/CofD/ & /wodg/ Chronicles of Darkness and World of Darkness General

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Haver you ever run a game set in a war?

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I'm new to WoD and the GM keeps trying to get me to hand my blood over to a Tremere. What are they up to?

who the fuck are these faggots? the waldo gang? what's their business, hide and seek?

Does anyone else think that the Abyss is given a bad rap?


MtAsc set in WWII

Okay now for the real questions
Which splat has the juiciest cock? Which splat feels the best to get throat fucked by? Which splats cum tastes best?


Well, you have werewolves and other shifters, who likely have their animal cock forms, and then the big juicy hybrid form in their war forms. You get the sort of natural primal feel from them.

Beast/Ogre changelings are likely a step down from this, but have the benefit of obtaining strange sorts of hybrids. Plus, Wyrd magic can be kind of potent, and is pretty much a furfags wet dream come to life.

Mages however, have Life magic, which at mastery level (maybe Archmastery 6) can create all sorts of fantastic beast cocks. Like a real living bad dragon store. You will always have that lingering thought that it's engineered and fake though, so a bit of a drawback.

Vampires are arguably the worst. Aside from being dead and having to force Vitae Viagra through it to get back to life, they're emotionally dead inside. However, the ecstasy from the Kiss is likely top notch, so if you get bit while you're cumming, it's probably sheer bliss.

Don't ever give tremer blood

How do the arcana function in alternate realms like twilight or the shadow/astral/underworlds?

If say a mastigos without spirit dots gets stuck in twilight or shadow can he still teleport around?


He can, it's typically interacting with beings/objects in those particular spaces that require the second arcana.

Yeah, but why though?

Vampires ejaculate Vitae, from what I remember.

I think it replaces most if not all of their bodily fluids.

It essentially IS their only bodily fluid. Ingesting food even vomits up vitae.

Would you give your dna to a mad scientist?

So they're going to do experiments with it? What's so awful about that?



This is why the Salubri got ousted

Remind me, what are the various magic items of the splats called?



I forget for vampire
Fetishes for werewolves
Imbued items or artifacts for mages
I don't know if promethians have them
Tokens for changeling (I think)
Hunters don't really have any, but that one conspiracy has artifacts as well, not the same as mage artifacts I don't think
Demons have gadgets
Beast I don't remember having any

Oh yeah
No clue for mummy, never read it
I don't remember if giest have any

Keystones for Geist, Mummies are (
I think) Relics.

Well, there certainly is a strong argument for a sheer natural force of garou, but Prometheans have lot of variety there, or anywhere really.
So does Clan Tzimisce.

Prometheans have Azothic Objects, if I recall. I don't believe vampires have any dedicated kind but I think some Theban Sorcery and/or Cruac might be able to blood magic up an object or two.

I know in 1e there was a theban sorcery ability that allowed you to store Vitae in an object for later use.

Can someone tell me which book has that one Tzimisce quote about how Kupala seems to be twisting the usage of Vicissitude and Tzimisce's attitudes in general?

There is number of theban rituals that give supernatural properties to items. But you need to vampire to use them

Archmasters can't kill Luna.

Why would they?

Better to keep her as a sex slave and have an eternal well of crazy to stick your dick in.

All jokes aside I really don't want this to start back up again just ignore me pls

Question for WtFags. So as i was already told that forsaken policy for bale hounds is kill on sight. But do they have way to verify if said woof is bale hound or do they need to dig for evidence?

Couldn't an Archmage of Spirit just replace Luna with himself as the new god of the moon?

Thus making this argument pointless?

That would be bad decision making at the level of oWoD Tremere.

how about Ahrimanes?

It would work considering the infinite capabilities of Transfiguration, but would get the Ochemata on your ass for instigating the Pax.

I think it would also cut you off from the possibilities of Ascending once you actually became the newly minted god of the moon, as spirits don't have access to the Supernal. Not worth the ambition at all if you take that into account.

Why is Hunter: the Vigil never discussed in these threads?

>I think it would also cut you off from the possibilities of Ascending once you actually became the newly minted god of the moon, as spirits don't have access to the Supernal

Hence my joke about Tremere. Access to awakened magic is winning the superpower lottery. It would be idiotic to give it up for any reason.

Spirit mages have an honorary spirit rank equal to their dots in the respective Arcanum.
Luna is rank 8? An Archmaster with 9-10 dots of Spirit would be above her in status by default.

This discussion is silly.

Does anybody even play hunter/geist/mummy?

Talk about whatever you want buddy. Say what you will about the magefags but they're at least proactive with their shitposting.

They can also issue bans automatically (physically speaking) to spirits two ranks under them, meaning a Spirit 10 Archmage would just need to slap Luna to send her running.

There's absolutely no reason to replace her as representative of the moon.

Rank 10 in an arcana is more of a hypothetical than meaningful game mechanic. It's de facto ascension if your storyteller lets you have it.

This is true. 10 dots would be the purported Practice of Assumption, the power of an Ascendant on Earth capable of forcing yourself into the Supernal permanently.
Mention has been made however, that it isn't always used for Ascension. But how would it not be tempting? Either stay on the planet or move onwards.

I'm fairly sure Hunter has players. It gets discussed, sometimes.

Geist and Mummy though, who knows?

With Geist people are probably waiting for second edition spoilers.

Mummy thou I have no idea how people play it and what do they actually do

I'm sick of the discussions about whether archmages could defeat Caine, Luna or the True Fae.

