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What's the craziest thing you have ever done in game?

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first for giving mages the knot



Dream on, rufus. Mages TAKE the knot.

You go, bro!


Nice one... showed him.

V20 questions, lads

Theft of Vitae says it's clearly an overt spell, as blood travels through the air from target to caster.


if a caster touches their target, is the target automatically aware of what's going on? I've wondered if the ability has any uses at all outside of open, vamp-on-vamp combat?

Don't remind me of this travesty.


>Implying that isn't my Mage's fetish.


>Implying this movie wasn't amazing

>Implying that 'Only Lovers Left Alive' isn't the most Vampire thing ever made.

>"furriest RPG"
>when Ironclaw, Jadeclaw, and Albedo all exist

>Implying mages with points in the Life arcana aren't the best at taking meaty hard wolf dick in the ass.

Gee, I sure wish there was a movie-site where I could easily gather some information about this movie and look at what a wide range of people thought and discussed about it easily.

Ok I'll spell it out, I'm fucking PISSED that IMDB removed their message boards. Is there a site that is (not-imdb) that has message boards?

I mean, they're losing blood. They'll feel it.

I'm trying to figure out what resonance this NPC would have about himself/his magic. If its not clear he uses a portal generator and the lightning calculator merit to murder local politicians.
I'm still trying to get a grasp on the resonance system in general so any advice there is also appreciated.

>when Ironclaw, Jadeclaw, Albedo, and GURPS all exist

Wait, why GURPS, I don't---

>David Pulver

Oh, right.

So is it weird to have a metaplot going on in CofD games so you can have a handy continuity tie for multiple games with the same group of players?

Not really, no. If it's a personal group thing it's not a big deal.

>David Pulver

Doesn't be implicitly mock cat-girls and other furries?

not really, CoD was though with letting players experiment with the stories instead of making them cannon.

>devs so butthurt furries like their game that they defenestration like crazy about it and change Forsaken over it
>'I-i-its totally not a furry game! Y-y-you should like it better now, mr. edgy emofag vampire fan!''
>it did absolutely nothing to pull players from other lines in and only alienated the WtA crowd and said furries who at least will throw money idiotically at anything published

Good job, Skemp, you stupid slag.

It meant that new players interested in playing a werewolf would likely not end up playing with a bunch of furries and dragged into that degenerate lifestyle.
I consider that a win.

Has anyone ever found a .pdf for

Die Stadt, Das Blut, Der Tod: Frankfurt bei Nacht
also known as
The City, The Blood, The Death: Frankfurt by Night

I have never had any luck with it, and i'm curious what's in it since the wikia mentions things like a Thaumaturgy path known as the Power of the Mirror.

>What's the craziest thing you have ever done in game?

Nothing because I've never played WoD before ;_;

What are some of the best examples of terrible metaplot for oWoD?

Don't say Samuel Haight.

Well that's easy, Samuel Hai---

The Consensus. The Technocracy. Arcadia. Queen Ananasa.

When the Union took down an Antediluvian with minimal effort.

Well, I think I can help you out, user.

Because I got the V20 Dark Ages book in addition to the description-lacking version in the Core Rulebook, and the spell is described in slightly greater detail there:

"This power allows the thaumaturge to force blood from a target up to fifty feet away and draw it into herself as if she had consumed it directly. The blood bursts from the target’s mouth and pores, arcs across the intervening space, and is immediately absorbed by the caster. Mortals can be severely injured by the theft; vampires can be deprived of their vitae. Blood points in excess of what the caster could usually hold are wasted in a splash of blood around her feet."

So, yeah, it'd be pretty fucking obvious, and it's mentioned in the regular Core that it's considered a major Masquerade breach if used in public, which wouldn't be the case if it wasn't a spell that screamed "HEY, SUPERNATURAL STUFF IS HAPPENING OVER HERE!".

The V20 Core version also mentions that you can't be bloodbonded through absorbing blood this way, whereas in the DA version you can be. The DA version also differs in that mortal victims takes one level of lethal damage per success on the roll.

Someone please expand a little on this, I'm curious but know mostly nWoD.

