How do you decide who is allowed to join your TTRPG group?

How do you decide who is allowed to join your TTRPG group?

I invite my friends who I think are good players.

People who post motivational images are out.

Everyone has to be able to do 10 pushups in a row. That filters out most of the compete spergs.

I am an unapologetic elitist douchebag.

After years and years and years of gaming groups and circles that dissolved in drama or involved assholes it was hard to avoid, I made my own hub channel, invited people I thought were good players or GMs as well as decent and friendly, and asked them to apply the same standard. The channel still grows, but slowly, I encourage people to take their time and think before inviting someone, to try and ensure the drama free, high quality RP community survives.

I sometimes feel bad, when I hear about so many people with no games, or bad games, but if I opened the floodgates and let everybody in, it'd end up no different to any other RP community I'd been in before now.

I talk to them a bit and see how weird they are.

I allow anyone who's interested to sit in on a session. Not play. Just sit in. This serves to give them a feel for how I run games and how my players get along.

If they seem cool I'll let them play with us for one session.

If that works out then great, they can enter the rotation.

I've got a group of 14-or-so players right now.

We're pretty selective about who we allow in. We've got an excellent group, everyone gets along and we have a ton of fun.

If a newbie comes in and starts jeopardizing that, they're gone.

Must be under 190 pounds

Must take regular showers and brush teeth

>wanting to join a 14"or so"man group
>you get cucked in to sitting and watching an entire session before you even get to the chance to play next week

that map looks like a small giraffe pounding the boipussi of a crocodile

Offline, I take whoever's willing to show up and not be a dick. Thankfully, I live in a place where being a douchebag is actually frowned down upon, so I have a good pool of players.
Online, I'm pretty lenient and make my judgments silently. Say what you will about named forums, being able to find someone's track record is damned useful.

I don't play online and only play irl with people I know and the people they invite

Shocking, I know, but I have this crazy theory that playing RPGs with friends makes it easier to talk though your grievances or something, in still working on my thesis.

but your thesis is "playing RPGs with friends makes it easier to talk though your grievances." Are you sure you know what thesis means?

I invite people who are chill and I think would be good players. I also make sure to only invite friends that I think would get along with each other.

I am a horrible, antisocial asshole, so I play with other horrible, antisocial assholes. We only have each other, and no one else will game with us.

I see the giraffe, but the "alligator" seems more like a big ol' snappin turtle to me

Are you running that eberron game on roll20 by any chance

> game of manlets

>190 pounds

Ah, so no martials?

You'd rather be surrounded by morbidly obese stinky people? OK.

180 pounds is overweight for pretty much everyone below 6'5", unless they're abusing steroids.

Goodness, where are you even getting this from? I weighed 185 when I entered college, and I'm 6'2.
>inb4 you're overweight
I have visible abs, and did cross-country and swimming. And no, I don't look like a jock by any means.

Hungry skeleton, please look at this.

Complete truth.
Regardless of TTRPG groups, groups survive because its constituents are of sufficient grade.

Make friends, invite friends. Done!

I do not understand.

there is no 5'0" or 6'0"


Thanks mr skeletal. Quit trying to push your bony agenda on me

You have a pretty skewed perception of weight. I know a guy who weighs about 180 at 6.0, he's not even that big just lifts casually and eats right. I understand not wanting fatties but maybe try using a different system (like denying people for being fat instead of an arbitrary weight limit)

I think I've read this before. Did you post this a couple years ago too?

>I invite my friends
literally all you need

how does this thread even exist
Why are you all playing with strangers

I could understand online games but some fags are talking about pushups and weight so clearly they are playing offline
Why are you having to "filter" unpleasant people in the first place, do you have no fucking friends?

I'm a fat fuck who can't do a single pushup but I have enough friends to have 2 gaming groups I'm dming and one where I'm a player.

Because they used 4'12" an 5'12" instead.

I knew a guy who told girls he considered dating that he was "5 foot 12", to quickly weed out ditzy sluts.

non-decimal systems be all whack yo

the geography doesn't make sense on that map. usually on a mountain range, rain will tend to fall on the side the wind is blowing on, with an arid region desert on the otherside. south america is a good example of this.

Just because some one is your friend doesn't mean they will be good in a PnP game.

I play PnP games to get an enjoyable story and bit of roleplay out of it, not to laugh it up with my pals.

I could, and actually end up, getting that from hanging out with my friends normally.

That map == khorvaire ripoff

My current group is entirely friends.
Past additional/online groups boiled down to "advertise game, add those that fit with pre-existing group". Anyone who doesn't type like reasonable person isn't considered.

>I invite my friends who I think are good players.
This. Total newbies or people who played before alike. If they aren't sure I give them a NPC or a premade character to play during a session so they can get an idea of what's going on.

>tfw 190cm/95kg
>tfw not fat
>tfw still considered overweight
What is this bullshit

I would love to see a DYEL twig bitch stutter over himself turning down someone that lifts heavy

what if wind blows like this?

