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1st for Sailor celestinemoon


Xth for 40k can have happy endings

Stupid, dumb, phone-posting scum.

In that fucking Twitch Battle Report Warhammer just aired, did they have Roboute Guilliman joined in a unit of Terminators? I feel like they did, which is illegal, as he is a MC.

They also abruptly ended it on Turn 2.

Are they going to go edit and write a rule that allows him to do this now? If he can't, he's dust.

>tfw emps already said chaos will win

As always feedback is appreciated.

Considering dropping the Blessing roll to only kick in on failed armor saves. Makes it so that anti-MEQ weapons are still more effective against them.

>assblasted chaosfag

How is your back skarbrand?

Turns out that 40k games take so long that not even GW can adequately wrap them up in their allotted time. Of course, this just means that everything needs to get bigger and killier.

He can join units if he is an MC AND and the independant character rule as it only stops ICs joining monster, not monsters joining non-monsters.

This totally fucks with the system and would need an FAQ to state how that interacts with other ICs.

>They also abruptly ended it on Turn 2.
it was turn four, and they ended it because killing skarbrand was a victory condition of the scenario

No, he can't. This was in the FAQ.

Has lore gone too far?

If he can't join a unit, then T6 3++ is all you have to get through. He's not going to be worth it unless he's under 400 points.

So what rule did they get wrong this time?

It was charging out of Rhinos for "thematic" reasons last time.

Assault out of deepstrike, iirc.

What is his statline/abilities like? I haven't seen them yet.

>what is a thread title
If you can't make a thread properly don't make a thread.

They specifically allowed that because they wanted to finish the game.

They fucked up Destroyer weapon rules though.

>T6 3++

That's a lot of "All". It's not like a Heresy archmagos, where he lacks IW and can be slapped in the face by any twat with a Paragon Blade. He'll take 22 S8 AP2 wounds to put down, that's a tall order for even Grav, and he may well get up again. That's not a massive problem given that you have a while to deal with him, but he's hanging around a few turns unless you have 6 BS5 or twinlinked Kataphrons sitting around turn 1/2.

*22 S8 AP2 HITS, not wounds. And that's assuming no FnP, since the stream went backwards and forwards on whether he had it or not.

>Ctrl + F

Nah, I think my Ork boy can take em, I'll send two just to make sure.

Nigga, Magnus has to fly most of the time to avoid getting exploded and he has T7 4(3)++ rerolling 1s with 7W.

And really, you can just ignore him. His gun is pretty strong, but he is not much of a threat since he lacks mobility.

Rules sample one. He is 350 points and WS9.

I doubt it will happen in any game I play but it amuses me that Exorcists will likely devour him alive. He'll still have the 3++ but that's a lot of Str 8 AP 1 heading his way.

His sword allows you to resolve all his melee attacks as destroyer attacks if you get a 6 to hit.

He may instead elect to automatically strike all enemy models in base contact at the default profile.

They did catch that, thankfully.

And his swag gun for shooting at pretty much everything and having an effect or a chance to do something.

He also seems to be able to join units in the stream.

So do they not post the army lists used on the warhammer TV twitch feed anymore? I just want to see how over-upgraded they make their stuff..

Noticed, and he's so slow that if he wants to even use that gun he has I can outrun him with Kataphrons.
Magnus is a tad pricier, too, I expect. I don't anticipate much trouble from him, since the UM player where I am is a bit of a dick and I won't feel bad about dropping a War Convocation on him once my Knight is finished.

That works too, he's stuck on the ground, on his own. He's a giant Distraction Carnifex, who will take a lot of fire from some things and die surprisingly fast to those that can. Like Leman Russ, Scoria and Angron from the Heresy, it doesn't matter how many rules he has on that sword if he never gets to use it.

They originally asked if he had FnP and IWND, they said yes to FnP and no to IWND.

Somehow people misheard it as no FnP but he definitely has it.

>His sword allows you to resolve all his melee attacks as destroyer attacks if you get a 6 to hit.
Wait, if a single one of his six attacks rolls a 6 To Hit, they ALL gain Destroyer?

>His phone doesn't have a search function

>base contact
It says 1", which is a bit better.
No, only the ones that rolled the 6. Or at least they played it as such.

Technically speaking, the exact wording of the
IC rule is “Independent Characters can join other units. They cannot, however, join units that contain vehicles or Monstrous Creatures.”
So bobby G can join units RAW, but he can not be joined by ICs, and may not join units of MCs.

OK then, assuming regular 5+ FnP that's upgraded to about 30 AP2 hits that wound on 2+. Well,assuming he's about 400pts I'm going to quite like playing him, since it's not as dangerous as something like a Knight, really. IMO Cawl is better straight up, shinier buffs and less paying for superfluous melee. After a while a model becomes choppy enough it's a waste to add to it, it's overkill several times over in his case.

I'm not sure.. I haven't seen one posted in a while

I've been told both on the destroyer rule.

Also. 1". Even better!

