Fantasy General: Elven Marines Edition

Fantasy General: Elven Marines Edition.

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Kindly no End Times or Age of Sigmar. If that is your cup of tea, please go elsewhere, especially if you're just going to shill or troll. For all intents and purposes, it's not the same universe.


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The most disappointing thing about AoS was it proving Sigmar actually existed.
I thought the implication was always that the majority of gods were just memes.

> Where were you when Fantasy made Elves cool again?

I done fucked the thread name up...

Sigmar existing wasn't the issue, only that he STILL existed as a mortal man. GW changed the rules to fit their story. He was a mortal who lived a full life and died somewhere in the east. Years later people began to worship him as a god and that collective belief began to take shape.

Yeah I preferred the Gods that way. Except the Old Ones, but they were all dead/mundane and only perceived to be Gods by lesser beings.

Elves have an enjoyable look, but I've never really been attracted to them as a faction for some reason. Maybe because it's hard to make them seem flawed in a way that's actually interesting, without completely taking away what's Elvish about elves.

Is being too perfect a flaw?

They're like graduates. they've arrogant and think they know it all but a few years in the real world knocks it out of them.

But they're supposed to be at the forefront of everything and the ones that actually know it all.

They are arrogant but it's an arrogance born out of actually achieving shit. They were the ones to save the world the first time around. They may have had help from the Slann but it was their plan and their mages they had to sacrifice to get the Vortex up and running.

With the dragons, which are essentially the fantasy equivalent of nukes, they're like a superpower. They've taken hits along the way but would likely consider that because they're still standing they're clearly the superior race.

Elf appreciation... on Veeky Forums...

>>Warhammer Elves
>>Aren't split into a million subspecies, rather three political groups
>>Do badass shit
>>Save the world

I don't see why Veeky Forums wouldn't like them, memes aside.

Warhammer elves don't fuck around...okay, well they do fuck around, but they fuck around at much more manageable levels. Most elves in fantasy just vaguely exist and aren't bothered.

memes become reality in the warp tho

we can fix that if you want

That banner needs to go away. There were always elf-fans on Veeky Forums.

I actually really like the Dark Elf and High Elf warring, even if the reasons behind it sometimes get stupid or the fact that it can exist gets nonsensical.

It's a struggle between 'siblings' that has torn the world asunder multiple times, but it's not the same as the vague antithesis between the Norscans and the Empire or the Chaos Dwarves and Dwarves. Where in many ways those are distant and indirect, the High Elf and Dark Elf struggle is real and constant. As far as they're concerned, aside from the threat of chaos perhaps, everything else is just a potential tipping point or stepping stone in their war.

I love Warhammer Fantasy creepy alien-eyed elves.

Hey, from my reading of warhammer fantasy novels, it seems that large cities and towns always have some presence of cultists or chaos worshippers due to the nature of humans.

Accordingly, would it be authentic if larger empire cities generated small amounts of corruption on their own to mirror that activity on the campaign map?

pic unrelated.

It's kind of interesting to think how the dwarf High King could have been in his counting house or some human chieftain sitting down to dinner while the Vortex was being undone. Hadn't Caledor Dragontamer and his mages stepped in the whole world would have been fucked and very few outside of Ulthuan would have any idea as to what happened. All because Malekith didn't get his crown.

Possibly, though the buildings available should be able to cancel it out. I always found corruption, both Chaotic and Vampiric, very difficult to remove. I don't know if I was doing something wrong but I could never get it below 20% except in places that it never took hold.

corruption is exponential. Midgame onward you have a global event that gives a global chaos corruption so if you have mid to high levels of corruption it should add up.

>bretonnian peasants with guns

nothing like progressing through the techtree in a total war game.

now correct me if I am wrong but bretonnia had handgunners and bombards in older lore.

They did but Bretonnia was a completely different army back in 4th and previous editions. They were pre-Revolutionary France, not Crusades era France and Britain with Arthurian legends. They had gunpowder, an incredibly corrupt nobility and a despotic ruler called the Sun King. In 5th and beyond that was changed to the more 'modern' Bretonnia of knights, honour and so on. Bretonnia still has gunpowder but only used in its navy.

what's wrong with wanting older versions of bretonnia?
You don't have to subscribe to my mod.

I thought at some point there was a vague mixing of the lores - at least with the Sun King having been the ruler before Leoun, and some small details like that.

It's still nice to have a chance of variety for a videogame - maybe you get bonuses to certain units for avoiding gunpowder, but if you take it you lose those bonuses or even take penalties. Sort of like something I think Shogun Total War had. Or how the Byzantines weren't supposed to be able to have gunpowder at all in Medieval 2 Total War, but they still had access to bombards and mercenary units.

5th edition had a bit of that, though only that Louen's father was the Sun King. They still had no gunpowder weapons. This was before the lore had the requirement that all Bretonnian kings had to become Grail Knights first, so they used to have weak and/or corrupt rulers like the Empire.

I'm thinking Albion.