To be fair to that user, it's like BMI. If your BMI says you're overweight, then you're either actually overweight, you're really built, and/or you're abnormally tall or short. The first one is the most common by far.

If someone's over 190 pounds, it's much more likely fat than muscle. Not that I'm saying it's a good rule, but still. It's not like it'd keep out droves of poor surprisingly athletic gamers.

You're proving his point. 180 lbs. is "overweight" on that chart until you hit six feet. Roughly 80% of the male population in the US is under six feet tall. Almost 100% of the female population falls under that.

Roughly 80 percent of the male population in the US is fucking mexicans, m8. Go to white areas and be amazed that you're suddenly more often than not not the tallest guy in the room anymore.

Not really, no. From the CDC's numbers, for ages 20+ non-Hispanic white males in the US, 72" (which is to say, six feet) puts you in the 85th percentile for height.

Going by actual statistics, the mean height for males is 5'9"

>get text from some random friend I've had an unsuccessful group with that they need a DM
>show up, do my best to give a good game
>most of them I have to explain the rules to
>players always tell me they have fun
>nobody takes the iniative and organizes more sessions

I used to put in effort and organize sessions, but people are so flaky it's just not worth it. Not to mention that most of them can't be assed reading the rules and just want to play because it's trendy now.

Do I like him as a person?
Do I like his role playing style?

The answer to the first one is always no, but sometimes they pass the second.

I'm amazed that you've managed. Whenever I GM for someone, they seem to turn completely complacent and stop putting any effort into finding more people.

>Must be under 190 pounds
I think my skeleton weighs more than that.

>I'mplying that the idea of playing a grimdark game based on the daily survival of a burrow of bunnies in a world of predators isn't totally metal.
I bet that GM doesn't into Mouse Guard at all.

I've been playing with the same group of 5 friends for about 3 years now. I'm finding it genuinely hard to branch out, the last couple of times I tried joining some random games, I found that they blew hard.

>Must be under 190 pounds
Top kek.
You may want to gain some muscular mass if you are above 1m80

I invite who ever will come, and openly dispatch those who are disruptive or dickish, or behaving in an unnecessary manor. Or if you try and power game, you will get right booted if you try and power game.

as long as you show up, and aren't a dick to anyone, i don't give a fuck. Oddly enough it means i play with mostly the odd ones who get off put by power gaming no fun groups, or the ones who don't feel welcome in groups for other reasons (because the GM won't stop hitting on them is a good example). i play with a lot of females as a result.

I also don't tolerate racism or sexism, so A LOT of neckbeards get rung through.

Basically, if i can't be your friend, i won't game with you. Simple as that.

>Basically, if i can't be your friend, i won't game with you.
I think that's the good approach. Life's too short to waste salt on every non compatible person.

I invite friends.

Hell that doesn't seen always work.
Did that last year and it turned out one f the group suddenly became that guy material when playing ttrpg.

When playing online I invite a couple friends in a larger circle, and then other people roll up characters and invite themselves.
God knows why but it happens.

I never got the whole 'we have to have experiance to play ttrpgs' thing.

Me and my friend sorta ass firsted into our first game (three 12 year olds trying to play 3.5), but as much as we fucked up the rules (rules are suggestions anyway, and people who get hung up on them are often ejected if they can't stem their autism), we had fun.

Fun's the point of a ttrpg, not winning, not big stats, not being a game (ttrpgs are narrative first to me), fucking fun.

Some people just don't want to have fun. i find them sad i do not speak with them anymore. Is good for me too, means i get all the girls playing with me. and i am ok with that.

It's not a motivational image.

I chatted with 2 of my friends on a discord we're on, other people got interested, filter out those I subjectively think wouldn't make good players, and people I just don't like

Worked like a charm and left me with about 20 peeps to mix and match depending on what I want to run

Not all mountain ranges create rain shadows because not all mountain ranges are standing directly in the path of a prevailing wind.

As much as I love my friends, and want to have fun playing games with them, over time, I've come to realize that what my friends look for in a tabletop game is not what I look for. The types of games my friends want to play don't interest me, and vice versa. I want to seek out people more interested in the type of game I want to play, but I haven't played outside of this social circle for years and I don't really know where to begin.

well what type of game do you want to play?

My biggest red flag is anyone who starts off by saying they play RPGs for "fun".

Not because games shouldn't be enjoyable, but entering the game with the mindset you want "fun" means you're the sort of person who won't be able to be serious, or cope outside your comfort zone.

All players I've met who use "fun" as the ultimate descriptor of RPGs have been the worst kind of power fantasists, who want a goofy consequence free sandbox to masturbate in. If you can't explore why you enjoy something in terms more nuanced than "fun things are fun" you aren't intelligent enough.

Almost no one who calls something they enjoy "fun" thinks only in terms of "fun things are fun." Fun is literally a synonym for "enjoyable," and enjoyability is subjective; what is enjoyable to one person may not be enjoyable to another. People usually know at least some of the reasons they enjoy something, and if they don't, it won't be long before they discover them. I think you're getting a little too mad at people just for using shorthand in language.