Okay, I assumed that was how it worked, but I got scared for a second there.

he's probably mid-300's

People are definitely just kneejerking, though. I'd like to be able to stick him in a land raider. Muh 600 point basket of eggs.

What's a decent loadout for a devastator Sergeant? Just a boltgun or maybe even a combi-weapon?

>casually put entire world to the sword during the great crusade
>"baww, you guys in the present time are not nice"

Nice consistency there.

>using exorcists on Guilliman

you know how i know you're a heretic? on a serious note is there anything the exorcist wouldn't have trouble with?

Well he had a few millenia to think about what he did.

I think they were rolling 6+ FnP

>. Well,assuming he's about 400pts I'm going to quite like playing him, since it's not as dangerous as something like a Knight, really
He's 350 points apparently.
Assuming he has EW, he'll be quite dead 'ard killy. If it turns out he's allowed to join units like he did in the game, then he'll be fucking great. Plus he'll be cheap enough to take some conclaves or maybe even a Gladius strike force with.
And that's before we know the formations relics and special rules that RotP should give us.
Bobby G is looking pretty good.

What are his baseline special rules? EW at least?

Reminder that if this game was nothing but Orks vs Orks it would be perfect.

go play gorkamorka

They weren't shown but he has FnP and EW

>there will never be a Space Marine sequel

As a SOB player, it starts to really struggle against armour 13/14 as it's only Str 8.

It devours light armour and monsterous creatures but won't pop heavy armour without a lot of wasted effort. Still, that's what Melta is for.

>doesn't like a world full of retarded fanatics
>doesn't like an empire of retarded fanatics
it all checks out, boss

it would just be age of sigmar since no one would be able to shoot each other

His words sort of imply that all was fine and dandy back in the old days.

So gullyman is basically just a melee Riptide?

So would mechanized with rhinos or drop pods be better for the infantry core with Guilliman?

>What are his baseline special rules? EW at least?
Apparently so, as well as some form of FnP.
I'd definitely bet he's got fearless. Maybe fleet and some of the other stuff primarch's in 30k have.

We know he does not have IWND, but he can resurrect which is better. Esspecially if you combine it with a libby with earth blood.

if 30k is anything to go by you're right since it's based around the stat line and army does wonders for balance since it's all homogeneous

Depends if he's got the ability to get into vehicles or not.

Are you saying it wasn't? Everything they did was to protect "The dream" back then. Now they've twisted that dream into a nightmare and do things like that daily because it's the only way they know how to act.

You probably need something that can sit back and shoot, so enemies are forced to run at him.
I hope that he can run and charge, that would help him a lot.

Well, we know that's not a problem. Honestly Primarchs are shiny enough out of AV14 tonks, as, proved by an endless trail of salty Legion players whose Heresy 1200pt Spartanstar got Lightninged and is now basically useless.

Whatever it is, no massive deal.

Basically, shoot the 120pts each, not protecting themselves medics first. Spreading the deathstar out helps, sure, but I think he'll be upper end of decent assuming the players don't take the Deathstar Bait and feed him 600 points of psyk to make him unnecessarily stompy.

30k balance died after the first three books were done. At this point, it's hardly more balanced than 40k, and the FW aspect adds some ugly pay-to-win elements.

No. He's powerful in melee, not half bad in the shooting phase, and can buff his army rather well.
He's a good all arounder, which is fitting for him.

>Imperials get a demi god with basic D attacks and invuln saves
>Ork super bad Ghaz can't even get fearless or invuln save or attacks higher than i1 with bs2

>basic D attacks and invuln saves

What is Imperial Knight?

So predators, thunderfires, and devastators? I want to start building space marines and also want to use Big G.

Should Devastators come with a full compliment of ablative brothers or just take a minimum sqaud with the heavy weapons? Thinking of having one squad with lascanons and another with plasma canons.


>but I think he'll be upper end of decent assuming the players don't take the Deathstar Bait and feed him 600 points of psyk to make him unnecessarily stompy.
I think he'll be a bit better than that.
He's able to buff his own army quite well, and is nothing to laugh at in the shooting phase.
The extra doctrines can increase the efficiency of shooting in the early game with the 2 dev doctrines, providing good supporting fire for him so that he can make his way to the opponent.
On his own he's pretty good, but in the hands of a smart player he'll be extremely powerful.


Games gone full retard, I miss when it was just about skirmishes.

vindicators are probably better than predators
you need scary things to capitalize on guilliman's scariness

>Should Devastators come with a full compliment of ablative brothers or just take a minimum sqaud with the heavy weapons?
I like the full squad, since it means you can split them up and hit two targets at once. It also means your heavy weapons might survive some fire .

