Tell me about the latest character concept you've been working on just to file away, forever DMs and game-seekers

Tell me about the latest character concept you've been working on just to file away, forever DMs and game-seekers.

Helmed horror leading a squad of animated armor and a metal golem

Skeleton Warrior who's on a quest for flesh and skin.

I've GM'd so long I can't even think of a character concept I'd like to play anymore.


a character that can have 6 effective animal companions at once.

Young, dirty wild-girl druid that is constantly unwashed and regularly talks to the creepy-crawlies that live in her robes and hair.

Did they catch them all?

An elderly orc shepard who was struck by lightning, imbued with sorcerous powers and is trying to figure out how to get rid of his abilities so he can go back to his goats and live in peace.

fuck no, this is a character that's all about getting a dedicated team of six friends to share the power that's inside, not a pointless cockworship of the collectable merch aspect of pokemon.


It ain't exactly the most original, but...

An old duke masqurades as a knight to run from a political marriage with a beautiful princess, because he's already married the woman he loves.

And the fact his loved one died years ago doesn't mean shit: he made his vows and he's sticking to them.

>power that's inside

Stoner Thyrsus with a focus on shapeshifting and growing his own magical weed.

Paladin who just wants to chill out and have some fun, dammit. He's tired and old, fuck your evil shit. Just knock it off already.

You can put any character concept you want as much in your game.

Artificial man who is desperately clawing his way out of the uncanny valley. Well reasoned and sensible, he sways people with logic instead of force of personality, along with a healthy dose of targeted pheromones.

Who'd have control of his Duchy while this guy is knighting around?

Gonna make an NPC based on that.

A team of 4 adolescent tarrasques, raised by a were-rat and taught the ways of the ninja.

A dwarven fighter so burned out by war turns to becoming a chef and a naturalist

Edge of the Empire Droid hired gun. He's a charming scoundrel trying to find fame and fortune.

Goblin sorcerer that's a sort of intelligent eccentric with a horrible addiction to magic mushrooms. Takes in the apprentices that all the other mages refuse and lives in an abandoned elven ruin with his adopted half-elf daughter.

Sort of a tiny green Hunter S. Thompson with a heart of gold and severe paranoia.

There was a game my DM was planning on running, FATE space game set in the far future. The character I made was a Catholic, which in the setting was rocked by the destruction of earth and had essentially turtled up ideologically and literally and had become ultra-reactionaries living on a moon they by treaty where allowed to keep to themselves if they provided troops for some federation or another. My character was going to be a former trooper equipped with a heavy plasma-flamethrower, which was the most horrifying weapon in the game and did so much damage that most people where statistically unlikely to survive it being fired in their general direction, that was mustered out of the military following the end of the war. Then he got picked up by a corporation that used him as a merc, like all the other players. Also for some reason the Space Catholics viewed people who had augmentation as soulless, which makes no sense but I rolled with it.

Essentially he was a powered armored zealot with the most horrifying weapon in the game who was called in by the only corporation in the setting that didn't believe in selling, producing, or using augmentations for some reason but was essentially the single largest weapons producer in the galaxy to clean house. And unlike the other players he didn't do it for money, which he sent back home to his family, he did it because by killing those with augmentation saved their souls. When he wasn't in his armor he was just supposed to be a normal guy that seemed and acted just a little off. Game fell through though, and I am the only person that consistently runs Sci-fi games other than warhammer.

>the other players face when the DM explained my character to them

Lotta worda for 'Catholic Space Nazi with a Flamethrower'

I want to play an elven bard with a particularly unique weapon.

His sword has only one cutting edge, and the central point and fuller have been molded in such a way to make it resemble a violin's bow. The strings of his violin have been enchanted to be able to produce the sound of a full orchestra when played using the sword as the bow.

His reason for becoming an adventurer is one of necessity; a refugee of a great war, he wishes to write a song that, when it graces the ears of all who hear it, could stay their blades and bring an end to their fighting.

This sounds like it'll be a lot of fun to play with. Sounds like he'd be great for getting into scuffles without being unlikable.

My own "pet" character concept is trying to do something similar with a monk, but I'm having trouble finding the right balance of grumpiness and laid-back-ness while maintaining strong enough motivation.

