What settings have techy warlike races...

What settings have techy warlike races? I hate MMOs but Charr are a welcome change from the ''warlike = stone age'' trope they invented submarines and airships instead of going ''ooga booga muh axes'' like most warlike races in fantasy.

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The orcs of Middle-Earth had the greatest technology due to them being representative of the evils of Industrialization. Though this is most likely due to Sauron originally being apprentice of Aulë the Smith so he was all about building and crafting.

Either way the orcs ended up having the most advanced tech including medicine which while very painful was highly effective.

>most advanced tech
>still punching bags of the setting

Of course.

Tolkien was against industrialisation and nationalism, which the orcs embodied with their love of machines and approach to warfare. So in his fantasy world, the negative aspects of industrialisation are played up and it is more of a crutch for the blatant inferiority of the orcs, who are smaller and weaker than men.

>against nationalism
>made LoTR in part as a way for brits to have their own folklore.


I agree with this. The most militant nations and peoples in human history have often had the highest technology. If you want a history of warfare, look at Europe from 1000 to 2000. It makes the rest of the world look like a peaceful place by comparison.

That's not really nationalism in the sense Tolkien thought of it.

To Tolkien, nationalism was WWI and all the shit he went through during it. Tolkien loved the country he lived in but he was highly suspicious of unquestioning, fervent nationalism, because he had been where it led.

Patriotism != nationalism

Us, humans, best race.

Without nationalism, patriotism doesn't exist, quite objectively.

Chaos Dwarves and Dark Elves in whfb and some of the good Dwarves, though they are more of a mix of conservatives and progressives. And Tau in 40k, they don't have the most advanced tech, but they have 'advancing' tech and they are an expanding empire.

>nationstates cannot exist without a nationalism ideology


>nationalism is the political doctrin that states the interests of the nation are first before the interests of it's classes and the interests of other nations
>patriotism is a sentimental attachment to one's homeland manifested by a desire to promote and defend it
What you said is objectively wrong

Shhh user. Pointing out /pol/acks' retardation only triggers them harder.

Dark Elves don't have any advanced technology, and Chaos Dwarfs are isolationists. The correct answer is Skaven. Extremely warlike and the most scientifically advanced race in the setting.

>chaos dwarves
dwarves are racially lawful

What does this have to do with anything?

He hasn't tried not playing d&d

Fuckin Pirexia from mtg

What is that from? I've seen it around before.

>Dark Elves don't have any advanced technology

Except they do. The best repeating weapon in game comes to mind.

Looks like you haven't read Hegel m8. He's a bretty famous dude, try it sometime.


Narnia, the one where the humans are the bad guy. That's the king bad guy.

Second Narnia movie, Prince Caspian. The armor design in that movie was rad.

Without nationalism, you don't have countries. You have states that happen to rule non-descriptive geographical areas. Before nationalism, people were loyal to their dynasty, ethnic or religious group, there were no countries and people from different villages, wary of any outsider even within its own kingdom, oftne spoke a complete different language/dialect. T

The French Revolution gave rise to the concept of nationalism, the idea that people of a relatively common origin and ancestry and speaking a common tongue shared a common destiny. Rather than having its energies split internally on various regional and class-based feuds, all of French power was pooled into a single government.

The rest of Europe — fragmented among various royal families interconnected through marriage and inheritance and dependent on pseudo-feudal forms of allegiance — was simply unprepared for the onslaught launched upon them by a modern nation-state led by the brilliant military strategy of Napoleon Bonaparte.

What you just said amounts to that France wasn't a country before the revolution, just a "nondescript geographical area ruled by a state".

>I'm a citizen of the world!
>Look at these plebs. I should be able to treat them like dirt.
>Let them eat cake.
>tips fedora.

What are you talking about? There were countries before the French revolution. There still are. "Country" doesn't have the same definition as "Nation state".

No, there weren't. It was all dynastic fiefdoms, states at most, not nations in the modern sense.

We try again. "Country" is not the same as "nation". Are you saying Belgium isn't a country just because the Belgians have three different languages, none of which are called "Belgian"?

It's a buffer state: An artificial entity created for the sole purpose of creating a barrier between two competing powers, in this case Germany and France.

Yes, it's a constructed country, but a country nevertheless. Switzerland is a country too despite having four languages. Austria is a country despite Austrians being Germans. Nigeria is a country despite containing like 200 "nations".

>The orcs of Middle-Earth had the greatest technology due to them being representative of the evils of Industrialization.

So... Wheels and pulleys are bleeding edge in Middle Earth?