ETH just broke 800 and spiked

shit is going wild. of the top 3 coins, it's going up while the others are dipping.

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Indeed. I saw this shit and poured $50 more into it for easy gains. Inb4 tiny amount I'm poor fuck off

>panic sold 3.8 eth 500
>fomoed into litecoin 7.2 at 265
>hodling litecoin
>watching eth clime

Rage, so much rage

i'm trying to figure out what's causing the spike, especially since btc seems to be the coin that spikes first, and the other 2 follow.

It can't be the normie invasion of coinbase, as they've been feeding litecoin (muh full coin).

I know a new blockchain based IPO launched today on the nasdaq that everyone shit the bed over...

It's probably the other two coins following Bitcoin because I just saw a Bitcoin is actually going to become positive in a bit

just put more fiat in and increase holdings, or are you too pussy?


maybe - it's just traditionally btc has been ahead of the pack and all other coins follow.

maybe we're seeing a new trend develop, esp will trading bots. Once we see btc go down, they sell at a stop-loss, pump that money into ETH, wait till btc bottoms out, then sell ETH to go back into btc.

Does this mean I can pick up alts for cheap tomorrow?

I say pick them up now.

looks like it's hitting resistance at the previous high (~790), right now there's going to be a big sell and it will dip, or it will break through and moon.

Watch your graphs folks!

thank god. my buy orders for shitcoins missed. my eth got saved.

small tip from me, i've found when btc hits lows are a good time to buy alts. Lots of ppl cash out alts to buy btc at a low during this.

short term resistance broke, we'll see if it goes up. I'm thinking 850 will top off.

researching...i wonder if this is a reason for the buys.
ETH broke 1 million transactions today.
Ethereum handles the highest transaction volume of any blockchain today.

Bitcoin may have the highest market cap for now, but Ethereum truley is the Master Race

>tfw Own 2 ETH

gemini is leading the pump? what timeline am I in?

>tfw own 2 ETH + LTC
I'm going full on HODL

Agreed, btc is the king right now, but ETH is the future. Until massive work is done on btc, it will not scale for the future.

The real value for crypto is going to application integration, and ETH is doing that right.

My thoughts exactly. Couldn't believe my eyes, Gemini not lagging behind on price

litecoin starting to spike now.

I am starting to see a trend that bitcoin dips usually correlate with eth/ltc spikes

It'll be well over $1000 by the end of the week and BTC will be over 20K.

.. You must be new here

>ETH mooning
>'hey maybe its ETH's time to shi-'
>LTC starts mooning more

>hedged half of my ETH into BTC at 700 an eth and 1700 a BTC. I'm actually up higher than were I to stay in only ETH. Feels ok.