Jumpchain CYOA Thread #1425: Negative Effort Igloos Edition

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>Also, where is all this snow coming from? Isn't it suppose to be global warming?
I think thats my favourite thing you ever said fist. My sides hurt so bad from laughing so hard.

Don't worry, user, he was only pretending to be retarded.

Many the snow was on the roof. When she went outside it fell on her and blocked off the entrance
At least that is my understanding of it from the quick explanations that have been given.

Also Climate Change isn't quite like that. A degree or two difference isn't going to make snow stop happening in already very cold places

>Also, where is all this snow coming from? Isn't it suppose to be global warming?
>If evolution is real, why do chimps still exist?
That's how fucking retarded you sound.
I don't even really follow climate change/global warming/whateverthefuck, but god damn.
You're dumber than a box of rocks in a gravel pit.


>Story link

>Also, where is all this snow coming from? Isn't it suppose to be global warming?
We got a lot of snow this year, had about 4.5 ft on the porch I had to clear off before the roof snow could fall and collapse the deck.

There were some questions for last thread.

Man Manyfist, I have to hand it to you, that was pretty fucking beautiful just how concentrated that idiocy was.

There's no way it wasn't some poor attempt at a joke.

>For High Society, do you receive similar status in future jumps?
>Uh, even the Drop-in 100 and 400 CP perks?
What's there now is groundwork, next I use words good to make them pretty

That would be even more hilarious, because it would reflect on Manyfist's sense of "humor" and not just simple ignorance.

It's one thing to be ignorant of the world around you. It's another thing to try and feign ignorance because you think it makes you a comedian. Is he trying to be Amy Schumer?

It was intended to be a joke. They were complaining that a few years ago or maybe it was last year, that Alaska was gonna thaw out because there wasn't enough snow. All because global warming.

Jump #296: Final Fantasy VI
>Three of Wands (Virtue): Taking full responsibility for a decision.
>Age: 22
>Location: Narshe
>Identity: Magitechnician (-100)
>Drawbacks: I Have More Lives Than I Do Arms! (+100), Imperialist (+100)
This world is one messed up place. I'll have to establish my own empire and bring these idiots to heel. At least I've got a jester that I can put a bullet in when he gets too annoying, and he'll be back for the evening stand-up! No matter how much I hate it!
>Mechanist (Free, Magitechnician)
Spiffy. I can play with the local tech and build small examples.
>Uncrowned (900)
Slave crowns are nothing to screw with. I actually don't think I'm immune to possession by technological means, or at least I wasn't until now.
>Magitek Mastery (600, Magitechnician)
Here we go. With everything else I have, I think with this I should be able to seamlessly merge technology and magic now. The part about being able to infuse life with magitech so they can access a magic system is a plus also - I look forward to being able to give people magic like that.
>Suplex A Train (0)
Find me a man who would not want to suplex a train, and I'll find you a man who does not know how to live.

First thing we do, we execute Kefka and decapitate the Empire.

Never suffer rivals. Isn't that what you said, Anakin? I've taken those words to heart for a little while.

After that... well, screw EVERYBODY, I'm building an empire from absolutely nothing. I'm sure Ultros will mock me and tell bad jokes no matter how much I try to get him to knock it off, but that's the price I pay. I've used automatons to defend in the past, nothing wrong with using them to conquer in the present. Especially if I can upgrade them with magitech.

Perhaps less of an empire than a confederation. As long as the member states are willing to toe the line, they'll find that the standard of life for EVERYONE goes up immensely. Laws that are fair and just. A proper industrial revolution. First world living standards for everyone. In fact, I'll be leaving magitech automatons behind just to make sure that persists.

Also if anyone decides to screw with the gods, they get smited by said automatons, who otherwise exist to share knowledge (up to a certain level) but not to run peoples' lives. I'm only here for ten years after all. After I go, I just want to make sure the world stays united. Wouldn't be much of an empire if it didn't.

Welcome to the Salty Spitoon, Jumpers. How tough are ya?

True, they had to move sled dog races further north because north enough snow in Anchorage. It was last year, I believe I left Alaska over Christmas at about 0F, got to New York where it reach -4F while up here it was 18F.

Tough enough to be a big guy.