Feedback appreciated guise, how would this fare for comp? (Devs aren't embarked in their droppod, it's there so 3 pods fall turn 1)

+ HQ (200pts) +

········Celestine, The Living Saint (FoC) (200pts)

++ Combined Arms Detachment (Dark Angels: Codex (2015) v2009) (1646pts) ++

+ HQ (130pts) +

········Librarian (130pts) [Auspex]
············Power Armour [Bolt Pistol, Desvalle's Holy Circle, Force Sword, Infantry]
············Psyker [Level 2]
················Psychic Powers [Discipline: Telepathy]

+ Elites (235pts) +

········Command Squad (235pts) [Apothecary, 4x Grav Gun, Sacred Standard]
············Drop Pod [Storm Bolter]

+ Troops (576pts) +

········Tactical Squad (176pts) [Plasmagun, 8x Tactical Marine]
············Drop Pod [Storm Bolter]
············Sergeant [Boltgun, Chainsword]

········Tactical Squad (200pts) [Heavy Bolter, Plasmagun, 9x Tactical Marine]
············Drop Pod [Storm Bolter]
············Sergeant [Boltgun, Chainsword]

········Tactical Squad (200pts) [Heavy Bolter, Plasmagun, 9x Tactical Marine]
············Drop Pod [Storm Bolter]
············Sergeant [Boltgun, Chainsword]

+ Fast Attack (420pts) +

········Assault Squad (180pts) [9x Assault Space Marine, 2x Flamer, Jump Packs]
············Assault Space Marine Sergeant [Bolt Pistol, Chainsword]

········Ravenwing Bike Squad (160pts) [2x Grav Gun, 2x Ravenwing Biker]
············Ravenwing Attack Bike [Multi-Melta]
············Ravenwing Sergeant [Bolt Pistol]

········Ravenwing Darkshroud (80pts) [Heavy Bolter]

+ Heavy Support (185pts) +

········Devastator Squad (185pts) [4x Lascannon, 4x Space Marine]
············Drop Pod [Storm Bolter]

+ Fortification (100pts) +

········Aegis Defense Line (100pts) [Quad Gun]

Hero Hammer would be skirmish. They just made normal 40k Apocalypse in recent times

So like two combat teams with two heavy weapon devs each?

His buffs are nothing to write home about, though. It only takes effect on turns where you need a reuse doctrine, and speaking as an Admech player you won't need that too much when you don't have Shroudpsalm as an option.

Also, you want to use those 12" bubbles you have to stick with him. Powerful yes, but not extremely so. He's a little like Scoria from the Heresy, but a LoW and with no SpartanStars to deter, and doesn't have quite the same level of buffs. Scoria Blue Point Oh.

On the upside, you can watch everyone get really damn salty about their snowflakes getting gunned down with impunity by glorious tinfoil shock troopers, or whatever army you play. I'm not a fan of Herohammer mcuh, unless said expensive hq is buffy not choppy, but I like playing it.

>my grishnak sisters just came in
oh baby

Yep, I run with lascannons so it's nice to be able to spread them out a bit.

This stream is quite amusing, they do it every week?

Don't know if you lads saw but Eternal Crusade went F2P


Didn't even make it to release hah.

Free to Waagh was always planned for EC, though? Orks are underpowered to compensate for them having better numbers.
It's still a shit game, but they always meant for this.

Wasn't it always slated to have a F2P aspect, and now they're changing that for game balance reasons?

I'm interested in trying it but mybcomp's a toaster. How is it?

He thought the Imperium could effectively rule mankind with the right men in charge.

Then it all came tumbling down and turned into a hellhole with a constant state of civil war and near-anarchy matched up against useless bureaucracy and absurd amounts of corruption.

>actual artwork of Celestine gifting her iron halo to Guilliman
>she puts it on him herself

THIS IS SO FUCKING PRECIOUS. Why are you so grumpy, Guilliman? A cute angel is giving you her favorite hat.

I'm gonna model my Celestine without the halo

People that actually play space marines, other than not knowing all the details about Big G, how does this look?

>Why are you so grumpy, Guilliman?
he doesn't want an angel waifu, he wants a space roman waifu

also, as you can tell, it does use the start collecting stuff for Space Marines.

needs more bikes

Hmm, does pressure from a few angles. Think I'm only really worried about the Vindicators though, honestly.

>wake up after getting nearly killed
>revived by an elf
>getting an iron halo from an angel empowered by the emperor
>shit is fucked
>war everywhere
>get told to meet your father who's undead
>chaos on the rise

and to top it all off the paperwork is a mess

>tfw no qt angel of the emperor will ever crown you regent of the galaxy

What's a good loadout for cataphracti terminators?
They seem to have a pretty good invulnerable save so lightning claws don't feel like such a bad option. Maybe with a heavy flamer?

How long until he learns that one brother has been dead in pretend for Centuries?

Is he really only 350 points I thought he would be at least 400+


good question. he's probably got 10 people trying to talk to him at once telling him shits fucked or asking him questions about the emperor. i wonder who's doing damage control. calgar or tiggy maybe?

The big thing is that it is not just extra uses of the doctrines. But it grant speech full affect of every doctrine to every model in the army.

So if you use him you get to full Taryn's of pretty much everything in your army being twin linked.

Is it worth it to buy the game right now if I can get it for $5?
I know it's about to go free, but is it worth $5 to skip the grind?