The Mages not steamrolling or lording over the furfags and vamps.

>best examples of terrible metaplot for oWoD?

The entirety of Blood Treachery.


When you make an Imbued Item with the attainment, what determines how big the 'battery' is? I don't see any sort of system or cost for it.

>Mage: the Ascension
>Order of Hermes mage from House Flambeau who includes fencing and swordplay as a focus in his spell casting.

Stupid idea or does this work? I want to play a Hermetic who isn't your usual limp-wristed nerd. He's still a nerd, but he's the kind who does HEMA and knows what the inside of a gym looks like.

>Union took down an Antediluvian

When did this happen? Could you tell me which book please

Translyvania Chronicles 3, Berlin by Night, Time of Thin Blood.

My beef with Queen Ananasa is that she's the Werespiders TRUE patron, and is like a lesser aspect of the Weaver. But she's totes 'Good' and can fix ALL the problems with the Weaver and the rest of the setting - if only she wasn't imprisoned in Malfeas! The werespiders work tirelessly to rescue her and follow her will as law. She is their sole Totem and blah blah blah.

Basically they get a mary sue goddess who will 'redeem' all of their shitty asshole mistakes and single-handedly save the setting, despite there being a dozen other plot threads on how the Apocalypse will play out and how the other Changing Breeds could pull through and save the day. These are also written to be possible red herrings, but everything about Ananasa has intense writer's bias so she's never written off as being another red herring or possibly deceiving her knock-off vampire wanna be children. Its hard canon she can and will save the day if they could simply release her from her prison.

It really sucks because it tries to pain Ananasi as dindus and takes the potential for averting the Apocalypse out of the PC's hands and into an NPC who has been off screen for tens of thousands of years.

Time of thin blood, I actually just referenced it as being awful. The crunch of the book is actually not bad, but much like Ghouls Fatal Addiction, the fluff is grindindingly stupid.

>tfw the new CofD books will never be released in German

I know i'm fighting against the fluff, but honestly I wouldn't take any of the Fera (or the Garou...) as reliable narrators in the least, most of them seem pretty delusional if you look at their situations from the outside, with the exception of the Ratkin and Rokea.

The Hengeyokai might not be delusional simply because the author wrote the East Asian version of the Umbra as being ~super unique and different~ from the rest of the entire world.. somehow. So their neck of the woods might work differently while everyone else gets fucked because, you know, Asian exoticism and spirituality is superior to baka gaijin weilo, spic and nignog spirit world magic!

Wasn't it the Week of Nightmares?

The Apocalypse is definitely coming and Time of Judgment gave us a ton of ways for it to play out that all tend to follow a similar theme; a tribe will fall, the Perfect Metis will be their salvation or damnation, etc.

But how they can *fix* the problem? Yeah that's probably the really delusional part that no one can agree on.

All of this is still better than 'global warming = Wyrmtide = Apocalypse lol' that Swedecuck Dracula is giving us.

Yes, which was a sort of meta-wide event, it was called the week of nightmares, bug the book that described the Ravnos ante kicking it was Thin Blood.
I agree, but the issue is that the Fera aren't the solution if you take their number, most of them are just the shattered remains of a culture that is just barely limping along, with the exception of the Ratkin who are instead just crazy as fuck and getting worse by the day. I agree that wyrmtide = climate change is idiotic though.
Yeah, the whole of Year of the Lotus is a steaming mess, with the exception of the Devil Tigers.

yes it was the Week of Nightmares, but that is described (for some reason) in the back of Time of the Thin Bloods.
Which, by the way, is a wonderful way to write yourself into a corner.

Anyone have any idea how V20 stuff can talk about paths and rituals of Technomancy for vamps, but for them to be canonically all killed off well before facebook and stuff are even around thanks to the Gehenna material

like, what is their end game here for the upcoming editions, they surely want to go forward but how?

High King David's disappearance and how it pretty much went nowhere.

>Anyone have any idea how V20 stuff can talk about paths and rituals of Technomancy for vamps, but for them to be canonically all killed off well before facebook and stuff are even around thanks to the Gehenna material
Nigga are you fucking retarded?