Something something CookieMonster Something Something

I don't know if temperature is really a good indicator, when you get plenty of places in Northern Canada that can hit 90F in Summer. If anything the snow has pretty much been about the same all around, it just seems to have hit a lot harder all over the place. The Eastern Seaboard got absolutely blasted over the span of a week or two.

What are the best shape shifting and voice mimicking perks? I took [Perfect Reflection] from infernal, so I could fuck with peoples minds but I realized I want to go the whole way with it.


Do the numbers "48, 66, 12, 16, 10" mean anything to you?


Those are some freaky measurements user. I don't even want to know what the 4th and 5th ones are measuring!

One of the Gundams had an excellent voice mimicing perk, but I unfortunately can't remember which one it was.
As for Shapeshifting Inuyasha or X Men Movies have very good options.

Bust. Waist. Hip. The Third Leg. The Tentacle.

I'm fluffy tough


Tentaclets, when will they learn?

It's in kilometers user. This is why you need to write down your units.

I can open two pickle jars, while eating a pickle

You gotta type in the numbers and push the button every 108 minutes or else the island goes kablooey.

Yumi is that you?


Bust. Waist. Hips. The Third Leg. Hair.

About how much wealth does High Society provide?

I jumped both Foodfight and The Room.
Without any breaks in between.

I punched a guy in the face once and only walked away with seven bruises.

Drawback: It's Been 84 Years... (1300)

Drop-In, age 24

We're Americans (Free)
Draw Me Like Your French Girls (1200)
I'm The King Of The World! (1000)
Love Was When I Loved You (700)
Old Money (600)
Bottomless Box of Tissues (Free)
Sketchbook (Free)
Ice Tray (550)
The Titanic II (400)
Liquid Courage (200)
Unquestionable Character (0)

It is a marvelous day for a wedding. The sun is shining, the breeze is brisk yet crisp. I am Cupid, drifting invisible as a million impossibly radiant particles-waves betwixt the groom and bride. Once, I was covered in bishie sparkles. But on this day, I shall BE the bishie sparkles!

The bride is first to awaken, whispers of shamanistic promise telling her she's setting full steam ahead...for LOVE. Her duty weighs on her like a hundred tonnes of steel, the pressure to be truly "unsinkable". The groom needs a gentle push in the right direction; brittle and frigid by nature, but her thrumming engine sends reverbations through his icy heart.

As they appraoch, she frets over what their nuptials will mean for the lives she is responsible for. He wonders if a hoary, good-for-nothing chunk of frozen water is good enough for her. I cast five bridesmaids and five groomsmaids into the ocean, to soothe and advise the intended. Somewhere on board, Rose and Jack's most famous moment is ruined by reports of five sentient icebergs coralling the ship.


Steve Rogers, is that you?

Are there any perks that do something similar to the secondary effect of Dynamic from Dishonored?

>For some reason, you don’t seem to take any incidental injuries while moving about your environment – no grazes from climbing a sharp stone ledge, nor friction burns from a running slide, or even rips in your clothes from scaling a wire fence – though this protection has no effect on unusual or deliberately harmful features, like barbed wire.

Just blanket immunity to small, mobility-related injuries (and clothing damage)?

We all have our secret identities behind the mask, user.

*Dishonored 2?

>Captain Australia
Prolly not.

I remember there being an engineering perk that protected against getting nicked and cut while working, but I don't remember what jump it was from.

You could probably just get some DR or Soak in a D&D or Exalted jump instead though.

Steve Irwin?

Disaster strikes on the wedding night! She disables her propeller out of fear, and he cries briny tears at the perceived abandonment. But my arrows fly straight and true-and just as they catch sight of one another, it happens: Love at first sight. I cast a blessing upon the groom, sculpting an Olympian physique from ice even as the bride's paintjob shines with the colours of the setting sun.

The promise that true love will conquer disaster itself seals the deal. No need for vows-the confused apes on board are treated to vehicular consummation before their very eyes! A masculine jotun poses gracefully in the inky sea-and the Titanic RAMS it HARD, even as she herself is impaled! They will be together. Immortal legends of a forbidden love.