I really like your attached file. Fantasy-style X.

I've always wanted to play an all-undead party, so that I can play a mummy cleric. He's not really a proper cleric, but is in fact an undead with basic medical skills and a hell of a lot of formaldehyde that has accidentally managed to channel power from an actual god of undeath. He barely knows any clerical magics, and just makes it up as he goes, while being a huge grump.
>"Woosh, pow, magic. Now don't pull your stitches."

I just want him to grumble while stitching back on the ghoul barbarian's head for the fourth time.

Weed is already magical, dumbass

A barbarian monk whose arms are red and lavalike, wrinkly and crevisy. Demon worshippers tried to put a powerful demon inside child him, but the ritual was incomplete. Every time he sees his reflection or sees his own blood, he rages and switches personality. Goes from being stoic and contemplative, but weird and talking to himself to loud and impulsive, sadistic and humorous. He would beat someone to death and keep beating it to mush. Then calm down and regret, go sit under a tree for a year. Also he does not age.

Guy is a complete idiot, like Michael J. Caboose dumb. He's traveling the world and making a book of his adventures for a boy who is too ill to see the world. Only thing is he's too dumb to read or write so he draws pictures of everything he does. I would buy a journal and crayons and literally draw what happens

Although OP's pic makes a fantasy Mega Man seem like a lot of fun

Seconding the request of

I love you

I'v got fucking hundreds of them.

I'm always either running a game or in a game where the gm has narrowed down character choice to the point it is not worth playing n in depth character. Last four games I have been in had me playing as a poor, half ass trained orphan that society hated.

Kinda burned out since when I give my players room to make characters with little outline, they make the same characters from every game. Sometimes they do not even change the names unless I make the.

I've got two that I've had for a long time because Forever DM

>obviously I go back story fitst
>I play d&d5e

>a young male human sorcerer. Wildmagic. Around 15
He is only really good at illusion magic, but he's physically athletic. He is in a journey to find a cure for a congenital disease for his sick sister. Her bones are do weak that she can hardly move. As a result, she exists in a magical state kept inside the boys lantern (bag of holding style? Sorta? The idea was that there was no parents around so he couldn't leave her at home because she would have no care taker)

>an elderly Elven ranger. Archery style. Hunter archetype
From a culture of elves that form a bond with the land they live on, this man was unable to connect with his ancestral homeland. After traveling for many years, he discovered an area that felt like home. The problem was that it was a continent away deep in an ancient woods within a human empire. Despite this he lived out his life alone in peace until one day strange beasts started descending from the north. Still a young man at this point, he would track the beasts and study them. Eventually he saw a unit of clerics and paladins sent by the human church do battle with one of these monsters. The humans were scattered and most were killed. However he was able to find and save one cleric. He tended to the cleric medically as well as he could but had to get him back to the human cities for a real healer. Long story short: adventures ensue, life long friendship is made, years later two still have sweet adventures together as badass old men. I've even considered them having homosexual overtones.

Obviously that one isn't really workable as is because it would mandate a second party member or further background as to how they got separated.

A woodland villager who stumbles upon the shrine of a nearly forgotten harvest goddess, who has grown so weak for lack of worship that she has barely any power at all. In exchange for becoming the goddess' messenger and spreading her faith, the onetime villager is granted her blessing as a Paladin- her only Paladin, because that's all she's got the energy to empower. This holy order of one would then go about the land looking to do good deeds and enact miracles while spreading the good word.

I was thinking about some silly custom classes like a Broccolimancer and Coin Marksman.

I've wanted to run a Dildomancer. Completely seriously mind you. Have a wizard who rushes bravely into battle to save the town from goblins flinging dildos from his sleeves as magic missles.

>"I give you true strike"

A young girl of 19 whos been traveling the country/world taking up odd jobs today off her father's gambling debt, unfortunately she has jumped from odd job to odd job for so long that she no longer remembers how she got where she is. No map seems to have her old home listed, and she is about 60% sure that the boarders to her home were redrawn after a local war.