The more pressing and important question is whether archmages could defeat The Batman?

>Kill The Batman


Magic pales in comparison to plot armor.

If I were Batman, I certainly wouldn't fear archmage King Tut and the other mage lackeys in the foreground. However, Swole Jawa looks particularly menacing.

I just realized jacked shy guy is completely naked in that picture.

>Magic pales in comparison to plot armor.

Isn't Fate 9 or Time 9 basically plot armor?

I looked at the picture and now I think this might be swole Prussian Jawa

I think you mean swole black mage, thank you very much!

>I'm sick of the discussions about whether archmages could defeat Caine, Luna or the True Fae.

They obviously can, it's just fun to pile up the methods.
Prime 6 for Caine
Spirit 9 for Luna
Fate 7 for the Gentry

Six dots (Dynamics) might be enough to seriously piss off the infinite scores of True Fae within Arcadia, but it wouldn't alter their fundamental nature.
It could kill them though.

As for Luna, all you need is the four-dot Attainment 'Honorary Rank' and have at least nine dots of Spirit, no Transfiguration required.
See and

>magefags actually being civil and not arrogantly flaunting their knowledge

This is an anomaly.

Yeah, but watch it go back to normal during waking hours.

What Path is Swole Jawa Mage?


Don't you need life to make yourself swole?

Who says Moros can't learn Life?

Are you suggested he's a Moros because he might be black?

Archmasters can't defeat The Devil!

But user

Mastigos ARE the Devil!


But not the actual "Adversary".

>implying the Mastigos aren't adversaries to the mentally enfeebled

Is Satan even a thing in oWoD? I mean like prominent at all.

Well lucifer is in oWoD.

But I was talking about the Rank 10 demon from nWoD/CofD.

Where is it stated that he's rank 10? The highest ranked entity currently known would be Gaia, and she's rank 9.

She may not even exist.

Inferno with all the other demons.

Oh, I thought you meant hierarchy ranks. Yeah, the God Machine himself would be a rank 9 deity according to Imperial Mysteries.

I have to read Inferno. Is it any good?

I do believe those are Royal Hierarchy ranks, but they seem to clash with other canon material. Not sure what to think about it.

Some things are too powerful to even have ranks, such as Supernal Beings. The Exarchs are fundamental to the existence of the God-Machine, as an example.

I enjoy the book, it gives plenty of was to use demons. And they aren't tied to the Christian belive

Well technically Supernal Beings do have Ranks. Or they at least do in 2E bot so sure about 1E. But yeah some things are two fundamental to existence like the Exarchs to be challenged.

And I can definitely see the devil working for the Exarchs.

>The Exarchs are fundamental to the existence of the God-Machine, as an example.

It's actually the entirety of the Supernal that is responsible for his mechanisms. It represents all that is, the source code of reality. The Abyss is the non-code of unreality.

I'm enjoying this talk and how it's not turning into a pudding contest.

I wish the authors would produce a simple unifying chart, rather than multiple ranking systems that aren't compatible.

Though I guess it doesn't matter when only Archmages are going to fight these beings.

Relation of God Machine to things in Mage is interesting because it both needs Supernal code for its function and output it gets from the fallen world. So as I understand it is stuck in between.

Rank is also meaningless as a measure comparing different types of beings.

For instance, some of the mega-powerful Pangaeans or Idigam are only Rank 3 or 4, and they easily as powerful as Rank 6+ spirits..

Rank is only useful as a comparative measurement among the same species of creature/

It's probably the punks, probably the goofiest looking gang in that movie, and that's saying something.

Mind if I ask where it is stated that the Exarchs are above the God-Machine? I know you magefags are good with your citations.

Question about teleportation.

Can you use yourself as the representational yantra and travel along your own sympathetic connections?

e.g. I have a medium connection to my grandpa's fishing cabin in michigan with space 4 can I teleport there from say san diego?

God Machine reference from Imperial Mysteries



I don't dispute information in Imperial Mysteries however GM is one thing I would be careful with as it would seem that some of the information presented in various later 1ed books might have changed during translation into CofD.

This I could use Word of DaveB on


Yeah thought I've seen it before. Thanks mate

>the local mage dicksucking champion continues to suck dick
There is a reason I dislike the guy, he is basically an ascended fanboy.
It's like looking at GW's 40k work, realizing that the people who run the game now are Chaos fans and you can see it in what they write.

I question why the magefags weren't using Ascended mages instead of Archmages during the 'wizard vs god' argument / debate.
They seem to be so far above any other entity in the setting, minus perhaps the Principal.

I mean, Ascended mages can literally spawn infinite Ochemata anywhere, which are essentially Archmages themselves.

Because the point is to "win" the argument and stroke e-peen, user, not have legitimate debate.

I know it's annoying, but I do like (and prefer) the Supernal and its denizens being above everything.

I tend to favor a united cosmology in my games, even when I don't run crossovers.


By definition Ascention is becoming something our sleeper minds cannot understand. Like a chesspiece reaching opposed end of a board transform into queen is awakening, leaving the board is archmastery, becoming player itself is ascension. Players cannot be defeated by chesspiece.

>hy the magefags weren't using Ascended mages instead of Archmages during the 'wizard vs god' argument / debate

Ascended mages aren't player characters.

The purported point of the debate was that archmages were actually playable characters with all requisite rules that could prevail of the setting's gods.