Open game session

>Open game session
>200 people show up

wat do

>"Okay, who among you can DM?"

Then gather up everyone that raises hands and arrange the rest around them.

that sounds hella fun

I would move to the town where this could happen.

>90% leave
>only 20 left
>the other 90% leave
>2 left
>Nvm we're playing dungeon world.
>they leave
See, easy

So that's what all the people who ditch other games do

>"Okay, who among you can DM?"
>Then gather up everyone that raises hands and kick the rest out.

Start playing only war.

>who brought beer?
>who brought drugs?
>who brought food?
Everyone else can go home. Pathetic.

Be the master DM i always dreamed of being and run a massive fantasy army campaign. Either it will be glorious success, or a fantastic failure. Either way, it'll be fun.

>wanting to taint your body with drugs or alcohol
>needing outside stimulants to have a good time
I'm glad I will never game with you.

>implying you have friends or will ever game outside a quest thread or desperate semi-erp garbage forum.
See, it weeds out the autistic Gen Z crowd.

Pick out the cutest ten girls and tell them they're having a slap-fight; the last five standing get to play.

>wanting to taint your body with drugs or alcohol
>needing outside stimulants to have a good time
Well why not? It's fun

I'm glad I will never know you

>I'm glad I will never know you
Not him, but same to you.

Where you at user


I don't care because I got friends that I can hang out with sober or not. You know, have fun


You're trying to force some kind of 'do drugs or you're not having fun' dichotomy, and it's just sad man. Get help.

Talk them into larping out Bloodbowl with you.

>"Okay, who among you can DM?"
*crickets chirping*

No I'm not. I'm, just saying that using booze and drugs is fun. I'm not forcing anyone to use anything. I think it's just as sad that some people instantly dismiss something because they might not like it. Like the dude I responded to, hurr durr all drugs are bad because I don't like them so no one should. They are experiences that life has to offer so why not?

You can have fun with drugs or without drugs.

Alright, before we enter my home let's all gather some money for the snacks in this box, two bucks each will be enough.
>proceed to run with the box
That wasn't my home, I'm actually a hobo.

>200 ttrpg players
>more than 10 girls
sure m8