Civilized lands filled with literal crafting wizards

>civilized lands filled with literal crafting wizards
>even the princess wears a full suit of armor at all times

At all times?

At ALL times.

I too have played Crystal Chronicles, my Nigerian.

Even on the throne?

especially on the throne.

At that level of magic there's no reason there isn't a devise to let you instantly henshin into your magic armor so you don't have to wear t all the time.

>In an economy run by wizards...
>Everyone has a magical girl transformation.

Did you read Battleworld - Armor Wars?



>cast antimagic
>have no amour on you

>cast antimagic
>have armour on you
>die anyway because you're a lich, fuck

>same clothing in deserts, arctic, jungles, and sleeping

>same armor while on the toilet and having sex

Are Lika and Dalmatia (hungarian and venician stuff along the coast of Bosnia austrian clay? I´m inclined to let them have it as long as I can get historical Ottoman borders there myself. Well, not exaclty, I´m getting the whole of Serbia and Wallachia down the line.

Mods, please delete. Made a mistake, while posting.

This is why we put in flaps.

Special sealing orifices

Anyone remember that "armor plague" that came up awhile ago. There's a magic disease that causes a severe compulsion to wear full plate (combined with some minor benefits like having *marginal* knowledge of metalworking, and being resistant to heat stroke from wearing a full set of armor). The disease was spread by gazing upon the unhelmeted face of someone suffering from the disease.

The people commenting in the thread came up with a town that was kinda sorta a leper colony for people with the disease, and the town was overwhelmed with blacksmiths who catered to the needs of the populace. There were all sorts of weird armor customizations, like librarians with glasses incorporated into their faceplates or chefs with metal aprons.

People who get the compulsion but don't already know metalworking or have access to a smith inevitably end up covering themselves with pieces of disassembled stoves, cookware, farming implements, and so on.

That sounds like a fantastic plot hook.

I have no idea how it would actually lead to anything though.


There were a few plot hooks given, like bandits who *tried* to lay siege to the town because all those blacksmiths had to be rich, right? (The mayor parleyed with the bandits... with the visor of his helmet up. Once the bandits were infected and had turned their own weapons into shitty armor, the mayor parleyed again, explaining the bandits could surrender in exchange for sanctuary in the town).

Or a woman who was not herself infected, but fell hard for one of the town's residents.


eyo, came here to say this.

This pleases me, stealing the idea and making a place like that on my setting

>disease causes people to wear plate
>spreads when the diseased don't wear plate

Sounds ineffective.


This really gets around the
>in a land of wizards, the anti-mage is king
quite handily...

Wouldn't a rust monster be a rather effective treatment for the disease?

What the punishment for a crime? Stripe them of there armor?

as far as i get it, it would only spread it worse, cause now the unmasked need to roam out to find new metal to cover themselves with, and if you see their face, you get the compulsion too, so do the math

Thats going to be uncomfortable. Heat is worse in heavy metal, plus helmet are hard to see out of in general.
Not to mention things like hygiene, armor maintenance, etc.

That's lewd user. You can see her fleshy bits.


Like those polar bears in the Golden Compass except the armor isn't also maybe your soul.


Ineffective for a natural disease, but this shit's obviously magical!