In your mind, what is the picture that best represents the despair and the cold sadness in Warhammer 40k ?

In your mind, what is the picture that best represents the despair and the cold sadness in Warhammer 40k ?

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A picture of people playing it

This picture doesn't make sense, isn't the point of Kriegers that they don't give a shit about death? Shouldn't he just be tearing his equipment off?





Guy still has got all this meat on him, would be a waste to let itspoil on the battlefield. Better to bring him back to the base for preparation and rendering.


Spare organs and limbs too. Bet Kriegers don't have much trouble with rejection, and it's still cheaper to divvy up the guy to repair the wounded that grow whole replacement troops

I can't help but imagine her clutching a Bretonnian's bucket helm and it hurts so much more.

>We will make it through the end mon cher, you will see
>I-If my strenght of arms is true and my faith strong, I will see through this "end of times". We will be together on the other side.
>Have faith mon amour. It's what brought me to you. May it keep you. I will see you on the other side!
>Hue Llamrei! Nous conduisons! Pour la Dame!


>In your mind, what is the picture that best represents the despair and the cold sadness in Warhammer 40k ?


And corpse starch from the remainders...


nah not really, Kriegers are heavily indoctrinated and see death as martyrdom and equipment as more valuable than life true, but they're still human and can still break.

They just tend to get exaggerated a lot on here.

that is one depressing table, get some terrain on there son.

I always thought GW should do a series of like 'famous photos' from the Imperium, like we have the raising of the flag on Iwo Jima or the young German stosstruppen in WW1 etc.

Something that is 'shot' from a realistic angle, post or pre battle something poignant perhaps, rather than just spazz marines shootung gunz always.

There's no point in being subtle with marketing. GW doesn't care what you (a player) thinks of their art because they're trying to attract new players. That's why you have spazz marines shooting gunz always - because Nathan Normie might be browsing the racks, and the chance of him getting interested in a box featuring a bunch of armored dudes shooting spacebugs is more interesting than a static reference to a real-world event that he might not even be aware is being referenced.

Well sure for certain box arts and things you need that attention grabbing nonsense, but for internal codexes or their.. uh.. visions? the occasional realistic image might be appreciated.

Nothing like showing normal humans trying to desperately stand against a much superior and terrifying enemy

It's more the text rather than the image, but this one hit me hard

Not sure if this is the best of my options



>Spend millennia of research, resources and time to perfect the greatest soldier the universe has ever seen
>Spend generations building an army of them
>Finally the peak and perfection of Humanity has to offer, far removed for, but still recognized, as human
>Cut bits off and replace with common technology

Literally 40k



but she looks pretty happy



"Are we the last ones left alive? Are we? Someone, anyone, please? Are we? Is there anybody out there? Are we the last ones left alive?"



I really like this one. It would make a great 40k propaganda poster, with something like.
>Fight so he doesn't have too.
on it.

i think it's sadder though if we take it as it is, with it being a scene of something actually transpiring in-universe.

I think Imperial Propaganda would also run it as something more like: "His Faith Is Strong - Is Yours?" or "He Gave His Life For The Emperor - Will You?"

Is that a german with a souvenir browning hp?

I always thought he was a she.

Holy shit.

When I'd heard that they were bringing girly,an back, is was fucking terrified about the direction 40k was going in - still am, a little. But this image did a surprising amount to fix that.

Damn if that isn't a good IH pic, though

So is there an actual, honest reason why Veeky Forums takes every tiny thing to be the end of 40k, ruining it for all time, and the coming of the destruction of Games Workshop?

The shitty, nihilistic, Chaos wanking ending of Warhammer Fantasy soured lots of fans.


>The imperium of 30k
>not driven by hate
>not heavily promoting ignorance

Why is that trooper carrying that corpse and where's his rifle?


this made me very sad and angry.

shoo shoo, lorgar



Consider the amount of hate necessary to make this. They went and got ladders because they hated that door so much.

I don't have picture, but if I may present a notion.
This video right here is the single most Warhammer 40k video to ever exist. Everything from religious worship to apocalyptic warfare, to smiling in the face of death knowing you've done the Emperor's will.

