What would you populate a d100 injuries chart with for minor injuries that a character still might have to care about...

What would you populate a d100 injuries chart with for minor injuries that a character still might have to care about or treat.

The game is D&D 5e, and these will be pulled out on a crit, and can be mitigated by rolling inspiration and add to the initial score

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I'd been planning to use most minor injuries as scars, perhaps a risk of infection and inflammation if they aren't treated.
In a hostile environment, the players would have to judge whether to press on or risk discovery for their injuries

permanent disadvantage on ranged attacks? loss of an eye should be disadvantaged in melee if anything. your list sucks please don't make injury lists if you have no medical experience.

I just found the DMGs one lacking

people with one eye can still catch things, and still drive, in fact. Loss of depth perception is accounted for by the brain after a few weeks of getting used to it.

So a few weeks of in-game time nullify it, too easy

99 varieties of nutshot, 1 sudden death

Much better. I think this list is good, user. But obviously it needs work so it doesn't gimp the players too hard. Also you could have some advantages on some too? Say, damaged nerves would gimp movement a bit but also give advantage on checks to determine whether they're stunned or not.

That's good, i should focus more on end-of-your-next-turn stuns, bleeds and such
The list is meant to affect enemies too, but I see what you mean. Tanks for constructive

How would this spell fit into this list?

Own unique number

#one hundred and inside out, you're dead

Ooh. And for loss of tongue, instead of making it so they can't cast verbal spells, just have em roll on a wild magic table when they do, because they fucked up the spell a bit but still got the effect they wanted. But make it this table: traykon.com/pdf/The_Net_Libram_of_Random_Magical_Effects.pdf

I love that! Such a fucky way to cast

Concussion: roll a D100. on >75 be dazed for that round. fades after 3 rounds.

Also nosebleed.

Hard blow to the ear: receive -1 to initiative until healed.

Update! Getting there, I need to start fleshing out those more deadly injuries

Black eye: -1 to charisma until healed

Anal Prolapse: Shit your pants every 1d6 hours.

Thanks for everyones input, this is getting done real quick

No problem. I'd recommend with the scalping just say if he wears armour with the effect up he takes an extra 1d4 damage per physical blow.

And its done! Thanks elegan/tg/entlemen, for working with my lazy ass

excellent. No problem dude, hope it works out for you. Enjoy finetuning it once you can put it into action.

Will attempt to share when the injuries are all properly thought out

I wish more settings would limit magical healing and say some things can't be healed. You can't stop infection after it's begun, you can't heal a fever. You need doctoring. A cleric can't deliver a baby with magic. Real doctors need to exist, but they get overshadowed by clerics etc typically..

I wish more systems had 'you are bleeding and require medical attention' etc. I say this of course with my character having a huge investment in mundane healing, so maybe I'm biased. I would love if damage meant something.

A cleric might not be able to deliver a baby with magic, BUT A WIZARD CAN.