Could a Chaos Marine beat a Primarch?

Assuming that the Marine was 10k years old and roided up on Warp juice, would he stand a chance against one of the Emperor's sons? Or is he doomed to the eternal purgatory of jobing for the glory of Spiritual Liege? Tell me, tg.

In the fluff Boatman sent Terminators flying like ragdolls

Only if he was so roided up on Warp juice he was actually a Daemon Prince. Otherwise he's getting obliterated.

Lore wise? no
But if he has enough plot armor in the book in question, yes

After all Batman was able to beat Kryptonians without even using kryptonite or his gadgets, only martial arts

Counterpoint: Luther beat Johnson via Warp steroids, and he wasn't even a full Marine.

Counterpoint to your Counterpoint: Johnson held back.

Counterpoint to my Counterpoint: Johnson was the actual Chaos marine and Luther held to his faith in the Emperor and won.

Ahriman dominated the entire Ynnari Triumvate with some planning and sorcery shenanigans, if that matters at all, he might be capable of fighting Guilliman if he gets the prep time.

But nobody below the 'big deal' Marines can really stand up to Primarchs.

It's fiction. The winner is whoever the fiction wants to win at that particular moment. Primarchs used to just be beefy astartes. They got badly wounded by lasguns in some old fluff. Nowadays you'd expect lasguns to bounce off their exposed skin, because the writers wanted that to be true.

"Who would win" arguments in fiction are stupid because there are no rules, there is just the narrative. If the story demands it, you can beam through shields. If the story demands it, you can't just fly over mordor. If the story demands it, a chaos space marine can beat a primarch.

Doubt it. Primarchs seem to be writers wet dreams incarnate. But in reality im sure a Primarch would go down if surrounded by well coordinated marines. One on one with a normal marine, Id say the Primarch just needs to tap into their plot armor to wield the strength necessary to maul anyone thats not another Primarch


Magnus was having a tough time, but he was winning before reinforcements showed up. How is Ahiriman compared to his papa?

Ahriman probably fares worse, but as I said it's all about prep time, especially with Tzeentchians. If Magnus had the time to prepare some wards on Luna to stop the Astronomicon's light from (presumably) messing with his Daemonic nature on top of some psykery-assistance rituals, he'd probably have split Guilliman in half.

The honest answer is that Abby could win if the plot and GW demands it.

Rising Storm shows the Warp Abby is evenly matched with Saint Celestene and edging her our without special warp/faith powers.

Gulliman was clearly uppercutting CHAOS TERMINATORS left and right. He went through them like a knife through butter. He was also holding his own against Magnus who is a Primarch but with Deamonhood powers.

But then again a Grey Knight was able to beat the fuck out of Mortarion as a deamon prince and carve his name onto his heart.

So yeah, there isnt a central power ranking list that GW adheres to

Kharn, maybe

A Daemon Primarch should be able to slay a Primarch that has just been resurrected and is still on life support, but I have a feeling we'll see the complete opposite as the story progresses.

Daemon Primarchs will always lose to the regular version, because the latter can't survive dying like daemons can. Ergo the secret to invincibility is to never ascend.

Could a grot kill Abbadon?

>carve his name into his heart
Did that... did that really happen? Did senpai finally notice him?

Unless they have so much warp juice flowing through them they are ascended to daemon prince. No

Even if they are deamon princes likely answer is still not unless they are fucking high tier, then maybe

Tell me, user, why is the Lion sleeping in a rock, and whose fault is it?

The answer is canonically yes.

Ahriman is the strongest sorceror after Magnus, so he's in 4th or 5th place in the galaxy.

I wouldn't say Guilliman was exactly holding his own and Magnus was being repressed somewhat.

Kaldor Draigo did it to Mortarion, courtesy of Matt Ward.

Draigo beat Daemon Mortarion so I don't see why a Chaos Space Marine with enough special abilities couldn't kill a regular Primarch.

Jonson was a bitch though