For those we cherish, we die in glory.


Sounds a bit like... Heresy.

You really want that, OP? Fine.


This kind of shit always creeped me out in the fluff

Two hundred years of this broke the Legion.


>Saint Aret the Lethecant
>Martyred and universally recognized as worthy of sainthood... yet in the centuries between the Saint's death and beatification, the nature of his deeds were lost and forgotten.
>Every archive is purged of his deeds, the only book to remember him is half dust, with even his true name partially obscured.
>He is now the Saint of things best left forgotten.
>Statues of the Saint usually have large ears, so that Acolytes may whisper their deeds, fears and memories to the Saint, who will bear them away, to trouble them no more.

you win man, you fucking win, its fucking perfect and I hate you

This is pretty much like some of those old WW2 photos of battle-weary soldiers.

let me guess, the unpainted models?

I don't get it

Krieg is a good start, as at their core they represent innocents being sent out in the field in order to die for a corrupted, bloated tyranny, which is what seperates them from most of the other forces of the IG aside from the Ogrynns. Where the space marines require brainwashing and the sisters rely on faith, they are doing it merely because they want the big E to say "I'm proud of you son", in a postive take over what drove Horus mad.


German GP-18 i think

No. Krieg guardsmen are literally brainwashed to the point where they don't even have emotions, AND become autistic. Literally autistic. I'm 30 pages into Dead Men Walking and it's a running theme that people have to be explicit and blunt when talking with Kriegsmen because they're unable to pick up on social cues, inflection or body language.

Imperial Guard.

Which is why they can panic and flee during battles and why they can have named heroes and aces, who are respected and looked up too, same as any other regiment.

Badab war proved otherwise. They have emotions but their duty and debt to the emperor is drilled in their heads since birth. And they are quick to stamp out those that "broke".

I mean, the random fluff about certain Undead acting like Bretonnians gives a certain 'Dark Souls'-ness to them, I suppose.

Don't you know? Roboute Guilliman was the most perfect of all the Primarchs. In fact, he was an even better person than the Emperor, far above the petty problems of his era. Surely, the only choice to lead us forward!
(Huh? No, no, there's absolutely nothing wrong with wanking off one Chapter of the Marines above all other Marines, and indeed above all other Factions, as long as it's the Chapter that you personally like! Sorry we ever doubted you, Ward!)

>I'm 30 pages into Dead Men Walking and it's a running theme that people have to be explicit and blunt when talking with Kriegsmen because they're unable to pick up on social cues, inflection or body language.
Well, yeah, they're based on pre-Cold War Germans.

What did you expect? They were the only race more autistic than the "STOP SMILING, IT IS OFFENSIVE TO ME" Russians.

not sure if this picture exists, but a salamander holding a dead family member




Will the Warhammer player base ever recover from this?

Best post of the week ladies and gentlemen

I can't find the picture now, but I used to have a pic that showed a horde of traitor Astartes, one of each of the Legions and then some, and captioning it was the quote from the Emperor saying that the Space Marines were his weapon against the terror

I just realized this is a picture of a vet and a newbie. Probably after the new guy's first combat experience.

Not sure if it was actually subtle or I'm just blind.

That's because he's a heretic. He's trying to say that worshipping the Emperor is wrong and he worked with the Fallen and Eldar. The only solution is to send assassins to kill Guilliman.

one of these when I'm gaming in my mom's basement I'm going to have my wife come down and pose and I'll post it on Veeky Forums too

>mom's basement

Wouldn't it be a sister or cousin?
Or better, a sister's friend?

Its a girl, look hat her face-vagina

God damn

Include me in the screencap!


>In your mind, what is the picture that best represents the despair and the cold sadness in Warhammer 40k ?

Remarkable how they've managed to capture Atkinson's likeness whilst still making it look like another person.


we don't have our own house. Its hard to play 40k above ground, so I just go to my mom's house to play in the basement

Requesting the Rogue Trader Story of the Ogryn who wanted to be a space marine and the little tau girl, Blueberry, who was his best friend.

Google has failed me and my story folder is a mess.


well that's rl sad but what it has to do with 40k?

for fuck sake