We are literally on the ground floor of a money explosion that is about to engulf all of us...

We are literally on the ground floor of a money explosion that is about to engulf all of us. We will literally drown in lambos.

I feel like I'm not. Which coins? :c

BTC and any of the top tier alts, like ETH, LTC, NEO, etc.


Let's do it OP.

How can you still think we are in at the ground floor at nearly 20 fucking k?
When I bought in at may for just over 1000 dollars I knew I was fairly late to the party.

The fact crypto is still going and we’re still pumping is incredible and I’m really grateful for it but we are definitely heading rapidly towards the peak, normies on Facebook and Snapchat are buying crypto, coinbase is the #1 downloaded app on the App Store.. etc etc

not sure how I got an E in there sorry about that

you are free to sell at any time if you don't believe me.

Do you have any more comfy pics like this?

I have already took out 20% which is well over 10x my initial investment so I’m doing fine.

But I’m honest enough to admit the only reason I’m still in crypto at all is complete greed and fomo. The minute this rally dies off and the correction hits every single one of these normies who bought 10k+ will be scared away and all the media attention we have gathered in the last month will change to fud bitcoin and talk about the crash and how much money people lost. I don’t see that recovering well this time as it will be the first correction with full media and normie exposure so it’ll be nasty.

Btc was $5000 only 40 days ago, people seem to have forgot that.

Which 3 coins should i buy now?


I'm quite scared too, I was playing GTAOnline the other day and the dialogue started mentioning cryptocurrencies.

I'm full redpill about crypto.

>MFW $178,000,000,000,000 wealth in the world
>MFW perfected global currency meant to take place of all currency just breached $500,000,000,000.

What's will happen will transcend any type of transference of wealth the world has ever seen. People who talk about bubbles miss the entire point. It's like people saying this internet thing is a fad.

We are still early adopters when you take into account how little wealth has transferred so far. Hodl on for dear life.

I'll see you in lamboland on the moon in 2030-40.

>will be scared away

You fall to realize that cryptocurrency will be around long after they are scared away the 1st, 2nd, tenth or 20th time.

It's here to stay.

Same family. The day I got interested in all of this was very same day bitcoin skyrocketed. Feelsbad. Im really hoping LTC takes off since im only really considering buying 1 or 2

Crypto will be Luxembourg + Cayman Islands + Liechtenstein + Monaco + Switzerland all in one.

There will be tens of trillions in crypto.

This guy gets it

Here's hoping you die painfully long before that.

my coins
also not your coins

>tfw don't have enough money to make serious money off of the crypto explosion

Feels terrible man. If I had even just $1K to put in, I feel like I could make something...

got 3k to put down, what coins do you recommend?

I've got 1.2k in and doubled it over the past month and I still feel like I'm gonna miss the train

Will ETH survive a bitcoin crash over these other shitcoins?

I have 100% faith that crypto is the future. However I'm about 70/30 that there will be a major crash that crypto will rebound from prior to full adoption, with the 70% of me feeling the crash is inevitable.

I KNOW in the event of a crash that crypto will rebound, and I will still be here, ready to make gains when so many will be scared away.

But what the fuck is the safest hold in such an uncertain time? My gut says ETH but what do y'all think?