averaging: a variation of Power Suppresson and Power Copying, any OTHER superpowers within your effect radius (best used in a setting where most superpowers come from similar sources) are evenly split by level among yourself and people within that radius. If one person in a crowd is as strong as Superman, everyone becomes as strong as Spider-Man.

From the Golden Bough or what?

Acid shit.
You shit corrosive acid.
Your super suit has a built in ass flap so you can turn around and unload into the enemy (it's like projectile shit brah).
As a side effect of your super acid resistance bowels, you can eat just about anything you can stuff down your throat.

that first one is really powerful, and i would abuse the hell out of it. how many actions can you suspend at any given time?

the second one is disgusting for someone with charisma and resources.

What happens in cases of conflicting beliefs?

You pull off a Homer : achieving incredible feats... out of sheer coincidence. Like, acing a test because you answered "B" to everything.

>that first one is really powerful, and i would abuse the hell out of it. how many actions can you suspend at any given time?
According to the type of game you want to play I guess? You can either limit the number of actions you can suspend, how long you can suspend them, or both, if you so wish.

>What happens in cases of conflicting beliefs?
I'd personally rule it so that you can only do it if everyone influenced by it (within reason) believe you capable, so skeptics take precedence.

>Mini Cloning
You can divide your body in small copies of yourself,ranging from limb sized from subatomic.Each mini you has your full memory and personality and shares all sensory information with all other you,including the original.