Why the fuck are people even slightly attracted to Tau?

Why the fuck are people even slightly attracted to Tau?
If you are a xenofucker, at least choose a noble Eldar, instead of fishface...

Probably because the tau make for interesting waifus.
Elves! Boring!
Robots! Boring!
No hotties! Ew!
No women! Ew!

Meanwhile tau mean well and look cute.

Because they see fanart by some wanker and think that Tau have even remotely humanoid faces and/or tits.

Gee I wonder (((who))) could be behind this post

>Noble race like Mankind
>Warrior race like Mankind
>Prideful race like Mankind
>Beautiful race like Mankind
>Interbreedable with Mankind (t.Illiyan Nastase)
>have feet
>Great experts at sexual arts
>Have souls
>Guilliman approves


>Peasent subhumans
>Coward Subhumans
>Commie subhumans
>Fishface Subhumans
>Not interbreedable
>Have hoofs like cows
>Fuck like a cows
>Dont have souls
>Guilliman would gas them without second thoughts

How can Tau even compete?

>>Interbreedable with Mankind
>>Great experts at sexual arts
Yeah, have fun losing them to Slaanesh, you monster.

I dunno about tau but fishface are cute

Undyne is superior to the Tau.

>why would a xenophile find an alien attractive?
>why can't they just whack it to girls wearing elf ears like I do?

but its true
>Yeah, have fun losing them to Slaanesh, you monster.
they have skills to avoid such fate
Ynnead and Big-E will raise host of Humans and Eldars, march upon chaos and annhilate chaos together :3

>but its true
Maybe once, but we won't go back to these times. They have an entirely different dna, if you can even call it that.
>they have skills to avoid such fate
You don't want to have sex with a Dark Eldar. Throw any thoughts of waifuism out, you just don't.

>Dark Eldar
Who said anything about sodomites?

Because they don't have proper gundams or cute drones. Also nobody actually likes tsundere.

People who waifu eldar should be killed.



No u.
Go back to /d/ you pleb. You smutfags were booted from Veeky Forums for a good reason.

>not taller
Do you even Eldar?

What is this cancer?

Nobody is actually attracted to canon Tau.

They're attracted to anime fanart Tau.

The same reason anyone sexualizes anything from their dorky hobby.

Because they're so far removed from meaningful sexual interaction with a female of their own species that it's less painful to whack it to the thing they're already wasting their life on anyway.

Just like the manchildren who put tits on their childhood with rule34 pokemon or vidya.

>I haven't spoken to a girl since 9th grade, but I have several gaming waifus

Correct, Undyne can would go into GLORIOUS MELEE COMBAT!

How did they get into that situation?

Bad writing.

Elves have ugly faces and all wear Pope hats

Tau are robot suits and technology and loads of guns without being boring Egyptian actual robots.

>Elves have ugly faces
just look at this guy

"yo, gue'vassa, you gonna fug me or what?"

>Elves have ugly faces
>some people on this board unironically prefer Tau headbutts over Eldar qts

Eldar qts are a Veeky Forums meme.

In fact, even eldrad is more fuckable than Tau and I''m not even homo

This user speaks only truths

Maybe this is just different understanding, but I think, if we forget about the creepiness und uneasiness the presence of an Eldar is supposed to emanate in some sources, that calling them "qt" doesn't do them justice and only works in fanart.

Naked tau. Duh.

It is actual canon that all Eldar, male or female, are incredibly attractive to humans.

If you want to believe they all look like shrivelled ayy lmaos you do so in total defiance of canon.

I'd hit it

I get laid a lot and yet I see why 2D is superior.
Also I unironically caught syphilis.

As long as these threads continue I'm going to keep pushing this shitty screencap until it gets a laugh.

Wow, Eldrad looks pretty great for a 15-20,000 year old.

What the hell are you talking about? they are damn space elves, of course they are qt. Eldrad is an elvish david bowie for emperors sake!

meh, humans look better after several millenias

That they are an all-female race of cuty anime girls is a Veeky Forums meme. Yes, they look like Ayys.


>mechanical cthulhus

I can see her taugina

> >tyranids
> No hotties! Ew!

if you think that creature on that picture is unattractive you are a disgrace of mankind

Can you point me to the post where I really said that?

What I'm saying is that they are not just "qt", their presence is much more than that. Also their descirptions make it clear that you can see that they are aliens, at least when they start to move.

>not qt
go die on baal, you subhuman

Its this a tenage mutant turtle ninja?

...in some art.

In other art, they look like pretty humans.

In other art, like they look mostly human with a few alien features.

Considering that they're described as super attractive, that Blanche's art is incredibly stylized and exaggerated, and that the above pic and Yvraine are probably the latest and clearest depictions we have of Eldar without their masks on I'm going with the third option.

Sorry, meant Goodwin, not Blanche.

Not that Blanche isn't stylized.