V20 is metaplot agnostic.

Well they have; Dark ages, Victorian and 'modern'. So all they really have left for more material would be to go back.
>finally i can personally be involved in the Carthage metaplot

So, how would you "fix" the Ravnos metaplot?

>Anyone have any idea how V20 stuff can talk about paths and rituals of Technomancy for vamps, but for them to be canonically all killed off well before facebook and stuff are even around thanks to the Gehenna material
Gehenna was just a gang war and the Apocalypse is global warming. Welcome to nu-oWoD, enjoy your stay.

How does one take down an Antediluvian with "minimal effort"

i want off Mr. Bones wild ride

>how would you fix the Ravnos metaplot

Buff the Antediluvian and throw in Archmages instead of Masters.

Where is this from?

>So, how would you "fix" the Ravnos metaplot?


Looks like World of Future Darkness.

>implying furrys won't just ignore the rules for gauru form

how else am I going to be king of the streets with my pack of mechanic werewolves and win street races by changing to war form and cause the leader to experience lunacy? To show dominance in our territory and winning more by beating a Pure driver in a drag race?

Gee, because an Ante stands a better chance against a pissed off super-Dumbledore, right?

That character sheet is out-dated. Here, have the updated one instead.

I would have it be lower key, less striking at the Ante themselves and more about slowly and steadily killing their progeny, a co-ordinated shadow war waged by several groups who have all independently came to the conclusion that Ravnos is waking up.

>How does on take down an Antediluvian with minimal effort

By being a mage

>thinking you can actually get away with shit against God in oWoD

Like it or not, God is the most powerful entity in the whole setting and he can do whatever he likes. Which tends to be being a huge dick.

I'm fairly certain that magefags only care about being stronger than Vampires. God is irrelevant.

Not to mention each gameline has their own version of a supreme being. The Judeo-Christian God is apex only within the bounds of Masquerade.

The "God" of Ascension is apparently this extra-dimensional being that Mages unite with upon achieving actual Ascension.

Nah, God is literally the creator of everything and everyone in oWoD. They may have different names for him, different concepts, but ultimately it's just one guy, so to speak.

Triat > God

>Werewolf supremacy

Sadly, that's just your opinion. The amount of godheads in oWoD is only going to make your brain hurt. It's up to you (the ST) to decide which one is supreme.

God may actually be a Mage, if the canon shard theory stands. It would also validate the unifying aspect of Ascension.

I like thinking God is Fae, not because it makes sense, but because it seems like a more fun way to describe something that rarely impacts the oWoD system

Aren't the Fae living stories?
Isn't the Bible just that, a story?
Fae is Jehovah Almighty.

Why does werewolf breeding always come across as rapey or creepy or both? You either fuck an animal, which you will never live down in your group, or you find a human mate. Considering you are trying to put a monster in their belly, you either don't tell them, or things get a little more 'fun'.

It's just, vampires were always the sexual creatures. Werewolves, except with a few exceptions, have never been the sex/rape sort, unless it's just normal sheet time as a human.

It would also validate as to why God is such a douche.

The intense amount of butthurt over Crinos is always funny to me. Frenzy already existed but now they've done Death Rage and it feels far more game-y and unnatural. Gauru having a time limit is also funny because if you even remotely try to stat your character decently its going to last more than long enough to finish a fight.

In general I really dislike its implementation, especially the 2e version. It feels dumb and unnatural, all for the sake of being game-y and trying to 'punish' these supposed 'powergamers' and 'furries'.

>You either fuck an animal, which you will never live down in your group
Lupus exist so it's not that big of a deal. And kinfolk wolves aren't the same as normal wolves.

>you find a human mate. Considering you are trying to put a monster in their belly, you either don't tell them, or things get a little more 'fun'.
Human kinfolk also exist.

Only a damaged woman (also called a feminist) would fuck a werewolf (walking rug) on purpose. Vampires are dead sexy.

They don't even turn into monsters until puberty. They're a relatively normal human until they hit 12-16~ or so and the First Change occurs.

