So I am looking at doing a short campaign based in an Ancient Greek setting...

So I am looking at doing a short campaign based in an Ancient Greek setting. I want to create some pre-made characters so as to us more time to play the game. What would be some character archetypes/tropes that I could use when making these? I can think of great heroes like Hercules, some kind of hunter from the wilds and an Oracle but otherwise I am a bit stumped.

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Maybe some sort of philosopher/bard, a spartan warrior, or some sort of primitive engineer/scholar.

A hobo bard that gives no fuck. No actual musical talent or fighting skills, he just fart and tell his enemies to fuck off outta his sunlight.

This is me, just throwing some ideas around.

Shield, short sword, spear. Might be a militia from a democratic republic, or a soldier from an autocratic city-state.
Knows how to use a sling. Maybe fought in wars as lightly armored skirmisher.
The fittest. The nudist. Might use unarmed combat.
>necro-, pyro-, geo-, hydro-, whatevermancer
You might want to stretch the definition of what these guys actually did to have more standardish mages.
High CHA, knows how to influence the public. Can be a warrior as well or more of a sneaky guy.
High STR character, may has seen exotic places.

Find Rolemaster's Mythic Greece supplement.

Storyteller - You think anyone's going to remember those chucklefucks you travel with if it wasn't for you? They may do the deeds, but it's you who wins you all the glory. You're a poet, a musician, but above all else, a showman.

check out mazes and minotaurs, i havent played it but I run a greek mythology session, and its good for inspiration

“In the religion of Ancient Rome, a haruspex (plural haruspices; also called aruspex) was a person trained to practice a form of divination called haruspicy (haruspicina) the inspection of the entrails“ -Wikipedia
I know it says ancient rome but the profession was known in ancient greece as well. Maybe you can make something out of it

Gays. All the gays.

What time is it? Shit varies quite a lot. Is it mythical or grounded in reality?

I am not too bothered about it being set in a specific time, its only going to be a short campaign. What I am really trying to invoke is old, epic films, like Jason and the Argonauts.

Javelins, dagger, buckler. Hails from one of the neighboring peoples, high agility. Harries the enemy before falling back behind heavier allies. Like 's soldier

Various spells with high intelligence. Skeptical of many things, and voraciously pursues more knowledge in history, languages, and religion. Great for skill checks

Don't let the nudity fool you. Their unarmed combat and grappling skill could take down Cerberus itself. Popular with everyone - usually because everyone wants to fuck or get fucked by them.

As much as might be joking, the idea of "no homo bro" did not exist. It was ok to be interested in boys as an adult man... but facial hair was the line drawn in the sand between it being okay and it being gay

Here is a nice setup of the various Hellenic gods, demi-gods, and mythos

Maybe the hero you're looking to make is an engineer of some kind. A planner that can see how to organize a city, army, or trade deal in such a way that they always come out on top.

My friend wanted to make a greek campaign were we were all had demigod level powers. We had to come up with backstories for our characters.

My back story was that there was a beautiful shepherd boy that both Apollo and Dionysus fancied and wanted him to come up to mount olympus and be their cup bearer. They both go down to earth an offer the boy gifts, Apollo giving him a great bow while Dionysus gave him wine. The boy was then told to pick one of the gods, he had to go to the temple of the god he picked and sacrifice one of his sheep before sunset. The boy obviously picked Apollo and quickly went off to Apollos temple. At the stairs Dionysus was there and told the boy he understands and wishes Apollo well, and to celebrate they should have a drink of wine. The boy agrees but the wine was too strong and he fell asleep on the stairs only to wake after sunset. Now he goes around with Apollo's bow trying to do great deeds to make Apollo notice him.

They thought my story was too gay.

Sounds like a good backstory to me.

Sounds like something directly from greek myth. So it's perfect for the campaign.

Is Fire Emblem: Echoes: Shadows of Valentia close enough to Bronze Age?