Local Politician, loses their long held city council seat in a vicious, bridge burning upset. Now in their 60s, they used to be a commando frogman, and after several weeks of drunken misery following the election, they decide to fulfill a youthful wish and become a shadowrunner. The wet suit did not fit the first time.

gangster who is empowered by gems. different gems granting different powers. joins a team of super heroes to avenge his homies but learns of true friendship and proper justice along the way

A mage who makes a point of doing all the research and writing out the formulae for his spells and doing the somatic components
>in either Ars Magica or Mage the Ascension

Mariner warlock who communicates with his patron through the torn-off figurehead of his old (now sunken) ship which he keeps with him at all times.

After reading about it, I've wanted to play an animal familiar that took ranks in a class to save their spellcaster from whatever story reason the DM wanted. More specifically, I like the idea of a Raccoon (probably with goblin stats) having ranks of rogue or monk.

Beer hipster Vampire who has an enormously long lifetime but still hasn't been able to brew a beer that meets his standards


Clone soldier in a post-apocalyptic army, struggling with the tension between forging his own identity and seeing himself as simply part of a greater whole.

A noble girl whose husband used dark magic and a mysterious tome to transform himself into a twisted demonic being, attempted to impregnate her with his demon seed, and massacred their hometown.

Now she seeks to put an end to the dark powers that created these tomes and fostered these atrocities.

This is cute.

This is also cute. I'm imagining her manifesting to him as a tiny little woman poking her head out of a bag of grain or some shit.

Very cute.

Johan A'ligue, Errant of Bristelle
The bastard son of a bastard son from a minor House.
While a decent duelist and competent planner, he lacks social graces. He clings to the idea that he's a noble, but believes it to be about money and looking good, rather than stature or poise. In short, he's vain and worries too much about clothes he can't really afford.
He knows he's currently small-fry, so he hopes to earn a reputation and respectability for himself. However his desperation to find acceptance from those he sees as his peers blinds him to the fact that most of them will never think of him as anything other than a poor joke; an insignificant nobody from an insignificant dungheap in the middle of nowhere.
Traveling, taking on hard jobs to earn good coin, he hopes he'll find what he's looking for out there somewhere; someone who needs a noble man of action and won't ask too many questions, and get himself on the ladder to greatness.
He favours the rapier - the sword of a gentleman.

Yeah I was thinking she'd act rather like a fairy guide, albeit one with her own agenda and an opinionated streak.

I'm with you, user. I want nothing more than to play a snappy robot in a sci-fi setting where they can gain sentience, but are still seen as property.

Would love to kick off a robot civil rights arc, much to my DM's dismay.

Tiefling cossack working for the Varangian Guard.

Brilliant. Love this one- In my head he sounded like a world weary elderly New Yorker who calls people "sonny"

Broom riding witch who want's to be a knight when she grows up.

Typical ex-military dude that came out on the good side of mental health. No decided name yet. Retired from the military, became a pseudo-mercenary. Doesn't necessarily have a death wish but doesn't care either way. Cigar and sunglasses, leather vest, beard.

His sole purpose is to let me fulfill the idea of a close ranger motherfucker that uses a sniper rifle. Disadvantage at almost all time but fuck it, the highest stat I roll will be dex if I ever get to play him


Cursed Aarakocra who turned to piracy because he was a societal reject due to his stunted and mutated growth. Eventually became a dreaded pirate captain. Used his plunder and raids to try and cure his curse.
Eventually found a cure but has to take potions every few hours to maintain it.
Retired from the pirate life and lives in comfort as a solicitor (he doesn't actually do anything and just chills all day). Gets bored because the pirate life was so exhilarating even if he wasn't a huge fan of all the murder.

The pain monk.
Pathfinder Monk, not unchained.
Takes the Invested Regent, Scaled Fist, Weapon Adept, Scarred Monk and Qinggong Monk archetypes.
All the options and all the gory details.
Utilizes feral combat training to use perfect strike with unarmed strikes.

A heavily scarred female dragonborn fighter that wields a corroded double voulge. She would be start off as sickly, with a calm, very stoic person for the majority of the time, while getting very excited for battle, getting into a better state of health when she does. She would be honorable in many ways when it comes to fights, insistent on giving adversaries a fair fight. She would get pissed when denied a fair fight, and would try to end it as fast as possible. The more she grows in level, the less sick she becomes.