Often times it skips whole generations, too, so you could have distant kinfolk three times removed who's teenager just suddenly becomes a werewolf.

Is that why they call it a Wolf Whistle, or the whole Red Riding Hood stories having sexual connotations, or wolves having that 'lean and hungry look in their eyes' ...

>Like it or not, God is the most powerful entity in the whole setting
>No, God is literally the creator of everything and everyone in oWoD

Get out of here you God-fucking Christian.

>Vampires are dead sexy

Lawn chairs are not sexy, user.

Do you not know about human kinfolk my friend?

But he's not wrong user. Demon the Fallen, best game line. My favorite at least.


It's not that anyone is wrong, it's that each gameline has their own supreme being.

This shouldn't be so hard to understand.


Follow the example of your fellow fedoras and support Muslim immigrants.

Demon was a supporter of the shard theory.

I guess God was a Mage after all.

I really just want to play a Fast and the Furious campaign of WtF where I can abuse lunacy against human drivers without the almost complete guarantee of Death Rage, wrecking the team's car, and murdering the guy winning the race.

I love Fallen. I like Descent but it just doesn't have the same.. everything that Fallen has.

Masquerade, Apocalypse and Fallen are the three I would like to see revived with dignity. If I could smoosh the two gamelines together though I would take Awakening, Lost, Vigil and Promethean and replace their owod counterparts (or add in Promethean's case.)

There is that Father's Facet merit if you want to Gauru that way, but yeah, Death Rage is a really annoying mechanic that denies fun or possibility. I prefer the Rage mechanics from WtA being a risk/reward system that could potentially send you spiraling into a frenzy or the Thrall of the Wyrm regardless of if you are in Warform or not.

No it wasn't, God was just simply gone when the Demons got popped from the Abyss. It's why Lucy was implied to have made Hunters.

This. I mean, they don't even really need to change anything. The cracks can still have appeared in the Abyss, it just doesn't get any 'worse' for now, so no Time of Judgement.

I think the 'cutoff' point was premature. Frankly, if they don't eventually relaunch Fallen and keep it faithful to the original, it will effect my long term enjoyment of the 'new' setting. I mean there is nothing stopping me using the above, and including it in my games, but given the multimedia project it would be nice to see some Angelic/Demonic antics outside Supernatural.

>God was just simply gone

This just supports it even more

>the consensus
Ugh, you are just an asshole.

I love how these threads get quiet once the magefags start storming in.

Too afraid to trigger our apparent overlords.

They ruin everything they touch. I mean just look at the metaplot, we can't even touch that mess

What would you guys say is the best game to run for a new GM? A buddy of mine wants to take a swing at GM/STing and asked what game he should run for the group. About three of us, out of six, know anything about WoD and CofD while the other three, including the ST-to-be, know very little.

I was thinking a CofD mortals game since you don't have to deal with all the weird cultural and political stuff that the other WoD and CofD splats come with.

Would the metaplot have worked if Ascension never existed?

I'm busy finishing up dinner and then settling in to do some more writing on Inhuman: Houses of the Blood, my attempt at a vampire RPG. Plus nothing is up that I'm interested in discussing; not a mage fan, not a fan of werewolf when the discussion is 'KNOTS! FURFAGS!' and shit.

The most fun game I ever had in NWoD was a mortals game, starting out as college students and eventually culminating in a zombie apocalypse. Mortals has a lot of mileage and the least investment starting out as well. I'd suggest looking at the Ghost Stories book, as that was our 'intro scenario' (the haunted tree), which worked out well. It also showed how powerful the exploding 10s are, as one of the PCs used a switchblade and exploding tens to one-shot a dog, like opening it up like a fucking purse.

So what's the best werewolf tribe if I want to play a burned out rage filled redneck? My first thougt was a bonegnawer since I like their lore and they have some fun gifts but they have some pretty big drawbacks and it might work better as a Fianna

Red Talons for the 'rage filled' aspect, and being a redneck is less about tribe and more about upbringing.

Can regular wolves be rednecks? I mean, wolf kinfolk, but still.