Weapon shoots a tiny piece of metal at you that pokes a tiny little hole in your body

>weapon shoots a tiny piece of metal at you that pokes a tiny little hole in your body
6d6 damage

>weapon shoots a three foot long wooden pole at you that tears through your entire body and then stays lodged in you while you are trying to fight
1d6 damage

Why the fuck are game designers so fucking retarded?

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Because they refuse to do any research. Not even skim through fucking wikipedia.
Also I need to know what system you're talking about.

Not exact numbers, but it seems extremely like Star Wars Saga Edition.

>what is energy transfer
>what is fragmentation
>what is a wound channel

I'll give you the second part, though. Thats way too little damage if the system in question puts a small caliber gun at 6d6

>wut is kinetic energy?

There's a notion that guns "ended" swordplay and as such they're mechanically meant to represent the end of the era so they're broken?

Hitpoints are terrible to begin with, OP. It's like someone took a shit in the middle of your living room and you're only complaining about the flies.

That kind of looks like Shrek.

HP is an abstraction, and arrows whizzing by as the hero returns fire is pretty common in fiction.

Don't you know guns are deathrays and anyone shot with a gun dies immediately

user, I...

I remember watching some anime as a kid (City Hunter I think) and some dude got shot in the chest. The protagonist runs up to him and craddles him in his arms as the dude tells him important stuff before dying. I think this was the first time I ever saw someone get shot to death, and for some reason after seeing that I started believing that gun shots were only lethal if your back hits the ground.

What's the velocity of the wooden pole?

>weapon shoots a tiny piece of metal at you that pokes a tiny little hole in your body
>oh, and it also pulps a tunnel around the hole as wide as your fist
>potentially leaves a crater the size of a coffee cup on the other side, too

Let's figure it out!
Start insulting your local hoodlums so they shank you so you can realistically figure their damage dice out!

African or European Pole?

Devs confused the ability to penetrate armor and the ability to destroy tissue, though injury types mitigated this issue and there have been multiple official fixes for people that want them.

See, in gurps, that makes a helluva lot of sense

Seeing as most folks have about 10 HP

A lucky placement with the bullet might just graze an arm, not kill ya
And a good landing with that spear will pierce a heart or lung, maybe even headshot for a kill

What system is op playing?

>some guy who has no idea how guns work posting on Veeky Forums


>that gif
Was she disarming a mannequin?

Maybe he's thinking of something like .700 NE?
It is rather tiny compared to an arrow shaft.


>that hydrostatic shock myth
Wow, 1980 called they want their lies back

Energy transfer in bullets is negligible compared to spears, as well as the wound channel be far more devistating from a spear as well.

Apparently it's called Queen Emeraldas

Also, you should download the sauceNAO app for your browser, it's what I used to find out the sauce.


Happy hunting

>a small caliber gun
small caliber in itself is useless info without muzzle velocity and projectile weight. But it sounds like you already knew that.

I do agree that systems that have guns and other projectile weapons do tend to overpower the guns and underpower the other weapons. Probably because game designers are just as likely as players to not understand how any of those weapons really work.

It exists for a split second and has limited long-lasting effects because we're squishy like that.

Because most game designers are fat nerds whacking it in their mother's basement and get their /k/ knowledge from action movies and anime.

Which is why a ballista bolt only does 3d8 damage while the average level 5 PC can have somewhere between 20-50 HP and still fight even if they're down to their last Hit Point.

That large cavity collapses pretty much instantly, as the bullet passes. There is some tissue damage in the stretched parts, but it is really only effective when you get projectile speeds at around 2,000fps or higher (don't quote me on the exact fps, it might be 1,500fps, but it is around there). That is when the tissue in the cavity goes from being stretched to being crushed.

>real-life experiments

>weapon shoots a tiny piece of metal at you that pokes a tiny little hole in your body
6d6 damage
exit wound is massive you are beeding out

>weapon shoots a three foot long wooden pole at you that tears through your entire body and then stays lodged in you while you are trying to fight
1d6 damage
wound is sealed can wait for medical attention

Jesus these character models.