I am thinking of making a completely new bretonnian unit class of professional infantry. Basically men at arms but armed with pikes and dakka.

WHFB Elves are closest to Noldor in level of badassery among all fantasy elves. Still far away, obviously, but closer than others.

>fight Vampire Counts as Gelt in TWW
>raining molten gold on them, wiping their units out
>they get wrecked hard and when begging for peace treaty offer me gold, even though vampires use dark magic instead of coins
>gee, I wonder where that gold come from

so, do I get it right that while human wizards can never achieve an elf's level of mastery over magic they got tremendous raw talent, so they can match elves in sheer power?

How Brits see themselves
>Dark elves
How the world sees them


bah, brits stopped sailing the globe and raiding and raping countries many many years ago. Brits are Wood Elves these day

US are Dark Elves. making a living off wars and conflicts, in addition to being extremely entitled and stuff.

I'm pretty sure the Brits are the Orcs if their teeth are anything to go by.


Stupid Slann poster.

Stop making knights obsolete.

you cannot stop the progress, you filthy luddite

so why do Slann and Slaanesh have such similar spelling?

hm, that actually gives me an idea of a new Bretonnian unit

rabid traditionalists, who either through unconcious magic usage, Lady's blessing, WAAAGH!-like gestalt field or all three combined wreck enemy tech.

Something like
Special, Cavalry
M4 WS2 BS3 S3 T3 A1 W1 Ld6
Horse, Great Weapon, Throwing Weapons/Javelins

Gain +1 to hit and Stubborn when in combat against units armed with Handguns, Crossbows, Hand Crossbows, Pistols, as well as any War Machines, Skaven Weapon Teams, any models named Engineer, Grim Burlocksson, etceteraetcetera.

Any aforementioned unit that suffers at least one wound from Clockstoppers gains a counter of Clockstop.
In addition, if such a unit begins a turn within 9" of a Clockstoppers unit, it must pass a Leadership test or gain a counter of Clockstop.

If a unit has a counter of Clockstop, it must roll a d6 before shooting (or attacking, in case of some warmachines). On a roll of 6 it cannot do so, as it is beset by malfunctions and misfires.
Warmachines with Clockstop counter instead Misfire on the roll of 6.
This also affects Skaven Warlock Engineers, who suffer Miscast on same roll of 6.

Yes, the name is stupid, it's placeholder.

That's a neat idea. Make it so that temples and Witch Hunters cancel it out, however.

saw it.

they already do that.

I miss the rapscallions

Oh man. She's pretty damn hot too. For a corpse anyway...

yay, makes me a happy Vlad


>With the dragons, which are essentially the fantasy equivalent of nukes, they're like a superpower.
Unless said dragons eat a cannon ball.
Nuln artillery corps > dragons.

Teclis faction maybe. The rest are Valinor faggots, staying in paradise singing and doing poetry n shit.

only in tabletop, where fliers cannot fly because stupid rules

attack right from above and those cannons can do nothing.

you do realize that in Tolkien's works greatest magic is done through song? e.g. Music of Ainur, Bombadil's songs, Finrod's duel with Sauron, Luthien's duel with Sauron, Luthien bewitching Morgoth, etc.

Vanyar, who were stated to be the greatest clan of elves, IIRC, weren't JUST singing. They were doing some serious magic.

So that comparison is totally in WHFB elves' favour.

>point guns upwards
>glorious flak battery.

>cannonballs fall back upon your own positions

>implying that knights became obsolete because of gunpowder, rather than social and economic changes

cost of a gun and ammo dropping to affordable levels is an economic change
lower classes gaining access to guns and pikes is pretty drastic social change

>playing TWW as Empire
>my own provinces either hate me or just don't care about me
>Bretonnia is my BFF


>lower classes gaining access to guns and pikes is pretty drastic social change

It's probably more about the failure of feudalism and the rise of professional armies. The apex of plate armour came after the introduction of firearms after all.

pike blocks, invulnerable to cavalry, one of the main reasons knights died out and would've died out even without firearms.

I mean, there's humans like Nagash or Gelt that managed elf tier feats.

And that's kinda bullshit. Pikes were a good weapon against knights on horses, but not their end. Cavalry was still used even after they stopped using pikes. It's true that the development of professional infantry stopped the dominance of the heavy armored rider of the low middle ages. But that's certainly not the end of the knight class. There were socio-economical reasons for that, heavily armored riders were still used on the battlefield afterwards and they could be "knights", meaning noblemen.

It's not a thing of weapons, it was more that feudalistic duties - knights serving their lords militarily - were no longer as necessary with the rise of professional armies. And there were other opportunities for noble sons, in the world of economics and politics, that were growing far more lucrative than being a knight, so many simply stopped training to be knights.

If it had still been desired, the knight could have been forced as a concept for years even after technologically becoming obsolete. Armor never quite went out of fashion until the modern soldier, even if in later years it was only a breastplate.

>cannonballs asplode shooting down dragons with bits of shrapnel.

