The good king has died, leaving three sons. All of them have the nation's best interest in mind...

The good king has died, leaving three sons. All of them have the nation's best interest in mind, but none of them are willing to work together, each has a strong claim to the throne and a large following. The people will not accept any ruler but one of these three sons.

Each of them has pumped a mental score. Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma respectively. They have neglected, and dumped the remaining two.

You are in high standing, a knight who served the late king directly. If you swear allegiance to one of these sons, the kingdom will likely accept him as the ruler. For the good of the country and with no ambition of your own, who will you swear your sword to?

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A wise king I think.

How about we just feed them all to an Illithid and use their combined knowledge to better run the country

t. Totally not a hungry mindflayer.

This or abolish monarchy


Wisdom sounds, to me, more likely to listen to the advice of other people to compensate for his weaknesses.

Also Will Saves.

Charisma, no matter which one i pick he will have a hard time solidifying his claim, so i pick the one that is the most likely to hold on to the throne.

He might not be remembered as a good king but at least he will be remembered as one. Likely to leave behind a solid line of sucession and a stable kingdom, which is all he needs to achieve. This requires neither wisdom nor great inteligence.

thanks obama


A king can have someone else speak in his place. It looks weak, but a good king would know who to rely on. A king does need to be overly intelligent - smart people exist in abundance. It is a wise king that will fill his court with that which he needs, listen to others, and be able to trust his instinct when something goes wrong.

>All of them have the nation's best interest in mind, but none of them are willing to work together

Well, they better learn fast.

I approach each King and ask which will help me establish a constitutional monarchy with bicameral houses of representation and strict constitutional limits on executive power. Whichever King agrees gets my vote.

I will swear allegiance to the wise king.

Well INT is first to go: a smartass with little ability to convince people or discern from choices wisely is a poor choice for a king - kings have people to be intelligent for them, raw brainpower is low on the scale of things a king needs

WIS is probably the prime choice, though it depends on just how low the other stats are - if his CHA is too low then he'll likely fail to act as a king and no-one will listen to him.

CHA would likely be dim and perhaps a bit foolish, but should be fairly inspirational, able to win people over to his cause and produce a lineage. The main problem would be the likelihood of him falling for bad ideas and bad friends.

If they've got merely low-average dump state, go for the WIS king and hope for the best, if they're seriously low go for king CHA.

CHA would also be the hardest one to put in a non-king royal role I think: INT can do law, finance, managing certain estates or magic, there's a fair few thinky roles that a royal might be appointed to, and WIS could make a fair magistrate or a good high clergyman, but putting CHA anywhere has the issue that he'll be able to convince people to follow him and be a threat to power.

I'd probably end up supporting the Charismatic prince regardless if he's the best choice because he has the best negotiation abilities and would likely do the best job swaying my position.

Well, the good news is, you finally managed to unify all three in a common cause.
Thanks for that. You'll be missed.
I mean, not any time soon, but many centuries from now historians of the revolution will paint you as an early martyr.

>Abolish monarchy
How about we raise the king as a spirit emperor that's undying? I mean, he'll have a weakness to brown afro wearing humans, but there is none of those around

what the hell is that thing?

an example for this is Robert Baratheon, he is not very bright and certainly not wise, but he has charisma. But he gave the kingdom stability after civil war, which if op is to be believed will also take place no matter which side we choose. Most importantly his children would have garantued a solid line of succession (if they were actually his...) for generations to come.

The ideal ruler

Cha. Prop him up as a figure head and let the kingdom be run by his advisers and small councle, I would offer the brothers a chance to be on the small councle after fully explaining the situation to them in private. Also I would have the party rogue make up a game will detailing the kings last will as such.

Let me translate that for you.

>Charisma king
Hitler. Dumb as a log, but can sway even intelligent people to his side with his speeches.

>Wisdom king
Solomon. Master of decision making and compromise, but the country relies too much on his wisdom and falls apart without him.

>Intelligence king
Julius Caesar. Manipulates dozens of enemies against each other with great success, but overconfident and a poor judge of character.


You can keep it.

Wisdom, because you can compensate for the lack of intelligence by having good councilors and advisers. And you can compensate for the lack of charisma by having a generous, steady and fair rule. People like that more than having fancy displays. It's better to have a stiff, boring king that keeps a steady course than a smooth-talking one that you can't rely on.

You could never compensate for a lack of wisdom however because it would be a dangerous and unreliable monarch that might turn against what's best for himself or the realm. The only way is to pacify him with whores, mead, and shiny baubles. And that seems messy.

A wise king is always the best king.

Cha is outright poisonous with low Int and Wis. Get away with terrible decisions: the monarch.

High Int is good in the long term, but the king would probably make a lot of unpopular decisions and only be redeemed by the historians centuries later.

High Wis is the best in the short term, his would be a calm and prosperous rule, though perhaps unremarkable.

the CHA one will win the persuasion check and persuade me. why even give me a choice in the first place, idiot

The wise guy, you have servants both for int and cha.

how exactly?
If you used someone else for charisma you would be at a constant risk of beeing eventually replaced by them. After all people are much more likely to follow the guy they trust, then the omnious shadow doing all the work.

if the king is wise enough he wouldn't let a figurehead amass too much political power
he could be a humble champion that people look up to but with no political power

A major stipulation in the OP people forget is that we're assuming poor to average off stats.

A lot of love for WIS this thread but it needs to be acknowledged that a WIS king might be an easy choice if things are good, but he'll have a much harder time than the others preventing problems like intrigue aware of them. He might know who to trust but lack the charisma and intelligence to keep his faction working. Int is the unpopular choice but if we had a hypothetical hostile court, they might have the best time navigating.

