What seems cooler. pick your favorite and explain why

What seems cooler. pick your favorite and explain why.

A. regular guy being augmented to become a super soldier

B. Guy artificially created and born a super soldier

C. A superhuman entity that was adopted by humans at a young age and decides to put his powers to help save them by becoming a soldier.

D. A regular person who trains super duper hard to implausible limits and uses advanced equipment that makes him a super elite soldier.

For some reason everyone always likes D and finds them relatable when its likely that someone could relate more to A. Whenever you try C people just think its boring and unrelatable.

D is basically batman

C is the classic superman story.

A is Captain America.

not sure what B is.

B is great. Made-not-born.

I like B.
Don't remember seeing it, but I like the sound of it.

The answer is obvious

An Advanced super human god like race bio-engineers a super soldier in a tube then advances him further with their own super soldier serum and then makes him train to super human levels.

Resulting in a Super Super Super Super Elite Soldier.

His muscles have muscles which also have smaller tinier muscles and those have muscles too.

Unfortunately, the process has left him unable to actually move his body with enough agility to make use of said super super super super elite power.

What about a test-tube baby raised in an isolated environment and indoctrinated from childhood to become a super soldier, then receiving augmentations/gene therapy once their mental conditioning is complete and their DNA is at its most malleable during puberty?

Guy thinks he's A but was actually B and also not actually the guy

Is their DNA from an alien?

Captain America
Captain America (Falcon edition)

So A & D, senpai.

ps get fucked DC

B is Master Chief


Nah, regular human, but generations of selective breeding have eliminated most of the hereditary disorders that could interfere with the gene therapy. For all intents and purposes, they are blank slate mentally and genetically.

D, A, B

I find it much more interesting to have to go in either of two directions:

1. A guy who is forced into a situation, his struggles with it and how he struggles to get through it.

2. The guy who does so willingingly, the insanity he purposfully subjects himself to and the end product of becomiing something more one way or the other.

I hate how Mary Sue Batman can be sometimes but I like the idea that Batman has gone insane like all the rest of Gotham's villans and that gives him a level of power that affects him mentally and physically.

A is cool

you could have picked a White Scar, or an Iron Hand...but no, you went with a smurf.

I wasn't aware Master Chief was a test tube baby.


Master Chief was born...abducted...then sculpted into a perfect soldier.

Which is the preferable alternative to anything OP proposes.

E. Selected at birth in the year 1996, trained and brainwashed to become a super soldier.


The guy that nobody ever actually asked wether or not he wanted fight in the space wars. He is what he because somebody else said so.

Mostly a fan of D because I enjoy characters who achieve greatness not through random chance/fate/the work of others, but through honest work, time and effort.

One of my favorite characters from a story was an old man who became obsessed with magic despite having no affinity for it and spent decades learning what took others months, and through sheer dedication achieved his ambition. Now THAT is badass.

was mercer personality just so strong that it sort of overwhelmed the virus or something

It's not their fault that they are the best

He was artificially tested and raised. But still stands, let's not bullshit around the semantics and just say that B is when a person is taken against their will and moulded to be a super soldier

I just prefer a regular human with no superpwers.

B. He had no choice, he could be innocent or confused. Yet he's the vest there is and he was made for the job.

Not counting for food guys, you also have a lot of resident evil villains who fall under b. I would like there to be more examples. The idea is interesting to me.

A combination of A and D, really.
A person who starts out as ordinary and unimportant, but through great personal struggle and toil, eventually, over time, through great trials and tribulations, achieves a higher level of power.
Like the main character of Dark Souls 1.


People like D because we don't think that we'll ever have the chance to be augmented into a super serum, so D is at least theoretically possible for most of us.

A is probably the more relatable of the two, on a personal and emotional level. Few of us have the willpower that D has, but A can be anyone.

B and C both have people who are raised differently, and thus will have different personalities and will not be as relatable.

The smurf meme honestly isn't funny anymore.Yeah,sure,Ward wanked the Ultramarines as the best,but when it comes down to it they're fine as a chapter if you look past his writing.But then people read 1d4chan and come here bringing the smurf memes and other shit.

Are you talking about Chade from the Farseer series

Because that nigga got that old man magic itch too

I think you mostly got it right. I like B when they struggle with their sense of freedom, having been forced into the position. Everyone is born with obligations, and anyone can struggle with a sense of being driven by fate. Also can be nice if being raised like that fucks them up, but my child hood was fucked up so that's just a personal thing.

D is good if the source of the inexhaustible willpower is understandable and well explained. It's just got to be fleshed out more. People can easily like hard workers when we know their goals and motivations.

C is one I can't relate to in any way and I just am not interested by it. I don't get the appeal, but I'm not a fan of superman. It has the benefits of B without any of the downsides that make it relatable to me. It needs to have a struggle, and growth but there's none in that premise aside from the "Where did I come from?" and maybe "are these people really worth fighting for?" which most people don't have, since the first is unique to being adopted while the second is from being (or believing you are) too close to perfect (that could happen with B too but B didn't get the choice so him questioning it is more reasonable).

A actually strikes me as less feasible than D: the fact that it could be just anyone means it's more likely to be someone else, whereas if it's from their own effort that they become powerful, it practically couldn't have been another. I can still appreciate it of course, since the character is meant to be relatable.

the virus just took the personality of the first person it ate.

Definitely A. It shows off the power difference from what they were, to what they've become. D also shows it but I feel like augmenting is more drastic and a better storytelling element if done right.

I especially like it if there is a heaping dose of tragedy on top of it. Be it they're suffering with the after-effects physically or mentally, they can no longer relate to their fellow man, etc.

B and C are textbook marysues and thus boring af while first one is still viable in my opinion but gets outshined by D simply because going out of your way to do something extraordinary that others deem unfeasible through force of will is a necessary stepping stone for a hero.

No. If I remember right, it takes the memories of its victims, so after it ate Mercer, it had his memories, and thought it was him.

All of these are shit, because it's all stock superhero comic origins, and those are crud.

Except Ward was rehired by GW prior to Guilliman waking up.

so you can guess where they're heading.

>Guilliman waking up
Wait, what? I thought he was trapped in a slowtime bubble, slowly dying.

>A. regular guy being augmented to become a super soldier
Captain America, The dude from the Elysium movie, The guy from the Doom movie, Alice from the resident evil movies, Cyborg, et cetera.

>B. Guy artificially created and born a super soldier
This one is tougher. Soldier comes to mind, as well as the "nipple necks" from Space Above and Beyond (vat born grown to be soldiers in a war against a rogue AI). This type of story usually revolves around someone being born and bred for war trying to find a life outside of it.

>C. A superhuman entity that was adopted by humans at a young age and decides to put his powers to help save them by becoming a soldier.
Superman, Goku, et cetera.

>D. A regular person who trains super duper hard to implausible limits and uses advanced equipment that makes him a super elite soldier.

This is just an observation, but i think DC and Marvel have two entirely different ways of presenting superhumans.
It seems to me that DC focuses more on the "Super". Everyone is fantastical. Magical powers, deities and demigods; impossible piles of money. There's a disconnection from the 'human' element.
With Marvel, there's also magical powers, mutants, gods and demigods, but the focus is more on the "man on the ground" human element. You can empathize and connect with them.

Master Chief would be a total basket-case, though.

Most "raised-from-birth" super-soldiers would be.