How do you track initiative? Im kind of wantin to make me a tracker like the one on the picture...

How do you track initiative? Im kind of wantin to make me a tracker like the one on the picture. 24 bucks for the pathfinder one just seems excesive.

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Everyone rolls initiative.
Their scores go on the notepad.
The speed of the action is added to the initiative number.
Lowest number goes first.

Granted, I mostly play d10

I don't actually run games where tracking initiative is an issue anymore, but here you go:

Scroll down to "How to Actually Make a List of Numbers"

1) Cut out equilateral or isosceles paper triangles (I use note cards for the added thickness)
2) Fold them symmetrically in half so that they can stand upright as a bunch of little arrows.
3) Draw in icon, letter, or name on both exposed faces. If available, use different colors for each player to make it easier.
4) Arrange then in turn order such that the first player's marker points to the 2nd, points the the 3rd, etc. Leave the neat little row of markers wgere everyone can see it. Because the folded paper stands somewhat upright, it is easier to see from a distance / low angle than just writing it down on a flat paper.

Jot it down with erasable marker on the map, pretty much like this guy does it
Is that really a problem for most people? Fucking how?

inCombat 4e

It's great even if you don't play D&D 4e.

3.PF brain damage?

I honestly can't think of any other possible reason.

First you set your initiative fire. A fireplace can work for this but it's not optimal, I recommend building a firepit on your gaming table (be sure to use stones to contain it) so everyone can use it.

Then you pass out wooden blocks and everyone whittles a unique symbol out of the block to represent their character. You'll want ten or fifteen of these for an average session of D&D.

Don't whittle a little sculpture of your character, that would take fucking forever.

Anyway, then when initiative is rolled you carve the initiative number into your wooden piece.

The DM counts down from 50 in a very loud voice, giving each number three seconds for its user to respond.

When your number comes up scream and throw your symbol into the fire. The metal powder inside the wood will change its color to your specific color so everyone knows it's your turn.

The DM marks the current initiative number. It doesn't really matter how he does this, but I prefer to peel off wallpaper in the shape of the number, since there's plenty of it for multiple numbers.

When your turn is over extinguish the fire and light a new one, then the DM consults his wallpaper and continues the countdown.

I thought my group was the only one that did this!

I don't.

I got kind of sick of the final fantasy woosh everytime combat started, so I told my players that I was going to roll initiative on my laptop using a program that I wrote, and that I'd reroll initiative every round.

I did that for one combat, and then I just started making up who goes when. My games have never flowed more smoothly desu

I bet you also fudge rolls.
I wish I could hate you to death.

Why, because I run a better game than you do? That's not a good growth mindset.


>How do you track initiative?

Players always go first, unless they're ambushed, in seating order from left to right. Then all enemies act in whatever order is convenient.

People make these things so inconvenient.

You sound like you don't really understand why we have human DMs instead of just playing MMOs.

I've got index cards in different colors for each player, and a few for groups of enemies or other third parties that might wind up in the mix. I put them in order and then flip them behind the last after one goes.
If I'm keeping track of too many things already, I hand it to one of the players to manage.

>I've got index cards in different colors for each player
Hey, why am I Mr. Pink?
Why can't we pick our own colors?

Some guy on another job is Mr. Purple.
You are Mr. Pink!

I do something like this with colored pens (and keep pink for myself).

Also, why is shorty in you pic so lewd?

I dunno, I got it from here and my google-fu fails me.
But if you were at eye-level with bodies like that all day, wouldn't you be?

You raise an excellent point. That sorta view all the time is bound to have an impact.

fucking this

I just make people draw from a playing card deck and go from Ace to King.

As long as everyone's having fun and they can still understand the rules, what's the issue here?

Hm, that's not awful for systems that lack initiative modifiers

Worst case scenario, just add the modifier onto the value of the card.

A=1, J=11, Q=12, K=13, etc. So if you have an initiative bonus of +2 and you drew a king, it'd be 15 all together.