She would be like this because she was once a warlord that began a quest to save those who couldn't save themselves from various baddies. She eventually got obsessed with the thrill of battle, and started looking for more and more challengers, even going so far as to create situations that would bring her a fight. She then is fought by a scrawny person. Despite everything, she always tried to balance things out while in a duel, so as to maximize her thrill. The scrawny person poison's her, leaving her very ill. The scrawny person jacks her valuables, pours acid over her weapon, and leaves her for dead, with her last memories before blacking out being of undiluted rage at being beaten at last by a cheater.

She wakes up eventually with amnesia, and only remembers her intense desire for honor through battle. She remembers who she was before when she gets high leveled, and is disappointed with herself for her lust of the fight. She then wishes to fight the scrawny person and win fairly. Once she does that, she branches out for the rest of her days, being much more peaceful and finding activities that could make sure she never falls to her desire for battle ever again. She will keep with her the corroded double voulge for her entire life, while still getting a better one. Even when she is done with battle, she would turn down an invitation to a friendly bout, or a competitive duel.

A dragonborn bard (maybe, high charisma fighter fits better mechanically, but the games I find are usually lacking in support more than anything, so compromise) who grew up as an orphan in a big caravan, travelling all over the place, outcasts of all kinds, people who prefer the roads, you know the idea.

As he grew older, he had to help out more and more, obviously, usually as part of a cloth dungeon (a few tents set up as one, so kids can feel like brave adventurers saving the world) resetting the 'trap' tent, handing out wooden swords and gibberish 'spellbooks', occasionally filling in as the terrifying spellsword at the finale.

One day, a few years after he came of age, some tragedy or other struck, I usually aim for a dragon, but what it is doesn't really matter, a load of the people died, those who didn't lost too much to keep the caravan going and settle down in nearby towns, but the dragonborn is still filled with wanderlust, so he begs and borrows what he can to get started and takes odd jobs/joins up with an adventuring group/otherwise joins the sessions, with the goal of finding the money and meeting the people to start a big caravan back up, after he's paid back the various debts he's recently accrued, once he's on the road again, he finds himself loving the way the kids run out to greet him, and enjoy his stories, so he keeps going, just for one more dungeon/raid/evil necromancer/whatever. Always just one more.

As for why I haven't gotten around to playing him, usually it's a question of setting, my group when I first thought him up didn't like non-humanoids (and scales made him non-humanoid) or being vaguely heroic, so he got shelved, and ever since either the GM didn't want the setting elements he brought with him (which I consider fair enough), the game fell apart before the first session, or I was/am GMing, so he's become this character that I'll play 'someday'

the fact that droids are treated as property is why I`m currently working on covering myself in synth skin and passing as a sentient with deception.

Not very original, but I've been working on a Kenku Warlock. He's a failed painter turned art forger filled with bitterness towards his people's curse that robs them of their creative spark. He accidentally makes contact with the Whisperer in the Darkness one night while trying to paint a picture of the night sky, and is given creative inspiration by his patron at the expense of his sanity and the price of gathering forbidden knowledge to share with him.

Both Mutants and Masterminds:

An alien that looks like a gorilla with a toad's face and skin, from a planet with gravity a thousand times greater than ours.

On his planet he's basically a 98-pound weekling, /r9k/ material, but on Earth the lower gravity means he can run on the highway and throw semi trucks around. He abandons his post as a diplomaet, goes native, and becomes a superhero to bask in the glory and adoration he never got on his home planet.

Basically Thing but with crippling inadequacy issues. No matter what he does, how many times he saves the day and wins the people's love, he's always certain that another Gorillatoad will show up one day and everyone will immediately forget about him.

>Black AWPS

Basically D.Va. A pro counter strike player given supernatural marksmanship and technological skills, builds himself a custom AWP and becomes a crimefighter.

This is one of those thought of the name before the character concepts.

Eldritch horror who originally wanted to infiltrate this plane of existence to consume biomass and grow.

Picked up old Earth radio signals as it was in transit and fell in love with jazz and swing music, now it wants to travel to earth learn its customs and become a musician.

I was bummed I never got to play it.

