How the fuck is making a few million super Space Marines going to solve anything?

How the fuck is making a few million super Space Marines going to solve anything?

The Imperium has a lot of shit that are better than Space Marines, but they aren't practical.

He needs MORE, not better.

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That's pretty much my opinion too. Space Marines are ludicrously expensive and not even that good. If anything, get the Mechanicus to dig up their old cloning program and start every battle with thousands upon thousands of expendable monsters, Nid style. Two or three cloning ships per war fleet could provide all the fodder required while everyone else focussed on heavy ordnance.

Throw a couple of pods with eversors in random points of the battlefield

Do you think some of these new ultra Ultramarines will go renegade and join Chaos just like regular marines?

Good job feeding the tyranids with enough biomass to turn the whole unvierse into a blob of packed flesh.

Is he really making something brand new and not just mass producing Great Crusade level of quality astartes with all their implants intact?

Really holding out for these things to just be some kind of new AdMech unit and not truscale-mini-primarch-marines.

Lmao I hope so. Space marines are so gay. They fuck up constantly and their fanbase is about as irritating as a kid in a toystore whining to his mom that he needs some new hasbro shit.

They should have made them officially ally with the Eldar and that's it

brand new

>How the fuck is making a few million super Space Marines going to solve anything?

Faggots are going to buy them en masse and GW will get even richer, that's how

I'm not sure how creating even MORE highly specialized and expensive individual supersoldiers is going to help the Imperium that much. Better infantry won't improve their odds in naval combat and it won't make going up against Chaos or Elder Titans any easier.

The Officio Assassinorum already makes a bunch of hypercompetent individual killers that have better 1-on-1 odds than Marines do.

I think the only thing that could ACTUALLY sway things in the favor of humanity would be if they found a way to mass-produce the Pariah gene. Culexus Assassins and Sisters of Silence make most xenos and chaos creatures fucking piss themselves in terror, but there's just so fucking few of them that it's nothe practical.

The Emperor doing something similar to what Leto Atreides did when he bred precognitive immunity into the entire human population so that never again would humanity as a whole be beholden to a psychic tyrant again, but with Chaos and the Warp instead of seeing into the future.

>>yfw there is aleady an entire planet of blanks and it's the one we live on.

But now they're truescale
>turns out the old space marines were squats all along

The Adeptus Mechanicus fought a campaign where they beat the Tyranids in attrition warfare. They recycled servitors until the Nids starved.

that doesn't make too much sense as the Tyranids can digest literally anything including minerals and alloys.

Chaos and MAYBE Necrons are the only ones with a real chance at beating them with attrition, thanks to Warp Fuckery and I'll Be Back

Yeah, the cloning thing would feed the Nids, but nowhere near as much as letting them nom planets would, drop in the bucket. And it allows time to get important shit off the planet in question. If nothing to be gained, don't use it on the Nids, but an endless stream of cannon fodder would probably work pretty damn well at stemming other threats.

The people that write 40k disagree captain sperg so you're wrong and stupid.

No you

What the Imperium needs to be doing is spending all these wasted resources on Kriegers instead. Imagine if every space marine was 10,000 Krieg soldiers, and every Imperial guard was a Krieger. Not only would that be way better, but Chaos would be severely weakened because the vast majority of humanity would have almost no emotions to feed to them.

Go one step further: Cawl figured out how to control the Pariah gene.

Army raised of 1000s of Krieger Blank Astartes. Chaos gets its shit pushed in before the Necrons wake up and use some techno-wizardry to instantly hijack the whole army and Necro-tize them.

Imperium gets crushed under weight of awakened Necrons, and next codex is Necrons v Orks v Tyranids with no marines in sight.

The space marines were made to inspire fear, comradery, awe, and faith in the emperor and his non-existent masterplan. They were also made as a tactical force for when real shit went down.

What they should do is just pull the plug on the emperor and let the starchild be reborn, or be consumed by chaos entirely. For there is no fucking hope left, and no point in continuing the fight. The current leaders have seen to that, making the most unstable piece of shit empire the world has ever seen.