>Why are you all playing with strangers

Because sometimes you have no choice. Some people don't live in big enough locations where you can feasibly find new players if your friends aren't interested, some don't go to college where everyone and their dog roleplays at some point, and some even live in countries that don't get localized games. Problem is basically getting over the initial and getting into touch with potential players. Then you can curate all you want, but sometimes smelly Pete and his crazy bitch Vasha are the only two players you have.


I have a friend who recently, meaning it with sincerity, told me that he thought cyborg dinosaurs could be appropriate for a low fantasy setting.

Preferably something low fantasy, that's more exploration and discovery focused, with combat being more of a side note than the main center of the game. My friends act like they barely understand what "low fantasy" means when I try to explain it to them, as if they can only understand things in terms of the high fantasy I have grown so sick and tired of. put what I'm looking for into words well.
I think a good hypothetical example to explain what I mean a bit more would be when the "shadow with the face of Stannis Baratheon" assassinated Renly in Game of Thrones, and Brienne got blamed for it, because magic is an unfamilar and dubious force in their world, so the guards who discovered him dead with Brienne nearby assumed what would only be logical in their minds happened instead. If something like that happened in a far-flung high fantasy world like Forgotten Realms where magic of some degree is commonplace almost to the point of being mundane, this situation never would have happened, because Brienne would have told them what she saw and they would have said "Oh, yeah, somebody probably cast phantasmal killer on him or something. That happens sometimes."

Laziness of expression isn't to be encouraged.

If you expect me to connote exactly what you mean from meaningless shorthands on a first meeting, you need to learn to communicate better.

And if your vocabulary is so stunted you can't say what you mean, a creative and imaginative game is not for you.

Same here. If my normal group isn't complete and we look for people to fill it we use the "let's talk about some random shit for an hour" test. It works wonders. Checks the group chemistry of sorts and general attitude.
So far we managed to avoid:
1. Rabid rules lawyer. You know, that "well, actually in a supplement XYZ…" type who would not shut up about it.
2. A guy who barely spoke in English (writing was damn good, though).
3. Some sort of a complete control freak who managed to piss off the GM within first twenty minutes of the casual chat. It's a feat to make him raise his voice, let alone make him legit angry. The guy we talked with was questioning everything, tried to dispute every little thing we told him and generally talked as if HE was the new GM and not a player that we were looking for.
4. Some freak who was obsessed with Kroot and tried to convince our puritan-as-fuck Dark Heresy party to let him play as one.

You seem a bit entitled if you expect "I enjoy tabletop games because I like exploring character types and situations that are either foreign to me or I wouldn't normally encounter in real life, and I like to imagine how people just trying to live their everyday lives would react to supernatural forces influencing the world" from everyone you meet.

I say 'fun' and see what happens.

I'm someone who plays for fun.

I have yet to make a joke character.

Your statement is hollow and invalid.

Try saying 'I don't like people not RPing harder' which is more in line with what you've said.

I think you misunderstand what I'm getting at. I am not in agreement with .
I was trying to explain why I thought his post was stupid. I am fine with people calling things fun.

Shit, i miss quoted. so you are right good sir.

was meant for you;

Could do BESM on low fantasy mode, if you are into anime. Might work for you if you make it sound less anime-esqe?

Hey, i play dwarf fortress.

Losing is Fun (but really, fun, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder, you just just sound like a sad and angry person.)

Never forget it.

>graduate highschool
>don't go to uni/college
>don't get a job
>complete hikkiNEET
>friends all drift away over the next few years, getting new friends at their workplace/campus
>I don't
and that's the story of how this wannbe-DM ended up with nobody to DM for. Online RP seems like shit and I imagine finding good RPers is hard enough as it is without also being a friendless NEET with no money and no LGS. I hope this blog hs been informative.

I'll give almost anyone a go.
Existing members can however blackball new additions after a session with them and I will kick the new guy.

Different user.
user's use of "thesis" was gramatically and syntactically correct. He was essentially using it as synonymous with the colloquial meaning "theory" as in "I have this crazy theory". Both thesis and theory can mean "a proposition or assumption yet to be proved".

Except for science where theory means an explanation for things (See Theory of Evolution, Theory of Gravity, Theory of Atoms, etc.), while a thesis is simply a type of work
A hypothesis is a "untested but disprovable proposition"

So if we are talking in a scientific context (which his use of thesis seems to imply) then it is at best a hypothesis, at worst a conjecture

I don't have real life friends.

>Online RP seems like shit
It isn't. In this case you shouldn't hate the game, but the players.

>I imagine finding good RPers is hard enough as it is without also being a friendless NEET with no money and no LGS.
This is incredibly true, though. I'm working with a barebones group myself, but recruiting online is terribly difficult. It's hard to know if someone's a flake, an asshole or just doesn't mesh, and most people are one of the three.

Friends and family.

>Roughly 80% of the male population in the US is under six feet tall

>Roughly 80 percent of the male population in the US is fucking mexicans, m8

It's funny to think that someone actually thought this was a good comeback.