I'm looking for a superhero game that doesn't have tons of math (GURPS)...

I'm looking for a superhero game that doesn't have tons of math (GURPS), but not so rules lite that it's basically rolling a die for a simple yes or no (Icons)

What's good, Veeky Forums?

How many of the characters on the left are black or women now?

I stopped reading when they killed Cap for cheap marketing.

Masks: The New Generation works pretty well

3 or 4.
How do you feel about Kamala?

>Masks: The New Generation
That does look neat, but it looks like a full crew game. We got like three people and one of us has to GM. Can it do that?

It should be fine, it means relationships will be a bit more complicated since everyone has one with everybody else, but that's not really a bad thing

Any Muslim that doesn't speak out and take action against the violent actions of the more extreme elements of their faith is at least partly to blame for the deaths that follow.

Worlds in Peril is another PbtA alternative.

Could also try Savage Worlds, it's a step above PbtA in complexity and less structured in general, but still quite a few steps below GURPS.

>looking for comics to preach at you

Fuck no, I want to read some awesome stories, not anyone's agenda.

How complex / math-y is GURPS exactly? From what I read it looked very simple

>roll 3d6 for almost anything, is it under your rank? You pass

While true, character and especially power building can get really involved for supers.

Mutants and Masterminds is right in the middle crunch /fluff wise

Technically none. Everyone in that picture is still active as a superhero. They've just also got legacy characters running around too

Valor is pretty cool

Does that apply equally to right wing Americans and Christians? After all, far right and extremist christian domestic terrorism has killed far more Americans than Muslims have.

Although yes, the other people replying to you have a point. That bullshit has no place in comic books.

>After all, far right and extremist christian domestic terrorism has killed far more Americans than Muslims have.

nope, not even close

Cue endless goalpost moving from that user.

Polite sage.


Valor is a pretty generic name. I'll look for it though!

Has anyone tried BASH?

Go to and check the PDF in the OP. It's the only thing that comes up for a ctrl+f of "Valor."

Awesome, thanks

Still doesn't involved advanced maths.

Can you build a magic user, an animal shifter and a mind breaker without it seeming like a chore?

A GURPSfag would say yes, but GURPSfags are insane.

I'm running Savage Worlds for my other campaign and seem to be enjoying it. I'm reading up Mutants and Masterminds and I get somewhat similar vibes rules-wise (which is my most important criteria).

How does Savage Worlds and its superhero addons compare to Mutants and Masterminds? Which one would be a better system to run a low-powered game (powers are more grounded in reality, but much more common)?

I've played GURPS a lot but being the GM to it sounds like a huge pain. I doubt it's a good system for the sort of game I want to run.

Well, technically Tony is in a coma sort of thing, but he's got an AI version of himself running a suit and helping out RiRi - who isn't even going as Iron Man, but Ironheart.

i am visibly up see, see?

Not totally a GURPSfag, but I gave GURPS a shot with a little advice at the very end from a regular player. Chargen and a few sessions. I had a competent Spiderman-level character roughly based on Alex Mercer's power set (toned down, of course) put together in about an hour, including backstory/fluff. On my first go through the character generation process.

The game failed for unrelated reasons, but I'd say don't knock it until you try it. It's flawed- not deeply, but flawed- but it works about as well, in total, as M&M does for supers.

Oh user, if only you knew what they're doing to Cap now. Want the skinny?

Steve Rogers was HYDRA - and I don't mean in that "it was all a cheap mindtrick" like they said for the last time he hailed Hydra, he's actually Hydra. Card-carrying member of Hydra. He was, and always has been a member of Hydra. So why is Steve Rogers Captain America? Because the United States used some McGuffin to literally rewrite history and create an ALTERNATE TIMELINE where Steve Rogers was not Hydra.

The original Steve Rogers as was written by two Jewish authors in the 1940s is now a Nazi, who only became Un-Nazi through rewriting reality.

>magic user
IQ + Magery (not a chore), pick spells (a chore)

>animal shifter
Could be a chore, depending on how many forms you want. Two or three is the upper bound for reasonable (small sneak, big hurt, something else that's fun). Unlimited, like all systems, is a chore.

>mind breaker
Not sure what that is, but mind control is easy (take the advantage), and afflicting people with negative IQ to vegify them is easy.

Glad I got out before that shit happened.

Magneto was also either a Nazi or a member of HYDRA.

Magneto, the character who regardless of timeline has *always* been a Holocaust survivor.

So, who runs Marvel now? Nazi fetishists?

I think you've got your facts backward, at least regarding Steve. Haven't read anything regarding Magneto, but even this month's issues are still playing into the fact that he's a Holocaust survivor.

Steve's history was rewritten by the Cosmic Cube, but not by Americans. His history rewrite is a recent thing even in-universe. Him being a Hydra agent is the rewrite, not him being an all-American hero of the war.

The most *recent* reveal has been that the timeline where nazis won World War II was the real timeline all along, and the allies used the cosmic cube to rewrite history.

>Steve's history was rewritten by the Cosmic Cube, but not by Americans. His history rewrite is a recent thing even in-universe. Him being a Hydra agent is the rewrite, not him being an all-American hero of the war.

You've got it backwards, actually.

Axis won WWII and The Allies just rewote reality to win, Steve Rogers was and always has been a Hydra Deep Cover Agent, but with the rewrite he became the all-American hero of the war... But somewhere out there, metaphorically frozen in the fabric of reality, his old conscience is out there.

All it takes is the Cosmic Cube to be used on him to revert back to a goose-stepping Nazi. That's it, user. That's what Steve Rogers is now. He's an American Patriot up until the moment reality gives him his REAL personality.

So, how did Cap come back from being sniped?

Oh, and the facts listed here and here are listed in Secret Empire #0

That was time-sync bullshit written by cowards too limp-wristed to stick to their guns.

Did Captain America have visions of him revving up the gas chambers in Treblinka, or crushing Polish skulls during the Siege of Warsaw?

I mean, because that's what the REAL Steve Rogers was doing.

Where the hell do you get your numbers from? Because any i can find put muslim terrorist numbers higher than nazi ones
Also do remember that the western world is soeaking out against nazis, hell,they are still evil badguys #1

You're just making the ones not opposed to black characters look worse.