Krieg-fags are the worst I swear.

Newsflash buddy, they aren't the best of the imperial guard and they do have emotions, just repressed ones.

>so gay
what is this, 2005?

>If anything, get the Mechanicus to dig up their old cloning program
funny you should say that...

Given their tactics the death korp need 10,000 kriegers just to do the job of one marine

about 100 to actually do the job and the other 9,900 to die in human wave attacks and minefields

It happened so make sure you add the mechanicus to your list of forces that could beat the nids in attrition warfare.

You're right, it's Current Year, we really should be more sensitive towards sexual minorities.

Why do you need to to use that word like being gay is somethign negative, that's unacceptable to me.
Grow up a little, will ya?

Do you forget where you are?

I sure hope this isn't another straight person offended for me, that'd be really goddamned annoying

it's just gay is so light, it makes you sound five, nut up and say faggot.

Shut up and kiss me faggot, bet you won't.

>they aren't the best of the imperial guard
They're the best at dying without retreating, which is basically the sole job of the Imperial Guard.

And they still end up costing less than that one marine.

Harvest Tau brains, cultivate them, and inoculate the the population weird their weird chemical mixture so people stop feeding the Warp.

You're really forcing this meme, no one is buying into it, just stop


I wouldn't be surprised if they are all genetically flawed and every single one turns to Chaos and the Indominus Crusade is the final turning point where the Imprium is destroyed..

what he needs is to investigate crossbreeding with eldar
for purposes

>dying without retreating
The job of the guard is to kick the teeth in of any faggots who dares threaten the Imperium. Not die needlessly charging entrenched positions head-on. Life is the Emperors currency, spend it well.

Literraly not.
Have you read ANY of the 300+ 40k books available ?

>he can't handle the squat-pill

Yes, a lot. Most of them depict the guard as a cohesive military force that uses combined arms, tactical maneuvering, pin-point artillery strikes, infiltration and sabotage, rapid reaction, search and destroy strategies. I don't what fanfic you read, but clearly you need to read more.

In the ones where they die horribly, they give as much as they took.

And, contrary to the fanfictions and headcanon of certain people, the Kriegers, do in fact engage in the same modern tactics that the rest of the Imperial Guard uses.

"Many find it utterly preposterous that a realm so vast as the
Imperium should rely so completely upon only a million or
so Space Marines to defend it against the untold horrors of
the galaxy. These fools ask, ‘if the Imperium is made up of
more than a million worlds, how can but one Space Marine
defend each?’
They have no conception of the application of strategic
power. They do not understand how but one battle can turn
the tide of war in the same manner as one sniper’s bullet can
end a tyranny. The Space Marines do not fight protracted
campaigns or engage in wars of attrition; they launch
lightning strikes where their presence will tip the balance.
While the uncounted masses of the Imperial Guard engage
in century-spanning wars in which millions lay down their
lives to advance but a mile, the Space Marines carry the fight
to the very heart of the enemy. By cutting out that heart, by
brandishing it before his eyes even as he dies, by crushing it
to a pulp before his cowering followers, the Space Marines
win the battles that win the wars that win the crusades that
ltimately decide the balance of power in the entire galaxy.”
–Discourses on the Seventy-Nine Truths of Statecraft

Deathwatch Core Rulebook p.77

Stop splitting the thread

It's amazing just how much headcanon FFG was allowed to put in their books.

And so much of it is better than actual 40k lore

Orks can stalemate them

Yes and? Most of the fight they get send to are attrition wars. They barely get to used any other tactics other than advance, bombard, advance.

How does that retract to the point that the IG does other things than die?


Are you actually this stupid?

They exist for ONE purpose and one purpose only: To make your existing space marinelets play second fiddle in the fluff to encourage you to rebuy your entire army in Space Sigmarines.

Nids job to another faction, how surprising.

>Do not waste resources on elite shock troops that can survive in every enviroment and do all kind of missions
>Invest them in a regiment known for wasting ammo and soldiers

Nigga you dumb.