>and Yvraine are probably the latest and clearest depictions we have of Eldar without their masks on I'm going with the third option
Oh this gal? Yes, such a qt.


tl;dr: They are space elves
elves are qt
in every setting, where humans are not racist supremacist fanatics, they consider elves to be qt. In fact, even racist supremacist fanatics consider them to be qt.
end of the story

All that description says is that Eldar look like otherwordly, slender humans.

So, just like elves, really. You can tell they're not human but they're still attractive.

Guilliman can't have bad taste user.

Mate, she looks like a coldly beautiful human.

In fact, I'm one of the guys arguing that Eldar shouldn't look like ayys, but Yvraine could do with looking a little less human and a little more fey IMO.

I like Tau more than most races
although Sisters of Battle are my favourite.

Christ, you sound like you get paid to use that word instead of engaging in a worthwhile disucssion.

Fucking Christ, at no point in this argument I said that they aren't attractrive.

Why am I even bothering with you waifufags.

>Christ, you sound like you get paid to use that word instead of engaging in a worthwhile disucssion.
you are the one who started autistic screeching about meme word, not me :3
>Fucking Christ
thats heresy, user


I guess you don't understand what qt means.

It doesn't meant anime grill. If an artist draws in that style then every girl is an anime girl.

It means pretty, or beautiful, which is what Eldar are. You're pretty much arguing for no reason if you accept this. If anime waifu images rustle your jimmies, then grow thicker skin. It's just jokes, we all know what Eldar look like.

I think she has a bit of manface and too narrow lips, but I guess taste exists. Also too much of a shaven head.

It's mostly the same /k/ids who have always been shouting "the Imperium is so stupid, I could run things better", and like to wank about realism in every setting they get to. Tau are also a good fit for people who don't like 40k and desperately need good guys in all their fantasy, and it helps that they have always been an easymode faction.

>we all know what Eldar look like.
thas rite

>fucking younger races
Have a seat.

Whats with the xenophile threads lately?

Mods not doing their job.


If Roboute does it can't be bad.

What do you mean, lately?

So would rubbing your dick up against an Eldar woman's ears be considered foreplay?

Somewhere along the line I said that it's not doing them justice and that it deliberately takes them being aliens away. But whatever, I never argued against them being attractive.
>It's just jokes
I argued with waifufags, they take their fanart very seriously.

Personally, even as one of the 'stop trying to make my Space Noldor look like greys you fags' guys, I think that's a terrible take on Eldar.

Just look up the official art for Hesperax.

>tfw no tau gf

I'm pretty sure rubbing your dick anywhere on your partner technically counts as foreplay.

>Just look up the official art for Hesperax
If this is official art looks fine to me

Oh. So that's how it works.

I guess it's a mix between the shipping between Guilliman and Yvraine for what happened in Gathering Storm and that good video based in Love Can Bloom.

Wasn't this girl supposed to be super beautiful? I'm not seeing it. I mean I'd hit it, but that's not the super erotic space elf you guys masturbate so much to.

Yeah, that looks official.

I was thinking of the codex art, but I'm willing to bet that's from a GW approved source too. Looks like they guy they often get to do Dark Eldar for info books and FFG stuff.

It's not easy to draw otherworldly beauty user.

Canon is that humans of both genders find themselves beguiled by the supernatural beauty and grace of Eldar. Representing that effect in a picture is hard because supernal, objective beauty that literally everyone finds attractive ain't something that exists in reality.

Whats wrong? She looks cute. I mean, sure official art cant beat the animufags. But then again, they made a kawaii waifu out of ebola, so...

This is why I think portraying them more alien makes this more believable.

Is also part of Eldar beauty how humans perceive their movements. You can't show that in a pic.

I sort of agree.

There's a point at which it gets stupid, but IMO is very nearly perfection, at least for an older male Eldar. You can tell he's not human, but he looks sort of ethereal and exotic, and you can see how he could be enchanting.

I actually think that PP's sharply featured elves are pretty close to the perfect Eldar look too, though their ears are a little too long.

I object to people insisting that they should look more like greys than space elves. 40K is fantasy in space, and shying away from that only weakens the setting.

>You can tell he's not human
hes a space david bowie, how is he dissimilar to human?
he looks more human then some mutants.

Aw, DE family bonding. 10/10.

I must agree that he's one of the best portrayals of an Eldar. Almost as good as Beckjann

I'd say that's pretty appropriate.

Mutants can be quite freaky.

>Almond shaped eyes
Isn't that a sign of Down Syndrome?

but then I won't get any more dakka

Eldar are special?

You need a lot of autism to be great psykers.

Beckjann's pretty great.

I'm surprised GW haven't paid him to do some official art.

you, know preferences...
(either way, I don't get it either, I am also more into Eldar girls then Tau girls, but maybe I am too much of a normalfag)

I don't get why people bring up the black eyes as something creepy that makes eldar less fuckable.

All it does is make my dick harder. More elves should be like this.

>No women! Ew!
Why won't GW answer our demands and give us superior greenskin waifu!?

>>Have souls
Will they give me their spirit stone as a wedding gift?