So we have fire, acid, water, ice, and electricity. What are some uncommon breath weapons...

So we have fire, acid, water, ice, and electricity. What are some uncommon breath weapons? What other painful things can a dragon breathe?

Other urls found in this thread:

the fun kind of acid

Poison gas



some kind of hallucinogenic.

I give my dragons sonic breath.

Literally no one ever gets resistance to sonic, it's actually a bit interesting.
That actually reminds me of one of my dragons. Powerful, old, and lazy. It would sit around in a secluded cave where it secreted excessive amounts of poison gas, making it lethal to walk in while breathing.
He would only hunt occasionally, and anyone trying to get to him would find that if one could bypass the gas, the dragon was fairly easy to kill.

Salty water so all those bite and claw attacks hurt more


I actually made a green dragon which used psychoactive gas as their breath weapon. I thought it was going to make the dragon weaker, but I've killed three different parties using the same dragon. Vorgum The Despoiler is my pride and joy as a DM


>sir, the dragons just standing there, coughing at us, should we attack?
>who cares, whats the point?


SJW Dragon

Spouts about how the party is committing microtransgressions against trans-sexual age-blurred lunar personality wolfkin until they deafen themselves to make it stop.

Alternatively, have it breathe Bees, disease, or just air- lots of air, very fast.

Not even HIV, the breath weapon immediately destroys every white blood cell in your body?

Bullets and lasers

Two sessions in and my group still hasn't succeeded their wisdom checks, its not even a dragon

Snakes made of acid

Polymorphic gas. I swear, fucking EVERYTHING in Hellboy after a certain point seems to have this. Usually it turns people into violent frog monsters, but not always.

Not exactly a dragon ability per say, but kaiju gonna kaiju.


Do you have a man playing a bard called Nick Prison as well?

shards of rusted metal.
tetanus optional.


Vape. Hot box the party.
Alternatively, just a really strong normal breath. Imagine a dragon blowing out candles that the party is holding with all its breath.

Magic/Element-nullifying breath, in addition to pain

>Sonic breath
Wouldn't that essentially just be the dragon shouting really loud?


Radiation, piss, ennui, bees...

Draconic breath weapons are like golems; in that basically any noun can be picked and it'll always work.

>Dragon just yells this for a straight hour

>ctrl + f "atomic"
>0 results

Baka gaijin...

>dragon breathe
Vacuum. The dragon sucks everything into its mouth.


Movie was fucking awesome.

Not a dragon, but the Acteon in BECMI had it and could really fuck your shit up.
BTW, so old school. You fail it, you are permanently polymorphed in a squirrel, robin, small lizard. You pass it, you are just polymorphed for 24 hours.

Perfectly edible food based upon what it sees.

Pyroclastic Planar Dragons in 3.5 Draconomicon had a Disintegrate.

What would Pain breath smell like?

There was a thread a couple months ago about pink dragons breathing bubbles, and it basically split into two schools of thought over what the bubbles would do.

>Option A: Genderbend-breath
Exactly what it sounds like.

>Option B: Slippery Suds
Coats the ground, walls, and players in a layer of slippery soap, forcing them to make DEX checks to do anything other than stand still basically. Kinda like Mizutsune, if anyone here plays Monster Hunter.

but now it's megic

Nasal blood-vessels bursting

How the fuck did bubbles=gender bending get there?

Like the Despair Squid.

This is Veeky Forums

I'm surprised that's all it reached.

We're on Veeky Forums.

Time to make all the ESG fans around here hate me, but that's basically the Thu'um from Skyrim

I understand that part, but that summary leaves some leaps of logic pertaining to that.

Welcome to Veeky Forums (/d/ lite)

These are all good ideas.

I'm imagining a dragon and what they think is it charging a breath attack is actually it violently hacking before it spews rocks upon them.


Some kinda rapidly drying mud? Hits you and immediately seals up. If you get hit by too much you're a mud statue


Beware of dragons with exceptionally white teeth.

that kind of smell you get when something hits you in the nose

>a dragon that can open portals to a pocket dimension where its horde is stored
>the horde is swords
thats basically gilgamesh

All the breath weapons listed here.

