Genestealers infiltrate planet so well that not even the Inquisition suspects a thing

>Genestealers infiltrate planet so well that not even the Inquisition suspects a thing
>As to not blow their cover, Genestealers work hard to keep paying Imperial tithes
>Mutant underground workers work much more efficiently than regular humans, make the planet extremely wealthy.
>Genestealers signal for Tyranid invasion, however because their planet has become such an important asset, orbital defenses are called to defend and push back Tyranids
>Now Genestealers are stuck on shitty hive world with no support from space bug big brothers.
>Entire planet of just Genestealers form Genestealer civilization, hierarchies and factions.
Is this a good setting for a dark heresy or similar WH40k RPG?

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No as the genestealers would sabotage imperial assets and attack from the planet.

It makes no sense. The genestealers mutant, in their overwhelming numbers (or wisdom) would have sabotaged the defenses of the planet to a crititcal level, making impossible or incredibly hard to retaliate.

>Players are sent down to investigate reports of Genestealer cult.
>Show up to planet.
>One mega-corporation is accusing another mega-corporation of being infiltrated by Genestealers
>Players spend majority of their time investigating accused mega-corporation
>Find them out
>report to first mega-coporation
>through some twist of events, players find out that they too, are Genestealers.
>run away to arbites station
>wtf you're genestealers too
>have to fight off planet in order to get to inquisitor and call exterminatus.

Yeah when the Tyranids attacked the Cultists would come out of hiding that is the entire point of their existence.

One thing that springs to mind to get to the end result though could be some kind of warp fuckery cutting off a planet for centuries or even longer.

The Cult keeps getting bigger and bigger trying to get their message through and eventually the planet is 100% Cult.

The fanfic, 60k: Age of Dusk, does something like this. In 60k, tyranids get wiped out, after they assimilate with Orks to make a new species, the Great Devourer. So, a genestealer cult on some hive planet is stranded, with no backup coming. Ever. So what do they do? They just assimilate the whole population and pretend to be humans, albeit kinda creepy ones who all act in eerie unison. Vulkan returns, starts up his own Imperium 2.0, and brings these guys in, knowing their genestealers. They actually end up being really useful and reliable allies, since now they actually have a purpose again.

This does sound pretty hilarious. The premise to set this up may be a bit problematic, but this series of events would be great fun.

Maybe instead of the whole "the invasion failed," something else happened and diverted the Tyranid fleet? IIRC, Genestealer cults can sometimes incubate for centuries, but given their lifecycles, they do have a sort of exponential growth-rate. This means that the Tyranids are already used to letting genestealer-infected worlds sit and stew for many, many years. So say something important comes up, and the Tyranids in that area are re-directed, and the hive decides that planet isn't worth bothering with for another century or so. During that time, the Genestealers reach complete control of the planet and associated bases. No reason to make their move yet though, because no bugs.

>Upon finding out that entire planet is genestealers, players are forced to retreat under the sewers in hiding
>roles are reversed as players have to hide from 'authorities'
>in the sewers, players find the oldest sect of the cult, most closely related to the original Genestealers that came to the planet so many years ago.
>Original Genestealers lament that their brothes have become obsessed with upholding their new weird Genestealer society.
>Want to just end it all, as their original purpose is lost
>Help players get to surface, even off of the planet to call exterminatus.
>Genestealer civil war rages down below as the players try to explain to the Inquisitor what the fuck is going on.
>end it all

What would happen on a genestealer infected planet that, for some reason, can't get in contact with the nids? Like, if the planet was somehow surrounded by a warp storm and completely isolated from realspace? What would happen after centuries or millenia of genestealer civilization evolving?

It would be kind of amusing if the genestealers started to ponder what to do and split into factions. Some of them wanting to wait out the storm and continue signaling the fleet. Other factions would pursue inventing ships to leave the planet and contact the fleet themselves. The factions could war with each other over, becoming more dogmatic as they become more human-like with each generation. Eventually a genestealer emperor could be born and unite the planet with his genestealer adeptus astartes.


>I can't take it anymore, I just want to be absorbed by the hive fleet!
>We ALL want to be absorbed by the hive fleet!

My cult fluff is sort of like this, when the storm ends the remaining faction becomes spaceborne and looks for a fleet worthy enough to devour them

legends tell of the lone genestealer cult of planet Meexeex
They just want to die

Friendly reminder that genestealers are on Holy Terra

Was a plot device in my last Rogue Trader campaign. Genestealers were the vanguard of a splinter fleet that got wiped out, wound up spending a couple of centuries doing fuck all but paying taxes.

>citation needed.

You could make this idea of a cult-dominated, isolated world work, if you play around with the idea of a Splinter fleet being destroyed while devouring one planet, leaving behind all the cults it used to probe for other resource-rich worlds.

I was under the impression that genestealer-infected humans had a relatively fixed reproductive cycle, in that after a few generations they started producing obviously mutated hybrids and then purestrain genestealers, thus "the whole society is secretly genestealers" would only work for as long as it took them to hit the stage where they're only producing purestrain 'stealers.

To have a persistent society of hybrids you'd need constant influx of new non-infected humans.

This has been known for months now

Interestingly, the Genestealer Cult codex makes it pretty clear that the Cult itself isn't actually in thrall to the Hive Fleets. When the Tyranids turn on their minions, they cultists don't march right into the digestion pools willingly. They panic, try to flee, and might even fight back. If the Patriarch and its Purestrains were kept from falling under the Hive Mind's influence, they might even be able to orchestrate a more coherent defense. I've thought about doing something similar, presenting the PC's with a situation where a Genestealer Cult has through various circumstances fought off a much-weakened, starving Splinter Fleet and attempted to covertly fit back into the Imperium, paying tithes and otherwise acting as a productive, model planet.

>The Inquisitor is a genestealer too

>the Pcs were genestealers the whole time

>due to a weird mutation after a few genestealers lose the ability to discern other genestealers from humans
>they still try to sabotage the planet
>a megaton of genestealer cells embedded on every level just play cat and mouse and backstab each other
> among them genestealers who think they are humans
>and humans who think they are genestealers
>particulary vigilant and suspicious officials are, of course, always on the lookout for mutant scum
>since genestealers might as well outnumber humans, the latter are accused of mutation ("What is that thing on your face?!"), treason (""Nose?!" I don't know such a word! Must be from sone foul xeno language!") and heresy ("There is no god but Bug-Emperor of Manhive!")

If genestealers got to the point where they could, they would destroy a planet themselves

the hivemind can eat the planet even if the human biomass is ded

>And everything they did summoned more Genestealers