
>bro tier
>glorious industry instead of faggy magic

>did literally nothing but fuck up and still act superior
>"muh high culture" - live literally on trees and shit where they eat
>small penis
>faggy magic

Why do people even like elves?

Other urls found in this thread:

google.com/search?q=dwarf fortress pdf&oq=dwarf fortress pdf&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l3.7157j0j4&client=ms-android-hms-tmobile-us&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8

Because every time you touch yourself mommy drinks and someone on the internet's has has an opinion that disagrees with you.

Can we just skip to the part where we discuss something else entirely? How about the development of small cities, and the balance between Commerce properties and housing in a limited boundary of space? I feel like that never comes up, even in Dwarf Fortress, because you can almost always expand in any direction.

Does anyone have the PDF?

Pdf for what?


The Dorf Fort pdf.
Does anyone have it?

user Dwarf Fort is a vidya made with Ascii graphics. The closest you can get to a "Dwarf Fortress Pdf" is the pdf download of Boatmurdered, and a whole bunch of GURPS supplements cobbled together to make a DF game.

It was in a thread about a week ago.
And the thread is missing from the archive.

>he doesn't know of the single greatest computer game ever made

Normally i'd call you a newfag, but i'm just too happy for you, for you are about to discover something beautiful.

even if we're constrain these two very broad high fantasy races into boxes, you're still mashing up multiple archetypes of elf and dwarf. for elves in particular, i reworked the high/wood/dark elf dichotomy for my 5e setting so that high elves were cosmopolitan city dwellers whose culture was basically just human culture but prettier and better preserved due to their lifespans, wood elves were magepunk supremacists who dealt in human chattel slaves, and dark elves were a nomadic people who used underground tunnel networks to move their merchant caravans safely.

Is there a graphical update?
I don't need Hd graphics all the time, but I'm drawing the line at shit looking like the Matrix on a bad day.


Back to tumblr

Lazy newb pack.

There's tile based expansions. Download the Lazy Newb Pack for the latest version, and start watching some tutorial let's plays on YouTube. I'm gonna let some other user recommend you the YouTube DF tutor of their choice.

>will hate you for eternity for no reason
>women have beards
>boring viking aesthetic
>constantly need rescuing from fucking goblins and orcs
>managed to loose most of their empire
>we was thanes and shit
>bearded women
>retarded steamships and dead end designs - worse than human technology in the long term
>generally keep to themselves
>will help against world ending evils
>will teach you magic
>plethora of interesting themes & flavors
>tall af
>best waifus

There are multiple tilesets that make graphics more manageable.

There's also stonesense visualizer if you wanna see your fort in cool isometric view but it's only good for views, you can't play the game from it.

Is there a better term for magitech steampunk? They were using human souls as batteries for their tech, which ran entirely off of complex magical formulae enscribed on it in very specific places

There's also the DF map to Minecraft world conversion tool, which is pretty kickass if you're the sort who plays both.

Might check it out once I'ver blown through the Dark Souls DLC.


You gotta get your dick wet sometime, OP, and it ain't gonna be with no stout bearded maiden

>Mangy arseholes who won't do shit for you because you're not a drunken rock worshipping fanatic.

>Snooty dendrophiles and degenerates who won't save you or anyone unless it threatens them directly.
>Also hate you for not being a primitive degenerate and tree worshipping fanatic.

Where is the pdf?
I know it exists, I can't find the damn thing.

What is it a pdf of exactly? A tutorial? A lore dump? A system pdf?

A tutorial pdf.

google.com/search?q=dwarf fortress pdf&oq=dwarf fortress pdf&aqs=chrome..69i57j0l3.7157j0j4&client=ms-android-hms-tmobile-us&sourceid=chrome-mobile&ie=UTF-8

Yeah no, I'm looking for a specific tutorial pdf that was posted about a week ago.
"What's the most "FUN!" you've had playing Dorf Fort?"
THAT thread had the pdf I'm looking for, or some other thread with a similar name.

>Fucked around too much with magic
>Fedoras who pissed off the gods
>Made robots
>Just another type of elf

>Want to kill all humans
>Powerful magic
>Tricky as shit, don't trust them

Dark elves
>Like slavery
>Ruled over by literal Gods
>Don't like foreigners
>Made up of bad ass warriors, powerful mages and opportunistic merchants

>Nobody likes them
>Worship a doo doo god
>Have big ass harems
>Bad ass warriors and great black smiths
>Just another type of elf

>Small smelly alcholics

>Tall smelly tree-humping hippies

>Laaaame, but not that bad

>Shrinky dinky humans

>Edgy or snowflakey

>Retarded with enhanced tard strength

>God tier

All kinds of dwarves are short, ugly, and not very clever only knowledgeable when it comes to technology or some kind of magic inferior to the kind high elven types practice.

While it's true that wood elven kind are dumb treehugger hippy SJWs and that dark elves are more on the edgy can't/won't get sunlight mommy's basement cucks, high elven style elves are always based as fuck. High elves get the qt waifus, the most powerful forms of magic that can outdo literally everything else in their setting, the best quality of most kinds of products. Their only downfall moment usually comes often partly because they were the ones facing the stupidly overpowered bad guys and actually winning against them.