
This is my first time, please be gentle anons Edition

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You did it wrong.

>sad piano music

It's super difficult to look at the old thread to figure out what should go in the subject line, huh?

no dunk?

5nd for lost and the damned, please give codex

5th for forgotten faction, but is mentioned constantly.

7th da lukky numba for da orkz

On the plus side at least you used an appropriate OP image and actually have some kind of thread title, as opposed to none at all.

You tried, op

mentioned constantly here and hardly mentioned in universe

Gos what I'd do for plastic sisters

How would they fix bloodletters?

What if they made them s5 t4?

what chapter would be the best at killing trannys?

I knew phoneposting was a mistake. Nevermore.

>Make them 8ppm

But in all seriousness. Just a single point drop would do wonders as it makes them in line with the rest of the lesser Daemon

Go back to whatever shithole you came from.

Made a SM + IG + Skitarii army but wanted it fluffier cuz Raptors so changed Cadians for Elysians. Gotta post half here because the list builder doesn't like FW.

++ Allied Detachment (Elysian Regiment Drop Troops) [490pts] ++

+ HQ +
Elysian Company Command Squad [135pts]: Flak Armour
···· Company Commander: Laspistol
···· Officer of the Fleet: Laspistol
···· Veteran: Long Range Ground Scanner
···· 3x Veteran: Sniper Rifle

+ Troops +
Elysian Drop Infantry Platoon [195pts]
···· Platoon Command Squad
········ Platoon Commander: Laspistol
········ 4x Guardsman: Lasgun
···· Infantry Squad
········ Commissar: Bolt Pistol
········ Sergeant: Laspistol
········ 9x Guardsman: Lasgun
···· Infantry Squad
········ Sergeant: Laspistol
········ 9x Guardsman: Lasgun

+ Fast Attack +
Imperial Navy Vendetta Squadron [160pts]
···· Vendetta: 3x Twin-linked Lascannons, 2x Sponson-mounted Heavy Bolters, Armoured Cockpit

How would they fix Militarum Tempestus?

Anons is it fair to take either a single Dakkajet or Blitza-Bommer at 1500?

And which one should I take, if I do?

the problem is that they have no way to get in melee before being raped like a slaaneshi whore by all the ranged factions AND they are overpriced

If you have a Bike in say, a unit of Tactical Marines, can they Jink?

How would you make female marines canon?

What makes Elysians more fluffy as allies for Raptors than Cadians?

found the mutant. lmao

I just find it worrying that they lose horribly to daemonettes, which not only win close combat with most things (I had a DP lose to them in combat) but they can also handle vehicles with rending.

/40kg/ doesn't deserve Duncan anymore. I gave you a chance but you faggots always brought back the unfunny memes. Better that he's dropped from the OP, since anyone who was a true acolyte of Duncan will know where to go for him anyway.

I wouldn't.


Make them not marines; make them a side project that (maybe only works on women) that produces a different type of supersoldier (really sneaky, fast, etc.)

Shitpost harder annon, that didn't even give me an erection.

But Blood Angels are canon.

Reminder: Eldar are the most powerful race in the galaxy.

There are Fem Marines, just ask Honsou : ^)

only the bike has jink usr

give them armor again, maybe an option to take other power weapons

Power mauls on bloodletters would be godly.

No, only the bike can jink. If you put them in the front, that does mean you can have the biker tank the wounds though.

Generally though, a tactical squad will be sitting in cover anyway.

Those sure are some powerful armpits

>undermanned as shit
>ego problems
>all of them are bound to be Slaanesh`s bitch
>ego problems
>BTFO`d by everyone
>ego problems
Yeah, sure, Elfag

Special Forces that uses more actual tactics like ambushes, blitzkrieg and guerilla; not just 'shoot flashlights at them' or 'throw enough wet paper at them'

41st for plastic sisters soon

Okay cool. I was going to put a bike captain in front of a jump squad (don't own any bike units yet) and have him jink, artificer armor and a storm shield should put him at 2+/3++ as well.

Problem is with Bloodletters is they suffer from MEQ Syndrome (same as Power Swords)

Basically for Bloodletters they excel at killing T4 3+ and are straight inferior vs every other target.

Make Bloodletters 9ppm, maybe give them Pocket Skulls (Assault Grenades) and call it a day. Sucks that Daemonettes beat them. But thems the breaks
>Daemonettes at best get a 12.
>Bloodletters at best get an 11.

Warp nonsense. Have a Slaaneshi warband consisting of female cultists in power armor given enough boons to make them equal to marines. If you want loyalists, have it be some chapter that got lost in the warp, ran into some Tzeentch daemons that gender-swapped them because 'wizards', and then they pop back up a millennia later and manage to get declared non-heretical enough to work for the inquisition.

put them in the astra militarum codex

I don't agree with the whole SJW/female marine shit but no one has a right to tell an artist what to draw or what they're doing is wrong.

Just realised Uni has pretty nice 3D-printers. Has anyone tried making their own models?

>but no one has a right to tell an artist what to draw or what they're doing is wrong.
says who?

nothing in the lore would prevent an mtf transgirl marine who transitioned later in her life from existing

You've got a right to, but they also have a right not to listen

>no one has a right to tell an artist what to draw or what they're doing is wrong.
The SJWs disagree.

you are forgetting the part of the lore where the imperium kills all mutants


You don't need him to jink if he has a storm shield. In any case where your armor is getting ignored, the 3+ invuln will be better than 4+ cover.

that's CSM/Slaanesh territory, not space marines

Bring back specialties.
3rd Special weapon at 10-man units.
Fold em back into the IG.