I want to play a Barbarian.
I want to play a guy who's big and tough and is really good at fighting, but I want to flesh the shit out of him. I want to really break down his life story and roleplay him as truthfully as possible. Play a huge game of "if this is true about my Barbarian, what else is true" and try to follow things naturally instead of trying to force drama and importance all the time. Just be a guy who happens to be big and strong and out of place.
I'm a skinny manlet actor, I want to do it to challenge myself as a roleplayer and as a character builder

But could you imagine if it was even more magical, man?

A failed paladin who gets kicked out of his order and becomes a hedge knight. He's a shallow, boastful man with an oversized ego and is prone to giving himself flattering nicknames in a vain attempt to impress others. Wears awful, gaudy armor like pic related. His armor, weapons, and mount are his only possessions, cares for them like they're his own children. Lives on the road, floating from one town to the next in search of adventure, accepting any tasks he think will bring him fame and notoriety. Often competing in tournaments and trying to get tight with the nobles. Will openly mock paladins and clerics but secretly envies them.

He is surprisingly loyal to those few he calls his friends and will go out of his way to protect them, even if it means going against his own personal interests.

A wood elf ranger (how original) who's noble clan has been taken over by a demon and he needs to free them.

A geth who is geth
I haven't put any more thought into the idea because I'll never be a player anyway and especially not in a Mass Effect game

A 'samurai' - berserker wandering monk. Based on a combo of the Tao te Ching and KillSixBillionDemons.

You should be one with nature. Nature is violent. The tiger kills because of its will to survive. The sword is the physical manifestation of your will, your want.

The true path to enlightenment is to annihilate all sense of self but your own want. Breach Heaven Through Violence.

5e, warforged mystic who believes its powers are all on account of technology (IE: invisibility being some kind of dermal cloaking, telepathic communication just a device that puts alpha brain waves on the same channel, beacons light being excess energy vented from its thermonuclear heart)

A Quixotic monk turned 'knight' who's overjoyed to find that his noble scrolls were actually right and there are a shit-ton of damsels to rescue and dragons to slay.
Refuses sexual advances due to his oath of chastity and belief that a knight requires no sexual indulgence, and that knights that have sex usually wind up making things worse.
Basically, he's a knightaboo who believes it all.
The only problem is that he might be too annoying.

gypsy fortune-teller divination wizard
aztec-themed dragonborn death domain cleric
and a character that maxes our their ability to disguise themself, with max charisma, actor feat, master of disguise feat, charlatan background. just not sure which class yet. bard, rogue, sorcerer and warlock all have things which would be useful

A cleric who's main function is being the designated healbot
Can fight for a bit though
An insane genius who lacks some moral fibre, but it's all for progress/'progress'
In the setting I'm currently playing Dwarven is portrayed by speaking in an german accent, so he is a dwarf
Why does he have to be german? Because he is actually just the medic from TF2 imported in D&D

A overweight wizard girl who is trying to pay off her student loans and ends up spending most of her earnings on food

Devaorion Gambler.

Pump the charm skill.

Don't know the back story.

But fuck if the gambling space devil doesn't tickle my fancy.

Druid/rogue who infiltrates by wildshaping into something inconspicuous (mouse, squirrel, stray cat). Running out of time to pay back a debt equal to a small fortune

...And there goes my magical realm.

troll combat shaman

Robin Hood. Just Robin Hood. A swarthy swashbuckling do- gooder who is skilled in a number of weapons (staff, sword, axe) and incredible with a bow. I just want to go around the world helping the downtrodden and pestering tyrants.

Stolen. If I ever get to play my Robin Hood, he will be a follower of this goddess. Good tidings, brother.

Any GM who isn't a complete mong or wildcard wouldn't let his players use any of the homebrew Playable Necrons in Rogue Trader, but...

>An dormant Lychguard recovered from an uncharted, almost empty Tomb World as a piece of extremely valuable tech-heresy by Rogue Trader. Awakens, and finds most of his personality intact. A mostly noble warrior who wanted to inspire a sense of nobility in the Necrontyr during the Secession Wars and before the War in Heaven, but had no power to say anything due to the Lychguard oath to his Royal Court and his Lord. Now free from the binds, he reluctantly serves under his new alien allies due to the alternative being shot on sight or spaced out of the airlock.

>Not too disassociated with the modern world, regularly shits on kiddie races and Eldar. Think Javik from ME3

>Lowkey wants to see if there is anything worth salvaging from the scraps of his court

it would need an equally autistic party to compensate




Dread Necromancer in a party of dread necromancers, each taking one path of either flesh, bone, or spirit from a friend and mines homebrew.

so how does the monk knight around?

