Give me some creative usages for an elemental magic, Veeky Forums!

Give me some creative usages for an elemental magic, Veeky Forums!

blow something up with a fireball


better version of that image
>it's not an edit

use it beyond "muh elements" and tie it to something more abstract like emotions or something.
Give fire ability to induce, courage, passion, rage or something.
Air is great for any illusions.
Earth is abjuration and protection not only physical.
Water is often associated with healing but may be also used as buffs of any kind.
Check HoMM3 it's elemental magic have "full" spell lists with most of them other then "throw elemental bolt" at enemy.

I dungeddit.

Sokka's boomerang.

Are they trying to summon Captain Planet without heart?

no, Sokka is obviously heart

Hm... drainage, too

Helping with port construction and other hydroengineering.
Digging canals/canaling rivers.
Making ice in hot climate or even maintaining a freezer.
Making a perfectly controlled smelter/blast furnace without computers or any high tech.
Tilling the field without a single plough.
Separating grain from husk without winnowing machine.
Easy glass and mirror-making without need for blowing.
Land maintance in case of drought/flood


>trying to summon Captain Planet without heart?

Does that result in some kind of evil eco-terrorist version of Captain Planet?

It summons trump assholes, stop talking about it.

drain all the water out of something living, leaving it a dried husk

Elemental magic?
Electromancy. Nothing better.

-Anything with a nervous system in your range is yours to play with.
-Control a powerful enough bolt of lightning, slow it down a bit, nuke a city, or go for broke and set an atmosphere on fire.
-Matter is basically electricity and empty space, so omnipotent reality warping is a thing if your control is good enough

And he's not in that picture.

It summons an economist who is versed in law and ecosystem services to kick people off their land so that it will turn into swamps and clean the water a bit, making it cost less to run water treatment systems in nearby cities.


his boomerang is

Genital cleansing.


Carry poisonous smoke bombs with you and use earth magic to create small walls to block off enemy escape route or even to trap them in a small earth cage if you can.

Use air magic to control the gas cloud and keep it over the enemy's ranks or inside of the cage.

Use water to wet the walls and make climbing over more difficult. Use water combined with earth to create deep and thick patches of mud to slow down their advance.

Bonus: Covert missions, use poison/sleep gas and release it from a distance, manipulate the air to move it into the enemy camp to take care of some enemies

using earth magic to locate and bring precious metals to the surface, use fire to melt the ore into purified metal, more earth magic to pound it into shape, water magic to cool it, then air magic to manipulate a brand new melee weapon of your choice.

Using fire to create a smokeless fire to heat a steam engine. Clean, efficient, and creative.

In CtL there were two routes of Elemental Contracts (spells)
Contracts of the Elements handled directly manipulating or using Elements (Shielding yourself with it, creating/becoming that Element physically)
There were also contracts of Communion for relating and to building a connection with it. (Speaking to and Questioning puddles, candles, and things like stone pathways; shaping/finding the element; animating entities made from it)
It can help to see magic and powers relating to the Element to be focused on treating it as a spirit/being or treating it as a material or tool

Holy shit.

Just holy shit.

You could sculpt a nation.

You could turn Mordor into The Shire

With enough time you could remake the world into an Eden. Mountains moved to even out rainfall, volcanoes regulated to ensure a nice reliable and predictable ash fall, anomalous ocean and wind currents restrained and tamed to prevent the next ice age. Islands moved from climates too extreme to nice temperate to tropical latitudes.

Holy shit. Holy fucking shit.

Don't you mean erosion?
Erosion is sculpting on a large scale.