The magic of their passion freezes the nearby ocean into a solid, if slippery surface the confused and terrified passengers evacuate onto. The Titanic's inexplicable lightshow doubles as a SOS beacon that summons a whaling vessels to witness a beautiful man made of ice locked tightly around a moaning ship. The tale of the half-ship, half-iceberg children born from this union is a tragic one about the Cold War, and a mysterious piratical environmentalist mercenary group known as the Arctic Dogs. But that is a story for another time.

Rose slips, hits her head on the ice and remembers everything as a dream.

I once built a dojo made out of LEGOs, brought it to life, and then fought my way out from inside of it.


Not that there's anything else to build anything out of in LEGO jump

May that man rest in peace. -wrestling angels while calling them a beauty.

He probably would. A seraph looks like a snake with six wings, after all.


... the drugs are apparently extra good today.

With the complete lack of malicious intent they'd probably let him get away with it too. This thought makes me feel warm inside.


Nope, nope, nope and nope. None of you got even remotely close.
Though measurements is KIND of close now that I think of it. Though it'd be more apt to call them "Stats"

Jump #297: Final Fantasy XI
>The Tower, reversed: Catastrophe survived or narrowly avoided.
>Age: 27
>Location: Free Choice
Does it even matter? This is an MMORPG. With not much plot. If I wasn't a completionist...
>Identity: Hume, Farmer
I still hate Squenix for the word 'hume'.
>Apprentice Craftsman (900)
Useful everyday items!
>Farmer's Eye (Free, Farmer)
Huh, this is actually useful, being able to tell at a glance where I can best find something.
>Crafting Genius (600)
More useful not-everyday items! At least I can grow my own crystals. Screw being stuck onto the economy.
>Crystal Farming (450, Farmer)
I guess it's useful to be able to use crystals to farm and get more crystals as a result. Huh, wonder if this can be taught.
>Master Farmer (150, Farmer)
Uh. I'm farming. Why am I finding minerals? Oh well, it's MMORPG mechanics.
>Adventuring License (100)
Might as well be a part-time adventurer.
>Farming Gear (Free, Farmer)
I guess you don't look a gift horse in the mouth.
>Crystal Cluster Bag (0)
Yay, a source for crystals.

I seriously am not sure what to do here, it's an MMORPG but I refuse to spend ten years doing murder-the-monster and fetch quests.

So I'm just going to do like I did in FF6 and conquer the world again.

I need a perk that would allow me to see the invisible.

Divine Visual Organs from Kekkai Sensen would let that happen.

>Oi, you can tell by the luster on the eyes of this here ophanim that it's an old one, maybe even pre-Fall. See those jewels? It uses them to reflect on the infinite glory of God's throne, absolutely beautiful. Now I'm going to try to get real close in on it, see if I can dodge the divine judgement long enough to grab it by the spokes and check the hub for its gender.

First build of first jump! EEEEEEEEEEEEE!

>About how much wealth does High Society provide?
Sigh, hang on and let me check what people were worth back then.

>Unrelated, how is the Dredd jump coming along? That is a jump I have been awaiting since you mentioned it; because I had just watched it for the first time a few days before you make the statement and am still hyped for it.
Going to be honest, it's a technically difficult jump to write a lot of perks for since there's not a whole lot of background info unless I dive into Comics/Stallone Dredd, and I don't reeeeeally want to do that. But I have some time off coming up, so maybe I'll hammer it out soon(ish).

There needs to be more than one jump where I can be a winged snake.

Call it $5,000,00 in 1912 dollars.

Holy shit is inflation a bitch.

How much is that worth in modern day terms?

Fifty thousand dollars in 1912 is the equivalent of twelve point three million in 2017 dollars.


Enough to summer in the Hampton's, winter in Paris and blow $4,350 (~$100,000) on a cruise across the Atlantic.

Are there any perks that would let me transform small animals or objects into sapient humanoids?

Do you gain equivalent wealth in future jumps?

Terra Formars should have some end mission prize that allows you to uplift species to sentience

Polymorphization from God of High School lets you do that to any spirit. I'm sure we must have some perk or magic school somewhere that lets you turn animals or objects into spirits. Worst case scenario, you could probably do it with a Matter/Spirit or Life/Spirit spell, respectively, using Mage the Awakening magic.