I always mind fluffed hp as just getting better at avoiding damage, but that still doesn't explain how a low level healing spell could fully restore a peasant and barely effect a level 10+ adventurer.

Temporary cavities don't injure everything equally, however. Muscle can often survive intact, inelastic organs like the liver take lots of damage.

>Swing small sharp object, less than 2lb heavy
>Throw a 2 ton rock that completely crushes the target to the floor

>exit wound is massive you are beeding out
If that were true then you'd be taking bleed damage.
>wound is sealed can wait for medical attention
Have you ever been fucking stabbed? Have you ever gotten a paper cut even? wounds don't just seal themselves shut and if someone was stabbing you with a spear, they're not going to leave the spear lodged inside of your body.

How about this?

I know the resident autist will show up eventually but before he does, HP is meat points.

You lose meat as you take damage, healing spells restore meat so you can lose meat later from subsequent blows, and as you level up, your character gains more meat so blows become less deadly as you gain more experience.

It doesn't make sense in a logical manner but within the context of gamist systems like D&D that don't try to emulate HP as wounds/injuries, it works for what it needs to be.

>inb4 buh muh CRB lists it as...
All that matters is how it's represented in play, not how it's supposedly referenced within the fluff of the book.

Speed factor should be increased on guns and something like 2 or 3 d6 because of the power behind a bullet.

>If that were true then you'd be taking bleed damage.
i assumed it was built in or something its not like op provided the system details may be a crit for all i know.

>wound is sealed can wait for medical attention
>Have you ever been fucking stabbed?
(fortunately no but it is a risk in my ocupation)

>wounds don't just seal themselves shut and if someone was stabbing you with a spear, they're not going to leave the spear lodged inside of your body.

i assumed it was a thrown weapon as the other was a projectile type so it wouldnt be withdrawn yet failed to pierce through and as others have said flesh is flexable to a certain extent and will squeeze around an inserted object slowing bleeding.

IOW, guns separate into two main categories: low-velocity and high-velocity [which in turn splits into fragmenting and not].

Low velocity pokes [crushes, technically] holes, like a rapier. High velocity [rifles with smokeless powder] punches through armor that would stop low velocities, leaves a shockwave that splinters bones, tears organs, and often pops heads open, and if fragmenting, comes apart in a tiny blizzard of shrapnel.

The difference is easily represented by modern crime statistics. 80% of people shot with a rifle die on the scene, 80% of people shot with a pistol live [and are rarely incapacitated].

feet not frames

>Party mage gets caught off guard
>Thief holds a knife to his throat
>Laughs at him because it only does d4 damage.

What am I supposed to do? Insta-kill the guy, or go by game rules?

im not going to lie, if i got my hands on that, so many things in life would be so much more fun.

Technically, it's the velocity of the projectile.

But keep in mind that d20 is a piss poor system to begin with.

Holy fuck you could not possibly be more wrong

This. Being shot with a really high velocity projectile is pretty devastating, and only gets worse as velocity goes up. Man-portable railguns would cause absolutely horrific injuries, think of what a high-velocity rifle shot can do and then imagine that projectile going 11k ft/s or more.

And then you have theoretical shit like MARAUDER (Magnetically Accelerated Ring to Achieve Ultra-high Directed Energy and Radiation), which would use railgun principles to highly accelerate bolts of plasma. Not really relevant to the discussion, but cool as fuck.


So much kinetic energy that it causes an explosion with a non-explosive projectile


Might I ask what's wrong with Saga? I was planning on running a Mass Effect game with it soon, so hearing about the shit I'm in for is good.

Is this a new meme? I keep seeing it everywhere.

>On a long distance space expedition
>space on board is limited.
>Most of our weapons use Heat Sink 'ammo'.

And if we could get up to near-relativistic speeds, it gets even crazier. A 15g projectile (the size of a .45 caliber bullet) traveling at 0.25c would have 44 million megajoules of kinetic energy. That's as much energy as a 10 kiloton nuke.

It's always a meme user, that's the only way humans exist now.

>human society is a meme
That's deep.

