When you have to mix STR and DEX in a single stat, how do you name it? Something that you can roll to punch somebody...

When you have to mix STR and DEX in a single stat, how do you name it? Something that you can roll to punch somebody, then roll again to climb a roof.
Is not that I can't use a thesaurus, I just want to know what's your favorite.

Martial Skill.

I quite like the term 'Physique' if we're talking about general-use terms governing all physical stats. It's good and generic, but still sounds nifty.

Advanced Fighting Fantasy just calls it "Skill".



That or just call it "Body", as some systems that use simple titles like 'Mind" and "Spirit" do.

OP here. I'm using exactly that system: Body, Mind and Spirit. The thing is that I want to put them fancy names just to make it sound more cool; even though mechanically they're just that.

What do you call Mind and Spirit ? if youv'e found out already


Insight and Spirit ;D

Actually I have an alternate version with adjectives instead of nouns: HARD, SHARP and EERIE.



strenght. Yes, as a mixture of strenght and dexterity.





I named mine "coordination", but that's because it's highly slanted toward physical skills, rather than toughness/brute strength.


Just call it 'Strength', flexibility goes hand-in-hand with muscle mass.

Not really. Lifters need to specifically train flexibility and bodyweight routines build muscle much more slowly.

Dex more about coordination and body control that it is about flexibility, though.

I fucking wish. I spent 3 years getting Veeky Forums and then had to add an entire extra set of workouts to get flexible.

You can definitely be both at the same time though, despite what common media has you believe.

Not all buff people are flexible, but all flexible people are buff.

No, the dexterity stat is an inconsistent hodgepodge of "thief stuff"
The *word* dexterity means, "good hand eye coordination"

Don't mix them into the same stat, as you can be muscular but not flexible and vice versa easily.


How can you be flexible and really well-coordinated if your muscles are an atrophied mess?

The system may not require that degree of detail. Either may serve the same function mechanically and leave the rest up to rp

Solid, Liquid, Gas

>Not all buff people are flexible, but all flexible people are buff.

Either you don't know what the word "buff" means, or you have never seen a dancer or gymnast in your entire life.

Grace? As in, being strong and elegantly precise at the same time, moving gracefully like a ballerina or a gymnast or something.

I have another question terminology. If your system works by straight up picking abilities from your class, and then you have something like a prestige class, bulilt arrown a narrow concept that first gives you baseline, opening ability and opens more abilities from that prrestige class,( which makes you flesh the concept out more fully), you can take instead of your normal abilities. What would call this kind of class in general? Specialist is much too broad and I´ve tought about Superstructure, in the Marxist sense of something separte from a larger part - the base class- but being interdependent with it, but meh.
Any ideas?

In his defense, gymnasts are actually a pretty buff lot

Yeah, fair enough. Point still stands, though. You can easily be flexible without being buff.

Dick, Cunt, Butt.

If you are already adding str and dex why not just add con and call it Body?

If its just str and dex i would call it physice (or how the fuck you spell it).

Paragon path

I'd say that 99% of the time you won't be dealing with an atrophied mess and it is reasonable otherwise.

Most sedentary people can be considered an atrophied mess

Why would we be dealing with sedentary adventurers or monsters?

As in you´re a paragon of whatever the class´ concept is, even if the concept is being the sailing master of your commissioned warship or a member of a tradition of shapeshifters?
That could work, thanks.

You can be buff without looking sculpted.

It's actually a genetic thing,
if you ever go to a high school swim meat you'll see every body type under the sun
but Olympic swimmers all look exactly the same.

That's not because swimming puts on muscle in that way,
it's because having that body type makes you a better swimmer than not having it.

Same deal with every other activity (basketball doesn't make you tall, etc.)

You won't find professional ballerinas who are rippling masses of muscle, but I guarantee you they are all quite toned.

Vim and Vigor