When was the last time a PC died in one of your games?

When was the last time a PC died in one of your games?

> party has boarded a slave trader's ship for passage to a nearby city
> rogue is a wererat they picked up a few weeks prior, don't know much about him
> rogue thinks it would be funny if a few of the slaves and the captain contracted lycanthropy without knowing
> starts indiscriminately biting slaves
> word of the big purple wounds on the cargo gets back to the rest of the party
> barbarian knows something is awry
> waits until the rogue goes out to try to bite the captain that night
> rogue thinks this is all a big joke, starts running for his life once he finds out the barbarian means business
> barbarian is enraged and eventually catches up to the rogue, strangles him, then throws his body overboard
> ship's captain finds out about the whole business and reimburses the barbarian for his passage
> barbarian is held in high regard by the rest of the crew for the rest of the journey

Good times playing fun games with friends. Anyone got good stories?

>new Shadowrun party made up of strangers
>rigger has an Ares Roadmaster with after-market armour add-ons that can tank high-explosive grenades and heavy lasers
>extremely paranoid mage spends half the time in the van shitting himself thinking somebody's going to summon a spirit directly into the van and force them to crash
>rigger's player ragequits
>mage's player suspects I'm going to bring his PC back as a villain
>summons spirit inside the van to murder him

My last PC died in the epilogue I gave him after the game was over. The GM told us to give our PCs an ending so I decided that
>he keeps adventuring and travelling the earth, siring a couple of kids without ever settling down. Eventually he is killed in a 1 on 1 fight against a Balor.

This story was more entertaining when you included the line about "this guy would make a great rat".

This is nice. The last time I was a player, I "died" at the end of the campaign by sacrificing myself in order to free my ancestors from a curse. I'm not really sure if I actually died, it ended with me basically being left with some dragon God from another dimension.

The last time I had a player while GMing was our bard dying during a last stand on a bridge in a goblin cave.

My party tpked last week.
>Enlarged barbarian dwarf runs infront of the rest of the party and starts threatening the enemy they we are trying to talk out of killing us.
>blocks the door so we can not get to it to open it.
>party losses its initiative advantage due to the dwarf being slow as fuck.
>dwarf nearly dies before his turn comes up.
>paladin and rogue run around the side, but that takes like three rounds.
>bard stays next to dwarf and tries to keep him healed before going down
>dwarf that could use the bards wand of cure light wounds to save the bard just ignores him.
>sorcerer has been sitting in the back this whole time trying to bad touch the enemy.
>paladin and dwarf go down, sorcerer surrenders and they keep trying to kill him
>rogue attempts to umd wand on bard.
>gets caught by enemy,and attempts to flee.
>rogue gets caught, and is immediately executed.
>everyone else is executed later.

> tried to bash open a door.
>took 1d2 damage
>Died because lvl 1 characters are made of plasticine



Under what rules? How many rounds did it take? What were the rolls?

Did they make great rats?

>Nighttime ambush by Yuan-ti Broodguards, Nightmare Speaker, and Mind Whisperer
>Speaker drops Silence on the party
>Character on watch fails perception check
>Mind Whisperer gets into tent of cleric and starts stabbing the shit out of him
>Cleric manages to get out and starts kicking people awake, eating AoOs
>Party starts scrambling waking each other up, someone dispells silence
>Cleric gets straight-up murdered by the Mind Whisperer before the party can save him
>They fight off the ambush with difficulty and spend half the IC night hunting down the Nightmare Speaker and killing her.

I like Volo's.

Rogue decided to step out on his own to try to deal with some shit so that he had a reason to keep the reward for himself.

I adjusted the encounters, but I intentionally left them harder than I expected he'd be able to handle. I was pretty wrong, to be fair, he did really well until he got to the quest boss. He tried to diplomance and assassinate his way through it, but the boss just punched him in the face mid-sentence and then stunlocked him into a bloody pulp.

I had explicitly warned him that diplomacy was a slim bet, and chances are he would get wrecked solo, so perhaps he should just sabotage the battlefield or steal some stuff, but no 'I've been alright up until now, I want to fight the boss'. I figured that I'd given the obligatory amount of warnings, so he went down like a chump and died.

I almost killed a PC but I felt merciful
>two PC's are anti social savants
>one is a weirdo doctor
>the other is obsessed with their rifle and was raised in the wild without parents
>the party comes up to a ware houses with 5 bandits inside
>they kill 3 without much trouble but the doctor takes a round to the arm and is put out of the fight
>the remaining three clear the warehouse
>wild child hears movement in a room, prepares to clear it
>gets a bad roll, hits the bandit with one round but he gets hit as well
>both are still on their feet
>suddenly a door behind wild child opens up and a grenade is thrown
>lands right next to wild child
>instead of running out the big ass door that he used to get into the warehouse he rushes into the room with the bandit he exchanged fire with earlier
>he decides to hip fire on full auto
>bad roll, every shot misses and he gets his left arm and leg crippled by return fire
>the bandit takes him hostage instead of straight up killing him
>another party member sees his mistake and sprays down the room with blind fire before storming in
>wild child is saved

He gave me some bullshit about how he missed every shot when he rushed into the room. According to him, since he hit the bandit on the turn before his muscle memory should have increased his accuracy on the second turn or something

I think the only PC death I ever caused was when I had someone get crushed under an animatronic.

