Get in here Veeky Forums fuckers. I hate this coin but money is money...

Get in here Veeky Forums fuckers. I hate this coin but money is money. It's going to fly because of the BOSCH is going to buy a ton of coins.

Or stay poor

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Alright stay poor faggetz

Its going back down. Am i too late?


But is it confirmed?

yes by iota so buy now and sell when it hits 5+ then buy again when it turns out it was a lie all along and repeat next announcement

Daytrading this shit is the easiest thing in the world

Not holding though, too volatile.

Its crushing those walls... Alot of volume

Yes, bosch also confirmed

They dont buy from the market, but directly from IOTA team though.

Nevertheless, this will moon. Bosch is one of the most important companies when it comes to IOT.

Bosch confirmed on their official site already

Fuck u pol fag

BOSCH is pretty up there, this can reach double marketcap in a week...

BOSCH is big and they also partnered with VW..

Also look at this commercial for VW new car

Look at the letters, look at the font, look at the technology they want to implement.

today is the day for dumping my fucking bags

IOTA literally hired a marketing guy from Bosch, Alexander Renz. That's why the constant iota/Bosch announcements. Also these guys are paying for article on all the vairous "coin" and business sites.

unintelligent fudders
From Da Official Bosch itself

Official Bosch Press

inshallah brothers!!

Haha, you again. Trying to spread fud everytime you see IOTA. Someone's mad that he won't make it to the moon

Hmmm I doubt Bosch would do that. Probably the PR guy they have got them in the door at his old company.

unlikely because they've been in the talk with Bosch since 2015 or probably earlier. With or without Alexander