Is that upfront, per-year, or something else?

Life Giving magus in Adventure time can do objects to life.
You might want to shape them into humanoids with some other method first though

Uh, no it isn't. That's five million in 1912 dollars, not fifty thousand. Check your CPI calculations, you're off by two orders of magnitude.

>Call it $5,000,00 in 1912 dollars.
He could very well have meant 5 million and forgot a zero.

Jump #298: Final Fantasy IX
>Six of Wands (Victory), reversed: Frustration over indefinite delays and motion without progress.
>Age: 14
>Location: Free Choice
>Identity: Genome (Herald) (-600)
>Drawbacks: Unnatural Lifespan (+100), Edible (+200)
I can live with getting old before my time, but come ON, I'm not supposed to age like wine, I'm supposed to age like vinegar!
>Scenario: The Eidolon In The Cave (+400)
The Crystal's Voice (1000)
>Remorseless (Free, Genome)
Ah, and now attempts to control my mind are flat out reflected to cause damage. Though I'll be turning off the 'morality doesn't matter' part as soon as possible.
>Mist: Phobia (Free, Genome)
Doesn't hurt to be able to emit magical fog in order to cause panic in my opponents.
>Mist: Hated (800)
I suppose this means that the fog is my primary weapon here. Oh well, it fits in with eldritch mode what with fog that heralds my presence. May as well give the fog fun traits if I choose to use them.
>Soul Divider (500, Genome)
Injuries within my range cannot be healed. Attempts to heal them empower ME. Oh, this perk and I shall be the greatest of friends...
>Mist: Suffering (100, Genome)
Making the magical fog harm my enemies helps, too. Also, much less taxing than summoning Alexander, if slightly less efficient.
>A Flair For Thrown Things (0)
You know what this includes? Literally everything. If I were to have super strength I could catch an airliner or a building without it breaking, a la comic books.

Oh right, guess I can't just nuke the tree, my free choice isn't free because I chose the scenario. And without a summoner in my party, I'm going to have to be going the long way to get what I need to get, but I'm a nice guy. I'll go along with Ozma.

Yeah, probably. Also, I apparently misread it as fifty thousand and not five hundred thousand. Silly me.

When you have a walking wound in the world simply stepping through walls, grabbing trinkets and casually throwing attackers away with telekinesis rather than engaging them... it makes things interesting. Rumors circulate. Rumors about a demon cloaked in darkness and fear, making no secret of its movements when it steps out of the shadows, openly collecting eidolons.

Out of their view, the fight to claim the other eidolons is surprisingly difficult, considering everything wants to eat me when I'm NOT actively engaging it, and as time passes... I'm growing weaker by the day. Not much, but notably. Much faster than I'd anticipated; by the time I hit the ten year mark I'd be utterly unable to care for myself. Not a pleasant scenario.

Pushing myself harder than I ought, I ensure that all the Eidolons are collected within a three years. (Though the mess with the little girl does not make me happy to deal with, it gets dealt with, and that's the reason it took three years, and not just a month.)

Unlock the Shimmering Islands? Easy. Charge the fortress Pandemonium? Sure. And while I'm at it, I'll be happy to throw an army of magitek constructs into the fray with the Eidolons as they fight the Genomes. Garland is of course less than happy to make my acquaintance, a genome without an origin, cloaked in shadow he cannot penetrate. Fortunately, I am not obligated to care, and the magitek militia is most helpful in dealing with the Genome horde.

And then Kuja and Necron show up. The magitek militia breaks while trying to deal with them, protecting the eidolons to the best of their ability. I expend two extra lives in the fight, which would be impressive if I weren't at a disadvantage (not to mention, if I could call down orbital strikes). But eventually, all's well that ends well; Necron feels as though it should be considered the grim reaper, but it is decidedly not, because I bisected it with a weapon that has killed gods. Pretty sure he doesn't count as a god.

Kuja, though? Oh, him I didn't kill. I obliviated him, transferred him into a bog-standard body, and tossed him out into the world to live his life. He and the Ozmas make for an interesting trio. I just elected to take the remains of Terra to study and work on them later... after all, anything that plays with the space between spaces has promise.