Town was being raided by a dragon cult, their army of kobolds were at the gates of the reinforced town hall and the dragonborn general demanded that we send our strongest warrior to duel him or they'd raze the villagers.
I was playing a honorabru dragonborn pally so i volunteered. Stepped out of the gates, had a little monologue vs monologue and then spewed acid breath and hurt him considerably.
His round, gives another fucking monologue and says something along the lines of "I've tasted your breath now taste mine" and melted my fucking innards with electricity.

>Get lured into a trap by a minor villain I'm sure is going to come back later
>It's some kind of tunnel system full of traps and shit
>We run face-first into a gelatinous cube
>I suggest running but instead our lolrandumb dwarf shoots at it, angering it
>I'm in front and get slammed
>Spend several rounds inside the cube dying
>Somehow the lolrandumb dwarf escapes and gets healed but not me
>Die after the cube spits me out because some magic drugs in my bag got into it's system and it didn't like that
>Fuck you Dave
>Fuck you

>"low power" supers game
>party is a psychic, a paranormal investigator/ghost, an experiment with enhanced durability,combat reflexes, radar, kinetic shield, kinetic blasts all the powers really, and Myself a Chinese soldier with fire blasts, a healing factor, and under water powers
>we all have low paying jobs, I'm the lifeguard at the community pool, another is a blogger, ones a maintnece guy
>put on costumes and are super heroes together
>investigator/ghost wanders around town investigating something paranormal for her blog
>encounters Hashans with magic who threaten her and take her phone and wallet
>she reports this to the police
>we go to her apartment looking for her because he dissapeared
>knock on door, it's answered by eight hashans holding machine guns and one holding a machete
>think she's in trouble and walk in when they urge us in
>They line us up and ask questions
>we mess with them for a bit before deciding if it's us or them, it's gonna be them.
>They level machine guns and burst fire
>I immediately open fire with fire blasts and leave one of them a smoking pile on the ground.
>I also missed and lit the drapes on fire
>take a few shots, knowing my healing factor should let me shrug some off
>psychic begins firing off psy blasts and gets kinda fucked up
>mega experiment turns on shield and starts to destroy people
>15 seconds later all the Hashans are dead and the apartment is in a blaze
>police arrive and detain us for 3 days
>investigator/ghost is not pressing charges but is a little mad we destroyed her appartment
>she picks us up in three days and takes us with our costumes to investigate something she found

>go to super rich neighborhood and try to talk to guy in middle of huge conspiracy
>won't let us in
>police are called
>we leave and come back later with investigators car when we have more info
>still wont let us in. Hear gunshots from inside
>smash car through gate and front door, totaling it
>sorry we destroyed your appartment and car in the span of a week
>find out rich guy is alien and he was planning on stopping a super powerful demon but political assassination got to him first
>find out where demon is and plan to lure him to place where we can kill him
>while other half of team sneaks into place where he is currently and turn on the portal that will kill him
>mega experiment is waiting for me with an armored car while psychic and ghost wait for me to lure bad guy out of building
>roll in building with grenade launcher and tell security to hit the evacuation button or die, they could shoot me but i have enough body armor to survive and they won't walk away from a grenade
>They agree that paycheck isnt worth it
>I approach control room where demon is with body guard
>he starts to monologue
>I make him eat fire
>he starts again
>another fire blast
>"come on, let's do this in the open you cowardly fuck" followed by another fire blast
>his skin is melting and his true form is starting to show, he's scary as fuck and I'm lucky I have a helmet on that hides my face
>he gives chase
>every time he talks I hit him with fire
>orals metal off of the wall to throw at me
>hit him with high explosive grenade, breaking apart metal
>his body guard remained behind
>I run to the armored car and he sprouts wings, flying after us
>using fire blasts to chip away, he's now resistant to fire
>lands and grabs on to the back of the moving armored car
>I empty a machine gun into him
>he's so mad, he flips the truck
>grabs me
>kills me very quickly because hes supernatural and I'm only human

>we never got to the place in time. The body guard went nuclear and killed a whole city, including us and the badguy because ghost didn't want to be absorbed into bodyguard and die.

Later learned that the body guard was a "good guy" despite the fact that he was doing blatantly evil things and serving an evil guy. We got the bad ending because we didn't think the blatantly evil guy was actually a good guy.

>tfw all of us as GMs are too pussy to kill a PC and have stuck with strictly non-lethal games

Couple weeks ago. Came to the group to help rescue a captured member of the party, and was unceremoniously killed by an eldritch explosion from another dimension doing so. No last words, no grand exit, just a sudden and unfair fatality.

Basically like pic related

Speak for yourself. PCs die constantly in my games. Almost always because they do something stupid. Sometimes because of the dice. I've only had one person I didn't want to kill because he was a MASSIVE manchild and always threatened to throw a tantrum and quit if he lost a character (none of which where original or creative in the least, he was attached to a shitty self insert and a copy of sky high) and if he did that he would drag my favorite player in the group with him. I kicked that massive child the second she wouldn't quit with him.

The most recent player death was the result of bad (not really stupid) decision.

We were defending a castle from the forest. During the climax of the first wave (ents and giants) the father of the forest, an Erlking, assaulted the walls. Our party sorceress took to the skies to fight him with another caster flying in to support her.

She should have stayed on the wall, getting into an aerial battle was a foolish decision.

She managed a critical disintegrate, but he made his save. He put several buffed up arrows into her chest. It wasn't the arrows that killed her, hitting the ground finished her off.

Fortunately we were rolling in dough and had access to a high level cleric.

Guy didn't show up for 2 weeks and then made a deal with strahd. I was paladin protecting strahd's gf. He breaks from the group and does solo session when he comes back I kill him for threatening NPC we protecting. GM brings him back as some kind of demon so I kill him again.