>Marines giving a shit about any of that
Report to Chaplain for a good mindscrubbing, that'll fix you.

Transition later in life...

user stop being retarded. Marines are taken from young boys. By the time they are marines there is only the chapter and their duty to the Emperor.

This century mental gymnastics do not apply.

Slaneesh creates hermaphrodites, not trannies. Why are you so desperate for every medium to have an equivalent to your mental illness? Go back to tumblr, holy shit.

Yes, the material those printers use is expensive and unless you are in the engineering department, you probably don't have easy access to them. The next fun bit will be getting a model to print. You might be able to scan it and print the scan, but it will be a solid, singular piece, or design one in a CAD program

what the actual fuck are you talking about

Would Red Scorpion Chapter Tactics be in any way viable in small point games?

You mean like SoB?

Let's just for simplicitys sake say women have 8/10th the maximum strength capacity of a man. Beef up a man to 200% (IE. Space Marines) and you get a man with twice the strength. Beef up a woman to 200% and she'll still only have 80% the strength a man would have. At these levels tho, the strength difference would be extreme.

Why waste precious geneseed on women when they can be utilized in other ways that require less brute force?

I have Skilled Rider and Stealth/Shrouded being shared the unit as a whole, so the idea was 2+ cover save (Jink) and 3+ save (Invulnerable), FNP and then Eternal Warrior.

>no pity
>no remorse
>no emotions at all
>already rekt the living shit out of eldar, who are trannies

Who is the coolest character in 40k and why is it Kharn?


That's probably the place where it's the most viable. Feel no Pain on tacticals is a bigger benefit when the game is small and there's less giant guns being thrown around everywhere.

New tech discovered/rediscovered by Cawl and/or Girlyman that allows geneseed to work on females.

Space marines are not human, they are more like a single gender or genderless species that reproduces by abducting adolescents of the human species and implanting organs that hijack their growth

Says anyone that isn't a feminazi, commie or nazi

Sister weebs pls go

>if you dont have shit taste you are a buzzword

I never thought of it like that

Angry enough to single handedly fuck up Knights and Titans, fracture to legions and come back from the dead = cool.

I'm an engineering student so access ain't a problem. We were there today printing some other stuff. School pays for all the materials so that's a big 'yes'. We've even got a 3D camera thingy set up so we can scan models!

I've personally not 3D-printed anything yet so I've no idea if 0.1 mm is detailed enough to make them look detailed enough..

>Adarki Aeldari

Gathering of the Storm books...
Hey we are advancing the plot!
Nothing change...


Pls help

Nothing to do with taste, you can't make them not draw something.

It's fine not to like it you retard, and it's fine to criticize, just don't be a whiny bitch about it.

3 specials would be great

Is that actually a thing? ROFLMAO

>nothing in the lore

except that you would go to therapy with your local librarian, talk to your chaplain, and talk to your commanders. you couldn't convince them to help you transition because no one would be trained for something useless to marines. if you continued to be disruptive i could see them sending you off to the deathwatch, death mission, 2nd off to the inquistion, or made a servitor. said inquistor might kill you for being unhelpful

tl dr, it wouldn't happen

>you can't make them not draw something.
uhhh theres this thing called death.

I mean it's not really fair on yourself, more than anything.

I agree. He has no right to tell GW how they should run their IP or that they're doing it wrong.

Mine too, in fact I'm about to go print a dunecrawler tomorrow, since someone put up some really high quality STL files of one on thingiverse that I snagged before it got taken down. In my case the printer I managed to reserve a time for is the Form 2.

All the printers in my uni are totally free to use, we don't even have to pay for the materials as long as what we're doing isn't too big. But even when you do have to pay it's at a pretty steep discount compared to list prices for the material.

It's fair to take any codex unit at any point value. And ork flyers are bad.

If you're playing 1500 points and your opponent has no flyers or AA in their army they're doing it on purpose.

>killing people over art
Then you really are a nazi

Ok that's sexist first of all it's a fucking science fiction setting women can be as strong as men

>fanwanky stories about soloing Knights and Titans because he's the best evar!!!
>teamkilling fucktard
>dies like a bitch over and over




Depends on the SF. American SF, actual SF like the Green Berets, do elite operations while mainly training local forces to be baddass enough to win their own wars. Cadian impersonators or whatever homegrown scrubs would be a good analogue, or even using catachan models to represent the third world who have no resources

>realism is sexist
>we can just pretend!
Why don't you go back to your feminist group and bitch at them for being sexist for not being as strong as men?

Yeah but I dunno which one I want to take. I want to theme my army as part of an invasion force on one of Armageddon's hives, and I want to take one of the two, but I'm not sure which to take.

Both seem pretty good, but I only want to take one.


I'm genuinely considering paying for that badass looking Vendetta model; $20 for unlimited $80 ships is a yes in my book. Think you could MEGA that .stl? A free Dunecrawler would be even better!

>being this bad of a troll
The average woman doesn't have the same physical capacity as the average man.

There are exceptions but it's rare. Also, they literally tried making female space marines in the fluff, and it didnt work.