Nexus can cause stats to permanently switch places.


Especially after a week-long bender.

The most hurtful things your father e er said to you.

Isn't there some kind of desert dragon that had an anti-water breath weapon or something? It turned any water-based liquid it hit to turn to sand.

The dragon attacks the party, roll your save!
Ooooh, looks like the fighter didn't make it

>the dragon opens its maw wide and you hear the voice of your father.
>"I wish i had a normal son who played football and had a girlfriend instead of spending his time in the basement pretending to be a wizard.
>roll to see how much emotional damage you take.


Wind and metal slivers from the armor stuck in its teeth.



That's a neat idea.
>what does the dragon breathe?
Pink dragons only.

Jewels or gold.

Or breath that turns things into jewels or gold.

Haha. Do you think they would get embarrassed?


Ash breathe.

>Semi-serious answer
>Not serious answer
Love pillows

Bad ideas

Vomit, teeth, light, time, insects, gravity/vacuum, blood, smaller mouths (alien style), ectoplasm, stench, tentacles/vines, nerve toxin, fleshwarping.

Our fetishes went out of control

beat me to it

Negatively curved space

A dragon in one of my games breathes a hallucinogenic fog to keep its victims from moving.

Simple answer: Psychic damage
Stranger answer: Teleportation

Found the Evangelion fan.

Superheated melted butter.

Banana Cream Pies.
And when the dragon is slain, it explodes into 4X worth its mass in clowns who all lob their pies at the party- then run off in random directions. Only to later congeal back into another Pie Dragon.

I was going to say boiling vegetable oil, but yours works too.

Also, two from Anima:
>Chains of Elemental Darkness that ignore several points of armor and make trapping checks(at only one less than the dragon's base strength) against anything that survives.
>Feathers of elemental light that either deal Cut damage, ignoring 5 points of armor, or don't deal damage but force the target to make a save or lose every violent instinct for a number of HOURS equal to their failure level.

What the fuck is this from?

Holy. Save vs healing or become overhealed and boil over with tumors.

Crude oil

A roguelike(more like a bloatlike) called poschengband. It's some kind of post-end game monster.

Yellow dragons actually do this

A dragon that breathes high-speed metal filaments.

environmental activism pamphlets or alternatively take-out menus

Fucking magnets

Gold scales required.

On a semi-related tangent to your post, user, I occasionally get the image of a Team Skull grunt saying "Fucking Magnetites, how do they work" in my head.

Pheromones. How are you going to fight when all of your party members are blinded by lust and turn against you?

Or how about nanobots if it's a mechanical dragon?

Tiny Dragons

>Gold dragon speaks unintelligible gibberish you assume to be Draconic
>You try to parley in Common, as Gold Dragons frequently speak it
>Eyes narrow as it gazes at you, and you tense up, preparing for a fight you aren't prepared for
>Suddenly, it breathes! Papers embeds themselves in every pocket, pouch, pack, and chink in armor, and the dragon flies off
>The papers are written in pidgin common and tell you to come to Sun-Bae-Fongs Noodle Emporium
>Most the food is called something like 'Yip Yap Yik Tak'
>The few words you can recognize are rather worrying
>Words like 'Happy Ending Spaghetti Breakfast' and 'Golden Goblin Giblet'
>Meanwhile, the dragon has flown off into the sky
>wat do

Shrinking mist

For all your magical realm needs

Yo, I heard you like dragons...

Lingering area of true darkness that cant be canceled or magically scried into or out of, dragon is immune to its effects.

Very nasty if the dragon has other dragon resources to back it up, and use it to its fullest.

Free radicals

>party: Prepare to die foul beast!
Turns out that its hoard was just anime figurines and piss bottles.

Would a light-breath attack just be a dragon shootin' lazors?

Oh, how about a dragon that hoards gold...a portion of which it consumes and stores inside of its body in a molten form. It can vomit this out in great quantities, leading to horribly mangled "statues" of its victims. It considers itself to be an artist and is thinking about dabbling in other metals.