Whoever didn't dump Str.


Really needlessly complicated scenario, you could have just asked, what king you would prefer a wise, charismatic or intelligent king.I would choose Intelligence, with just charisma you could make horrible decisions and Wisdom does not even mean anything, that is not also covered by intelligence.

>Wisdom doesn't mean anything

Autist detected.

Int = Book smarts
Wis = Experience

That doesn't stop people from using him as a figurhead against you, or using him as a puppet the same way you do.
You aren't inteligent you can't account for everything and by the end of the day what even makes the smart and charismatic follow you?
People want more from there leaders then wise words.

This post actually shows exactly why the scenario had to be so specific.

Intelligence, he will get shit done

That's not what wisdom means.

Wisdom means being wise enough to pick the right guy to do the job you need him to. That's real life experience. Imagine if you took some turbo autist math computer programmer and tried to have him run a kingdom. No doubt that he'd efficiently balance the budget, taxes, inventory, etc, but lacks the experience in dealing with royal court politics and other countries, as well as proper delegation.

Wisdom isn't necessarily picking the "strongest choice" for a job but rather "what fits best". Sometimes you need to compromise to chap less people's asses.

Nah, it just complicates things. For example a truly wise or intelligent prince would just be willing to work with his brothers.

Or maybe it's their very traits that prevent them from cooperating with each other

I see someone dumped all 3 stats.

maybe the wise and the inteligent guy know that coorporation will lead to disaster

Is this porn?

Logically I should pick the wise one, but realistically I'd be swayed to the side of the charismatic one.

It's a gag manga.

I take the Big Book of Kingdom's Law and determine to who succession should go.
It The Book does not have an answer I call estates-general so they could choose the king for themselves. I think they would choose CHA guy but it is not my business, and I don't give a fuck. I own allegiance to the crown of kingdom and it's laws and customs, not some random dude that happens to bear the title of the king.

So because someone is intelligent he makes a stupid decision, because someone is wise he can not cooperate with the others and because someone is charismatic others do not want to work with him. Makes perfect sense.

It kind of depends on the role the king plays in the state and the goverment.

Is the king a legislator, a policy maker, an administrator or even a commander in chief? Someone who needs to make good plans? Go for the INT Prince.

Is the king an arbiter, a judge, a mediator between quarreling nobles and factions? Someone who needs to make good decisions? Go for the WIS prince.

Is the king a figurehead? a head of state, yet not of goverment? a represetative of the goverment to the citizens and foreign powers? an embassador of good will, an leader and a symbol to trust and follow? Someone who needs to make a good impression? Go for the CHA king.

You really are stupid huh?

If they aren't cooperating with each other despite having the kingdom's best interest at heart, maybe all three princes have concluded that his brothers cannot be trusted in any capacity; as each brother has the potential to undermine each others' rule and usurp power. Especially if they think the kingdom's best interest is that prince being in power.

I leave the Kingdom.

A three way civil war, fuck that.

Wis mostly means strong instinct and good intuition to me.

Which is insanely handy to have in a king.

Only smart person in the thread.

Wisdom. You can hire people to be intelligent or charismatic, you just need to be a good judge of character, with good temperament and the sensitivity to make weighty decisions. Which, yeah, wisdom.

Why isn't he willing to work together with his brothers? Oh, maybe he knows they are dead set against it and senses it wouldn't work that way.

Kind of a biased question, since wisdom has been seen as a very kingly ideal for ages and ages.

Great planner, knows alot, no one likes him and has poor judgement when it comes to non-theoretical situations. Brittle ruler who courts disaster.

People love him, nobles like him, can be swayed and outmaneuvered by just about anyone and often mistakes smoothing things over with solving the problem. Figurehead ruler who is intrinsically weak and yet dangerously influential.

Knows he's dumb as a post and completely un-charismatic, can accurately gauge motives and natures in himself and others, acute sense of "big picture". Bland but benevolent leader who makes great policy decisions and appointments, but expends an unusually large portion of the kingdom's resources keeping individuals, factions, and the people at large happy and working together.

Again, this is biased and is rooted in what the stats mean: Int is manipulating your thoughts, Cha is manipulating feeling, and Wis is knowing what's real.

Yeah that guy is extremely stupid, all the way up the chain of posts. But that's the world we live in; there are people like that everywhere.

Congratulations. A lot of people talked about Wisdom itt, but I like yours best.

I just love people who never engage in any sort of discussions, but emerge in the end as a smug cunt who decides who's right and who's wrong.
FYI, I didn't take part in this discussion.



Wise king, for reasons mentioned by others in the thread already.

With the other stats being low, they're ALL trash choices.

Can't tell when someone is lying to his face, so his cunning policies don't get executed because he's surrounded by charlatans.

Likewise, but without the benefit of clever policies.

This is the part where y'all are being retarded. WIS makes it easy to suss out liars, but without INT, you're not just unable to tell what's a good policy decision - you're also unable to genuinely discern who can.
WIS king winds up surrounded by well-meaning guys who are much less clever than anyone thinks, who make policies that sound common-sense but fail disastrously for any number of reasons.

tl;dr this kingdom is going down in flames regardless of which of those three dumbfucks in charge. I'm out.

High intelligence. Not a good choice but its going to be a hell of a ride.

Practically speaking wisdom is the best since he will be wise enough to hire advisers to cover areas where he is lacking in terms of skills.

>a knight

I am actually a wizard in disguise

I polymorph one into a better king.

Or I turn myself into one of them.

Helck Manga

>Abolish Monarchy
Kys, merchant

A biologically immortal amalgamation of four great kings.

>Implying the RES PVBLICA isn't at the very heart of European politics
>Implying G*rmanic chieftains didn't ruin everything