The remaining seven years? Well, I got to watch the Mist recede from the world, summoners having the faintest idea of what might have happened, and otherwise... just kicked back and enjoyed a mini-vacation before old age got the better of me and I had to have a magitek construct help take care of me for the last six months.
Unrelated note... anyone else having trouble with the captcha lately? I keep having to either solve five of them, or it's the 'pick all of the thing' and it takes over ten seconds for each picture to fade in and out.

If you go into settings and change them to enable legacy captcha you'll never have to deal with garbage cpatchicas again.
It's so much better that it really boggles the mind as to why it was changed.

>Is that upfront, per-year, or something else?

>Do you gain equivalent wealth in future jumps?
Hmm, that's tricky. I guess it would be fitting to financially match your station.
Yep missed a zero.

Funny story, did the exact same thing in an artillery simulator in the Army and blew up a target I didn't even see in the woods.

You have my gratitude. It looks like I can get a similar result by disabling the javascript captchas but I completely forgot those settings were there. Still the easy-to-solve ones without having to decipher the text. Also I am most definitely not a robot. Thank you, fellow human!

There's a potion in Dark Cloud that turns animals into monster girl versions. In canon, a dude accidentally spills it on this cat and she turns into a catgirl.

Thanks, mate.

Would either Null/Absorb/Reflect Force from the various SMT jumps protect against being telekinetically thrown or crushed?

Hey /jc.

What are the good perks to have a perfect public image?

Because Atlus needs some. Badly.
Fffffucking hell.

Force? It probably would work.

Import them into infernals and have them pick up devil tiger social charms?

Think so, yeah.

Well, Dragon Age: Inquisition, Worm, Bee Movie and Exalted: Infernals have some useful-

>reads Escapist article

Okay I know objectively those perks are supposed to do exactly that, but right now I can't believe any amount of perks is going to save Atlus' ass.

What did Atlus do, folks?

Admittedly, nothing they weren't forced to.


But guess what? The wide public will still be blaming them. Pity.

well, same thing happened on the japanese release, AFAIK that was lifted after a few weeks

America doesn't work like Japan. People don't like being told they can't do an entirely reasonable thing they've come to expect they can do or even expect they can make a living off of with a videogame they own.

Fair e-fucking-nough. Good on them I say, for making people actually have to buy the damn thing if they don't want to wait at least a few weeks.

Atlus isn't gonna give you free games for deepthroating them, you know.

They're taking legal action against anyone LPing or streaming Persona 5 because they want to preserve the plot twist. To which I say, maybe don't foreshadow that twist so heavily if you're that concerned about it being spoiled, we all saw it coming.

Technically they have no legal basis to take action, but you know how the court systems give all the power to the wealthy.

Anyway I hope they're utterly ass reamed and start dying as a company. It'll be well deserved.

Goro is a traitor and a murderer, as well as being a Wild Card in his own right. His dad is the evil politician in charge of the conspiracy. Igor is actually Ialdaboth, who took over the Velvet Room from the real Igor and is using his position to set you up for a fall. I'm a jerk who will spoil the plot for everyone just to spite you.

Oh no now Atlus will sue Jumpchain

Bad Ending involves siding with Ialdaboth. Eat my ass.


As said it would be extremely questionable, not to mention set a bitchass precedent for all the other gaming companies benefiting from LP advertising

>They're taking legal action against anyone LPing or streaming Persona 5
That's kind of retarded. I'd understand if it affected their bottom line at all, but people are still gonna buy the game if they're fans. And people who aren't, won't.

That's like trying to sue someone for giving a synopsis of a book; if people actually care, they'll buy it anyway.

A game is more than a story and plot twist, it's a whole experience.

Don't get me wrong, I think this is a stupid rule regardless.
Just not surprised that Atlus NA is forced to keep in lock-step with Atlus JP on this, in hindsight

Wow, you get this salty over not being able to get a game for free. Self entitled little 5 year old.

Funniest thing is I already knew it. So you just made yourself look like a brat for no reason.

You have to be baiting, you're sounding like a /v/ baby right now.

>Jap version already started to remove these blocks proving its only for the first few weeks after release to stop it being LP fully from day 1
This is hilarious.