>Is this a new meme? I keep seeing it everywhere.
It might be. Hard to tell in this case though, since the idea of hydro-static shock was a big deal in the late 80's early to mid 90's.

1980 is long enough ago, that most shitposters can't comprehend it, so yeah it probably has achieved meme status as a "fuck long" time ago.

As someone born in the 80's, this is distressing. I should phone my congressman!

They're not good. Which is stupid, because for all it's flaws, character models were not a problem with me3


>tfw one of the chicks in you platoon turned to shrek whenever she applied the green base of the woodland camo paint to her face

Going by the shotgun animation, they've gone to straight shells for reasons

Add to that character customization doesn't exist in Andromeda and you have a shitty game


>Tiny-ass fucking pistol
>Packs the power and recoil of a sniper rifle
Explain this

Having been both shot and stabbed by a knife i will say without question that if i had to pick to be shot or stabbed again i would take getting shot in a heartbeat.

Getting stabbed sucked a hell of a lot more then getting shot. i dont even want to think about the difference a big hulking spear lodged inside you would have over a knife.


It has the same bore as the snipers in game.

That's a straight up lie.

180-350ft/sec for crossbows.

Quarrels are not 3ft long, but broadheads will murder you and everything inside of you.

Ouch, man. Mugging? Combat deployment?

No it isn't. Enjoy your $60+DLC shrekdyke game

>soldier on insanity
>snipers tearing your mako apart like its made of paper
>dismount and tank anti tank missiles to the face with unity

Yeah but GURPS also has damage types, and guns are piercing or large piercing while bows get impaling, also pistols do like 2d6+2 so a pistol and a bow is likely to end up doing the same damage against an unarmored opponent.

Wait, do you mean the fact there's no classes or are you actually trying to say you can't change your characters face? Also I live in Canada, so it's actually 80

>That's a straight up lie.

>paying 80 cucknadia pesos for the shrekdyke experience


Fuck i meant immunity, 2 and 3 soldiers just wasn't the same without it. It was like being the terminator.

D20 is its biggest problem. Also that the game throws a lot of useless crunch options at you and purposefully gimps combat actions in favor of tech trees.

Years ago i though it would be a good idea to join up and go play with the sand people.

Thankfully neither event was very serious and i healed up just fine.

>Fnally, Flynn was asked if players could customize the way the body of Sara and Scott Ryder would look in addition to their faces. Flynn confirmed that body customization was not an option in Andromeda.

So exactly like the previous games?

Did I say I was buying it? I'm waiting for reviews. Besides, anyone who even considered the Asari when there's a female Turian romanceable is a straight up fool.

So you cant change the body type, just choose your face, skin tone, name, race, history, skills, and class. Got it. Clearly no character customization here.

>extremely easy, zero challenge
>choices that boil down to "be cunty" or "be retarded"
>romance options

It has never been more obvious that trash effect is designed for women

Hm. Well that's typical.

Class is iffy. Which might actually be sort of nice

I think you mistook body for face, nowhere there says you can't customize your face.

What system are you talking about?

Jesus Christ dude calm down. Did a Bioware writer molest your or something?

Yes, a bioware writer molested my or something.

Won't someone thing of the or somethings?

Well now you've just gone and made a fool of yourself.

user, the example explicitly states that the spear is left inside of you.

>offended by the fact that trash effect is written for the lowest tier of hambeast

I wonder what that says about you? Hmmm...

>face, skin tone, name, race, history, skills, and class
So nothing that hasn't been in an RPG since 2010? Even Fallout 4 lets you customize your body.

Velocitus Eradico

And yet again Veeky Forums falls for a /v/ thread

Post numbers are board specific, you can't cross link via number alone, you need to specify a board too.
Also we have perpetual Elder Scrolls threads and stuff. /v/ has solid foothold here.

What a waste of those dubs

God I hope this game is good. I like Bioware games. Hell, I even liked Dragon Age Inquisition. But this game looks like its falling apart before its even released.


Didnt want to directly cross-link, I gave the board and the OP post No. For those that care go for it, but it does help prevent some backwash. There are relevant video games, and then there is /v/.

Well, shit.