Do you think the technological advancements in VR technology will affect the tabletop rpg market?

Do you think the technological advancements in VR technology will affect the tabletop rpg market?


VR, nor, but AR may well see stuff like moving models and 3d maps, though it'd be about the same as people currently using flatscreen tables/ceiling projectors for their games.

Potentially. I could see a VR version of something like Tabletop Simulator having potential, being more immersive etc.

Affect, yes. But not overwhelmingly so.
I'd have stronger expectation of (consumer affordable) 3d hologram technology.

tabletop simulator already has vr support

Considering they haven't even affected the very market they were intended for, no.

Maybe in ten years or so. I'd posit that advancements in AI will do more for tabletop in conjunction with VR/AR. I, for one, welcome our electronic AI Game Masters.

>tfw you're AI GM's magical realm is consensual human-on-human sex.

>mfw my AI-GM know all about my magical realm
>mfw she is okay with my fetishes
>mfw she created a campaign based on my fetish

It hasn't even meaningfully affected the video game market, which was it's primary goal.

Gonna go with no.

YFW as an AI designed to please you it hands you everything with no effort work or personal investment.


VR is and has always been a meme.

Eventually, yes. But it is a long way down the line. The VR industry over promised, under delivered, and jumped the gun with it's release. The big players were so afraid of getting out late and losing control of market share that the neglected to make may meaningful 1st party software content. They relied on a few demos and a heap of well meaning indy trash, which people burned through and grew bored of. Now VR is in a aquard place where it is very impressive tech with nothing to do with it. Non game uses will keep it alive, and people really underestimate how in demand it is for non game applications, but as entertainment it will be a bumpy road. They need to get the price down, and get some real killer aps.

In 10-20 years when it is well developed and affordable, with the right programs, I could see VR Role Playing as a major force in entertainment. Just don't box up your dice just yet.

Rather I was going for it being a absolutely worthless GM that offred no challenge or story just pandering.

"Ok I open the door, what happens"
>"What do you want to happen?"

Maybe something simple at first like having an AR overlay of a game such as seeing little animations associated with a card ala Yugioh or seeing the stats of a mini figure such as Warhammer or something of the sort.

I think something that could definetly bring it to the forefront would be a virtual boardgame.

Imagine you put on your VR set and you and a group of other people (let's say 3 to get 4 total) and you play a boardgame entirely in a virtual space so you have a fully animated board with special affects you can play with people as if you were sitting at a table together.

To a small point.

A MUCH bigger impact will be 3D printers becoming cheaper and more ubiquitous.


>something challenging but fair

>"Ok I open the door, what happens"
I'm afraid I can't let you do that Dave.

Well, online virtual tabletops were meant to rock the market when 4e came out almost a decade ago and they took a fair few years to gain ground (yes, I know stuff like Fantasy Grounds has been around forever).
I think 3d printing will be more influential first. Cheap minis and terrain will be considerably less of a hassle than everyone getting a VR headset and high-end PC for a hell of a long time.
AR maybe, especially if something like Pokémon GO or the 3DS AR cards came about - like imagine if premade modules came with a pack of cards that all would project maps, figures, stats etc (Microsoft's AR thing would probably be better for this but I've not had any experience with it so I'm using more familiar examples).

this, I think AR has more potential to allow people to play PnP from across the globe (so you have an AR table with minis, digital char sheets, the DM is an invisible force that can swap maps, draw maps, and move minis). I think RPG players would be a lot more open to a system that offers essentially unlimited minis and terrain as oppose to a fully immersive dungeon crawler that's both a shitty videogame and a shitty PnP.

>Let's meet your group
>Hatsune Miku, Shadow the Hedgehog, some sort of gay werewolf, and Sephiroth in a fedora

This is the future

You make it sound like that doesn't happen in meat life. I knew a guy who's characters were some variation of sephiroth (as most people have no doubt) being virtual just allows you to go full bore

I think he's talking about using stuff like FaceRig or VR avatars so that the PLAYERS look like that instead of just their characters.

It's alright, but needs to wholly adopt the VR metaphor. It plays a little clunkier than usual, be presence adds enough value to make it worth it.

Holy shit, being this clueless. Honestly the fucking future of gaming and social media, my retarded friend.

Well yeah, didn't Oculus take that Facebook money?