Well, thats basically my favourite kind of character.

If you are big and boisterous and good natured its pretty easy to establish yourself as the soul of the group.

I would get the party rip roaring drunk before a big adventure and be the only one to make my con save vs hangover after.

I'd urge them to enjoy themselves as we may die any day and to die with regret is the only sin that matters in valhalla! Of course not dying in battle would be a pretty major regret so...

Of the characters I've played replaced baphomet as lord over all minotaurs and took the throne of The Endless Maze.

The other found his true love and became emperor of the warhammer Empire. This was after being the only moral beacon in the political darkness of that campaign and sticking true to his morales.

Basically, be stubborn but not stupid. Be honest, but not cruel. Love your party as you love your family. When they save your life or you they'res comment on it and celebrate it!

Bring them together and you will be far stronger than ever before!

The big dumb lovable powerhouse is probably my favourite shtick ever.

Like the first one. As soon as the second gorillatoad shows up it starts destroying shit because its used to being a bully. Takes the whole team to stop it from wrecking the city.

All hail the lady of the orchards, the winnower-queen, the eternal wardeness who sees every grove and glade flush with game.

And somebody buy some doll clothes, our lady needs a new outfit. Sitting in a grain sack all day chafes.

Two concepts:

1) A guitar-wielding gnome bard (guitar, not lute) who's out to introduce the world to the newest (literal) underground musical revolution to ever hit the gnomish burrows: rock and roll. He adventures purely for glory and renown. Anyone can go from tavern to tavern playing to drunks, but only a legend can tour heaven and hell to seek out the musical secrets of the ancient bards to remake what music is. He doesn't just want to be a famous rock star, he wants to be THE rock star. He wants to be crowned the King of Rock and Roll, now and forever.

2) A travelling human or half-elven magician looking for adventurers to help him uncover ancient magical secrets blah blah. Only, by "magician", I mean "stage magician". In reality he's a thief who's gimmick is to misdirect his enemies/marks with sleight-of-hand and con artistry, and by "ancient magical secrets" he really means "all those shiny precious gemstones and coins" in all those ancient vaults and/or your pockets. The challenge here is to approximate a mage without taking a single level in a spellcasting class. No bards, no clerics. MAYBE a level or two as an alchemist for those special chemical aids, depending on how "magical" the specific class is. Ideally, while the PLAYERS would definitely know what you were doing, the PARTY wouldn't. You'd just be the guy in robes that occasionally makes things disappear and is very mysterious.

Throw in different varieties of lichdom for extra points.

Actually, the capstone turns you into different varieties of undead.

Liche, dread knight, and wraith iirc.

I'm totally stealing this idea as well user, thank you

He bought some armor from a retired old knight who he bothered for stories and is now setting out to do what he imagines knights do. He's hoping one day he'll actually get knighted.
He actually has no idea what he's doing.

A red herring villain who, while not entirely harmless, is mostly bumbling and self-aggrandizing. His lair/dungeon is full of traps which all have excessively easy ways of solving them that usually bypass the trap/puzzle itself and, if the party doesn't go all kill-cray, can likely be interrogated/allied with against the real big bad a sexy necromancer chick

A fat ork hacker that flies along on a motorized wheelchair and lives with his family: a massive jewish troll mother, and a manlett, beta dwarf that goes along with everything the mom wants

Despite everything, the hacker is nice, friendly, and loves his family as much as they love him, despite the shenanigans they get into. in-between runs he has to balance shadowruning with school and homework, and he wants to ask a girl to the prom, but is afraid his perma-neckbeard status will cause that to fall through.

The idea of Magical girl Adam Jensen.
He was just some wage slave barely eking out a living when he Somehow kills some magical girl and is forced by its patron to take her place.

(Yes I did get the idea from those Magical Girl CYOAs that float around here.)

Due to said patron being sick of getting new ones and also swimming in their own ennui- they decide to make this dude an immortal magical girl.

So this dude is forever stuck as a pubescent girl for all time. He/She never asked for this. But on the bright side they can now amuse themselves with a mirror for hours on end now.