Are humans at the top of the food chain in your setting? If not, who or what is the true apex predator?

Are humans at the top of the food chain in your setting? If not, who or what is the true apex predator?

Dragons. Sure, humans Can kill them. but dragons kill a lot more humans than humans kill dragons.

Frankenstein Tarrasques.

elves and dragons

Depends on where you're at. Vampires are higher in some places. All sorts of fey creatures in parts near the fey woods.

Dragons, demons, gods.

>Are humans at the top of the food chain in your setting?
As a species, yes. As an individuals there's few exceptions that prey even on them.
>If not, who or what is the true apex predator?
I am.

Humans were never on the top of the food chain, we are scavengers. We're opportunistic hunters sure but if you've ever been on a farm you'll know that so are most omnivores.

What does this mean for a fantasy setting? It means that dragons, giants, ogres and such will eat us if it takes their fancy but they haven't evolved to live off a diet of man flesh.

>what is endurance hunting

Humans ARE apex predators.

>Gods>Godspawn>Artifact Creatures>Vampires>>>>Else

>what is endurance hunting
You mean following something till it dies. Would you call a vulture an apex predator?

Its this world

Humans are scavengers, not apex predators. Humans were, in fact, prey to some predators.

Endurance hunting is only an extension of scavenging, there was a time when we merely followed predators to pick up their leftovers.

If you actually read about endurance hunting, it usually involves injuring a member of the herd, or at minimum picking out a weak and sick member to isolate and follow.

Not the same as just following it until it dies. Especially since the act of following is to exhaust the animal, its not just living, its progressively escaping a hunter.

Still scavenging.

No. Because the hunters kill the prey, not just eat what has already died or been killed.

Vultures don't isolate members of a herd and harass them to death.

Not to say that endurance hunters are alpha predators or not. It's just a method of hunting.

If Humans evolved along side other fantasy races, I imagine humans would probably still be "Alpha predators" in most environments. Like wolves to orges' bear.

Top of the food chain is the wight. Sure it might not be that much at CR 3 but if a single wight sneaks into a large city and manages to kill a dozen people you're kind of fucked.
>Wight kills 6 people and turn them into wight minions before dying
>Wight minions are now wights and go on to kill and transform a bunch of people
>All those new wights go on to kill a bunch more people
>The process repeats until some up and coming lich decides to take over the horde.
>The cycle continues until you have 40+ lich lords directing a endless wave of wights across the planet.
>The gods say "Fuck it" and wipe the planet to start over again.
>This happens about once every 4,000 or so years after the cycle's creation.

I don't think wights can really occupy the top of a food chain, since they aren't really eating. They're using humans to reproduce parasitically.

>still playing DnD


Well they don't really affect anything with 23+ AC. Now if they have a bit of intelligence and flank/trip/grapple/bull rush/etc then they're an actual threat.

I don't care what you say. If 8 wights attempt bull rush attempts than at least half of them are going to hit flesh.

So you have to ignore the rules for your argument to make sense?

What percentage of the population is at 25+ AC? That's +1 Full Plate + +1 Tower Shield.

Why don't the gods just stop creating wights? Even the god of undeath probably has to realize at some point that this isn't going anywhere.

Because the gods are autistic?

>Are humans at the top of the food chain in your setting? If not, who or what is the true apex predator?

Basically, it goes:

Behemoth = Leviathan = Zizz > > > Terrasque = Hydrasque = Ignasque > > > Dragons > 'True' Giants > > > 'False' Giants > Standard Monsters > Standard Humanoids = Dire Animals = Regular Animals.

Something like that, give or take a few more >'s



You're basically retarded, so why not kill yourself like all the cool marxists are doing?

What's a zizz?

>What's a zizz?

One of the three biblical/hebrew super animals in abrahamic mythology: they were, like, the biggest and greatest animals in all of god's creation that he'd use as an example saying how, "these animals are so massive and amazing, their strength is greater than all of humanities, but even I am greater than they."

I just flat out pinched them from the bible and stuck them into my setting as 3 mega-giga-fauna sized creatures; so big there can only be 1 of each alive at any given time and restricted to land, air, or sea.

The Zizz is just the biggest bird and the least mentioned/unpopular one of the trio.


Humans have been thoroughly dethroned. Most wild animals have evolved to be able to eat them.

The strongest animal is of course the dragon, but there is only one left, so he goes around fucking everything that moves and kidnapping princesses in a sad attempt to produce children.

>Humans kill fewer humans on an average yearly basis than mosquitoes do
Imagine all of the war and violent crime and terrorism in the world and consider the fact that mosquitoes still have a higher body count. Malaria is no joke

Emu/Magpie alliance.

Maybe you should learn about palaeontology before throwing out your dumb shit.

Early hominids were absolutely scavengers.

So, Rayquaza.

>Being above anything but lettuce

Clearly we need to unite as a species and declare war on mosquitoes.

They are blow the following:
>Extara Barnacles
>The Darkness
>Parasitic Hope
>Vendala On High
>The Moon
>Korkgen With Song

So not humans, and therefore you're wrong. Got it. Fuck off, commie.

I've been saying this all along. Mosquitoes are scum.

No, but I have a vore fetish
Dragonesses giantesses and goddesses

Huh, you can't spoiler in the middle of a word anymore, Why?

>They can simultaneously inhale/disintegrate matter, regardless of size.
>Doing so allows them to swallow/absorb energy.
Like a tiny soulless Kirby with wings, made of concentrated malice. They almost ate each other into extinction, which is why they're so sparse in my universe.

Dragons ain't shit.

The combination of the king of animals and on the of largest airborne predators. I fluffed that the absolute control of the skies the griffins have lead them to developing into an imperialist nation with humans being either feudal slaves of cattle.

Nope. They've been pushed off the mainland and live as pirates and fishermen on a few scrubby island that no one else wants.

Dragons raze the country-side with impunity.

Ogres, giants, trolls, and other nasty things all have rudimentary civilizations/tribes that content with each other.

Goblins are hella smart but mainly survive by out-breeding and fleeing anyone and anything and living in the cracks where they don't get noticed.

Orcs are one of the few organized and technologically advanced races that has a presence on the mainland. They're brutal, tyrannical, and enslave as many powerful monsters as they can gang-press into their military, and as many worker slaves as their slave masters can handle. But they're brutal because they have to be when it takes an army to fight off half a dozen big uglies who want your crops and you have to rebuild a city every 12 years when the dragon decides it's gotten too big.