That's what I said.
Pikes were not a new development. It's just a long stick, and pike blocks have been used since the bronze age.
What changed was the socioeconomics that made disciplined massed infantry the mainstay of armies.

The 0% percent corruption in TWW doesn't mean there is none, it means your Sigmarites plus Dwarf influence are making it ineffective.

Who's the Gorfuckers?

In-universe? Coincidence.

Meta? Old Irish word, sounds magical and cool. Slann kind of match the definition, vaguely.án

give 'em a fuse, mid-air explosions

alternatively: cannons on tower spires

>Shrapnel kills crews and destroys cannons

Not strange for it to exist though, if ineffective. There were a lot of artillery experiments in real life. One of the more interesting ones was a chain with two balls at the end in two cannons, designed to obliterate everything in its path. Because cannons don't fire at exactly the same time it blew out of one and went around destroying both cannons and killing both crews. A double-barreled single cannon sort of worked, but not well enough to spread.

It did result in applying the concept to a single cannon, chain shot.

hey Veeky Forums.. playing 8th edition with the Empire. I need some help with a good 1250 points list. Im still a beginner. It seems chaos just wipes the floor with me. Dat heavy infantry man... also dat heavy cavalry... I had some success with my steam tank but it gets melted by Lore of Metal. Problem was i left my wizard out of the list. I was under the impression it was not that important. Then the tank gets melted... shit. I have a warrior priest and a large block of halberds. It seems that detachments are not super useful at this point limit.. should i try another large unit ? like... great swordsmen ? What magic items i should have. Besides the from now on mandatory dispell scroll.

>tfw don't have powerful enough PC to run TW:WH at high quality
>tfw it recently started stuttering and crashing so I can't play it at normal quality either

gonna have to get a new gaming PC desu

Soo I am planning a final fight. My players face a tilean fencer with bunch of mooks while the main bad guy fucks off on the stairs up. The whole idea is that him or his father are nurgle worshippers and one of them turns mutant and it's the final fight after that. The idea is when he pops up - who will come help them? Witch hunter? Road Warden? A knight? City guard captain?

>be interested in fantasy
>is dead and closest FLGS is GW so even if others wanted to play I still couldn't
>get into 40k
>40k is scarily close to being killed aswell

Fuck GW. How popular is Fantasy/9th Age and how close rules-wise is 9th Age to Fantasy?

Unfortunately at that points limit Empire will struggle and Warriors of Chaos will do better than usual.

Empire rely a lot of units working together and at that point limit, once you have a wizard, tank and 50 state troops you won't have room for much else.

I would try 3 things.

1. Try some detachments on your state troops to disrupt. Halberds are great for this. Alternately try some crossbows or gunners to help take the charge. I'm not sure how effective this will be as I tend to not have much luck with these units.

2. Demi-gryph Knights are just about the best toe-to-toe fighters in our book. You won't be able to get many in but 3-4 should make mincemeat of a flank.

3. Try some more artillery. A volley gun with an engineer should soften them up a bit.

I love Greatswords and I use them in bigger games but honestly they're not that great.

Does the empire use pikemen in the lore?

9th Age is very close to Fantasy 8th edition but is more geared towards having diverse armies made up of different units.

I think it's still niche but it's probably the most popular Fantasy successor by a big margin.

Spearmen. Pikemens are tilean. This game is just retarded

I think these are mods.

Bretonnia definitely doesn't have any gunpowder in the main game.

I dunno, I never played it - but for example I saw reikland greatswords without the carrobourg scheme colors.

But you can have that?

Only great swords from Carrobourg have red, the rest will be white.

Greatsword regiments aren't all from the Carroburg Greatswords.

The Empire also uses the wrong colour scheme, I think it was a creative decision since Reikland's colours look like crap and it might not have been on the bill to give certain units different colour schemes in the same army.


All reikland greatswords have carrobourg scheme since the siege of carrobourg, user.


Yeah they were going to have red and black be the main colour, then they switched to Talabecland.

Eventually I think each province will be its own army.

They should have been Reikland from the start, same with all the other factions being Couronne, Karaz-a-Karak, etc. Once you reach a certain amount of confederation you switch your faction name and banner to that of the united faction. If anyone has ever played Knights of Honor you'll know what I'm talking about.

That screenshot is from a mod, you can notice by some pixels and by how they arw handling orcish crafts

Knights of Honor what a game.


I don't think they are user. If you look at the Empire's heraldry book on p. 41 it says 'the unit changed its colours' and shows an example of a white Greatsword. Sorry to get autistic.

This is non twwh core, thats a mod.

I have crippling autism and not having pike in my pike and shota is pretty boring.

>pike and shota

Tolkien orcs are based off british working class, so you might be on to something.

Living here confirms, go to liverpool and you will see people who both speak and look like orks.

you put the pike in the shota.


Its a mod idiot

Rat Catcher.

But in all seriousness, what major NPCs are there in your campaign that could conceivably help them? Unless your plan is to introduce someone completely new, then a Witch Hunter would suffice. He might arrest them until the players can clear up what really happened.

Or a member of a cult of Tzeentch.
